Chapter. Kill

A slightly joking voice appeared in the sky, saying: The game has begun, bugs, fight to your heart's content!

Kusanagi Kyo, who was standing not far from Levi, whispered: This sound is really annoying...

Kusanagi Shibafune said: The battle is about to begin, Kyo, please be safe. This is not the King of Fighters Tournament. Everyone here fights with the intention of killing their opponents. Be honest.

I know, old man, we have Mr. Levi here, so we have a good chance of winning. Kusanagi Kyo waved his hand and said.

Kyo Kusanagi is an insider of the King of Fighters Tournament. The finals of the King of Fighters Tournament haven't even started yet. He is almost bored at home. He wants to fight with Shinan in private. He feels it is not appropriate. He wants to ask Levi to give him guidance. I was afraid of getting beaten like last time. In his opinion, Levi was a natural disaster. How could such a ruthless person lose?

Levi saw the fighters around him, and blue circles appeared under their feet. He also had a certain understanding of space magic. He could see through the structure of this teleportation array with his eyes. It was not complicated. He could use it. .

However, Levi did not resist the teleportation array, but allowed it to teleport him out.

When the scene before Levi's eyes became clear again, he found that he had been teleported to a distance of almost two hundred kilometers from where he first entered this space. At this time, he was in an empty city. , the city was very clean, and there were still traces of people living here, but it was as if everyone disappeared at the same time in an instant, leaving behind this dead city.

Levi realized that this space, the internal volume, was probably larger than he imagined, and it was even on top of his floating island.

In this case, this battlefield is really vast and sparsely populated. This high-level chicken game will last for a long time, which will not only test the combat effectiveness of the participants, but also test their willpower.

I wonder what the first enemy I will encounter will be like... Levi has some expectations in his heart. He has the authority to leave this space at any time, so he has no worries in his heart. He only needs to keep an eye on the target and win this Just win the trial.

In this space, if people from different camps encounter each other, they will be prompted. This kind of prompt cannot be concealed by any means of disguise. Therefore, as long as you get the prompt, you can know whether the person appearing in front of you is an enemy or not. friend.

On the empty street, a flamboyantly dressed black boxer appeared in front of Levi. This black boxer was tall and tall, wearing clothes like a circus costume, and a red afro on his head. This slut The eye-catching look made Levi feel like his aesthetics had been compromised. Anyone who likes clothing design would sigh helplessly when seeing the clothes of the person in front of him.

Yo! Are you my first enemy? This damn space says that as long as you defeat as many enemies as possible, you can get out of here. The black boxer said in a hip-hop tone.

To a certain extent, you are right. This space is like raising voodoos. Of course, you have to know what raising voodoos means. Levi said with a smile.

The black boxer stepped on his toes, put on a slightly loose fighting posture, and said, My name is Zach, what's yours? I don't want to kill anyone, but in order to get out of here, I have no choice.

When Levi heard his name being announced on the other side, he finally had an impression. The person in front of him was a character in Die or Fight. He was a self-taught black boxer. In addition to being a boxer, he was also a nightclub player. DJ.

Levi did not expect that the Red Devil battlefield would actually pull the strong men of this world into the space. In Li Wei's view, the top strong men in the DOA world are not as good as the top strong men in the King of Fighters world. If there is a head-on conflict, the DOA world The strong ones will be destroyed by the group.

Levi had a sudden thought and said with a smile: If you don't mind, let's fight somewhere else.

Zach only felt dizzy. When he could see his surroundings clearly, he found that he and Levi were standing on a high platform floating in the air. In the distance were the magnificent mountains shrouded in mist, as well as various majestic buildings.

After Levi trapped Zach on the high platform, he returned to the Red Devil battlefield again, and then he got the prompt. Levi, a trialer from camp A, killed Zach, a trialer from camp C.

Levi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that dragging someone directly into his floating island would be directly counted as death. Levi released Zach again, but when prompted by the Red Devil Space, Zach was still considered dead. Now he has become a black man in this space.

What is going on? Why am I counted as dead?! Zach was also a little stunned. He was just a flower in front of his eyes. He saw a different scenery, and then he was judged as dead by this space. This made him feel incredible. .

Levi smiled and said: I understand what I have to do. Thank you for being a guinea pig. Now, it's up to me to relieve your pain in advance. Anyway, even if you escape by chance, you still can't escape being trapped in this space. The fate of obliteration.”

Zach was alert, Levi seemed to be more powerful than he thought.

Levi raised his arm, learned the gale fist from Gith's clone, charged through the ground, and headed towards Zach.

々. What the hell?! Zach instinctively hid to the side to avoid the blow. A huge roar sounded. Zach turned around and found that the entire street had been plowed with huge scars, and there were huge scars along the way. All the cars were crushed to pieces, and the huge wind blade blasted a huge gap into the building.

Zach was stunned. Is he still a human being who can do such a thing? He thought so in his heart.

Although the strong men in the DOA world view are powerful, they are still within the range that humans can understand. However, the strong men in the King of Fighters world view exceed the limits of the human body. They just put on a leather jacket and go to the Kamen Rider studio next door to fight. No problem.

And Levi is even more superior to all the fighters in the King of Fighters worldview. Although Zach is one of the top masters in the DOA worldview and learned Muay Thai by watching TV imitations, but compared to monsters like Levi, he is really It's too weak to pull out.

If you can dodge this blow, you are not incompetent. How about trying this move? Levi raised his hands and slapped them hard on the ground. A huge blue wave of air spread outwards with him as the center. Spreading out, Zach was submerged in an instant.

The blue air wave dissipated, and Zach was completely missing. He was burned to a pile of ashes by Levi.

This move is exactly the ultimate secret of Gith's clone, the fighting spirit storm.

Li Wei smiled and said: Those who are watching the fun can come out now.

At the corner of the street, a tall golden young man wearing a silver mask came out.

Levi narrowed his eyes slightly. Unlike Zack, who was not very discerning, he could tell the identity of the person in front of him immediately. He was a top powerhouse from the Street Fighter worldview, a noble ninja from Sepanya, and a member of the Shadow Luo Organization. One of the Four Heavenly Kings, Baroque.

Excuse me, goodbye. Barok leaned over and gave a gentleman's salute, then jumped heavily, widening the distance between the two parties, and after a few jumps, the figure disappeared.

Levi couldn't laugh or cry: Am I so terrible?.

Chapter. No martial ethics

At this time, Baroque's heart was already occupied by fear. He was a smart man and knew how to act within his ability, so in this situation, he chose to escape without hesitation.

Are you kidding me? Beating such a monster on the head? Such a fight is simply not fair. The difference in strength is too big. Barok felt that cold sweat was breaking out on his back. He originally wanted to take advantage of the two sides to fight. He was a loser and came out to take the kill himself, but what happened made him frightened, and Levi killed Zach in an instant.

But what Barok didn't know was that if he came earlier, he wouldn't be able to escape. After all, no one could leave alive without knowing Levi's secret. It was precisely because he didn't see Levi pulling Zach into the sea of ​​consciousness space that Levi didn't chase him.

At this time, Levi stayed where he was, thinking about the next thing. Now there are three camps. The King of Fighters is camp A, DOA is camp C, so Street Fighter is most likely to be camp B. Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be another camp. There is a fourth-party force, but no one can say anything will happen until there is an encounter.

But one thing that is certain now is that half of the people must be eliminated first. The rules of the Red Devils battlefield are that if you die here, you are really dead. There is no second life, even if you are in the winner's camp. If you die, you will die, unless someone defeats the space boss Red Devil or the original Athena uses the wishing opportunity to resurrect the dead.

However, Levi will not waste his precious wish-making opportunity on this kind of thing, and up to now, he has not thought about what he wants to wish for. After all, he has everything now. The wishing reward of the Red Devil Battlefield, For him it was just the icing on the cake.

After getting rid of Zach in the DOA camp, Levi did not stay where he was. He just chose a direction and left. Although this space will provide the most basic reminder of enemy encounters, it requires a fairly close distance to reach it. , so you still have to find a way to find talents yourself, and Levi, who has strong perception ability and a perception range that can radiate several kilometers away, has an absolute advantage in this regard.

After leaving the city, Levi came to the mountain forest area, and his perception sensed that a battle was going on. Blanca from the Street Fighter camp faced off against Hayabusa from the DOA camp.

This was an evenly matched battle. Neither Savage Blanca nor Hayabusa could gain an absolute advantage, and the two sides fell into a protracted battle.

The overall strength of the Street Fighter camp is not much different from that of the King of Fighters camp, but except for a few special beings in the DOA camp, most of the fighters are ordinary people with mortal bodies. Facing such a big melee, they will be at a great disadvantage.

Blanca grew up in the wilderness and is very familiar with mountain combat, while Hayabusa, as a ninja, is also good at fighting in complex terrain. Although Blanca has stronger attack power, she cannot catch Hayabusa, so the two sides are in a stalemate.

Hayabusa's strength is considered pretty good in Levi's opinion, but when faced with Blanca, who is as rough and fleshy as a monster, the damage output is not as fast as the opponent's recovery.

Blanca's strength is like a beggar's version of the Hulk in Levi's eyes. Except for him, anyone else in the three camps will find it difficult to deal with him. This is an unbeatable piece of candy. The weak ones can't beat them, and the strong ones can win, but they will consume a lot of energy, so it's not cost-effective. Now Hayabusa is in such a dilemma, unable to win quickly, which is very difficult for ninjas. deadly.

However, Li Wei found that besides himself, there was someone who wanted to take advantage of him secretly. Although this person was well hidden, he was still invisible to Li Wei's perception.

Street Fighter's Fang? It's actually him? Levi has also played Street Fighter and has a good understanding of the character Fang. When he played ranked before, he mainly played Akuma and Chunli. When he met Fang who knows how to play will find it quite disgusting. It's not that he can't beat him, but that Fang is very good at making fake moves. If he's not careful, he will be fooled by his fake moves. When playing with Fang, the level of disgust is second only to that of playing with Fang. Menet fights.

Fang is a subordinate of Vega, responsible for the development of weapons and experiments of the Shadow Luo organization. Originally, Fang himself was the leader of the Gu Hao, the largest drug trafficking organization in Asia, and later pretended to join the Shadow Luo organization and wanted to replace Vega.

However, Fang and his men who besieged Vega were defeated by Vega's moves, and all of Fang's men were instantly killed. Fang was frightened by Vega's power, and finally let go of his pride, surrendered to Vega, and even became a He became a fan of Vega and took pride in being a figure around Vega.

After Sagat left the Shadow Luo organization, he became a figure, and freaks like Fang were naturally hated by Baroque and boxing champion Bison.

Interesting, the mantis stalks the cicada, is the oriole behind? In Levi's perception, another character belonging to the Street Fighter camp appeared, the super ancient warrior who appeared in Street Fighter, Necali.

Necali is a being who likes to devour the souls of strong men. He is a monster in human skin. He is considered an extremely powerful being in the Street Fighter camp.

Levi could only mourn for Hayabusa. If he hits three, he will definitely be thrown into the street.

Now it's a camp war. In order to survive, even former enemies will temporarily put aside their hatred and fight together. What's more, Fang and Necali are not very particular people.

Li Wei continued to sit on the Diaoyutai while watching the show. He had no intention of helping Hayabusa escape or participating in the siege of Hayabusa. After all, he would end up fighting and killing himself, which would be as fun as watching a show now.

Hayabusa, who had a keen sense, also noticed the abnormality, but by this time it was already too late. Nekali stabbed out with a diagonal stab, directly attacking Hayabusa's back.

Hayabusa dodged Blanca's sparkling claw attack, and turned around to strike with the long knife in his hand. However, Nekali did not dodge at all, and withdrew the knife forcefully. The blade only cut through Nekali. skin.

The sword forged by Dragon Teeth can't break defense?! Hayabusa was extremely shocked. The long sword he used was an inheritance of the Dragon Ninja Clan and was also the most powerful sword of the Dragon Ninja Clan. Using this sword Ryunomaru, he killed many powerful demons and ghosts, but when faced with the green-skinned savage and the brown-skinned primitive man, he was defeated one after another.

Nekali wouldn't care so much. Now he only thinks about how to survive, and he doesn't have any strong demeanor. After breaking through the defense line of Hayabusa, he grabbed Hayabusa's head and put it to death. He fell to the ground, and at the same time the power of his hand exploded, and the huge impact directly knocked Hayabusa into the ground.

Good opportunity! Fang seized this opportunity and rushed out, using the Chicken Sky move, swooping down from high altitude, and throwing out several purple poisonous sac balls from the long sleeves wrapped around his hands.

Seeing this scene, both Necali and Blanca stepped aside at the same time. Fang is a master of poison. This is something everyone knows, and Fang's poison is so poisonous that even a strong man like Vega does not dare to face it. Hard attack, you can only use mental shield to counterattack. Therefore, the two people, whose main fighting method was hand-to-hand combat, distanced themselves the moment they saw the poison ball landing.

The poison ball landed on Falcon Dragon's body, and in an instant, Falcon Dragon's body surface was stained with a layer of terrifying purple.

Uh...cough...cough...cough... Hayabusa struggled, but his struggle became increasingly weak. His physique was extremely special. Such poison could not kill him directly, but it still made him weak. OK.

However, in this current state, once you fall into weakness, you will be doomed.

Chapter. Villain Squad

At this time, three people from the Street Fighter camp gathered around.

His soul is mine. Nekali said. He has a very special ability. He can swallow the souls of strong people to strengthen himself, so he can do without other things, but he will never give up the soul of Falcon Dragon. Let out.

It's up to you to do this kind of thing. His head belongs to me. This is a feat. If you offer this guy's head to Master Vega, you will definitely be happy. Yohohohoho! The one with a face like a donkey Fang showed a proud smile.

Even a master like Hayabusa fell into trouble when faced with an attack by masters of the same level who did not respect martial ethics. However, anyone faced with such a situation would find it difficult. Except for a few strong men with extremely strong life-saving abilities, Most people will rush into the street when faced with such a situation.

Fang directly stepped on Hayabusa's neck and twisted it hard with his feet, directly cutting off Hayabusa's neck and bones from his torso.

As long as we maintain the numerical advantage here, no matter how strong he is, he will become our prey! Fang smiled confidently, lifted up Falcon Dragon's dead head, and looked at it from different angles. I hate that the thing in my hand is bloody.

Levi withdrew his gaze, feeling a little pity in his heart. He had also played the Ninja Gaiden series on XBOX. The fall of Ryu Hayabusa made him feel a little emotional. This kind of cross-work level combat power directly collided. , it is indeed quite dangerous, and the car will overturn if you are not careful.

But Hayabusa's rollover seemed normal to Levi. Savage Blanca's combat ability in the wild was not inferior to that of a ninja. Whether it was concealment or mobility, he was a top fighter-level presence. And Nekali himself is also an ancient warrior from ancient times. The battlefield itself is the jungle. He needs to use various concealment methods to hunt wild beasts and kill enemies. Therefore, he is also very skilled in jungle warfare. He can sneak attack Falcon Dragon without being caught. Now, you can see how troublesome it is to face such a master of jungle warfare without wide-area perception capabilities.

As for Fang, there is no need to say more. No matter what the situation is, encountering such a master of poison will make people feel disgusted. As long as they are still flesh and blood, they will hate encountering such an enemy. Of course, a mechanized human in human skin would be very capable of restraining a master of poison like Fang.

The three people left happily, leaving only Hayabusa's headless body lying miserably in the gravel pit. Next to it was his family heirloom sword Ryu no Maru.

Ryuunomaru, who could cut open Nekali's skin, was despised by the three of them, and was thrown here like a piece of scrap metal. But it’s not just Necali and others who look down on it, but now Levi also looks down on it. He can get as much as he wants of this kind of equipment, which is equivalent to blue grade equipment at most.

Levi continued to move forward after leaving here. Now he is like a huge hunter lurking at the bottom, watching the prey in the shallow area. Only when he encounters an enemy that he finds interesting, he will take the initiative to take action. Other times, They are all selective.

However, the cruelty of the Red Devil battlefield also determines that the casualty rate here will be quite high. As long as people from different camps meet, they will fight to the death.

Levi was not in a hurry and walked forward leisurely. He had arrived at a new city. This city was slightly different from the previous one. It looked like a European and American city. Everything was in English. But it is similar to the previous cities, that is, there is no human habitation here.

Levi walked into a fast food restaurant, operated the machine, got himself a hot dog, and then left the store, eating as he walked.

Within the range of perception, individuals from three hostile camps have appeared in front of him, seemingly preparing to intercept him.

Looking at the opponent's combination, Li Weili was amused. Is this a bad girl combination? Han Zhuli, Crimson Viper, and Colin, the three women are not economical lamps.

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