Silver Overlord

Chapter 894

Looking at the words, many people in the conference room suddenly felt that the conference outline suddenly became heavy, and suddenly it was more than a thousand miles. Although everyone had some psychological preparations before, everyone did not expect The change is so thorough, just look at the catalogue of the conference outline.

“I will briefly talk about it first, and then everyone will discuss it one by one. Let’s look at the first issue. After the Seven Shatu Tribes and the Black Skull tribe have been settled, the Yunyun Supervisor has no need to exist, plus At this moment, we actually control the expansion of the area and the site, so I decided to officially revoke the Shuyun Guard House and then re-divide the administrative area of 鈥嬧€媡he site we have. The specific new administrative division is divided into three parts, which were previously owned by Pingxi County. The scope, that is, the area from Pingxi City to Baishiguan, is still divided into the jurisdiction of Jinyun County, belonging to Gan Prefecture. This part is unchanged, and the administrative division outside Baishiguan is divided into two parts. In the Gulang grassland, I It is ready to set up Gulangxing Province. There are eight new administrative areas under the Gulangxing Province. They are Zhenghuangqi, Zhengbaiqi, Zhenghongqi, Zhenglanqi, inlaid yellow flag, white flag, red flag and blue flag. The division of the eight-flag division is generally divided by the previous Seven Shatu Tribes, and the site of the largest Uli part of the site is divided into two. At the same time, the administrative level of the Eight Banners is at the county level, and it is directly responsible to the Pingxi Wangfu!”

“And on the site of the original Black Skull tribe west of the Qiyun Mountains, I am going to set up the province of Hei Mou, under the province of Hei Mou, as well as the Gulang grassland, set the black and white flag, and set the position of the governor of the Black Skull. Black and Eight Flags, this is the general plan for the new administrative division…”

“On the new establishment of the Dragon Tooth Army, from the current Wu, Shi, squad, Xiaoqi, Qu, Camp, Youth League, etc. to group, class, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, army, army 10 The level of division, from the number of compilers and the configuration of officers will be greatly adjusted, a group of five people, two groups of one class, the squad leader and the deputy squad leader each lead a group, three classes form a row, a row of people about 32 people, The three rows form a company. The number of people in a company is about 100. The position of the company commander is about the same as the previous flag. The remaining battalion, regiment, division, and military discipline are in principle three next. The units are composed of a higher-level unit, except for the special establishment. The commanding of the various levels is called the long title, the platoon leader, the company commander, the battalion commander, the head of the team, and so on. The military officers adopt a unified military rank system, and the ranks are divided into The fifteenth class, the ordinary soldiers enlisted in the army are the soldiers, the elite soldiers are the corporals, the deputy squad leader is the sergeant, the squad leader is the sergeant, the platoon leader is the officer, the platoon leader is the sergeant, the squad leader is the lieutenant, the squad leader is the lieutenant, the battalion commander is the captain, Major, the brigade commander is the lieutenant colonel, the teacher is the upper The school, the commander is a major general, the head of the army is a lieutenant general, the head of the army is a general, and then the general is the upper general, the highest is the grand marshal!”

“The military merit system is the old system of the former dynasty. Although there are some drawbacks, the effect on the incentives of the military is not trivial. Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to change the general of the general to become the honorary honour of the military. Table system, fully introduced into the military, retaining the monks in the army, making, squatting, not more, doctor, official doctor, public doctor, public ride, five doctors, left-handed long, right-handed long, left more, middle Moreover, the right is more, less on the creation, the big build, the long drive, the big long, the inner Hou, the Hou Hou and other 20 military titles, the dragon tooth soldiers in the army, the military meritorious, directly linked to the rank promotion After they retire, they will also receive a lot of social treatment according to different military merits. You may have some strangeness in the system. I will not say much here. The specific explanation can be seen in the conference outline. Come, we can discuss it in detail later!”

“In addition, there are two changes in the future Dragon Army. The first one, the Dragon Tooth Service will be fully equipped with medical guards. The medical guards are equivalent to the doctors and doctors on the battlefield. After these training, Proficiency in the ambulance skills on the battlefield, dealing with the damage of the sword spear arrow, reducing the casualties of the Dragonfighter soldiers after the injury, the second change, the Dragon Army will set up the military aircraft department and the general staff, within the next two years The dragon cavalry began with the bow cavalry and gradually completed the full replacement…”

“In addition to the military system, the biggest change I am going to implement is the talent selection and training system. In terms of talent promotion, I am ready to fully implement the two sets of talent selection mechanisms of the Wenju and Wuju, as long as it is useful to the Great Han Empire. Only through the open literary and military martial arts can be used by me. In terms of talent cultivation, in addition to the province of Heilongjiang, the education system of the two-level public schools in Jinyun County and Gulangxing Province will become customized. Children over the age of a year can enter the school, and the content of learning in the school is both civil and military. The basics are literacy, literary history, meditation, mathematics, physics, geography, and basic skills of martial arts cultivation. , Archery, etc., all children will use the unified textbooks, I have already delineated these textbooks, and the textbooks for mathematics and geography will be written by me personally. The curricula of each county will be reformed into a county school. The basic education is six years, intermediate level. Education is nine years, education funds, six years of basic education free of charge, the local government expenditures, the cost of intermediate education is shared by the government and the people, in a few years If the conditions are ripe, I will establish a Northwestern University. The university is the advanced stage of public education. Here, those who are talented, can learn advanced martial arts and do not need to join the Jianghumen or enter the giants. For all kinds of knowledge and skills, taking the cloud guards as an example, the powers and responsibilities of the guard house in the government can no longer cope with the educational reform measures I mentioned above. Therefore, a new institution will be established in the government at all levels. education鈥︹€?#8221;

“The last thing to change is the tax system. The reform of the tax system is based on the gradual abolition of the head tax on the basis of not increasing the burden on the people nowadays. The legislation unifies the highest ceiling of the tenants’ rents, consolidates taxes, simplifies the collection process, and encourages trade and industry. All taxes will be phased and gradually transitioned to monetization…”

Yan Liqiang screamed and said it for more than ten minutes in one breath, only to say the general measure of this change in general. After Yan Liqiang finished, he discovered that everyone in Ziguangtang used an unprecedented Looking at him, everyone, everyone was stunned by these changes in Yan Liqiang…

“His Highness… So… so many changes, how did you come up with it?” Wang Naiwu swallowed a spit and looked at Yan Liqiang with a monster-like look.

Yan Liqiang understands the expression on Wang Naiwu鈥檚 face. Many of the things that he said are things that he thinks are taken for granted. It is the trend of history and the direction of the future. Once the beginning, these changes will follow The passage of time has become more and more important, but these things have been heard for the first time for many of you here. Everyone has come together and almost always thinks about the legends of Yan Liqiang. It was Yan Liqiang鈥檚 鈥済randfather鈥?who met him in his dreams…

However, this is also true. These reforms are born with the aura of the gods. It should be easy to implement and save yourself to explain what, Yan Liqiang said to himself!

Yan Liqiang’s silence and the unpredictable expression on his face made everyone firmly judge their own mind…

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