Although Athena might not be able to keep her Yuan Yin at that time, as long as Athena could return to him, he would be satisfied.

Zhiquan Chong looked at the girls around Levi. He was resentful in his heart. There were already so many girls around Levi, why did he bother to provoke Athena Asamiya. The current situation is one of drought and waterlogging. Zhiquan Chong is very unconvinced in his heart. Why can Li Wei have so many beautiful girls around him? And he finally has a childhood sweetheart, his junior sister, and he is suddenly raped. Levi appeared and pried the corner of the wall.

Levi said: Senior, although you don't plan to compete now, I think it's best to keep the invitation letter. If you change your mind at any time, you have the right to participate in the 077 competition at any time. The time for the competition has been set in the invitation letter. It’s written clearly, I hope you don’t miss such an event.”

Zhen Yuanzhai took the ornately decorated invitation. The invitation was much heavier than ordinary paper in his hand. He opened it and saw that the entire invitation was decorated with complicated gold ornaments. The gold ornaments on it were all genuine. The gold, just the gold on this invitation letter, is not a small amount when converted into money.

The official will not take back these special invitations. After the competition, these invitations can also be used as souvenirs for those fighters. If they are really short of money, they can be sold at a big price.

In this competition, rich and tyrannical people are revealed everywhere, the real Geese. Howard is not so generous, that is, he only did this after becoming Levi's puppet.

Levi himself is not short of gold. It is not a big deal for him to use a little inventory to raise the level of the entire competition. What he wants is a lively competition. As long as he can achieve his goal and can use The problem that money solves is not a problem at all for him.

Zhen Yuanzhai accepted the invitation and said: Well, if I (cgci) can complete the recent practice before the competition, I will take my apprentice to participate. Li Wei said: Senior, you are planning to let Athens Will Na also participate?

Zhen Yuanzhai shook his head and said: Forget what Athena said, it's better for her to keep a low profile now. After all, he is still being watched by that difficult monster. If that monster attacks while you are away, Athena could easily be abducted by him. It is safest to keep her by your side.

Zhen Yuanzhai patted Zhiquan Chong on the shoulder and said to Li Wei: The King of Fighters competition requires a three-person team to participate. For my sake, there is no problem in hiring a master.

Zhenyuanzhai is planning to let Zhiquan Chong also experience the outside world. A grand event like the King of Fighters Tournament, even if it is just a one-day trip, is a rare experience and is very rare for young people. Levi nodded and said: Since you have already made a plan, senior, I won't say anything more. I am looking forward to your performance, senior. Then, I will take my leave first. Levi did not intend to say anything more. After staying here for a long time, the living conditions here are really not used to him who is used to enjoying a convenient life.

But people are here. Since we are at the foot of Lushan Mountain, we naturally want to go up and take a look. After all, there are too many poems and articles related to Lushan Mountain from ancient times to the present. They are all here. If you don’t go and take a look, , I always feel it’s a pity.

After asking Athena to bid farewell to her master and senior brother, Li Wei and his party went to Lushan Mountain. Because Lushan Mountain has not yet been systematically developed, many places are extremely primitive and not suitable for tourism, so a group of people came here Bian stayed for less than a day and left.

Although the natural scenery is beautiful, the lack of supporting facilities and footholds also makes travel cumbersome. This is still the case when Li Wei is responsible for setting up camp. Without Li Wei, it would just be a group of girls who came here by themselves. The large and small bags you need to carry are enough to take away the good mood of traveling.

After leaving the foot of Lushan Mountain, the group of people took the RV to the next place where invitations were distributed, the Snitch Village in Hebei Province. The Snitch Organization is similar to the Ninja Organization to some extent, but it is more independent and unlike the Ninjas who were loyal to their lords in ancient times.

The predecessor of the Snitch Organization was actually mountain bandits, a group of people who were forced to live no longer by the current social situation at that time, as well as people with evil intentions who took the initiative to turn into bandits. Thus, the predecessor of the Snitch Village was born.

With the development of power and the fact that their colleagues were wiped out by the army, the predecessors of the Snitch Village learned to hide themselves and develop secretly, thus changing their careers from mountain bandits to snitches.

In terms of income, the snitches who steal chickens and dogs are naturally not as good as the bandits who directly rob, but they are better in safety. So after their colleagues who were still working as bandits were wiped out by the army, they transferred to the underground snitch organization and successfully changed their faces and became They became good people and developed under the eyes of the officers and soldiers.

After hundreds of years of development, the Snitch Organization has turned into a huge village. The Snitch Village has numerous experts. Although it has lost its aggressiveness, it has also protected its wealth and successfully survived to the present. It has also passed through its small days. The more moisturizing it is.

When the luxury RV stopped outside the Snitch Village, Levi could sense that there were many vigilant eyes on his side. Although the Snitch Village now rarely commits crimes, they still wanted to eat this bowl. As for food, I still have the most basic vigilance.

Levi got out of the car with a group of girls.

The Snitch Village has developed very well. Even in the wealthy coastal villages after the millennium, the buildings and public facilities are not as good as the Snitch Village. You must know that it is 1991, and the current Snitch Village already exists. With such a level of development, if it were not for the leader of the Snitch Village, Long Zi, killing his entire family in the next few years, and wiping out the entire Snitch Village, maybe the Snitch Village would be able to show its own strength in the subsequent King of Fighters tournament.

It feels a bit like a water town. Li Wei sighed as he looked at the scattered buildings built against the mountains in Snitch Village.

The architectural style of Feitie Village is a bit like the brick buildings in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The gray-black roofs and the brick exterior walls are painted pure white. It looks very simple and elegant. The roads outside the village have also been cleaned. It's clean, and a variety of ornamental plants are planted on both sides. It can be seen that the snitches here also enjoy life quite a lot. .

Chapter 316. People in sedan chairs carry people

In Levi's opinion, the strength of the Snitch Village was just that. With his strength, even if he could wipe out the entire Snitch Village, it would only be a matter of snapping his fingers. But after all, he was here to send an invitation letter, not to cause trouble, so he politely waited at the entrance of the village. It was impossible for Snitch Village to keep him waiting for long. After all, he traveled all over the world and was quite famous in Snitch Village. People must know that there is a person like him.

Sure enough, after a while, a tall and strong man wearing a gorgeous black and red robe and soft armor walked out of the village and walked quickly towards this side.

Li Wei took a closer look, and the strong man in front of him should be Long, the leader of Snitch Village. Long has never officially appeared in the game. At King of Fighters 94, he appeared as a background character. At King of Fighters 2000, he appeared in the ending animation of Benimaru's team. He used a substitute technique to avoid Benimaru's Big Power Generator and finally appeared as a supporting character in King of Fighters 2001. .

Later, SNK encountered a funding crisis, and the development of the game encountered heavy setbacks. In order to ensure that the capacity of the game did not exceed the standard, the character of Dragon was never able to officially appear and become a controllable character for players.

The dragon's son, Zuolong, appeared in The King of Fighters 2003 and became a teammate of the protagonist Ashiu in the Far Beyond.

If the development of history is not changed, in the Sound Nest Chapter a thousand years later, the dragons will begin to destroy themselves. If he can do such a thing, the strong man in front of him is also a ruthless man.

But as for why the dragon did this, even in the official settings, no detailed explanation was given. It was just briefly mentioned that the dragon destroyed the entire Snitch Village, and only Zoulong and Xiaolong escaped when they went out. A calamity, but there is no laughing dragon in the world line here, and it is unknown whether Zuolong can escape this calamity.

A distinguished guest is coming to our door. I'm sorry for not being able to welcome you from afar, but I hope you'll forgive me. Long made a standard martial artist's fist-cup salute with a hearty smile on his face.

Such a bold Northland man, if he didn't know his details in advance, it would be difficult for Li Wei to imagine that such a person was a snitch.

However, these days, Snitch Village is considered to be the richest village within a hundred miles. The surrounding villages are not even rich enough to carry shoes compared to Snitch Village. In addition, rabbits do not eat grass near their nests, so Snitch Village has a good reputation nearby. People in other surrounding villages do not know that this village is actually a snitch nest.

I should be the one who took the liberty to come to the door. I have been a famous person for a long time... Li Wei said with a smile.

People in sedan chairs carry people, and many young people think that people in the world of martial arts rely on their strength. In fact, people in the world of martial arts often rely on interpersonal relationships and money. Networks and wealth can often accomplish things that strength cannot. People who speak purely with strength will only be regarded as evil heretics.

Li Wei knew what Snitch Village was about, but he didn't reveal it, which gave the opponent enough face. And Long, who was also a good person, also gave Li Wei enough face to come out to greet him personally.

If Li Wei hadn't arrived too suddenly, he would have wanted to form a welcome team and start playing gongs and drums from a long distance away. Don't think that as the leader of Snitch Village, he wouldn't do such a flattering thing. , a prominent figure in the world of martial arts, what he is best at is giving others face.

Originally, Long wanted to wait for Li Wei to stay somewhere and take the initiative to challenge him. With his strength, even if he could not defeat Li Wei, he could still get an invitation letter. Moreover, Levi has made it clear that he will not participate in the competition, and he does not have to worry about encountering monsters like Levi in ​​the competition. This is also an opportunity to build his own reputation.

The Snitch Village is also seeking transformation and is preparing to open up the mercenary and assassination market in Southeast Asia. However, the reputation of the Snitch Village itself is limited to the country. If you want to let people all over the world know that there is a group of people like them, the fastest is The safest way is to perform well in the King of Fighters competition, and at the same time demonstrate your skills as much as possible to let everyone know our reputation.

Although this will also lead to him being known to everyone, and even targeted research and countermeasures, it can create benefits for the village, and such negative effects can be ignored.

After all, there are famous masters in the world. Which one has not been studied over and over again by everyone, trying to find their weaknesses, but is such research useful? The effect is extremely limited. For those masters who have mastered a certain skill, one trick can be used all over the world. No matter how you study it, this trick of mine will work.

Everyone, please come in. If I knew that you were coming, I would have made the village prepare well. Now I can only aggrieve you. I will order the people below to prepare a banquet. Long said with a smile.

Just do it simply, there is no need to prepare it too complicated. Levi said. . . . Asking for flowers. .

Among the girls who followed Li Wei, only Athena could clearly understand Long's words, while the others were in a fog. The country of Chong was really too big, with a land area larger than the entire Europe. Dialects vary greatly from region to region.

Athena can understand it because the pronunciation of northern dialects in many places is very close to Mandarin. If it is a language family in coastal areas, she cannot understand it. As for the girls in Shiranui Ninja, except for Butterfly, the others are only proficient in neon language and English. Qiong is mainly English and French, and knows a little bit of Cantonese and Fujian.

Of course, Qiong is very familiar with curse words in Cantonese and Fujian. After all, in Chinatown, you can often hear all kinds of Xianjia shovel, Crazy line, I'm holding your mother in my mouth, or stuff. Your mother, You just need to hold it in.


When it comes to language, swear words are always the most widely spread. Northern dialects are relatively rare in Chinatown, so she was a little confused. If it weren't for the fact that northern dialects are closer to Mandarin, she wouldn't even be able to understand them at all.

A group of people followed the dragon into the village. There were no external city walls in Fei Thief Village, but the courtyard walls of every household were built relatively high. Moreover, there were sentry towers inside the village that were much taller than other buildings. Everywhere they reflected the different characteristics. The Northland of the South is coming fiercely.

The children in the village looked at the group of people curiously, but they did not show any expressions of inferiority or introversion. After all, life in Snitch Village was very good, and every household lived quite well. The energy of these children was also high. far beyond his peers.

The group of people followed Long to a courtyard that was much larger than other buildings. In the courtyard, a young man with long braids was beating the wooden stakes with his hair.

Shiranui Zangetsu, who also used hair as a weapon, took a second look, but he found that the boy's training was quite rough. He probably lost interest not long after practicing this attack method.

Li Wei also saw the young man who was practicing. This young man should be the son of Long, who was fallen.

This brat from our family made you laugh. Long showed a proud expression.

Levi looked at Long's smile and couldn't imagine that this man would commit suicide and kill the entire Snitch Village in a few years. work.

Chapter 317. Enjoyment between host and guest

Li Wei looked at Zuolong and said, The village chief has taught you well. Your son's strength is already considered top-notch among his peers.

No, no, this little bastard in our family cannot be praised by a master like you, sir. He is just a good farmer. Although Long was proud in his heart, he still derogated his own child. Chongguo-style parents are often like this. They are obviously happy to hear others praise their children, but they always remain modest.

Li Wei said: We are all martial arts practitioners, so I won't beat around the bush. Besides, village chief, you are well-informed and should know what I am here to do.

Long said: I am flattered to see you, sir. This special invitation letter can only be obtained by a recognized master. I didn't expect that I could also get one.

Long Shi really didn't expect that he would get a special Zero Qiqi invitation letter. Compared with an ordinary invitation letter, a special invitation letter is more like a kind of face recognition and a kind of respect. Being able to get a special invitation letter People are all recognized for their strength by the King of Fighters Tournament. This fact alone is worth bragging about.

Li Wei smiled and said: I am relatively well-informed and have a certain understanding of the history of this village. In my opinion, this village is a place of outstanding people. In a place with so many masters, if there is no letter Doesn’t the corresponding special invitation letter show that the King of Fighters tournament officials are blind?”

Li Wei's words shocked Long. The Snitch Village protects its secrets very well, and they also use different vests to disguise themselves when they are outside. Logically speaking, the secrets here should not be leaked. That's right. Long asked cautiously: I don't know where sir learned about our existence. After all, in an industry like ours, to be honest, we can't be on the stage.

Precisely because they know that their profession is not on the market, the villagers of Fei Thief Village are also seeking to transform. Whether they are engaged in bodyguards, assassinations, or doing business, it is always better than being a despised thief.

And if you become a thief, you can't guarantee your income. After all, ordinary people don't have much money these days. Chongguo has not completely completed the transformation of the market economy. All kinds of luxuries in the village are from villagers who go out to perform tasks. , brought back from abroad.

Compared to making money from poor people, Snitch Village is more interested in making money from rich people, and it can't be a one-time deal like in the past. It's better to have a steady stream of money.

And all this is to clear away his identity as a thief. It is precisely because of this that when Levi mentioned that he had a certain understanding of the village's past, Long felt as if his own dark history had been revealed.

It was also Li Wei who saved face for him, speaking very cryptically. If he didn't know the inside story, he wouldn't know the riddle between the two.

Li Wei smiled and said: Of course I have my own information channels. People cannot choose their own origin. I can understand such things.

Long smiled bitterly and said: We are already seeking transformation now. After all, no one wants to be a thief all his life. I hope that the history of snitches can end with our generation. In the future, the young people in the village will be able to play the role of others in their lives. In front of me, I should hold my head high and proudly tell my profession, instead of being unable to explain the source of my family's property like now.

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. The Flying Thieves Village was very similar to the Yu Kingdom in some respects. They were both primitive accumulations completed by their ancestors through various cruel methods. Descendants who enjoyed happiness tried to find ways to clear their identities.

The so-called Yalun gentlemen are actually no different from the villagers of Snitch Village. They are even worse than the villagers of Snitch Village.

At least the people in Snitch Village know that what they are doing is not a glorious thing, and they are trying every means to transform and whiten themselves. As for the weird guy from the country of Yu, he has always been proud of being a robber, and thinks that grabbing is his skill. The museum is full of trophies stolen from all over the world, and he proudly says that the original owner couldn't protect his treasure. They kept it for you.

Levi has seen a lot of shameless people, but it is quite rare to be so shameless. Li Wei said: Village Chief, you want to transform. Before the transformation, I have an order here. I don't know if you are willing to take it. Sir, what I just said is that as long as it is something we can do, we will not shirk the responsibility. . Long said.

Aren't there many cultural relics stolen from us in the museums over there in the country? I hope you can get those things back. You are professionals in this field. I can rest assured that I can leave this matter to you... ... Levi said.

Long was a little puzzled. He was not afraid of the defense force of Yu State. To put it bluntly, there was nothing in this world that they could not steal. Whether it was other people's property or lives, they all wanted to take it. Just take it.

But after all, these things are the things registered by those red-haired ghosts. Even if they get them back, there is no good channel to get rid of them. They can easily fall into their own hands, which is a thankless effort.

Levi said: I know you, village chief, must have a lot of doubts, but you just go and get the things. I will be responsible for all the expenses in the process, even the aftermath.

Long pointed his finger to the sky and said, Does sir have something to do with the higher ups?

Levi shook his head.

Long said: Then why should you, sir, take care of such a thankless matter? There is no rush on this matter, so why should we be anxious?

Li Wei smiled and said: It's just a little thought. After all, it's just to get back what belongs to you from the robbers. Moreover, after you get the things back, you don't need to give them to me. They will be sent directly to the National Palace Museum in the capital. Leave a note and say It was private enthusiasts who brought things back.”

Long already had an idea in his mind. If he just took back the cultural relics that were stolen back then, he would probably be suspected. So, what about evacuating the entire museum?

In this case, wouldn't there be suspicion on their heads? After all, those who can do such a thing are the crazy International Cultural Heritage Avenue and have nothing to do with them, the little snitches who support their families.

Sir, I know what to do. As long as the money is in place, you can expect good news from us. Long said, patting his chest.

Levi said: Okay, after the thing is done, I will give you 20 million US dollars in full. If there are casualties, they will be counted as mine. I will give half as a deposit first, and the remaining half will be paid after the thing is done.

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