The Orochi Familia wants to cause trouble in the King of Fighters Tournament? If that's the case, for ordinary people, this place is indeed a hell-like existence for Shura. Shen'an said.

Shen'an doesn't like meaningless fighting, and even hates violence, but the world is so helpless, and some things can only be solved with fists. In his opinion, those Orochi Familia who have brain problems cannot communicate normally at all, so beating the opponent down directly is the fastest way to communicate.

Levi smiled and said, Have you mastered the wine glass?

Hearing Li Wei's words, Shen'an's pupils shrank suddenly. The wine glass move is the absolute trump card of the Shen family. It requires extremely high talent to practice. This move itself has no lethality, but it can be done. Block space and even interfere with time to a certain extent.

This is the top secret of the God family, and it is also a secret that the other two families of the three artifacts don't know. Each of the three artifact families has their own special skills, and such special skills are kept secret.

Where did you know about such a thing? Shen'an's tone sounded a little wary.

First answer me whether you have mastered the wine glass, and then I will tell you what happened. Levi said.

Shen'an nodded and said: It can't be used under the right circumstances. Even if it is used reluctantly, it can be easily avoided. But if someone helps me contain the target, I can achieve a fairly high hit rate.

Levi smiled and said: As long as it can be used, don't you want to know the answer? The answer is very simple. The big snake is about to revive.

At this time, Shen'an almost lost his expression. He also had a certain understanding of the big snake. Most of the ancient books at home were related to the big snake. After all, the Chiqiong family would become the Shen family. The flame inherited by the bloodline will change from gold to purple because of the big snake.

It can be said that the Kami family and Orochi have a certain blood connection, and for this reason, the Kami family has always been wary of the Kusanagi family. Therefore, the Shen family is often very embarrassed, feeling like they are not human inside and out. Members of the Shen family also want to prove themselves, but because their ancestors went astray, opportunities to prove themselves are now rare.

No matter how many members of the Orochi family were eliminated, the Kagura family and the Kusanagi family were still on guard. This feeling was quite uncomfortable for the proud members of the God family.

You want me to seal the big snake? Shen'an asked.

What? Don't you have the guts? Levi laughed.

Hahahahahahaha!!! It's interesting, it's so interesting. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I was fighting against that bastard Kyo Kusanagi! It's just a big snake, as long as you can hold him back, I can find a way Trapped him completely. Shen'an had a ferocious smile on his face. Now, the opportunity to clear the name of the Shen family finally came. How could he not be excited about such a thing.

Kamian has already made up his mind. In the decisive battle with Kusanagi Kyo, it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses. As long as Orochi can be sealed again, then the Kamian family will naturally be able to enjoy the current treatment justifiably and will not be cheated by others behind their backs. Pointing.

The still young Shen'an now is not the miserable and unlucky guy who appeared in the original plot. Now he has a family and everything, so he is not as extreme as he will be later.

····Ask for flowers····

However, he is even easier to guide for Li Wei.

Li Wei patted Shen'an on the shoulder and said with a smile: Young man, you will not regret your choice now. From now on, the Shen family can wash away the stains on themselves and raise their heads again.


After deceiving Shinan, Levi repeated his old tricks, using his family's sense of honor to catch fish, and deceived Kyo Kusanagi into his snake-fighting team.

Different from the mature Chizuru and Mangui, whether it is Kusanagi Kyo or Kamian, they are still relatively young teenagers. They were inspired by Li Wei's few words and wanted to fight Orochi to the death. If they were already The two adults would never be fooled like this.

....... ........ ...

And Kusanagi Kyo even patted his chest and said that he would save his strength in the finals to deal with Orochi who broke out of the seal. Although he still doesn't know how to use Orochi, he also uses Orochi to the point of proficiency. As for the main attacker, it is barely passable.

But what Kusanagi Kyo doesn't know is that both he and Shinan are just additions brought by Li Wei. It's also because Li Wei is in a good mood that he is willing to let the two of them experience. After all, they have some feelings. , if it can be realized, even if there is no direct benefit, Levi will be willing to do it.

When the two teams walked out of the lounge, the entire venue was in an uproar, and the cheers of tens of thousands of people soared into the sky. Facing such a scene for the first time, both Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan were a little confused. Terry of the Shen'an team is a veteran who has participated in two competitions and did not panic when faced with such a situation.

At this time, the Orochi Familia also took action. Although ordinary people could not feel it, the Orochi Familia, who were extremely sensitive to energy reactions, could already feel the huge energy surging underground. Their faces were full of excitement and excitement. Fanatical expression. But now, the atmosphere of the entire venue is very fanatical, so no one can detect their abnormality, because now the people in the entire venue are no different from them, and even act crazier than them.

Chapter. The resurrection of the big snake

After dressing up in disguise, Goenitz and Qilongshe, who were sitting in the audience, were ready to take action.

Goenitz looked at the Seven Shackles Club and said, This time, I have to work hard for you.

Qijiaoshe waved his hand and said with a smile: It's just a matter of sleeping, it's no big deal. After our Lord comes, we can have a good rest. This time, let me be the carrier of the coming. .”

Strictly speaking, Goenitz is more suitable as a carrier, but in the view of the Qiluo Society, Goenitz still needs to lead the clan members, so he feels that it is more appropriate for him to do such a thing.

After all, he is not good at commanding his tribe, so now that Jie Ji has only revived two people, he is the only candidate for the descending carrier.

Qijiaoshe stood up, his tall figure instantly blocking the audience behind him.

Big guy in front, sit down, you're blocking me from watching the game! the audience behind said dissatisfiedly.

Qiluo She turned around, showed a gentle smile, and said: Please wait a moment, you will soon be able to see a scene that is more exciting and exciting than the competition.

After Qi Yeshe said that, he jumped up high and floated in the air as if he had escaped gravity. At the same time, a huge torrent of energy began to gather towards him, and the dazzling white light spread out, as if something appeared in the sky. The third round of the sun.

This scene made the audience at the venue stunned, wondering what was happening now.

At this time, Chizuru and Wangui, who were staying at the venue and were ready for battle, ended their meditation with their eyes closed and opened their eyes.

Here we go, this kind of power is very similar to what is recorded in ancient books. It should be a big snake. I just don't know if it's Gonitz or the Seven Flails Society. Qianzhe said.

I'm going to evacuate people, Qianhe, I'll leave it to you first, Wan Gui said.

I understand, sister, I'm here to watch, there won't be any problems. Today is the day to end the family's fate, let's work hard! Qianzuru said.

Chizuru continued to sit in, while Mangui notified the broadcast room and began to play the evacuation siren.

Due to a terrorist attack, everyone at the venue is asked to evacuate the venue under the guidance of the staff! Repeat, there is a terrorist attack at the venue. For your safety, please follow the nearest staff and use the emergency escape route to evacuate the venue!

The piercing siren caused chaos in the audience at the venue, but Li Wei and Wan Gui, who had long expected such a thing to happen, made preparations in advance and had a large number of staff hidden in the auditorium at the venue. After the chaos broke out, when the sirens were heard, the staff responsible for evacuating people took off the coats they were wearing to disguise their identities, revealing their gray combat uniforms, and began to control order and evacuate people at the same time.

At this time, Qiluoshe had begun to lose his mind. He knew that the big snake was about to wake up. In order to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the clan, no matter what kind of sacrifices are made, it is worth it. And for him as Jieji, such a thing is just sleep, not even a sacrifice.

These dirty bugs have made a mess on the earth. Now, it's time to make these dirty bugs pay the price... After Qifongshe finished speaking, his whole body began to change, and a pattern like a sun wheel appeared. On his body surface, at the same time, the pupils of his eyes had changed from normal human pupils to snake-like vertical pupils.

The gray head swelled suddenly, and the whole person exuded a terrifying pressure, and the whole space seemed to be solidified.

Seven Flails Society...I already know about your sacrifice... The big snake looked down at the fleeing people, with no expression on his face. He looked neither sad nor happy, which made people frightened.

At this moment, a large number of golden chains blocked the entire space, and a golden sun appeared on the head of the big snake.

A golden figure descended slowly, and the soft golden light slowly overflowed. Li Wei, who had completed his attire and was fully armed for battle, looked down at the big snake with a soft smile on his face.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Orochi. Levi's smile was very gentle and clean, like the big brother next door.

Two gods stood in the sky. The golden warm sun and the pale sun exuding death energy eroded each other's light, and the battle had begun.

Li Wei stretched out his golden wings, with a golden sword in his left hand and a golden spear in his right hand. A hollow sun wheel appeared behind his head. At this time, his aura was fully displayed, and a large number of arrangements were now taking effect. The big snake had been layered. Layer bondage... .

Wan Gui complained about him before and basically never saw him doing anything serious, but in fact, Li Wei put the venue as the center and arranged a large number of guidance circles. The intense emotions of the audience in the venue were partly absorbed into the venue. The energy-gathering array was placed under it, but more of it was incorporated into the guidance array he had prepared in advance, becoming his temporary battery and home field advantage.

Although the current Orochi is recovering in full glory, Levi is not a vegetarian. Not to mention his own strength, he has also made a lot of preparations in advance and has an absolute home field advantage.

Below, Jinan and Kusanagi Kyo, who were watching the confrontation in the sky, both had expressions of collapse on their faces. The auras exuded by Levi and Orochi had suppressed them to the point where just raising a finger required all the strength of the whole body. How can we fight in such a situation?

Is the gap between him and me so big?! Shen'an raised his head unwillingly and looked at the two people in the sky. Thinking that he was as big as Wan in front of Li Wei, he felt I have the idea of ​​going back in time and strangling my former self, because it's so embarrassing.

This is no longer as simple as playing tricks, but like an ordinary person showing off his wealth in front of a billionaire. Thinking that he has done such a thing, Shen'an feels extremely embarrassed. At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart how awesome the ancestor who sealed the serpent was.

Not only was Shinan's face distorted, Kusanagi Kyo was also filled with unwillingness at this moment. The gap in strength between the two sides was really too big, to the point where he couldn't help at all.

That uncle asked me to help! He was just trying to see my joke, that's definitely the case! Thinking of Levi's smiling face, Kusanagi Kyo felt itchy with hatred. He was playing a trick on him.

Qianhe and Wangui looked at Li Wei who looked like the sun in the sky, and both showed surprised expressions. Especially Qianhe, he fell into a state of shock.

Chapter. The Orochi Familia is about to be destroyed

The golden sword in Li Wei's hand was thrown out, and it instantly transformed into thousands of sword lights, sweeping towards the big snake. The big snake raised his hand, and the space twisted and hit the sword light. In an instant, a harsh shattering sound sounded, and the space was directly torn apart.

Orochi's abilities are quite domineering, and he can break the space with a casual attack. Compared to Orochi, he can also play with the evils of space, so he is just a noob compared to him.

The sword light shattered, and the space was also shattered. The aftermath of the fight between the two sides had already set off a strong wind. The shattered space spread outwards, destroying the entire venue into a state of disarray. The audience who was too slow to evacuate, Affected by the space fragmentation, it was instantly turned into a mosaic.

The big snake noticed the abnormality, his face changed, and said: I didn't expect that I was still calculated. Is this all in your calculation? Even time has been sealed...

Levi smiled and said: I'm not good at playing with time, but I can make you unable to play with time.

Levi knew that there was a certain gap between himself and the other party. The gap was mainly in experience. After all, he was just a young man in his teens, and the opposite person was an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years. This was no longer a matter of food. There is more salt than rice to eat, but it is a big snake that has existed since the birth of the earth. It has billions of years of experience than Levi. If he doesn't make more preparations, Levi is really afraid that he will overturn. .

I don't understand. You have far surpassed humans, why would you choose to help humans? Orochi said in confusion.

Levi smiled and said: Because there are my compatriots here. Although they are not perfect and have many problems, they are always my compatriots. You who want to clean up all mankind have an irreconcilable relationship with me. contradictory.

That's a pity, we can only be enemies. Orochi said calmly.

The two sides were fighting. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and moon became dull. Every confrontation between the golden sun and the pale sun would cut off layers of the ground. In just a short moment, the entire venue had disappeared, and everyone had moved away. Here, if it weren't for the seal arranged by Li Wei, the battle between the two sides would have caused even greater damage.

Both sides raised their height and stayed away from the ground, but a large number of golden chains, like tarsal maggots, trapped the big snake. No matter what means the big snake used, it could not break through the blockade of the golden chains.

On the ground, Goenitz was facing off against the Giese clone and the Krausa clone.

Outside the ruins of the venue, members of the Gith Society and the Emperor Organization were heavily armed and had surrounded the members of the Orochi Familia.

Goenitz's face was gloomy. He originally thought that after the big snake revived, it would be able to quickly eliminate humans. Unexpectedly, the situation would turn out like this. Everything was out of his control. This was a trap.

Chizuru and Wangui did not expect that Geese and Krausa, the two uncrowned kings of the underground world, would choose to fight alongside them. Such a thing made them incredible.

Goenitz looked at the Geese clone and said, I let you go, but I didn't expect that you would actively seek death now. If that's the case, then I will meet your request.

The Gith clone smiled and said: Actually, I want to thank you for not coming to see me, otherwise I would have to be like Karl now, with an electronic eye.

Goenitz's face was extremely gloomy. He did not expect that Gis would cooperate with Levi. Gis was a very arrogant person. He felt that he knew Gis quite well, but the choice Gis has made now has already changed his mind. Beyond the limits of his understanding.

Goenitz didn't say anything else, he just put on a posture and prepared for the battle. In his opinion, whether it was Giese, Karl, or Clausa, they were just defeated enemies. He could defeat the opponent. He can defeat the opponent countless times. As the leader of the Orochi Familiar Clan, the power he possesses is like a natural disaster, which is incomparable to human power.

Chizuru and Wangui stepped aside, because they knew that not only would they not be able to help, but they would only cause trouble, so they decided to let Geese and Krausa go.

Under Levi's control, the Gith clones and Krausa clones were no different from real people. No one could see the abnormality. It was not just Chizuru and Wangui who didn't realize the problem, but even Goenitz who was fighting against them. , have not yet realized that the two people in front of them are actually the puppets of others.

The Gith clone raises its hand to fire out the Gale Fist. Gith's original Gale Fist requires the ground as a medium, but the Gith clone does not. The Gith clone's Gale Fist can be regarded as a prop, possessing extremely powerful abilities. Anti-air capability.

You really don't know how to play with wind in front of me!? Before Gonitz could finish his words, he was already confused by Krausa's clone Caesar Wave and was directly blasted out.

Seeing this scene, Qianzhe was shocked. Is this still the arrogant underground emperor? He actually learned how to sneak attack. Not only Qianzhe, but other fighters who were watching the excitement were also a little confused about the situation. After all, whether it was Gis Either Clausa or Goenitz is a person who rarely appears. The current situation of people is that the big guys are fighting each other, and the salty fish are shouting from the side.

Although this level of battle is not as good as the confrontation between Levi and Orochi, it is still a very high-level battle. Ordinary fighters do not even have the space to help.

Goenitz was immediately at a disadvantage when faced with the attack from the two puppet clones. He found that even if they were right, it would be difficult to win against Giese and Krausa. , now that the two of them work together, it is even more difficult to deal with.

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