Mai Zhuo, who had experienced intrigues in the workplace, had many scenes flash through her mind instantly. She couldn't believe that Wan Gui could be a person with different appearances and was very generous in front of Li Wei. , but privately he is another person. Wan Gui said: There is probably a power called the 'Power of the Serpent' in your body, which is a power that can harm others and yourself. I need to test it to determine whether you carry this power.

The power of the big snake? What is that? Mai Zhuo did not expect the words she expected. To her, Wan Gui's words were like the content in those juvenile comics, but the title the power of the big snake was still Quite handsome.

…Please give me flowers.

Wan Gui gently lifted up the long sleeves of her witch uniform, and put her bare hands on Mai Zhuo's wrist. The two pairs of extremely beautiful hands were close together. This kind of skin-to-skin contact, even though they were both women, still made Mai Zhuo feel... She felt a little shy, especially when Wan Gui leaned over and lowered her body. She could even feel Wan Gui's hot breath.

When Wan Gui's hand was placed on Mai Zhuo's wrist, Mai Zhuo felt an electric shock all over her body. It was a feeling of fear like an animal encountering a natural enemy. Instantly, she felt a desire to escape in her heart. The urge to open.

What's going on?! My body doesn't listen to my own commands! Mai Zhuo exclaimed.

0. That's because the power of the sleeping big snake in your body is stimulated and agitated. Once the power of the big snake in your body revives, you will be occupied by an ancient soul, and you will no longer be You. Wan Gui said with a serious expression.

Is the situation so serious? My soul will be replaced. Isn't this kind of thing too exaggerated? Does the soul really exist? Mai Zhuo said in surprise.

Wan Gui said with a serious expression: In modern terms, you are in a state of split personality. Mai Zhuo, you are a normal personality on the surface, but there is an inner personality hidden in your body. This inner personality is very special. Evil and cruel, once she wakes up, she will devour you now.

Looking at Mai Zhuo's confused look, Wan Gui continued: Recall carefully, have you ever experienced a situation where you suddenly lost control or lost a certain memory?

Mai Zhuo was horrified because she had experienced losing control and having a blank memory. Once she lost control and a group of boys laughed at her for being so strong and a bully. She felt an inexplicable anger in her heart and beat up more than 20 boys. After entering the hospital, if her parents hadn't hired a good lawyer to exonerate her, she might have gone to a re-education center and stayed there for a year or two.

She also had the experience of blank memory. When she woke up, she found that everything around her seemed to have been bombed and was in ruins. She knew that this was her doing, and she was very afraid of herself being so uncontrollable. .

Unexpectedly, it turned out that there was an ancient soul hidden in her body, and she felt scared. work.

Chapter 332. Wan Gui’s little thoughts

Mai Zhuo is also a little panicked about her current situation. After all, Wan Gui is not talking nonsense. She has experienced the situation Wan Gui said before, but this is her biggest secret, even for Li Wei. Never mentioned it.

After all, she has never wanted to face the fact that she is a monster. She has always wanted to forget her specialness. However, now, all the truth has been revealed. It is not that she is a monster, but her There is a monster lurking inside him.

Ancient soul, such a term, sounds like it is not an ordinary existence. How can she, an ordinary person, fight against such an existence?

She originally thought it was just a hidden danger, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a landmine that could explode at any time. Once it exploded, she would be done with it.

Mai Zhuo said eagerly: Then how to solve this situation? Since Miss Wangui 087 can see the problem, there must be a solution, right?

Wan Gui nodded and said: I do have a way to seal it, but this seal still has hidden dangers. It can only guarantee a stable period of 30 years at most. The best way to deal with it is to let Li Weijun take action. He comes to make the permanent seal.”

Li Wei's strength is still far superior to hers. If she can only guarantee the seal, and the seal will be stable for twenty or thirty years, then Li Wei can achieve it once and for all.

If there was a better way, she wouldn't need to take action.

After hearing that her problem could be solved, Mai Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not unsolvable. After all, she was still young and had not lived enough yet. She finally met someone she liked, but she left him like this before she could express her feelings to him. She would not be reconciled to anything she said.

Mai Zhuo showed a relieved smile and said: As long as the problem can be solved, it's okay. After all, Miss Wan Gui, you are the first person to know my secret. There is another soul hidden in the body. This kind of thing is a bit... frightening.

Mai Zhuo has always hidden this secret. It is not that she deliberately hides her problems from the people around her, but she is afraid that the people around her will show her discriminatory eyes again. The bad memories of her childhood have become her It is precisely because of this that she is unwilling to mention this matter, even though she knows that this kind of thing has huge hidden dangers.

Wan Gui smiled and said: There are some secrets that will hurt you if you keep them in your heart for a long time. I am happy to be your tree hole. I am quite a tight-lipped person.

Mai Zhuo felt warm in her heart. She was previously afraid that Wan Gui was a person with different appearances and duplicities. However, it turned out that she was overthinking. Wan Gui saw the hidden dangers in her body and was willing to provide solutions. This approach , which made her feel good. Wan Gui stood up and said with a smile: Now that we know what the problem is, it is easy to solve it. I will discuss a plan with Li Weijun in the next few days to find a way to completely solve the hidden dangers in your body. Wan Gui also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time lamented the luck of himself and Li Wei. By chance, they were able to meet an unawakened heir to the power of the Eight Heroes.

As long as the power in Mai Zhuo's body can be sealed here, Goenitz will lose a general. Every member of the Eight Elites is an irreplaceable top combat force for the Orochi Familia.

The successors of the Eight Masters' collective power, before awakening the power within their bodies, have varying strengths. Generally speaking, they are not too strong if they are not developed.

But as long as the power in the body is awakened and the ancient soul awakens, the unawakened personality will be washed away by the huge memory of the ancient soul. In a sense, the successor of the power is already dead at this time , it is the eight masters of the Orochi clan who continue to exist in the world, not the successors of power themselves.

This is important information that the Kagura family obtained at the cost of their blood. This is why Wangui wants to seal the power in Mai Zhuo's body.

As long as the last heir of power does not die, the eight heroes will not be reincarnated again. Using this method, a high-end combat power of the Orochi Familia can be directly eliminated for decades.

Although Li Wei said that he would decide the outcome with Orochi before the millennium and completely end the tragic fate of the Kagura family, the more chances of winning, the better, so as to enhance one's own strength as much as possible. Going all out to weaken the opponent is the surest way to win.

Mai Zhuo was a little grateful to Wan Gui in her heart, but this was also the result Wan Gui wanted. She wanted to have a good relationship with other girls as much as possible, while maintaining her majesty and affinity as a lady. With both approaches, she didn't believe that she couldn't sit still. This location...

Mai Zhuo said: I am very grateful for your reminder, Miss Wan Gui. If I hadn't been reminded by you, I wouldn't have known that my current situation was so dangerous. Wan Gui smiled and said, I don't want to see anything happen to you. Li Weijun doesn’t want this either.”

Although the two of them are about the same age, Mai Zhuo feels like she is facing a reliable eldest sister, but this feeling is not bad. For her who is happy-go-lucky, she can be protected and does not have to worry anymore. Being exposed to the wind and rain like before is also a blessing.

Mai Zhuo's character is a bit lazy to a certain extent, and she also knows that she is somewhat not striving for advancement, but she just can't get rid of this habit. She was already satisfied with the humiliation.

Now, this little wish has been fulfilled, and she, who is easily satisfied, has no more ambitions or extravagant hopes.

Miss Wan Gui, I feel like you are like a big sister. No, I should say you are the eldest sister in a family. Mai Zhuo sighed.

Wan Gui smiled. What she wanted was this effect. When everyone recognized her as the eldest sister, she naturally became the eldest sister of all the girls.

After Wan Gui left Mai Zhuo's room, Li Wei also withdrew his perception. Li Wei was well aware of Wan Gui's little 2.8 thoughts. Wherever there are people, there is a world. In a big family, when there are more girls, various problems will naturally arise. This is inevitable.

If it were on the floating island, Levi would be able to completely control the situation because of his absolute control of time, but in the outside world, he would not be able to do everything absolutely.

Therefore, he would just turn a blind eye to Wan Gui's little actions. As long as Wan Gui didn't do too much, he would pretend not to see it.

However, it is not easy for Wan Gui to become the master of the harem. The competitors she has to face are far more than just the girls in this world, as well as the group of Yingying on Li Wei's floating island. Yanyan, in this huge harem, it is not easy to become Li Wei's assistant. .

Chapter 333. Morning meeting

Early the next morning, Wan Gui came to the door of Li Wei's room. As she was very familiar with Li Wei, she naturally no longer needed to be as formal as before. She quietly opened the door of Li Wei's room and tiptoed. Sneaked in.

She knew that Levi was a person who liked to sleep in, so if she went in at this time, Levi would most likely be asleep.

Levi is becoming more and more free to control his thinking circuits. Now he can do something similar to a dolphin. He can make some thinking circuits active while other thinking circuits are in a dormant state. Using this rotation and rest system, he can ensure that he Control of the puppet clone will not be interrupted.

And this also allows him to respond to external stimulation at any time. In other words, he is always awake but resting at any time, which is something ordinary humans cannot do.

When Wan Gui gently opened the paper wooden door, she had actually been exposed, but Li Wei did not open his eyes. It was still some time before getting up. For 26, who was used to getting up late, it would be better to get up earlier. Just feel uncomfortable.

Wan Gui tiptoed to Li Wei's side and sat down. She really liked looking at Li Wei's sleeping face. Normally, Li Wei was as warm as the sun, but with his eyes closed tightly, he looked as bright as the moon. A sense of coldness and aloofness, this huge contrast is difficult for any woman to resist.

Li Wei's face is more three-dimensional, somewhat similar to Mai Zhuo, with both Eastern-style sword eyebrows and starry eyes, as well as Western-style three-dimensional contours. All the beauty can be found in this face.

Wan Gui sometimes thinks to himself that if Li Wei becomes a Cowherd, those wealthy ladies and eldest ladies will probably break the threshold of the Cowherd Club, and they will all compete for Li Wei's order.

Wan Gui gently reached out his hand and poked Li Wei's face with his fingers. Li Wei's skin was not as thin and tender as butter, but had a healthy elastic feel, dry and yet soft. Firm and not greasy at all.

Human pores secrete various products similar to oil. This is inevitable. No matter what handsome man or beauty you are, if you don't pay attention to taking care of your skin, it will appear greasy.

Even in Shiranui Ninja, located deep in the mountains, they used to send people out to purchase every month. In addition to purchasing various foods, they also purchased a lot of various female products, such as sanitary napkins, cosmetics, skin care products, etc. Yes, these are inevitable expenses for women.

Although Shiranui-ryu's special chakra refining method can allow women who practice Shiranui-ryu ninjutsu to maintain their youthful appearance for a long time, this beauty will be compromised if they do not take care of themselves carefully.

As for Wangui and Qianhe, who do not have this special cultivation method, their monthly expenditure on skin care products is equivalent to less than half a month's salary of an ordinary person, and this is already the result of the two of them being very economical.

As an extraordinary being, Levi is able to control his own endocrine system. He no longer needs body oils to protect his cuticles. After all, he is now on the road to perfect existence.

The worries of ordinary people are not problems at all for Levi.

Wan Gui's hand pinched Li Wei's cheek and applied gentle force. As she lifted it, Li Wei's cheek deformed slightly, which looked a little funny. She had wanted to do this for a long time, but when Levi was awake, she had no such chance. Now, it was time for her to do whatever she wanted.

Looking at Li Wei's slightly funny face, Wan Gui covered his mouth, afraid that he would laugh out loud.

But at this moment, the sound of the door being pulled softly came from behind, startling Wan Gui, and she almost made a sound. When she turned around, she saw that it was Qianzhe.

Wan Gui quickly made a silent gesture. Seeing this scene, Qianhe nodded and walked softly. They all knew that Li Wei had the habit of getting up late. Under normal circumstances, it would take half an hour for Li Wei to wake up late. Will get up.

Qianhe tiptoed to Levi's side, straightened his clothes, and sat down. Wan Gui whispered: I didn't expect you to come this way.

Sister, you are the one. Even though you are a guardian witch, but you are so close to Li Weijun, aren't you afraid that you can't help it? Qianzhe said teasingly.

I still have this bit of concentration, so you don't need to worry about it. Wan Gui said.

Both of them kept their voices very low, both of them were afraid of waking up Li Wei. After all, sneaking into Li Wei's room while he was sleeping was not something that could be talked about in a big way. If If Levi wakes up at this time, they will all feel embarrassed.

Qianhe looked at Li Wei's sleeping face with a sad look on his face and said, It's really troublesome. There are more and more girls around Li Weijun. This man really knows how to attract bees and butterflies.

Wan Gui smiled and said: Isn't this a normal thing? Do you think you are the only one who has a good impression of Li Weijun? The current situation is that even if you divide Li Weijun into any number of parts like cutting a cake, it is not enough. Li Wei, who was pretending to sleep, listened to Wan Gui's words and wanted to complain in his heart. Don't say such scary words with a smile on your face, you always feel like you will turn into a yandere at any time.

There are not enough points here. Once everyone enters the floating island, there will be no such messy problems.

Qianzhe said: No woman would be willing to share her man with other women. This kind of bastard cannot understand this kind of mood. However, every girl around him is there because of various unavoidable reasons. I stayed with him for some reason. In this case, what else can I say?

Wan Gui smiled and said: It's useless for you to be unwilling. After all, you can't drive away all the girls around Li Weijun. Athena can only stay with Li Weijun now. Once she leaves, she will die. And Wu They also relied on Li Weijun's support to complete the transformation of the school. Once they leave Li Weijun, they will be beaten back to their original shape. After all, the profitability of the Shiranui style is really poor, and Li Weijun is equivalent to their lord.

Moreover, Wan Gui has not yet mentioned the housekeeper Qiong and secretary Mai Zhuo beside Li Wei, as well as the daughter of the extreme flow gym leader Yuri Sakazaki.

These girls all have feelings for Levi that go far beyond friendship. To put it bluntly, they have a favorable impression of men and women. The number of competitors Qianhe has to face is quite large. .

Chapter 4. The Orochi Familia is in action

The atmosphere between the two seemed a little strange. Chizuru said: Last night, the informant lurking in the Orochi Familia sent back information. The Orochi Familia found a suspected successor to Jieji's power in Europe. Koniz prepared to personally Set off for Europe.

Wan Gui said in surprise: Is the information reliable?

Qianzhe shook his head and said: No one can guarantee this kind of thing. The informant over there only sent back this message and then lost contact. He was afraid that he would be discovered by other members of the Orochi Familia.

The Orochi Familia is not a monolith. Not everyone wants to follow Goenitz and destroy all mankind. Once humanity is destroyed, the current prosperous and convenient life will be completely ruined. Therefore, there are also some people within the Orochi Familia. People don't want to resurrect the big snake.

Several of them even have a high status within the clan. Except for the last raid led by Goenitz, in most cases, the two sisters can get some information about the big actions of the Orochi clan. of.

The reason why no intelligence came out about the last raid was because in order to prevent the news from leaking, Goenitz personally led the team and selected the men and went out immediately. Before the informants on the Kagura family had time to get the news, Goenitz He had already led his men to kill the Kagura family, catching the Kagura family by surprise.

If Li Wei hadn't arranged defensive measures in advance, something would have happened to Wan Gui.

But this time, the news came out in time.

Qianhe said: Li Weijun now has a way to locate Gonitz. We can definitely use the trick to find the successor of Jie Ji's power. If we can win over him, that would be the best thing. Even if we can't win over, we must not let the big snake The family members succeeded.

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