Silver Overlord

Chapter 897

Seven days later, in the evening, in the study room of the Provincial Governor’s Palace in Lan Prefecture City…

“I didn’t expect Yan Liqiang’s child to have a little more means. The run-off crisis of Zhongjia Qianzhuang was solved by him!” Gu Tongan, who was lying on the soft collapse, looked at the latest issue of “Great Han Empire.” The Times, in a tone of indifference, said, “But the solution will be resolved. This time, I want to take the opportunity to beat the clock and let the clock family be honest. I really want to make the clock family anxious. This is not easy to control.” The Zhong family is big in the northwestern family, not so good to deal with…”

In front of Gu Tongan of the Lan Prefecture Provincial Governor, it is still the cloud of counselor who he relies on.

“Yan Liqiang has made a big blow to let the first factory in the world give the Zhongjia’s Qianzhuang a deposit of 10 million yuan. The new wool trading market in the side of Yingwei County has also allowed the Zhongjia’s money to enter the stock market. Occupy 20% of the shares, everyone knows that the future of the wool trading market is the chicken of the golden egg, the Zhongzhuang Qianzhuang not only entered the stock in the market this time, but all the transactions in the market are designated by the cash and clock The silver ticket issued by the bank, the banknotes of the bank outside the six northwestern states are now difficult to fulfill, and some of them are not easy to use. These two things add up, and then they are promoted through the Great Han Empire Times. Everyone knows that everyone knows that Qian’s money house has money, so the crisis of this Zhongjia Qianzhuang will naturally be resolved, and no one will run again!”

“This is 10 million yuan of silver. I said that I took it out. The kid is really rich. Now the whole northwest, who is richer than the kid, may not find a second one. I am The entire body that the official has accumulated for so many years is not as good as the one that his men can produce…” Gu Tongan’s tone is full of envy and hatred.

“The world’s first factory, the daily gold, and the manufacturing bureau and Yunyan, which make big money, are all in the hands of Yan Liqiang. Now the wool of the Gulang grassland will soon be mastered by him, not to mention the northwest, but two more. In the year, the entire Great Han Empire is richer than him. I am afraid that I can’t find it. He initiated this, and the giants in the northwest have become jealous. Everyone follows suit. There are not many products in the northwest. The main income of the wealthy family is actually the land rent, so the field is seen as heavy, but now everyone knows that if you want to make a fortune, you can’t rely on the factory and the workshop, rely on the machine, and rely on wool. In the past two years in the northwest, there has been a wave of factory workshops. Even in the countryside of Lan Prefecture, there are steam mills and steam sawmills. It is said that this trend is really learning from him!”

“You said it is good!” Gu Tongan shakes the “Great Han Empire Times” on his hand. “I will say this thing again. I didn’t really see that this little newspaper has such great use and no attention. Now I discovered that the key moment of this thing is much more effective than the official announcement and the court’s report. Whoever masters this can influence the public opinion. This newspaper reports the good news of Zhongjia Qianzhuang. Everyone thinks that there is no problem with Zhongjia Qianzhuang. The crowds are all invisible. It is more useful than anyone else. I think this thing is to be done in Lan Prefecture. We can also get a copy of it. If you are responsible for this, it is not difficult to find a few people. All the money is spent, you go to the housekeeper to support…”

“Yes, I wrote down, this Yan Liqiang is indeed the first to open the air. It is like a newspaper water heater four-wheeled carriage. It is all used by him. Everyone has a big use. After that, we can stare at him more. What new things he made!”

“When you say this, I think of it. In the past few days, our artillery battalions have not faked the water heaters that have been produced. I heard that they have also made a boat that can run on the water. I was sick in the house, and I didn’t go to see it. I heard that the golden retriever’s water heater was running on the river, pulling people and pulling the goods. I don’t know how to create a water heater and a water wheel. How’s the effect?”

“Cough, this… Although our artillery battalion also imitated the water heater, it also mimics the water wheel, but the effect is not very good, the water machine malfunctions frequently, the water wheel test twice, no How far away the water is, it will fall…”

“It’s all ordinary rice barrels. I only know that I’m going to ask for money. Let’s make something out of it.” Gu Tongan suddenly angered. “They are better than Yan Liqiang. After all, Yan Liqiang is the day. The great Han Empire, the Great Han Empire, there are few people who can compare with him. But can the rice barrels not be compared with the craftsmen of Yan Liqiang’s manufacturing bureau? The craftsmen in the manufacturing bureau used to be the Pingxi artillery battalion. People, there is a skill of fart, they are all craftsmen of a state artisan battalion. How can it be better than just buying people to buy things to do so simple things like imitation?”

“Elder also asks for anger, this craftsmanship skill can not be improved in a day, and then the craftsmen in the manufacturing bureau, they were originally trained by Yan Liqiang, the ability is probably beyond the level of the county-level artillery battalion. And I heard that all the rules in the manufacturing bureau are different from those on the outside. The tools used are different from those on the outside, and now the manufacturing bureau has also absorbed a large number of top craftsmen in the northwestern Gyeonggi area of ​​the fleeing country. It’s not what it used to be, elder is going to be the same as the craftsman of the craftsman’s craftsman, and it’s exactly the same. I’m afraid it’s still unrealistic in a short time…”

Hearing his own confidant and talking to the craftsmen, Gu Tongan’s anger was slightly diminished, but he was still very angry. “Then give them some time, just one year, if they can’t reach the level of the manufacturing bureau after one year, All the people in Lanzhou’s artisan battalion, all of them pleaded guilty, and I don’t believe that simple things can’t be copied even if they are faked. What are they doing…”

The counselor named Yunxiao looked at Gu Tongan with some helplessness and couldn’t say anything anymore. “The things in this artillery camp can be put aside. I see this time in the Great Han Empire Times. The establishment of Gulangxing Province and Heilongjiang Province, as well as the means of recruiting and martial arts recruiters, is really worthy of elder attention. Yan Liqiang’s ambition is not small, he wants to deal with him, but he has to plan early. ……”

“Let him toss, that is, I have a way here, once and for all…” Gu Tongan’s voice suddenly became cold, his eyes flashed with dangerous light, and his face showed a sneer. “I don’t believe it.” Can’t find other people to do…”

“elder, this is absolutely impossible!” Yunxiao’s voice suddenly fell down, and quickly dissuaded, “I was opposed when I sent someone to contact Nether before elder. Now I still disapprove. Elder and Yan Liqiang are both northwestern ministers. The dispute between the two of you is a political battle. The Jinzhou court appointed Yan Liqiang as the northwest king. Elder can disapprove of this result and use his own means, but if elder uses such means to deal with Yan Liqiang, then this matter The nature of the matter has changed. Once the matter is revealed, the consequences are unimaginable. Now, besides White Lotus Religion, others…”

“This thing does not need you to ask, I will naturally deal with it!” Gu Tongan coldly interrupted his confession, and his face looked at the expression of Jiangshan. “Clouds are good for you, sometimes it is not enough ruthless If you die and you can save the northwest, why not, I think the timing is right at this time. If Yan Liqiang is assassinated, the suspicion of White Lotus Religion or Shatu is naturally the biggest, who would suspect that I am coming up, and The golden retriever has an accident, and now the Pingxi Wangfu must be falling apart. At that time, we can just fish in the water. What is wrong, why bother to play with him all day, and still care about what he did all day… …”

“elder ……”

“Well, I am a little tired, I want to rest, I will let you go…” Gu Tongan waved his hand.

“The elder will rest earlier…” Yunxiao looked at Gu Tongan and sighed, only to step back and leave the study!

When Gu Tongan left, Gu Tongan shook his head and took the tea cup in front of him, gently blowing it, taking a sip of tea, and then talking to himself in his mouth, “迂腐, this Great Han Empire’s officialdom, where you think so clean, don’t take a knife in your hand, how to do the Provincial Governor, this is what you said to me in the past…”

“You said it is good!” An awkward voice was so flat and faint in the voice of Gu Tongan.

Just for a moment, the hair of Gu Tong’s safety body was erected. He instinctively wanted to scream, but he just had a mouth, and one hand stretched out and squeezed his throat and neck. The other hand quickly reached over, one thing in the hand, a little rounder than the egg of the pigeon, and the flow of the rune, like a medicinal herb, directly poured into him. In the mouth, I slipped into his stomach all at once…

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