Kagura Chizuru smiled bitterly and said: It seems that I have no choice.

At this moment, Kagura Chizuru suddenly felt palpitations, and Levi's expression also changed.

The mansion was raided, and the shield on Wangui's side was activated! Li Wei said with a serious expression.

Both Yuri Sakazaki and Qiong have protective spiritual weapons. Levi is not worried about their safety, but he did not expect that Goenitz would be so restless and choose to attack God at this time. The Le family's mansion.

However, Goenitz's choice of this time is indeed quite appropriate. After all, Kagura Chizuru and Levi left the mansion, and now only Kagura Mangui, Qiong and Sakazaki Yuri are left in the mansion.

For Goenitz, the strength of Qiong and Yuri Sakazaki is just that. Both of them can be killed with a few moves. The only one who is troublesome is Kagura Mange, and his sister is not around yet. It's a good opportunity for a solo kill.

However, Goenitz would never have imagined that Levi would have guarded him early. With the gold bracelet, it would be easy for Wan Gui to hold on for a few minutes, and this amount of time would be enough for Levi to return to defense.

Find a remote place, we are going to teleport back to the mansion. Levi said.

Kagura Chizuru nodded and pulled Levi into an alley. Levi decisively activated the teleportation. The two figures disappeared in the alley, making the passing wild cats jump. work.

Chapter 277. Shock the whole audience

When Kagura Chizuru opened her eyes, she found that she had returned to the mansion and returned to her sister at some point.

Kagura Chizuru looked at the mansion in a mess, as if it had been hit by an earthquake, and her face looked a little ugly.

A tall figure was confronting this side in the distance. It was a tall young man wearing a blue priest's outfit. He had a gentle smile on his face, but he exuded a bone-chilling killing intent. The huge contrast was enough to It makes ordinary people's liver and gallbladder split.

Who are you?! Kagura Chizuru asked sharply.

The young man dressed as a priest put one hand on his chest and said politely: I am the leader of the Orochi Familia, Goenitz. I didn't expect that you, Master Kagura, have such a special skill in your hands. This time, I was rash.

The surface of Gonitz's body was wrapped with wind that could not be directly seen by the naked eye. This made Levi, who was watching, a little surprised. There was a certain difference between this and the information provided by internal personnel. It stands to reason that at this time, Goenitz fought purely by martial arts. Only after he killed Kagura Mangetsu and loosened the seal of Orochi did he regain his ability to control the wind.

Now the seal of the serpent has not been loosened, but Gonitz has already regained his power, which means that Gonitz is probably at the peak of his strength now.

In the original plot, in the 1996 King of Fighters competition, Goenitz controlled a storm to attack the venue of the finals of the competition. Like a natural disaster, the hurricane directly destroyed the entire venue of the finals of the competition.

In terms of plot setting, Gonitz is the boss second only to Orochi in strength. Each subsequent generation of bosses has more powerful abilities than the last, but in terms of strength, Gonitz is his younger brother.

If Goenitz hadn't been sealed in 1996, Lukar self-destructed, and at the same time the descendants of the three artifact families were severely injured because of the sealing of the serpent, and their strength declined significantly, there would be no subsequent plot at all.

Kagura Wangui said with a serious expression: Li Weijun, Qianhe, don't engage in close combat with that guy. His speed is far faster than we imagined. If it weren't for this shield, I would probably be He’s already a dead man.”

Goenitz looked at the shield covering Kagura Mangui's body and said: Although there have been some accidents in the plan, it is not impossible to continue to implement it. Although there are some more people who are getting in the way, I still have confidence in my own strength. There is a certain amount of confidence.”

Goenitz showed a confident smile. Since the assassination failed, he would just kill him by force. Anyway, if any one of the Kagura sisters dies, he will gain blood. It doesn't matter who he kills, as long as he can loosen the seal of the big snake. .

Moreover, the Kagura family's secret positioning technique requires two people to use their skills at the same time. As long as one of the two is missing, the Kagura family will lose the ability to position members of the Orochi Familiar clan. In any case, he will take advantage.

Levi walked in front of Qianhe and Wangui and stood in front of them.

Master, it's dangerous! Qiong said loudly when she saw this scene.

Levi showed a warm smile to Joan, turned his head, and said to Goenitz with a serious expression: Even the big snake may not be able to hurt me, let alone just a lackey under the snake. Goenitz, right? Yes. Who gave you the courage to appear in front of me? I didn't bother you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door.

After Levi finished speaking, some new figures appeared on the ruins. These people were all members of the Orochi Familia. They were all wearing black robes that covered their whole body and hoods that covered their faces.

Although their strength cannot be compared with the leader-level Eight Masters, they are still much stronger than ordinary fighters.

This power is enough to easily destroy a small country.

A figure lifted up his cloak, revealing his true face. He was a young man who looked very young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he was wearing a special combat uniform, and his muscles were strong and tight, and his face was With a ferocious smile, he is not easy to mess with at first sight.

Boss, leave this arrogant guy to me. The blond boy clenched his fists together, making a crisp crackling sound from his knuckles. Goenitz glanced at the young man and said, Phil, since the enemy in front of you dares to say such things, he must be somewhat capable. Please pay attention to your safety.

Goenitz is extremely cold to the outside world, but he is a very tolerant leader towards his companions within the Orochi Familia. With his strong strength and gentle personality, he has gained the respect and obedience of all members of the Orochi Familia. As the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings and the strongest among the Eight Elites, Goenitz rarely takes action on his own... …

The blond boy took a few steps forward, put on a fighting stance, and said to Levi: I'm here to fight with you. Hurry up and get ready! Otherwise, my fist will hit you. It’s on my face.”

Levi looked at the blond boy with a look that was like looking at an ant, which hurt the heart of the blond boy named Phil. And this also made him angry in his heart. Levi was just an ordinary person who was abandoned by the patron saint. Why did he look at him with such a superior eye?

Li Wei said in a calm tone: Are you challenging me? Once I get serious, my actions will definitely kill people. My respect for my opponent is to go all out to defeat the opponent, and at the same time give the opponent a chance. A dignified death.”

Levi was not in a fighting stance. In his opinion, if a bastard like the blond boy got serious, he would just kill him instantly.

Although it is said that a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, when a lion faces a toad, the most it can do is give the opponent a kick and stamp out the opponent's shit.

Are you looking down on me?! the blond boy said loudly, and his face became twisted and ferocious.

Levi said to the girls on the side: 2.8 Everyone, please step back. I plan to stay all the people from the Orochi Familia who came today. It should still be time to call the cemetery to reserve a spot now.

Levi's teasing successfully made the blond boy furious and rushed towards him.

Levi faced the blond boy who was charging towards him. He put his hands behind his back and kicked one leg up high. At the same time, a whirlwind invisible to the naked eye spun like a saw blade and instantly hit the blond boy. It was cut into a piece of blood mist, and the smell of blood filled the air. Because the body of the blond boy was cut into too fine pieces, there was nothing more left except the blood mist and the smell of blood.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Orochi Familia who participated in the siege of the Kagura family's mansion had shocked expressions on their faces under their hoods, and Goenitz's expression also became solemn. .

Chapter 278. Release a piece of sea

The incident on the field made all the Orochi Familia members stunned. Levi suddenly took action and directly killed a member of the family. With such strength, if Gonitz was not in charge, at this time, some members of the family would have already thought about it. Give up.

Goenitz was surprised in his heart, because he was very familiar with the power used by Levi, it was the breath of wind. He could also do an attack of this level, but he didn't have the same understatement as Levi, and he didn't even have to move his hand forward or accumulate power. Levi said: Gaunitz, cannon fodder of the same level just now, is the same as many others. Ordinary Orochi Familia, to Levi, are cannon fodder.

Goenitz's expression was not very good and he said: Everyone, step back and keep a safe distance. I allow you to retreat first in case of emergency.

Goenitz's words shocked the members of the family. They knew Goenitz's strength, and Goenitz's words meant that after a while, Goenitz would not be able to provide cover for them. , that’s why they were allowed to retreat in an emergency. In other words, the opponent’s strength 26 would definitely not be worse than Gonitz, which shocked the members of the family.

After all, they all know the power and destructive power of Gonitz's control of the wind. Even Gonitz's face was solemn. If he really took action, they would not be Levi's enemies. Levi said: Have you finally seen the situation clearly now? Unfortunately, it's too late.

Levi's figure disappeared from the spot instantly, and in an instant, the bodies of several members of the Orochi Familia were exploded into a bloody mist.

And Goenitz also took action. The two of them fought quickly and became captains of the demolition team. The Kagura family's mansion had suffered a disaster. Most of it had been destroyed. Now that it was better, it could be torn down and rebuilt.

Goenitz wanted to quickly kill Kagura Chizuru or Kagura Mangetsu, but the bracelets Levi equipped for the two formed a very strong shield that could absorb the surrounding free energy as long as they were not attacked. After slow recharging, Kagura Mangetsu still had half of her shield. In just a short period of time, it had been recharged to nearly 60%. Give her a while, and the bracelet's shield would be fully replenished on its own.

When Gonitz was fighting Levi, he seized the opportunity and wanted to attack the two people, but his attacks were firmly blocked by the shield. Although his attack could eventually destroy the shield, it required a certain amount of time. time, and what he lacks now is time. After all, Levi will not sit back and watch such a thing happen.

The Orochi Familia members brought by Goenitz were in dire straits. They did not have the shield bracelets of the Kagura sisters. Facing Levi's attack, it was difficult for them to react in time. They barely caught the attack, and then were killed. The next blow takes him away directly.

The fight lasted only a few tens of seconds, and the members of the Orochi Familia brought by Goenitz had been wiped out.

Goenitz, who had become the polished commander, already wanted to quit at this time, but it was not easy for a strong man like Levi to escape from his grasp.

Goenitz secretly complained in his heart. Not only did he fail to kill the Kagura sisters this time, but all the elite members of the family he brought with him were also wiped out. It was like losing both his wife and his troops.

The speed of the battle between the two sides has reached a point where ordinary people cannot see clearly. Even a fighter with dynamic vision that surpasses ordinary people can only barely see countless shadows colliding rapidly. Each collision will cause huge damage to the surrounding environment. of destruction.

Goenitz became more and more frightened as he fought, and at the same time he was puzzled in his heart. Where did Li Wei, an ordinary person who was not favored by the patron saint, come from such a powerful force that could suppress him as the leader of the Eight Elites? .

Levi also retained some of his strength at this time. After all, if he attacked with all his strength, Goenitz would have to stay here today.

But once Goenitz dies, it will take more than ten years at the earliest to be reincarnated and gain combat strength. This also means that the time for the Orochi's recovery will be delayed until after the millennium. This is not what Li Wei wants to see. , Therefore, he will not kill Goenitz at this time.

Now, it was enough to teach Goenitz a lesson. Levi sold out a flaw, and Goenitz did not dare to fight, and decisively opened the distance between the two sides.

Li Wei was amused. Originally, he had thought of luring Konitz to take the bait and let the opponent take the initiative to fight, so that he could take the opportunity to give the opponent a hard blow. Who knew that Konitz did not fall for the trick at all, and instead took advantage of this opportunity to run away.

Levi was stunned for a moment, and then threw a golden flying sword. The flying sword turned into a meteor and stabbed towards Goenitz's vest.

Goenitz's inner alarm rang loudly. He saw the golden flying sword out of the corner of his eye. He was also startled. He decisively turned into the wind and fled away. He wanted to use elemental transformation to avoid the blow. However, the speed of the golden flying sword was too great. Much faster than he expected, he only felt pain in his arm and lost control of his right hand.

The pained Goenitz had already completed his elemental transformation and disappeared into a gust of wind. On the ground, only an arm covered with priestly robes and the remaining blood of the serpent were left.

Levi controlled the small test tube taken out from the Consciousness Sea Space, and taking advantage of the chaos, he quietly intercepted a part of the serpent's blood.

The blood of the Orochi is like a panacea in the world view of The King of Fighters. Anything related to the Orochi can easily strengthen a person's strength. In the plot, Lukar's strength soars like a rocket because of the effect of the serpent's blood. Otherwise, Lukar would only be the ceiling for ordinary people at best.

Moreover, Lukar is considered to be the first batch of fighters to break the ceiling of mankind after the elimination of the three artifacts 057. Among the other few, Zhenyuan Zhai is an older generation of masters who accumulated time, and Sakazaki Takuma was cursed by wearing Tang Fulu relied on the Secret Book of Qin to transform into a karate master.

Except for these few people, those demon monsters after 1997 basically gained power from the Orochi. Whether they were members of the Sound Nest organization or distant places, they were all seeking the power of the Orochi.

Therefore, Li Wei also wants to study this thing. Since he can't find the material of the big snake for the time being, it would be good to have Goenitz's blood. Maybe the power is not stronger than the skills he practices, but he still knows more. That’s right. Many arts don’t put pressure on one’s body. This sentence is applicable in most places.

Joan ran over and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there were no injuries on Levi's body, and even his clothes were not dirty.

Master, I'm really sorry, my strength can't help in such a battle. Qiong said.

Li Wei said: The opponent is not an ordinary person. There is no need to blame yourself for this kind of thing. After all, the opponent is the leader of the Eight Elites. Even the strong men of the older generation are not his opponents.

Qiong looked at the mansion that had been destroyed into ruins and thought to herself that the Kagura family would have to spend a lot of effort just to rebuild the mansion this time. .

Chapter 279. Goenitz’s anger

Yuri Sakazaki came to her senses at this time. It only took her a year to learn the various secrets of extreme flow, so she always had a feeling of pride in her heart. As a leader among her peers, she felt Although I am a little worse than those masters of the older generation, I am not too far behind.

However, this high-end game directly overturned her cognition. The battle between Levi and Goenitz has surpassed the limits of martial arts and reached a higher level. This is no longer something ordinary fighters can master. With so much power, it should be said that humans simply cannot do such a thing.

However, there were not only two people who mastered this exaggerated power. Her previous understanding was completely subverted. At the same time, she also realized that she was just a well frog looking at the sky from a well, and the world was very big.

Yuri Sakazaki looked at the three girls surrounding Levi and felt a little disgusted, so she just stood beside Levi and didn't say anything. Levi said to Qianhe and Wangui who were beside him: I'm very sorry for destroying your house like this.

Kagura Wangui smiled and said: This is just a small matter. If it weren't for you, Li Weijun, I might have been gone by this time. Li Wei said: As for the house, I will pay for the repairs.

Kagura Mangui smiled and said: It's okay, I can do this myself, and wooden buildings are easy to repair. It doesn't cost much and can be rebuilt in a few days. Although the Kagura family has suffered the impact of the economic crisis, The family still has a lot of reserve funds, but rebuilding the mansion is not a problem at all for the Kagura family.

Kagura Chizuru said from the side: Thank you very much, Li Weijun, for your help to us. I really don't know how to repay this great kindness.

Li Wei smiled and said: This is the obligation that we should fulfill as an ally. Moreover, isn't it a pity that such a great beauty as Miss Wan Gui died like this?

Kagura Mange was a little embarrassed to be praised by Li Wei. Although she had taken the initiative to confess to Li Wei and seemed to be very proactive and forthright, in fact she knew her own business and was just a talker. A strong king is no more courageous than Chizuru.

Levi looked at the mansion that was completely in ruins and said: We need to count the casualties of the servants at home. This time the Orochi Familia came so suddenly, ordinary people will definitely be affected, and their pensions must be guaranteed.

Kagura Chizuru said: I can handle this kind of thing. After all, they are all old people who follow the family. Many of them can be regarded as uncles. There are many people who have served the Kagura family for more than twenty or thirty years. I can't Let these old people bleed and shed tears. Levi nodded. This kind of matter is a family matter of the Kagura family. It is inconvenient for outsiders like him to interfere. As the head of the Kagura family, Chizuru Kagura has no responsibility for the family's affairs. She knew the situation quite well, and she had her own decision on what to do.

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