Silver Overlord

Chapter 885

At noon four days later, Baishiguan!

The army led by Yan Liqiang has not yet arrived at Baishiguan. Far away, it has already seen the flags on the grasslands outside Baishiguan. It is crowded with people, and at least 100,000 people gather outside Baishiguan, stretching for a few miles. The scene is almost better than Jinyun County. The most lively market at the time of the market was ten times more lively, and Shi Dafeng was shocked.

“My mother, what is this?”

Without Yan Liqiang’s answer, several scouts who were the forerunners of the army had already returned to the obituary.

“The elder, the Ganzhou Provincial Governor Lei elder and the Gan Prefecture civil and military bureaucrats, as well as the many giants in the northwestern six states and the officials of the Jinyun County and many homesick people greeted the elder triumph in the Shishiguan ten miles…”

“So many people have gone out to meet in ten miles. The representatives of the Ganzhou civil and military bureaucrats and the giants of the northwestern states have arrived. This is an unprecedented courtesy!” Shi Changfeng looked at the distance and could not help but sigh. “There is only elder. This expedition is worthy of such a scene!”

Yan Liqiang looked at the distance and nodded. He also showed a smile on his face. “This is not to greet me alone, but to greet all the soldiers of the whole army, to order the soldiers of the whole army, to clean up the clothes and to bring out the spirit. Let the northwest fathers and fellows take a good look…”


Yan Liqiang’s order was passed down, and the whole army was agitated. Not to mention the five battalion archers with Yan Liqiang, even the Situ Feixing and several great men’s men, this time is also full of energy, come out The spirit of 120,000 points, chest-stirring, arrogant, riding on rhinosteed, ready to meet the highest light of their lives.

Yan Liqiang called Situ Feixing and several big masters, as well as Shi Dafeng Shen Teng Shi Changfeng and others, and rode rhinosteed to the front of the team and rushed toward the crowd.

In this scene, everyone is a little excited.

In the place where the flag is being displayed, Yan Liqiang saw Lei Sitong, who was wearing the Provincial Governor’s uniform in the middle of the crowd, behind Lei Sitong, and was the civil and military official of Gan Prefecture. Officials, there are almost a hundred people. Among the bureaucrats, many are the familiar faces of Yan Liqiang. The former county governor of Pingxi County, Wang Jianbei and Liu Yucheng, are also listed. This time, Yan Liqiang borrowed troops to Jinyun County. Lei Meng and other military commanders are also in the position of Zhao Dachuan and Lei Meng in the Provincial Governor’s Office. At this time, they can only stand behind, but at this moment, Zhao Dachuan and Lei Meng are standing next to Lei Sitong. Both people grinned.

Jinyun County’s Yiwu civil and military officials, Tieyunshan, Xiaomanyu, Wang Naiwu, Liu Xitong, and Qian Su, Lu Wenbin, Fang Beidou, etc., also stood with Zhao Dachuan and others, wearing their official gowns, one face Hope and excitement, not looking forward to this side.

Lei Sitong is talking to a man who looks like fifty or sixty. He is so graceful that even if he is standing with the provincial Governor, he will not lose to Lei Sitong, the eyebrow of that person. Between them, there is a bit of a bit like Zhong Hongzhang’s second master Zhong Hongzhang, but Zhong Hongzhang is standing behind the man at the moment, so Yan Liqiang recognizes that person at a glance, absolutely Zhong Hanyan, the owner of the Northwest Zhongjia.

Lu Family’s Old Man Lu and Lu Pei’en are also here, standing next to Zhong Hongyan.

Lu Beixin and Zhong Ruolan stood together intimately at the moment, just like a pair of sister flowers, standing in front of the crowd, very eye-catching.

Other characters standing in front, some Yan Liqiang greetings, some without greetings, and a few that Yan Liqiang can recognize are the characters at the level of the wealthy family of the six western states.

The crowd of people gathered from the middle to the two sides and spread for a few miles. Among the crowds, there were the folks of Jinyun County, the homesickness of the people, and of course, there were also a large number of horses and militias, and they were surrounded by people. There are people, etc., the sergeants stationed in Baishiguan, the hyperthyroidism is full of spirits and is lined up in two rows of people’s walls on both sides, maintaining order.

The grandeur of such a scene, to be honest, may not be seen once in a few hundred years.

When the army led by Yan Liqiang was still two or three times away from the crowd, the crowd of more than 100,000 people could not restrain the burst of cheers. When they were closer, they could hear the crowd. Among the crowds, there is a growing excitement.


“Brother, brother, you see no, the one riding on the rhinosteed holding the flag is my brother…”


“That, that is our village, or our neighbor…”


“Father, you see, your grandson Xiaowu is in the team. This time, with the supervision of the elder, the Seven Shatu Tribes and the Black-Ox Tribe are settled. Yes, yes, yes, Xiaowu is the bowman in the Dragon Army. Joining the fair social society, it is the supervision of the elder personally tempted, and almost was supervised to protect the elder as a pro soldier!”


“Son, son, me and your mother are here…”


“Three brothers… three brothers…”

Most of the soldiers in the cavalry were the children of Jinyun County. The families of these children gathered here many times. When they saw the return of the army, they crowded into the crowd and constantly searched the army with their eyes. After seeing the familiar face, they were all excited and shouted. Although the sergeants were maintaining order, they were still excited to wave their hands and wanted to let the familiar face in the army see themselves.

Nothing is more exciting than seeing such relatives. The warriors in the cavalry, many of them also saw their loved ones among the crowds. Under such scenes, the blood of excitement and pride is wavering. In the hearts of these young warriors, they are stirred up, sublimated, and the hardships they have eaten in these years. These years of hard work, this moment, are worth it.

The welcome crowd is boiling.


Just among the welcoming crowds, a big man wearing ordinary escort costumes was also crowded in a crowd more than a hundred meters away from Lei Sitong, stretching his neck, padding his feet and looking into the distance. After seeing Yan Liqiang, they came down here, the big man shrank his head, and then strove out the crowd and ran towards the back.

There are many people on the grass hundreds of meters behind the welcome team. There are still many horses and horses parked here. Many guards are here.

There are a few inconspicuous carriages parked here. There are more than a dozen guards around these horse-drawn carriages. The northwestern states that come here today have too many elders and too many rich people. This kind of person with a guard is not strange in the eyes of others.

The big man who turned and ran out of the crowd went straight to the front of a four-wheeled carriage. He quickly knocked on the door of the carriage. The door opened. A white man with no white face showed a small half face from the back of the door. He looked around and used it. Some nervous, squeaky voices whispered, “How about, supervising the elder?”

“I have just seen the lord, I have just seen it, and the supervision of the elder has come, just dismounted…”

“Are you sure you are supervising the elder, are you not mistaken?”

“No mistakes, the small in the Jinzhou greetings to supervise the elder several sides, will not admit mistakes!”

“Hurry to change clothes and take our things out…”


A group of people immediately got busy…


At this time, Yan Liqiang had already smiled, and Longxinghubu walked directly to the front of Lei Sitong and others with several people around him. Then he hugged his fist and looked around. He said, “Today’s fathers and relatives are friends here. I don’t dare to be greeted, I don’t dare to be a singer!”

Lei Sitong took Yan Liqiang’s shoulders twice and laughed. “Why should you be modest? This time you took the army and made a great contribution to my Great Han Empire and the people of the Six Six States in the northwest. I am waiting.” This greet, willingly, polite, what you look at here, who is not happy and proud, hahaha, come, and bring the celebration wine up…”

Lei Sitong’s voice fell, and some people immediately put up the prepared celebration wine. After Yan Liqiang and others drank the celebration wine, the atmosphere was even more intense. The elder objects that could talk to Yan Liqiang all gathered together. Come over and congratulate.

“Li Qiang, this is my big brother, Zhong Jiajia!” Zhong Hongzhang stepped forward and introduced Zhong Hongyan to Yan Liqiang.

“Ha ha ha, Li Qiang greetings uncle Zhong, I originally planned to come back this time, personally went to the Zhong family to visit my uncle, I did not expect to see it here!” Yan Liqiang laughed and took the initiative to say.

The name of the uncle is a little strange here, but what kind of character Zhong Hongyan, almost instantly understood, the smile on his face, more intimate, he took Yan Liqiang’s hand, “this time the power is such a peerless achievement It can be said that there is no ancient people, and I have heard the history books. I have listened to them. I am also happy for you. Afterwards, everyone is a family. You must not see the outside!”

“I am relieved to have this uncle. This time I went back to Pingxi City and asked my uncle to sit at home. My father also wanted to have two drinks with his uncle…”

“Ha ha ha, then it is a word…” The face of Zhong Jia’s family smiled like a chrysanthemum in full bloom. “I have also thought of Yan Anbao to see it. Visiting the statue, and then seeing your strength.” Known as the world’s first factory!”

After the greetings with the Zhong family and the greetings, Yan Liqiang came to the front of Old Man Lu. He didn’t have to say anything polite to Lu Family and Old Man Lu and Yan Liqiang. Everything was gone, seeing Yan Liqiang’s Old Man Lu was very excited, his eyes were a little moist, holding a strong hand, and he kept saying a word in his mouth. “Good, good, good…”


Here and the familiar people have just finished seeing, there are a lot of patriarchs of the giants of the northwestern states who have come over.

That is, at such a time, a sudden and long-lasting sound, but no one can predict the sound, suddenly wrote in the back of the crowd, “Sacred … purpose … to … 祁 … cloud … Governor … guard …strict… courtesy… strong… pick up… purpose…”

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