Silver Overlord

Chapter 892

When Zhong Ruolan said the situation of Zhong Jia, the expression on his face was not happy or sad, but Yan Liqiang still pondered a lot of flavors from the words she said.

“This is coming to me!” Yan Liqiang sighed and said, “I heard some news before. I don’t want to care about them. I didn’t expect them to go back and see the clock and me. When I walked close, I actually beat the bell home. This is the tree that wants to be quiet and the wind is not enough. What is the attitude of the Zhong family now…”

“Zhonga’s big business is big, it won’t be knocked down by this difficulty. It’s just that if the state runs into a wave, it may be very troublesome. Now the Great Han Empire is disturbing, and the clock family is in the northwestern states. The cost of transfer is very large, and the road is not safe. I came here this time and I was also asked by the owner of the Zhong family. I would like to ask you for your help!”

“What are you thinking about?” Yan Liqiang took Zhong Ruolan’s hand and asked Zhong Ruolan’s beautiful eyes.

Zhong Ruolan sighed in a secluded sigh. “If you put it in front and see that the clock is in trouble, I might be happy. I want to see some people’s jokes, but somehow, this year, especially this time. Come back, I’ve been dissatisfied with the resentment of Zhong’s family in these years, and I’m relieved. I’m going to understand a lot of truths. I feel that the point I’ve been in at the clock’s home is nothing, no matter how Said, I also have the blood of the bell family, I can see that the clock is difficult, I can’t ignore it, and the trouble of the clock family is also related to me!”

“Okay, I understand!” Yan Liqiang nodded. “Just this time things are so coincidental. You have a wide relationship with your family. You won’t hear anything!”

“It’s Lan Prefecture Provincial Governor Gu Tongan!” Zhong Ruolan directly said a name. “Before we have received news from Zhongjia, since you came back to seal the king, Gu Tongan is very active in the back, there are many small moves, in The secret is in tandem with the other Provincial Governors in the Northwest Territories. As for the reason they are connected, you should know why…”

“Lan Prefecture Provincial Governor Gu Tongan…” Yan Liqiang gently recited the name, smiled and shook his head slightly. He had no impression of the name and the person behind his name, and he had no feeling of nervousness. Just as Zhong Ruolan said that the name is just a nameless generation. It’s strange to say that Yan Liqiang would be uneasy and nervous if he knew that there was a provincial governor like Yan Jiang who wanted to deal with himself, but now, after advanced to Martial Monarch sweeps Shatu people Black-Ox Tribe After becoming the King of Pingxi, Yan Liqiang heard such news, but it felt like a drizzle, the thought of flashing in his heart, and a provincial Governor who wanted to make small moves…

“What you just did…” Zhong Ruolan suddenly said…

“What about it?” Yan Liqiang gave a slight glimpse.

“There is a kind of free and easy, free and indifferent, and it is full of domineering. It seems that all the difficulties are hard to beat you. It feels very charming!” Zhong Ruolan’s cheeks had a little blush, and the eyes of the autumn wave flashed, turning on Yan Liqiang’s face. Come and go, “I don’t know why, I look at you, I am relieved!”

“Reassure, this matter is handed over to me!” Yan Liqiang gently put Zhong Ruolan in his arms, a pair of eyes swept over Zhong Ruolan’s delicate body, buried his head in Zhongroulan’s white neck and took a deep breath, throat Jitter, I whispered in the ear of Zhong Ruolan, “Cough, you haven’t seen each other for a long time, you stay, we will have dinner together at night…”

Zhong Ruolan’s face was redder. She looked at Yan Liqiang with a blank look. “Zhong’s family has something to do now, and there are many things in Baoshe’s side. I will leave for Gan Prefecture in the afternoon…”

Yan Liqiang Disappointing “Ah…”, he was about to say something. Hu Haihe’s voice had already sounded outside the study. “His Royal Highness, the people at the Purple Hall have already arrived, and the meeting time is coming…”

Yan Liqiang sighed and said to the door, “Okay, I know…”

Zhong Ruolan suddenly stood up from Yan Liqiang’s arms and took a kiss on Yan Liqiang’s face. Then he arranged for Yan Liqiang to wear his robe and smiled at Yan Liqiang. “Wang Ye is Thinking of me, I can only wait for the slaves to come back and plead guilty to the prince, and my sister is also there. Wang Ye can also go to find Xinxin’s sister…”

Yan Liqiang shook his head and smiled a bit. He was not good as a Pingxi Wang. After he became the King of Pingxi, every time he went to Lu Family, a lot of people followed and waited, and the scene was too big. So free and free, he is embarrassed to go to Lu Beixin in the case of the pro, most of them is the pull handle, the fragrant face only, a few days ago Old Man Lu also invited a few from the field heard in the palace In the middle of the stay, Si Niang came back. Lu Beixin is now being watched by a bunch of aunts and mothers to teach her various rules and ceremonies. Even when she meets with Yan Liqiang, she is followed by Si Niang. What else can I do…

Two people walked out of the study together, and Yan Liqiang asked Hu Haihe to leave Zhong Ruolan to leave the side door, and he went directly to Zijintang.

“Wang Ye arrived…”

With the long, all-night sound of the guards at the entrance of Zijintang, the Zijintang, which was still in full swing, was quiet at once. The Jinwu County civil and military officials attending the meeting all stood in front of their seats. Then everyone saw Yan Liqiang coming in from the door of Zijintang.

At this time, Yan Liqiang, wearing a dark gold dragon costume that represents the identity of the Great Han Empire, has a crystal gold jade belt on his waist, and his head is on the back of the crown. Yuheng Jinyu, majestic and luxurious, is just like changing a person, it is simply not to dare to look at it.

The martial arts in Zijintang basically saw Yan Liqiang officially wearing this robes representing the status of Pingxi. After seeing Yan Liqiang coming in, everyone was shocked and bowed to Yan Liqiang. His Royal Highness Prince Pingxi!”

Yan Liqiang came directly to the main seat and nodded. “Well, everyone is sitting down!”

A martial arts officer sat down, one waist straight and the eyes and nose looked at the heart, solemn.

“Oh, everyone doesn’t have to be nervous, I won’t eat people. We are not the first time to have a meeting. It’s just that the place where the meeting is held is replaced by the palace. Everyone is full of red light and the spirit is good. Then I can rest assured. Well, it seems that everyone who likes this fortune is like…”

I heard Yan Liqiang open his mouth and relaxed his tone. He was relieved when he was in the heart of the martial arts. He was not so nervous. He smiled a little on his face and relaxed a little spirit.

“Now everyone is full of gold and jade in the home, and there are countless good homes. If the world is too peaceful at the moment, let’s be honest, after we have settled the Seven Shatu Tribes and the Black-Ox Tribe, we can really rest well, and enjoy the life of Liangtian Meilu Mansion… …” Yan Liqiang’s smile slowly receded, and the loud voice echoed in Zijintang. “But the problem is that the world is not yet flat, not only not flat, but also undercurrents, Great Han Empire At this moment, there are strong enemies waiting for the tiger to look at it. There are thieves in the chaos and it has become the king of the climate. Can we rest? It’s hard to take a ride in the mountains since ancient times. We want to keep our current things, give them It’s not an easy thing for children and grandchildren to leave something for those who believe that we can rely on us to continue to live in peace. Because of this, I’m bringing everyone here today, opening this meeting, we can’t Satisfied with the achievements that have been made now, and must be brave and eager to innovate with greater courage and courage. Great Han Empire to deal with the complex situation in front! “

Yan Liqiang’s voice echoed throughout the Zijin Hall. When it came to this, Yan Liqiang paused and looked at Fang Beidou, who was sitting next to his right hand. “Fang elder, let me introduce you to Great Han. Empire The current situation, some news estimates that many people still don’t know, let everyone have a preparation…”

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