Silver Overlord

Chapter 889

This time it was really a sensation. Yan Liqiang took the army and only stayed in Yingwei County for one night. The next day, he returned to Pingxi City with the army. On the way back to the army, there were almost all the way to Jinyun County. The people ate the pot of pulp and welcomed them along the way. That scene made Yan Liqiang feel a little moved.

On the day of the return, in order to thank the parents and relatives of Pingxi County for their support, Yan Liqiang took a grand squad in Pingxi City with the triumphant army. This ceremony was really crowded and grand, with Yan Liqiang All the soldiers, including the Longyao Army and Situ Feixing, were brought to the city with flowers and applause, and they were praised by everyone.

On this day, Pingxi City is more lively and festive than the New Year.

On the evening, Yan Liqiang officially set up a big banquet in the Shuyun Guard House to entertain the officials and the representatives of Ganwu and the many wealthy families who came to Jinyun County.

After the feast, Yan Liqiang and Lei Sitong came to the study, and the two talents had the first formal secret conversation after the meeting.

“Li Qiang, although you have become the King of Pingxi, but it is also the target of the public, this position is not easy. In Gan Prefecture, I fully support you, but out of Gan Prefecture, it is hard to say, the imperial edict of the Jinzhou court, all of a sudden Lifting you so high, it looks like the scenery, but it is also cold and biting!” Lei Sitong said to Yan Liqiang while drinking the hangover tea.

In fact, in the past two days, Lei Sitong has been quietly observing Yan Liqiang. He wants to see if Yan Liqiang is calm after he became a king of Pingxi. But after two days of observation, he found that Yan Liqiang is not only not floating. But it is more cautious. It is also true today in the big feast. He said this to Yan Liqiang. Now his relationship with Yan Liqiang is not just the upper and lower level of the officialdom or the partner who made a fortune together. Simple, the two are not only friends, but also the same door of Yu Luozong. They not only have the common interests to pursue, but even shoulder the same mission. This relationship is closely beyond the imagination of others.

Listening to Lei Sitong’s words, Yan Liqiang smiled. To be honest, the name of Pingxi Wang, he really disliked it, because this title always reminds him of the story of Wu Sangui and Wei Xiaobao. Of course, he has no reason to give people this reason. Said, since the imperial court of Jinju gave him this title, he can only accept it. After all, from ancient times to today, no prince can pick a title after becoming a prince.

“I know that at this moment, the Provincial Governors of several other states in the northwest are estimated to be trying to deal with the Pingxi King who suddenly climbed into their heads and wanted to collect their military power. These Provincial Governors have just been a few days without a court. The constrained emperor, perhaps one is still thinking about how to do this emperor for generations to come, I suddenly came out, no one is happy!” Yan Liqiang said, he took a sip of tea.

Seeing that Yan Liqiang had such awareness and understanding, Lei Sitong spoke a long breath. “You can see this, then it is best. The Provincial Governors of other states, on the surface, absolutely dare not jump at this time. Come out and do it with you, but you are the King of Pingxi, and now they are in their hearts, I am afraid it is also nominal. You must be mentally prepared!”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, I don’t plan to take them for the time being, let them be happy for a few more days, as long as I have the name of Pingxi Wang, now I have the big site in the Gulang grassland and the Black Dragonfly tribe. I couldn’t see it, and I’m not interested in the things on their one-acre three-point land…”

Lei Sitong nodded solemnly. “I want to remind you that you have to reward the past, because the rewards of the Kanda field promised by Hu Ling, the sooner the better, the matter is very important, involving the interests of countless people. A little carelessness will cause a huge storm, make a big mess, and there will be villains in it. You must come up with a cash plan as soon as possible. Just now you didn’t find it, just in the big feast, those The representatives of the wealthy people who attended the meeting did not propose to honor the Kanda field. This is not something to be happy. The land of the Kanda field held by those people is the most, but because of your current status, there is no People are willing to make a head-to-head public to tell you this, so as not to lead you to hate, but behind the scenes, those people’s minds can’t be pondered…”

Yan Liqiang also nodded. “Thanks to elder for reminding me, I know what to do. I just waited for someone to make this statement during the big feast. Then I gave them a reassurance. Since no one said, then I will be tomorrow. Let the Superintendent give a notice to make them feel at ease, then I will arrange the cash field to be honored…”

“Well, this is the best, then what do you want next?”

“Then naturally, it is a meritorious dedication. Now I have too many sites on hand. The existing manpower agencies have been unable to cope with them. I have to make adjustments and changes. This adjustment may be a bit large and will involve All aspects of the Dragon Tooth Army and the Guardian House, I had wanted to move before, but the timing was not suitable. Now that the victory is over, I have to build the Pingxi Wangfu. I can just put some of my previous ideas into practice. One thing is down. Also please elder support…”

“Oh, what?” Lei Sitong asked curiously.

“The Jinyun County Bow Road Society has a limited scale. This time, the Dragon Army has won a lot. The young people who want to participate in the bows club this year must have more. At this time, I feel that I can already push the bows club in the whole territory of Gan Prefecture. I am going to be in Gan. Prefecture A bowhouse is built in each county, and elder is also supported!”

“Hahaha, this is a good thing, even if you don’t say that I am still going to tell you, I can’t ask for it!” Lei Sitong slammed his hand and revealed the signature “Thunder Tiger” smile. “Gan Prefecture How much land should the county bow road use? I want to build it. I am all inclusive. Even if you choose to choose a place, I have a request. After those bows are built, I will choose from the Gan Prefecture army. Ten thousand sergeants have been studying in the bows clubs of various counties for a year. You don’t want to hide privately!”

Yan Liqiang looked at Lei Sitong and said, “Okay, deal!”

“Right, my nephew has followed you a few times this time, getting more and more wild, and I don’t want to go back to the Gan Prefecture army. I want to follow you…”

“Haha, no problem, I am just missing a camp here…”

The two looked at each other and laughed…


Just at noon the next day, there was an additional notice in the official bulletin board of Pingxi City. The Shuyun Supervisor House has begun to prepare to honor the contract to obtain the grassland in the killing of the Huling, and also to hold the killing order. After seven days, the person in the grassland field contract will go to Pingxi City and the designated place of operation in Yingwei County to register and count the number of contract land in Gongtian Gongtian. In the future, all the grassland Kumian principles held under one name will be drawn together. In a plot, each person holds a number of pastures. The land leases need to be merged to issue a new land deed.

When the announcement came out, it was not shocking on the surface. It did not seem to cause any sensation or change. In fact, the impact of this announcement was invisible. Many of the contracts that were previously worried about killing Hu Ling’s grassland were immediately The person who exchanged, I suddenly let go of my heart, and Yan Liqiang’s prestige of Pingxi Wang was suddenly erected.

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