Al Forte from the Street Fighter camp is not a bad guy. He is just a cook who loves life and wrestling. But in the Red Devil space, in order to survive, no matter how much he hates fighting, he must kill the opponent. , only in this way can we survive.

Al, wearing a full-coverage wrestling mask, looked at Levi and Nyotengu with alert eyes, and at the same time lowered his center of gravity, as if he could continue fighting at any time.

Mr. Wrestler, can you give me some face and give her to me? Levi said with a smile to Al Forte, pointing to the still breathing heart next to him.

Al can feel Levi's power, but he doesn't intend to back down here. After all, he finally caught a soft persimmon and could crush it to death. He didn't expect to be disturbed by someone. He couldn't accept such a thing. .

Al took a stance towards Levi and said in a deep voice: Come on, as if you want to take people away, just rely on your strength. No one here will sell your face.

That's a real pity, Mr. Wrestler, my face is very valuable. Since you are not going to give me this face, then don't leave today and stay here forever. Levi said with a smile.

Levi's momentum began to dissipate outwards, and Al Forte felt that he was no longer facing an individual, but an indescribable terrifying existence. Such pressure made him doubt whether he was right in provoking Levi. wrong.

After all, Levi has played Street Fighter 4, and he has a good understanding of Al. Al, like Zangief, is a wrestler. Unlike Zangief who uses absolute power to suppress the battle, Al is more powerful. Not as good as Zangiev in terms of wrestling, but he is the master of the wrestling genre, focusing on speed and skills.

But for a master like Li Wei, it doesn't matter whether it's strength or skill, because he can no longer measure it by normal human standards, so the power and skill of ordinary existence are meaningless to him.

At this time, her heart was still a little unable to react. Li Wei, who was not in the same camp as her at all, actually helped her at this time, which made her feel incredible. After all, in this space, when people from different camps met, they immediately became friends. There will be fights, irreconcilable conflicts, and when people from different camps meet, they will start fighting.

Her heart was pulled aside by Nyotengu, who protected her behind her.

She said in confusion: Miss Tengu, what's going on now? That person is actually willing to help us. Isn't he from the hostile camp?

Nyotengu said: What you said is different, sir. He has semi-independently separated from his original camp and created a camp of his own. I have sought asylum from him. Now I don't have to worry about safety.

Xin showed a surprised expression, because in this cruel space, other problems are minor problems, and safety is the biggest problem. However, in this space, like the camp she is in now, safety problems are the biggest problem. serious.

····Ask for flowers····

Now, her camp has become the prey of the other two camps to gain points. As long as she is discovered by people from the other two camps, it will be difficult to escape.

It is precisely because of this that her camp has now given up taking the initiative and entered the defense. After all, if she cannot defeat them and continues to fight, it is simply to die.

During this period of time, she lived in seclusion and tried to hide herself as much as possible. Although she knew that doing so would eventually lead to a dead end, but people all have a desire to survive, and even if they could survive for a few more days, that would be good.

You don't have to worry about safety issues, is it true? But everyone in the loser camp will be wiped out. What should we do about this problem? Xin asked.

Nyotengu herself didn't know about such a thing, but she felt that Levi would consider such a thing. After all, if there was no way for them to survive, why bother running around to save people.

........ ..... ...

Nyotengu said: My lord has not told me about this kind of thing yet, but I believe he already has a way to solve this problem.

Xin nodded. Now she had no choice. Since Nyotengu said there was no problem, she would believe it for the time being. After all, if she couldn't get through it now, there would be no time to talk about the future.

He said with some worry: The masked pervert opposite is very strong. Miss Tengu, do you think he will be the opponent of the masked pervert?

Nyotengu smiled, recalling Levi's casual attack before. Such a strong person, even in the entire space, should be few and far between. He is just a wrestler. The real Levi, at all, You can crush it to death with just your fingers.

Nyotengu smiled and said: Although I haven't been with you for a long time, I still know your strength. He will not lose to an opponent of this level. It should be said that the guy wearing the mask opposite, To adults, they are just trash fish.”

She was a little surprised. She didn't expect the proud Nyotengu to have such a high opinion of Levi, which surprised her.

Levi knew that now was the time for him to show his strength, and he had to give his heart a sufficient sense of security. At the same time, let your heart become your own promoter, so that when you attack other girls, you can be more successful.

Chapter 4. The consequences of not giving face

Al took the initiative and ran towards Levi at an astonishing speed. From the perspective of ordinary people, his charging speed was so fast that afterimages appeared.

But just when he was about to approach Levi, he hit an invisible barrier, and the huge reaction force directly lifted him out.

Levi raised his hand, and four golden triangles appeared, locking up Al who was still in the air. Al hit the light cage that imprisoned him hard, but no matter how hard he tried, the cage did not change at all.

What method is this? Al said in surprise. The strength shown by Levi has surpassed his knowledge. Such skills are no different from magic.

Facing Al who was surprised and mixed with fear, Levi smiled calmly and said: It's just a small trick that doesn't make sense. Now, let's talk about the fact that you don't give me face.';;!:;; '『;!;'.!,:.?:.』,;'.?,'':!':.??『?!;!,!?』.!''?.': ?!!!.'!'spare?!!::!,'.

Al gritted his teeth. He knew that he couldn't run away this time. Levi's strength was stronger than he imagined. The two sides were not on the same level at all.

Levi smiled and said: Very good, very energetic! A tough guy like you is much better than those soft-footed shrimps that crawl at my feet and beg for mercy when things are about to happen, so I will also give you a good time.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the golden energy tetrahedron began to compress inward. In just a few seconds, Al was squeezed to pieces, and finally connected with the tetrahedron and was annihilated.

Watching this scene, Xin Xin was so shocked that he was almost speechless. The methods shown by Levi were beyond the scope of fighting. They were like immortals from myths and legends. Such power was enough to crush Killed most of the enemies.

The enemy who could easily force her into a desperate situation was easily defeated by Levi with a snap of his fingers. Such a thing was simply unbelievable. She now understood why Nyotengu would seek refuge with Levi, because Levi was already incredibly powerful, and even It is possible for one person to change the situation of the battle. Such an existence is enough to support a camp.

Levi looked at the embarrassed heart and said: What a lovely girl. It's a pity that she was dragged into this place. This place is not friendly to girls.

Nyotengu gently grabbed Kokoro's shoulder and said, Sir, Kokoro is very hurt. What should I do about her injuries?

Nyotengu herself is a monster with a stronger body than a human, and her recovery ability is pretty good. The injury she suffered a few hours ago is now 70% better, but her heart is only human. Such an injury requires at least half a month of recovery. OK.

But this also means that Kokoro cannot keep up with her and Levi. As Kokoro was in the same camp before and will be in the same camp in the future, Nyotengu is still more concerned about her.

Levi said: This small injury is not a problem for me.

Levi activated his magic power, and bits of golden light fell from the air and penetrated into the bodies of Nyotengu and Kokoro. The injuries on the two people began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the damaged kimonos of the two people due to the battle also recovered. When it reaches its original perfect state, it becomes even more refined.

Feeling the changes in her body, the excitement in her heart made her not know what expression to use to face it. Such an injury would take a long time to recover, but the current environment did not give her any chance. Time to recuperate. However, now, her body has returned to its peak condition. This kind of magical thing is no longer something ordinary people can do.

After all, Xin Xin is also someone who has participated in the Death or Life Competition. She still has a certain knowledge of the top experts in her world, but in her impression, no one can do such an unscientific thing.

Nyotengu said: My heart is not good at talking. It would be troublesome to carry her around. Sir, what should I do?

Nyotengu also wanted to see what methods Levi had. Although Levi was powerful, she wanted to see more of Levi's methods. After all, the more powerful Levi was, the more advantageous it would be for them.

Levi took out the blanket that had not been used for some time from his sea of ​​consciousness space. The rolled-up blanket unfolded itself in mid-air, floating only a few dozen centimeters above the ground, and hovering in mid-air.

Levi said: Mobility is not a problem, and I will not abandon anyone in the camp. As long as there is a possibility of rescue, I will try it. As long as it is not too cold on the spot, I will have a way to pull him away. return.

With the help of positioning spells, Levi can locate all the existences he already knows, characters in the dead or alive camp. As long as they have appeared in the game and he has an impression, he can locate them. But those who have not appeared in the game, There was nothing Levi could do. Due to this situation, some omissions occurred, leading to the death of some female characters who did not officially appear in the game. This was something he had nothing to do...

However, what Levi has to do now is to rescue the girls from the Dead or Alive camp who have already appeared in the game first. As for the girls in the Street Fighter camp, because their own strength is guaranteed and their survivability is stronger than that of the girls in the Dead or Alive camp, they are temporarily placed in the first stage and wait until he has finished handling the matters here. Those girls from the Street Fighter camp pull out.

Nyotengu said: Don't everyone give up... Although this idea is good, can it really be done?

Li Wei smiled and said: You have to have some confidence in me. Things that ordinary people can't do doesn't mean that I can't do it. I have decided to save you, so naturally I have to deal with it to the end. And I have special means that can Let you escape obliteration, so all you have to do is follow me with peace of mind and help me gather as many people as possible.

Saving people is like putting out fires. If you move slowly, you will often end up collecting the corpses. As long as you have the courage, Levi can pull them back, but resurrecting the dead is quite troublesome, and what Levi hates most is trouble. Therefore, it is best to be able to get things done smoothly.

Shin sat on the blanket, acting obediently. Levi nodded and said, Now, let's go to the next place. Tengu, you will also get on the blanket. In my opinion, your walking speed is still a bit slow.

Although the Nyotengu can do it, it can only travel at such a speed. Those old propeller fighters during the war are incomparable, and they can only bully ordinary people who can't do it.

As for the blanket on Levi's side, supersonic speed is the most basic. At full speed, on the premise of ensuring the safety of the crew, it can reach Mach 4. If the crew's physique is strong enough, the speed of the blanket can continue to rise until Until it is close to Mach, this speed is much faster than Nyotengu herself.

Nyotengu also knew that her walking speed could not keep up with modern walking machines, so her wings turned into pieces of feathers and disappeared. This scene made Levi feel interesting. Legend has it that the wings of the Crow Tengu can be retracted, but how to retract them, there is no detailed record in any classics.

After the three people got on the blanket, the blanket quickly climbed up and headed in an unknown direction.

Chapter 4. Savior

Looking down at the earth from a high altitude, you can see the endless huge urban settlement, which brings a huge visual impact to people. The city where the safe zone is located is larger than any urban settlement in the real world. Now the three parties are affected by Due to human limitations, the places that can be explored are relatively limited.

Xin Xin was lying on the edge of the blanket, and her hand carefully reached out of the blanket. However, her hand was not able to reach out, and instead hit an invisible barrier at the edge of the blanket. She tried to fumble around the barrier, and found that the barrier covered the entire blanket. She leaned on the barrier with confidence, not afraid at all of the empty space behind her.

Sir, how did you lock our target? The three camps will not remind each other of each other's existence unless the distance between the two parties is already very close. Nyotengu asked curiously.

Xin also looked over, and she was quite curious about this question. Li Wei probably didn't know her before, but he was able to accurately locate her location and arrive in time at the most critical moment. In addition to gratitude, she also had unquenchable curiosity in her heart.

Li Wei smiled and said: Everyone has their own secrets. If this is something like this, please let me keep it secret for the time being.

Levi didn't want to explain the principle of his positioning spell. After all, the characteristics of positioning spells required a certain degree of understanding of the positioning target. So how should he explain his understanding of the girls in the Death or Life camp? It was precisely because With such concerns, Levi didn't want to answer the other party's questions.

Both Nyotengu and Kokoro were a little disappointed, but as Levi said, everyone has secrets. Levi did not ask about their past, so in turn, Levi also had the right not to answer such questions.

The three of them landed in an old-fashioned residential area dotted with low-rise buildings. The deserted residential area gave people an indescribable sense of weirdness, like a scene from a horror movie.

Levi said: The target this time should be around here. If you look carefully, you should be able to find it soon.

Not only do people in different camps sense each other, but people in the same camp can clearly perceive each other's existence as long as they do not exceed a certain distance. However, this perceived distance will be affected by personal strength. The stronger the individual's strength, the greater the effective range of this sensing ability.

As for a big brother with the strength of Li Wei, the ultimate range of perception for people in the same camp can extend to kilometers away, but compared to his own perception, this level of convenience is inferior to No, there is no difference.

Levi had already discovered the target he was looking for this time, and the person he sensed seemed to have given up on struggling, enjoying the last moments of his life.

The three people walked into an old apartment, and under the leadership of Li Wei, they came to the door of the room.

Sir, are you sure you're here? I'm going to break the door. Nyotengu lifted the hem of her kimono, revealing her strong long legs, and kicked the security door to pieces with her feet. This kind of security door was in her way It looks like paper.

Levi said: There's no need to be so rude. We're here to save people, not to cause trouble. It's easy to scare the other party if you kick the door. If Wan Duan jumped down from upstairs and ran away, we would have to work harder to find her. .”

Using a little magic, Levi easily opened the security door. There was no mechanism on the door to indicate intrusion, so Levi opened the door without making any sound.

The three people walked in. In the room, all the lights were on. In the slightly old living room, a black girl was lying on the sand, covered with a blanket, sleeping soundly.

Lei Fang? It's really great to be able to meet acquaintances here. Xin Xin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lei Fang. The camp she was in before had insufficient personal combat power, so the entire camp was reduced to a point gain for other camps. Broiler, the other two camps are keeping a close eye on this side, trying to reduce the number of people to half as quickly as possible.

People tend to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The personal combat power of the Street Fighter camp and the King of Fighters camp are not much different. If there is a full-scale conflict, the casualties on both sides will be quite heavy. Therefore, the Dead or Alive camp has become the best target for scoring points. .

Xin also has many friends in the camp. She doesn't want to see anything happen to her friends. Now that she sees Lei Fang safe and sound, she is relieved.

Two bodies apart, Xin said in a not too loud voice: Leifang, wake up quickly.

The originally quiet living room was broken by Xin's voice. Lei Fang jumped up instantly like a frightened cat, put on a fighting posture, and scanned the surroundings vigilantly. When she saw it was Xin's voice, At that moment, I felt relieved. However, when she saw Levi, the relaxed expression on her face suddenly froze.

Xin also noticed something unusual about Lei Fang and said, Don't be afraid, we are here to save you.

Lei Fang hid behind his heart, looked at Li Wei with vigilant eyes, and said, Are you sure? This man is not from our camp. Are you sure this is not a trap, and he wants to use us to fish out more people from the same camp? people.

A helpless smile appeared in her heart. Lei Fang is a very smart girl, but this time, her guess was wrong. If Li Wei really wanted to harm her, she would have no room for resistance at all. The same goes for Lei Fang. In this way, wouldn't it be faster to do it directly?

Levi looked at the cute cheongsam girl hiding behind his heart and sighed inwardly. There is a reason why the game Dead or Alive is called Dead or Rush, because the female characters in the game are all cuter than the others, and each one has their own uniqueness. Charm.

The cute cheongsam girl in front of me, who is full of girl-next-door vibes, can be said to be the dream goddess of many gamers.

Her flawlessly fair skin, alert eyes with a hint of slyness, her head hanging naturally as black as a waterfall, and her perfect voluptuous body can be called a god in the fat world. All the flesh is where it should be. Place, such a figure is enough to make most women jealous.

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