But at this moment, Kisaragi Hayato lowered his body violently, and behind him, green rays came towards Levi.

When Levi used the knife, he originally held the blade between two fingers, but now he firmly held the handle of the knife, swung it upward, and directly blocked a series of cyan rays into the sky. The cyan rays were traveling After reaching a certain height, it explodes.

The giant katana in Levi's hand also turned into little rays of light and disappeared, and the katana once again condensed in Hayato Kisaragi's hand. Kisaragi Hayato had already circled behind Levi at this time. He jumped up high and slashed towards Levi's back with the giant sword in his hand.

! Kisaragi Hayato, who was going all out, roared.

However, Levi didn't move, he just stepped back, clamped the giant sword with two fingers again, and threw it forward. Kisaragi Hayato fell hard to the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

A training ground like an ancient Roman amphitheater has complete spectator protection measures and a stable energy shield that isolates the training ground from the auditorium. General attacks cannot break through such a shield, that is. Only a humanoid natural disaster like Levi could break the shield at will.

Hayato! Seeing this scene, Emil could no longer keep calm. She had a white lance in her hand. She expanded the propelling wings behind her to the maximum and charged towards Levi.

Levi directly grabbed Kisaragi Hayato, who had been thrown to pieces, and threw him forward. The black and white figures collided directly and fell into a gourd on the ground.

····Ask for flowers·····

This hit the two of them hard. Even with the protection of this weapon, the violent concussion and impact still caused the two of them to lose their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Levi came to the two people in a hurry, looked at the two people lying on the ground, and said condescendingly: It is a good thing to consider your companions, but not everyone deserves to be considered a companion, Emil .Crawford has committed a major offense, and Kisaragi Hayato has committed a minor offense. Also, the punishments for Noah Shelton and Liu Xuemei take effect immediately.

Levi's voice was transmitted to the entire audience through the loudspeaker. The battle was over within just a few seconds after it started. Most people in the audience did not know what happened, but this did not affect their dedication to Levi. Cheers, many people have a complex of worshiping the strong, and strong men like Li Wei who are strong and have a good temper are even more popular.

. ...

Emil pounded the ground unwillingly, but the huge strength gap between the two sides could not be equalized by any tricks. Just like the tactics she and Hayato Kisaragi had formulated, they were beaten by Li just after the first step. Wei crushed it with absolute power.

I hope you can put your strong energy into training and strive to become a true martial artist as soon as possible, instead of consuming your energy on these messy things. Levi said.

The armor on Levi's body turned into little bits of light and began to dissipate. He turned around and ignored the two people who were still lying on the ground with annoyed expressions on their faces. In his opinion, if children are ignorant and receive more beatings, they will grow up quickly. Now it is not a bad thing for them to suffer more setbacks.

Returning to the lounge, Levi saw Kulea and others waiting there.

Kulea said: It's really hard on you, you still have to accompany two children to do nonsense.

Li Wei said: After all, they are students with excellent basic skills. As long as they don't commit any principled issues, I won't be too harsh on them. After all, they are the first and third in the freshman crystal reaction value of this class. Just click and stop.”

Li Wei is now playing the role of a coach, so he naturally has to have the capacity of an educator, so when the matter is over, he will not continue to delve into the mountains.

Chapter 4. Solitude

Levi changed into his regular clothes, and Kulea hadn't left yet.

Liddy and Erica are gone? Levi said.

They said they still have things to deal with, so they're leaving first. Kulea turned away, a little embarrassed. How could she not know what Erica and Liddy were thinking? This was between her and Levi. Create opportunities for two people to be alone.

Liddy and Erica are like her close ministers and guardians, always by her side. However, when it comes to Levi, the two of them will always take the initiative to retreat at the right time. In this way, She is not a fool, how could she not understand.

Levi smiled and said, I won't eat out today. It's still early, so I can go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and let you try my cooking when I get back.

Levi is also reviewing his cooking skills during this time, because he also wants to go to the world of the Shokhalberd Spirit in the future. Although the points gain from the world of the Shokhalberd Spirit may not be too much, just like this world Like this, but in the world of the Halberd-eating Spirit, there are also things that Li Wei likes.

You know how to cook? Kulea said in surprise.

“If you don’t have too many skills, the more things you know, the better. After all, no one knows whether you will need a certain skill in the future, so you should be as knowledgeable as possible within the limits of your ability. Life can be a lot less troublesome, Levi said.

Levi's words also resonated with his feelings, because when his father sent his car to a 4S shop for repairs, he drove it back and opened the hood, only to find that the car's parts had been replaced. He hired temporary workers to do the work, so Levi's father directly took the 4S store to court. Naturally, the 4S store lost the case.

But this incident still grossed out Mr. Levi. If it weren't for the fact that he had a certain understanding of cars, he had learned mechanics when he was young, and he hadn't lost all his knowledge over the years, he would have discovered what a 4S shop is doing. If it were anyone else, I would probably still be kept in the dark.

Many things are like this these days. If you don’t understand, you will be deceived. The country has now fallen into a vicious cycle of mutual harm. Even the most basic trust between people cannot be maintained. Everyone can only act like a guard against thieves. Beware of others. The reason is that the bad things that happened to Levi's father are too common in the entire society.

Levi said: I know a lot of Italian and French food. If the supermarket sells fresh seafood, I can make some Chinese-style seafood dishes.

Kulea looked at Levi with mixed emotions. She knew that Levi's tenderness was poisonous, but she still indulged in it unconsciously, like a moth to a flame.

Kulea opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words reached her lips, she swallowed them back, and she just nodded.

After the two people left the lounge, they went directly to the supermarket. As a city, the Sea Academy City Ship has several large supermarkets. People on the ship can shop in the supermarket as long as they have currency points for internal use. The currency of the small garden The system is independent of the outside world. If you want to purchase items on the ship, you must use the ship's internal currency.

In the supermarket, two people walked side by side, like a newlywed couple, pushing a shopping cart and browsing on the shelves.

Whether it's Kureia or Levi, they are both well-known figures on this sea academy city ship, so when they see the two walking together, passers-by can't help but look curious.

After walking around in the supermarket, Li Wei was a little disappointed. Most of the ingredients here were seafood-based, and there was a lack of Chinese-style sauces. Without using the reserves in Shihai Space, , trying to make Chinese-style seafood dishes is a thankless task, so Levi plans to make European-style seafood dishes.

After the two people left the supermarket, Kulea said: Go to your side or mine?

Levi said: It seems that whether you are going to my place or yours, it would be a bit bad if others see it. How about I bring some barbecue tools here and let's go to the take-off and landing area for viewing Let’s grill seafood on the stage?”

That's a good idea. How long will it take to prepare? Kureiya said with a smile.

Levi said: I have a full set of barbecue tools in my residence. When I docked at Sundaby Island, I bought a set while strolling around the port. Now it comes in handy. I also bought it there Secret sauce for grilled seafood...

Little Garden does not stay in one place for a long time. Instead, it sails around the world on the high seas, so from time to time it will visit coastal cities or island countries. The former Sandabi Island is located in the Pacific Ocean. The island in this area belongs to the country of Amei, and is one of the places where the country's overseas troops are stationed. It is also a tropical tourist resort.

I bought a local-style swimsuit there... But then again, why would you want to buy a barbecue grill? Kulea said.

Li Wei said with a smile: Because there is an old saying in Chongguo that food is the most important thing for the people. As a Chongguo native, I am quite picky about taste. And the chef on the ship has not practiced enough in Chongguo cuisine, so he and I There is still a lot of difference from what I expected, so a lot of the time, I have to do it myself.”

Kulea could understand Levi's feelings. When there was no food of her own taste around, she had no choice but to make her own food. Before, she and Liddy went to Africa to inspect a mining area. The local food was rough, so they only had it. Being able to do things by themselves, they have enough food and clothing. Fortunately, she and Liddy are both pretty good at cooking. They can still make some dishes that suit their own tastes without any shortage of raw materials.

Levi first followed Kulea to her residence, drove a small scooter out of the parking garage downstairs, and then went to the 4. apartment where Levi was located, and asked Levi to go upstairs to cook the barbecue. After bringing all the tools and ingredients in place, the two of them took a small path, drove their scooters to the take-off and landing area, and stopped at a lifting platform on the edge of the take-off and landing area.

Kulea turned on the lights on the lift platform. The lift platform, which had been lowered below the deck level, became a temporary private space for the two of them. There were no people in the take-off and landing area and the edge area itself. Even the two of them were If you stay here all night, you won't be discovered by others.

Levi quickly set up the barbecue grill and started to light charcoal and other fires to preheat, while Kulea moved the ingredients out and started stringing them together with wooden skewers. Both of them were hands-on. He is a very capable person, and after a while, all the preparations have been completed.

Chapter 4. Kulea’s troubles

Levi looked at Kulea's skilled posture and said, You are different from the other young ladies I have seen. You are very special.

Kulea put the skewered ingredients aside and said, I am someone who has experienced wilderness survival training. I am indeed different from other pretty ladies. At least they have not been forced to eat bugs. I've eaten.

The smell of bugs must be unforgettable, Levi said with a smile.

Kulea said: It was a nightmare. Now I don't want to recall those things in the survival training. It was from that time on that I began to cherish food, because I knew that food was hard-won. And so did I. From that time on, I got rid of my bad habit of being picky eaters.”

Kulea recalled that when she was a child, she was no different from other rich ladies. However, the Harvey family was very strict with their family members. Children like her not only had to receive an elite education in knowledge. , and at the same time, you will also learn various things that ordinary people do not need to learn at all, such as fighting skills, military skills, wilderness survival skills, mineral identification skills, and highly toxic substance identification skills.

It can be said that her childhood was very unhappy, but the hardships in her childhood were not in vain. Now she is able to survive peacefully when surrounded by enemies because she has enough abilities.

Also relying on various skills, she escaped poisonous killings, close assassinations, and gun snipers from hostile forces. After the Hundred Armed Crystal was developed, her personal strength increased greatly. The assassination method was completely ineffective against her.

Kulea took out a knife and began to carve patterns on the surface of the skewered sea fish. The sea fish was not as fishy as light fish. Even if the seasonings were uneven, it could still taste good, but she and Levi In the same way, she is a fastidious foodie, so with all the tools and condiments available, she will handle the ingredients to the best possible condition.

Levi was watching Kureia's movements. Kureia usually gave off an indescribably sassy feeling, but at this time, she was quite quiet.

You can't eat enough just by looking at me. Kulea was a little embarrassed by Levi's stare and glared at Levi.

Levi smiled and continued to deal with the things at hand. Now the sky began to gradually darken, and the sea breeze began to become colder. However, neither Levi nor Kulea were afraid of the sea breeze that began to turn cold. Levi's physical fitness is there, while Kureia is wearing an armed suit under the college uniform. The armed suit has a complete life support system. Maintaining body temperature within the comfort zone is the most basic function, so even if Facing the sea breeze, she doesn't have to worry about catching a cold.

The charcoal fire has been started. The sea breeze makes the charcoal burn more efficiently, so the fire is made faster than in the dense forest. It only takes a few minutes for the charcoal to be ready for grilling ingredients. .

Kulea brushed the skewered fish with sauce and placed it diagonally on the grill. The grilling speed of the fish is slower with the tilt rack method, but the fish is not easy to burn. This is a lesson she learned in survival training, and she is not in a hurry now, so the fish is grilled with the tilt rack method, which can make the fish more delicious.

Kulea watched Levi put the cut octopus on the grill and said: There are not many freshmen in this class. Compared with the first class, they are already easy to teach. In When I was still in the waiting department, the higher department was in chaos, and there was no instructor who could control them. It has to be said that once a person has power, there is not enough suppression, and it is easy to swell and even give birth to... Come with unrealistic ambitions.”

Levi smiled and said: What then?

Kulea flipped the grilled fish and said, Then as a newbie, I beat them all to the ground. From then on, they didn't dare to fry the thorns anymore.

Levi opened a bottle of beer, took a sip, and said with a smile: So, you are our Queen.

This foreigner is so shameful. Can we stop talking about this foreigner? Kulea glanced at Levi dissatisfied.

Okay, Your Lady Queen. Levi smiled.

Kulea lightly punched Levi's armpit, turned her head, and said: However, I still miss that time. At least I won't be worshiped by others. Now, although I have not graduated from the higher education department, student, but others no longer treat me as a student.”

Levi can understand that after all, Kulea is considered the guardian here. The responsibilities and obligations of the guardian are still too heavy for a girl who is only 18 years old.

Levi can understand this kind of loneliness. Although the existence of Liddy and Erica can alleviate this kind of loneliness, it only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. If Kulea is thirty or forty years old, she will naturally know how to deal with herself. She has rubbish emotions, but she is still only 18 years old now. Even though she grew up with an elite education, she still has the problem of insufficient life experience.

And because of her high position, she didn't even have anyone to talk to. After all, some topics were too sensitive, even to Liddy or Erica.

Levi smiled and said: But in my opinion, you are still a student, but you have taken on responsibilities that are inconsistent with your age. I can only say that this is the pain of development.

The invasion of barbarians and the development of armed weapons inexplicably burdened children who were still in the pre-childhood stage with responsibilities beyond their years.

Not every child can be mature far beyond his or her age, but maturity also has its disadvantages. Maturity means taking on responsibilities that do not belong to this age in advance.

Adults can cope with such pressure very well. Unfortunately, when the Hyundai Armed Crystal fell to the earth, there was an age gap in the transformation of the physical fitness of all mankind. Starting from the time when the crystal fell to the earth, Only children who had not yet had their sexual characteristics at that time could have the opportunity to obtain this powerful power. All people before the basic time point have been eliminated.

Although not every child has the opportunity to become a martial artist, after excluding cheaters like Li Wei, all martial artists are born from this body, and these have mastered powerful skills before their minds are mature. Powerful young people can be said to be a destabilizing factor for the entire human society.

It is precisely because of this that mankind is now not only facing external invasion by barbarians, but also internal backlog of problems. It is also like a dynamite barrel that may explode at any time, and uncontrolled martial artists are likely to become detonators. Barrel fuse.

Chapter 4. Interrupted solitude

Before coming to this world, Levi did not have an in-depth understanding of the world here. After all, he had only read the anime season 1 and did not even read the original novel. He only knew the general outline of the plot. But when he came to this world and obtained Judar's memory, he realized that the current situation of this world was much worse than what he saw, but many things were limited by the scale of animation and would not be represented. from.

There are a lot of problems here that exist in the real world, and there are also a lot of problems here that don’t exist in the real world. Because of the economic damage caused by the barbarian invasion, the gap between the rich and the poor in various countries has become wider and wider. The viruses brought by the barbarians have also caused mankind to face a medical crisis like the Black Death. It was only in the past two years that the alien virus was barely controlled. In the past few years, before the targeted drugs came out, being infected by the barbarian virus could be said to be fatal. Not everyone is like the original protagonist Hayato Kisaragi, who is fine with being infected by the virus. .

After the twin economic and medical crises fermented, it has begun to affect the lives of ordinary people in all aspects. Now, except for utopias such as small gardens, all countries in the world, whether they are big or small, are having a very difficult time. In order to shift conflicts, those in power began to use war to shift contradictions, using this dangerous method to enhance the cohesion of their own national body. It can be said that the current situation, if it were not for the emergence of martial artists and the threat of barbarians from the outside, it is estimated that three wars would They're all already fighting.

The reason why the fight cannot be fought is also very simple. The external threat of the barbarians is considered. After all, the barbarians are not completely unintelligent beasts. Although they are not very smart, they also know how to act according to the situation. Therefore, once a civil war breaks out on the human side, only Will be taken advantage of by the barbarians.

Another reason why the fight cannot be fought is because the number of martial arts practitioners has gradually increased in recent years. Each martial arts practitioner is a small and highly mobile army. Once it goes deep into the rear and causes massive destruction, none of the forces involved will be able to withstand this kind of force. Such a loss, so the martial artist is like a nuclear weapon, which can be used as a threatening weapon at the negotiation table, but no one dares to use it easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once a country decides to use martial artists to attack another country, the situation will get out of control in an instant. Compared with traditional armies, martial artists have higher mobility and destructive power, making them the kings of infiltration warfare. Once the war begins, they can Effectively killing the opponent's effective forces is something that even major countries are afraid of happening, because the larger the country, the harder it is to prevent the infiltration of martial arts practitioners. Therefore, various conventions and agreements strictly limit the use of martial arts practitioners. of.

After learning about the world and what happened through Judar's memories, Levi was even looking forward to the animation season of this work. However, judging from the BD sales of the season of this work, he didn't want to wait for the season. It's a little hard to get out.

Levi fiddled with the ingredients on the grill and said: That guy Judar, please ask me to take care of you on his behalf. He will make a lot of big moves next, and you will become his weakness~

Kulea was a little surprised. The relationship between her and Judal was very complicated. Judal was her respected brother, but she also had a fear of Judal because she couldn't see through Judal. Judar had always been planning something, but she was kept in the dark. This feeling was not pleasant.

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