Levi watched Kirishima Sakura staggering into the bathroom like a zombie, brushing her teeth and washing her face mechanically. He complained in his heart that the human biological clock is so magical. He obviously consumed a lot of energy the day before yesterday, but when the time came on the next day, Still got up from time to time.

Soufflé walked in, joined Li Wei, and watched Kirishima Sakura, who was moving mechanically like a zombie. Under Levi's surprised look, Soufflé took out her phone, turned on the camera function of her phone, and looked at Kirishima Sakura.

Seeing Levi's weird expression, Soufflé put her index finger on her lips and made a shh gesture.

The current soufflé gives Li Wei the feeling of an old mother taking secret photos of her cubs. Many young parents have this habit of taking photos of their cubs’ silly sand sculptures. When they have nothing to do, they can make these pictures to make their children happy. Take out the video of Zaishe’s death and watch it.

For those who are more naughty, they may even show these videos at their children’s coming-of-age ceremony, but most of those who do this are foreign parents.

Soufflé said in a low voice: The slow-reacting Sakura is now much cuter than usual. She was indeed more well-behaved when she was a child. Now, I can no longer control her.

Levi said: Her personality was different before?

The mobile phone held in Soufflé's hand was quite stable, which showed that she was quite experienced in doing this kind of thing.

Soufflé whispered: She used to be a very reserved little girl, like a fragile little animal. She was full of curiosity about everything, but she was afraid of being hurt by the outside world, so she always hesitated.

Souffle recalled her past and sighed inwardly. She had done many wrong things in the past, and she could not forgive herself. During the period when she was most self-loathing, it was Kirishima Sakura who saved her, as the perpetrator. Her identity overwhelmed her psychological defenses, and she even thought about committing suicide to apologize. However, as the victim, Kirishima Sakura forgave her, which made her sink to the bottom of the sea and be forcibly pulled back.

No one wants to die, and Soufflé is no exception. The hope of life and Kirishima Sakura's forgiveness gave her the courage to live. Therefore, she, as the original perpetrator, and Kirishima Sakura, the original victim, established a bond between the two parties.

At that time, Kirishima Sakura did not have the ability to take care of herself. After all, her body was so damaged that she would never survive without someone to take care of her. Soufflé took on the responsibility of a guardian and started her own atonement with practical actions. .

Now Kirishima Sakura has recovered her health and has a career she likes, which makes her very happy. Although this still cannot redeem her sins, she at least has the character to hold her head high as a human being.

Soufflé said: Because of me, this child almost died. It's great that she survived.

So you always take videos and photos of her like this? Levi turned his head and looked at Soufflé with a gentle smile on his face. When Soufflé looked at the picture on the phone screen, the warmth on his face was... Can't be fake.

Well, this is not only recording her, but also recording me. Soufflé smiled.

Chapter 4. Human Experiments

I heard Charlotte tell you about the incident at Verit's research institute, which resulted in the death of more than ten experimental subjects. This is considered the dark history of Varslan. Levi said.

Every country or force will have a dark history. After all, no one can guarantee that the path they are taking is absolutely correct. However, this part of the dark history is also related to Judar.

Judar himself does not have any scientific research capabilities, so he must rely on the abilities of his researchers. The female researcher Verita has extraordinary talents and abilities, and has shown top-notch research on the Hundred Armed Crystals and Barbarians. In order to take advantage of Verit, Judar deceived Verit's feelings and played the emotional card to take advantage of Verit's talent.

At that time, the human body research department within Walsland was led by Veriter. At that time, Charlotte and Soufflé were still technicians under Veriter, but Charlotte was responsible for external experimental data. According to analysis, only Scale Claw is known about human experiments, and Soufflé is an informant on human experiments. It can be said that the deaths of more than ten experimental subjects are indirectly related to her.

It was precisely because of this that Soufflé suffered a mental breakdown later on, and her strong sense of guilt brought her to the verge of suicide.

But in the final analysis, this pot belongs to Judal. Judal asked Verit to study artificial martial arts before, and it was also because Lisa Harvey, the third daughter of the Harvey family, accidentally succeeded for some reasons. For example, and gained great power because of it, Judar had a whim and wanted to build an artificial martial artist army, so he used Verit.

Now Judal has become Levi's clone, so the mess left by Judal will eventually be cleaned up by Levi, but Levi's real body will not come forward. Now the possibility of Judal's escape has been reduced to the minimum. .

Soufflé said: It is said that this research department was carried out behind the back of the superiors. After Verit's incident was exposed, the human experiment department was banned. However, it is a good thing that such a place that cares about human life has been banned~ .”

Levi said: I found out through Charlotte that Sakura was the only survivor of the experimental subjects in that period. The mortality rate of the human experiments in the institute reached more than %, and the experimental subjects in the previous periods were all gone. Can survive.”

Soufflé said: It was simply a nightmare. It was a memory that I always wanted to forget, but I couldn't.

Levi said: That's because you still have a conscience, so you feel sad about this kind of thing, but you are doing a good job now. The original mistake is over, and you have the right to choose your new life.

Shufulei smiled bitterly and said: I am just deceiving myself now. Although those children did not die directly at my hands, their deaths were all related to me. In this way, I survived shamelessly, It’s just because I’m afraid of death.”

Levi said: Death is just momentary courage. Surviving requires real courage. You have done a good enough job. There is no need to continue to criticize yourself. After all, neither you nor Charlotte are just being killed. People are just taking advantage of it, the real culprit is someone else.

The real culprit, Judar, has become Levi's puppet, and Judar's soul has been annihilated. Although this is not the best punishment for the ambitious original body of Judar, it at least allows him to be punished. .

Soufflé smiled and said: Thank you for your comfort. I feel much better. I have no chance to tell others these words. I am very satisfied to have an audience to listen to what I say. It seems that you are very interested in this topic. Those who are born in the year are quite familiar with those things.”

Levi nodded and said: Although I haven't joined Valslan for a long time, as a figure in the entire enterprise, I know all the secrets and sensitive information. Valslan's previous dark history , I know better than you.

Soufflé looked at Levi and said, Did those in charge of the original experiment get the punishment they deserve?

Levi said: They have all been eliminated. Not only the person in charge of the experiment, but also the people who promoted this plan behind the scenes have been dealt with by me. This kind of dirty plan has nothing to do with what I want to do. It's such an insult and I won't allow this kind of garbage to stay in Varsland.

Hearing Levi's words, Soufflé showed a bright smile. She rarely smiled because the past events had brought her great psychological pressure and mental internal friction. To a certain extent, it was also a kind of self-punishment.

Now, when she learned that those people back then had all received the punishment they deserved, her knot was relieved.

Levi said: 々. Valslan now is no longer what it used to be. What we want to do now is a serious big undertaking. We need to be based on the long term and allow humans to truly step out of the earth and start the voyage of the universe. There is no future in conducting those messy human experiments and treating human lives with contempt.

Soufflé said: Is that why you are trying to kill the aliens lurking on the earth?

Li Wei smiled and said: Yes, there is an old saying in Chongguo that no one can sleep soundly on the side of the bed. Although those aliens have arrived on the earth millions of years ago, and their history of existence is even longer than that of humans, but The earth is humankind's earth, and there is no room for them to take root. Now get rid of them. The next step is to launch a lunar campaign to completely solve the problem of barbarians and turn the moon into a bridgehead in the age of human exploration of the universe.

Levi's tone became more and more high-spirited, and that confident expression infected Soufflé.

Shufulei felt in her heart that the career that Levi was doing now was great, and she really wanted to help him, but her expertise was not enough to help him, which made her feel a little regretful.

Chapter 4. Return to the small garden

The two of them continued to observe Kirishima Sakura without making a sound. After Kirishima Sakura finished washing in the bathroom, she staggered out and walked straight towards the big bed as if she hadn't seen Levi and Soufflé. Go and lie down straight.

Looking at this scene, Levi and Soufflé both showed surprised expressions.

Seeing Kirishima Sakura falling into a deep sleep again, Soufflé said, Leave it to me.

Levi nodded and consciously went to the other room. The hotel's luxury suite was like a small apartment. In addition to the master bedroom, there was also a second bedroom and a study room. Levi rested in the second bedroom.

Kirishima Sakura rested, which was a good time for Levi to fish with pay. He realized that paper cranes were everywhere in the sky, and any potential danger could not avoid his detection, so he took out his laptop again, Get ready to start your own Pandora journey.

After embarking on the path of becoming a qigong practitioner, Li Wei also mastered various magical methods, so he used the immortal method to refining his old buddy who had been with him for several years using the weapon refining technique. Although it still looks old on the outside, it has completely changed on the inside. Now this old machine is a magic weapon covered in laptop skin.

The modified magic weapon version has all the functions that a computer should have, and its performance has reached the level of a supercomputer. When the finished product was refined, Li Wei himself was very surprised. Under the super-flat wave, he actually used it. My old friend's notebook was refined into a purple grade prop.

Now, if Li Wei hands this computer over to an ordinary person, the ordinary person who gets this computer will be able to turn over in an instant, just like the male protagonists in those urban novels, and start their own journey of changing their destiny. trip.

However, Levi does not have the habit of being a grandfather to others. This kind of prop that can be used for direct scientific research is just a simple gaming notebook in his hands, because he only uses this magic weapon to play. The game is just for drawing pictures, other functions are not used most of the time.

When Kirishima Sakura woke up in the afternoon, the three of them walked around the local area, enjoyed some local specialties, and admired the sea view. When night fell, they took a large helicopter dispatched by the small garden. , returned to the small garden.

Levi and Kirishima Sakura don't need a special plane to pick them up, but soufflé and other staff are not like that!!;;':Prepare,,use',:?,;'':;,?:It's the two of them , so Kulea arranged a large transport helicopter to fly 『.,,.?,』:;:;':!,'『?;?';;,』;!'; !, and took all the more than ten staff members away immediately.

After more than ten minutes of traveling, the helicopter landed in the designated area of ​​the take-off and landing area. Most of the pedestrians on the helicopter showed curious expressions.

Except for Levi, this is the first time for everyone to board a behemoth like Little Garden. This steel island, which is dozens of times larger than a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, has been called a miracle of ergonomics by netizens from all over the world.

Kulea, Erica and Liddy were waiting not far from the landing point of the helicopter. When the helicopter's rotors stopped completely, they came over.

After looking at the passers-by and getting off the plane, Kulea smiled at Soufflé and said, It's been a long time since I last saw you. I feel relieved to see that you are in good condition.

Soufflé gave Kurea a hug, let go and smiled: It's also thanks to your help. When Sakura and I were in the most difficult time, your support allowed us to survive.

Kulea said: That is what Varslan owes you, and I can only compensate you in this way. However, such compensation cannot undo the mistakes made by Varslan.

Soufflé and Kirishima Sakura had a difficult life at the time. Because she had to take care of Kirishima Sakura, who was almost semi-paralyzed at the time, Soufflé couldn't find a suitable job at all. After learning about this, Kureya not only found herself in gold. She gave support to the two of them and asked a dedicated maid to take care of their lives, so that Soufflé could go out to work with peace of mind.

It was with the help of Kureiya that Soufflé was able to survive the most difficult period of leaving Valslan. Soufflé felt that both she and Kirishima Sakura owed Kureya a favor, while Kureiya felt that she was just atonement. .

Kulea said: The sea is very windy. Come with me first. I have prepared a place for you to stay. I hope you will be satisfied.

Soufflé said politely: As long as there is a place to stay.

Following Kureya, the pedestrians rode large scooters to the residential area. The environment here amazed the staff accompanying Kirishima Sakura. Seeing the reactions of the staff, Kulea felt satisfied in her heart. After all, she was the captain of this ship. It was a joyful thing for her ship to be praised by others.

As the night grew late, Kulea arranged for everyone to stay, and then left with Levi.

Back at Levi's apartment, Kulea threw Levi onto the bed and sat on Levi's waist.

Sure enough, in such a short period of time, Levi, you guy, you have attracted a new girl! Kulea put her hands on Levi's chest and said dissatisfied.

Levi took off his mask and said with a smile: What are you talking about? This is how it will be when you come back.

Kulea said in amusement: I saw that Soufflé and Kirishima Sakura looked at you in the wrong way. That kind of look is not the way you look at someone you have only known for a few days!

Levi said: Is this okay?

Kulea said: I don't care! Anyway, you have to comfort me!

Okay, okay, you have the final say. No matter what you want to do, I agree with you, how about it? Levi said with a smile.

Levi knew that when a girl is acting mean, there is no way to reason with her, she can only coax her. However, there are not too many girls who can enjoy this kind of treatment. He will only be so gentle to his partner.

I want to eat delicious food, you cook it for me! Kulea pouted and turned her face away slightly.

Okay. Levi said.

Chapter. Verita’s scapegoat

On the day after Kirishima Sakura and others boarded the ship, the school festival on the small garden began. The annual school festival is a carnival for the students, and it is also a rare event for the staff. off day.

The small garden implements a fixed shift system, and the work pressure of the staff is not great. After all, there are sufficient spare manpower. Many positions work in three shifts. Except for a few sensitive core positions, most of the positions have , all have sufficient rest time.

Levi and Kulea, as well as Liddy and Erica, were walking on the street, feeling the current festive atmosphere. Because of the school festival, even the various shops on the street are now offering discounts, which is completely discounted. Fracture-level offers.

Levi said: The whole ship belongs to you. Is it interesting to go shopping like this?~

As the eldest daughter of the Harvey family, and the Harvey family is as wealthy as the country, Kureia has always had everything since she was a child. While others were shopping and looking around, she went shopping and occupied the entire street. Buy it - no problem.

Kulea smiled and said: When girls go shopping, buying is not the purpose. Shopping is the purpose. What you enjoy is the process. As for whether you buy it in the end, it doesn't matter.

Kulea's mentality is incomprehensible to some three-dimensional girls. However, everyone's thoughts are also affected by their family environment and their own conditions. For Kulea, who is good at everything, what she enjoys is shopping. A sense of surprise when discovering new things, rather than simply wanting to keep something as your own.

Kulea said to Liddy and Erica behind her: If you encounter anything you want, you can tell me, I'm treating you today!

In Kulea's hand, a silver card was turned between her fingers. This card is a privilege card used internally by Varslan. With this silver card, you can enjoy the privileges in Varslan's stores and service departments. The highest level of treatment.

There are less than thirty people in the world who own such a card, and Levi also has a silver card like this in his hand.

I don't have anything I want, Liddy said.

Erica also shook her head. As Kurea's right-hand man, she and Liddy were already treated at the highest level. In addition, she was usually a very self-controlled person who restrained her material desires, so he There is nothing you want.

Kureia sighed. Liddy and Erica were very loyal to their duties and helped her a lot. It can be said that the reason why she was able to manage the ship was that she was not deceived by the people below. It is because of the contributions of these two people.

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