Silver Overlord

Chapter 871

The entire Black-Ox Tribe site is not smaller than the six northwestern states, but the population is not as large as the Great Han Empire. The development level of the entire Black-Ox Tribe tribe is similar to that of the Seven Shatu Tribes. The mixture of nomadic and hunting civilizations, which ruled the entire Black Skull tribe, is the zombie, the eagle god, and the three king tribes of the mountain gods. The other small and medium tribes of the Black-Ox Tribe are more or less attached to this. Three royal tribes.

In the history of the Black-Ox Tribe, about three hundred years ago, there was a brief reunification and the establishment of the Modan dynasty. It was an attempt by the Black-Ox Tribe from the tribal form to the state form, but this time, Time did not last long, only a few decades, with the death of Black-Ox Tribe’s generation of male amoeba, Black-Ox Tribe split again, the Modan dynasty collapsed, and now the Black-Ox Tribe’s three royal tribes In fact, it is the descendant of three different maternal bloodlines of amoeba.

The glory of the ancestors is fascinating, so even if the Black-Ox Tribe is no longer unified, the three royal tribes are still the rulers of the Black-Ox Tribe, one by one, inheriting the title of Amiba, claiming to be The king of Dan, in the interior of the three royal tribes, also retains many rules and traditions when the Modan dynasty was established. Because of this, under the backward tribal system, there will be such a title as the Prince.

In the past, the three descendants of Black-Ox Tribe fought for the rule of the Mordan dynasty, and they killed and killed me. In the end, the division and collapse of the Modan dynasty actually caused the entire Black-Ox Tribe to return to its former state. Although the three royal tribes have no war between them, it is still an impossible task to say reunification.

Yan Liqiang’s goal is the Zombie tribe.

For nearly a hundred years, it was this snake god tribe that launched the most wars against the Great Han Empire, invading the Northwest and Gulang grasslands again and again. This tribe is also the richest among the three royal tribes of Black-Ox Tribe. Aggressive.

The Zombie tribe is very powerful and has the largest population. It is the most powerful of the three royal tribes of the Black-Ox Tribe. If the entire Zombie tribe completes the highest level of war mobilization, all the small and medium tribes attached to the Zombie tribe will be launched. Uplifting, it is said that it can organize millions of troops. Of course, it is hard to say how much combat power this million army has. In the past 100 years, the Zombie tribe has organized two expeditions called the Million Army and invaded Great. Han Empire, and the Great Han Empire Sixties in the northwestern six states in response to the Black-Ox Tribe’s aggression, the states organized to go to the border with the Black-Ox Tribe to fight more than 300,000 troops, the ratio of three to one soldiers Under the column, the Black-Ox Tribe has not made too much money for the Great Han Empire. It is only inside the Black-Ox Tribe that the Zombie tribe made the momentum of the two East Expeditions. It is claimed to complete the long-cherished wish of the Amamba to conquer the Great Han Empire.

And Yan Liqiang’s reason why he dared to use the Zombie tribe as his goal this time is only one time – time difference!

The Zombie tribe still does not know that the army of the Zombie tribe led by Tamiba has been completely destroyed, without any preparation and preparation. Even if the Zombie tribe is powerful, it takes time to complete the war mobilization. It is not ten days and a half. In particular, among the army led by Tamiba, nearly half of them, more than 100,000 soldiers are directly derived from the elite power of the Zombie tribe. Now that these people are finished, the entire Zombie tribe is definitely Unprecedented weakness, and completely undefended.

After simply destroying the 10,000 Black-Ox Tribe army that fled to the west of the Qiyun Mountains, Yan Liqiang led the men of the archers and Situ Feixing, like the sharp-edged, non-stop, zombie The tribe’s nest – the most extensive plain on the southwestern side of the Qiyun Mountains – the plain of Mera. Half of the entire plain of Mura is forest, and the remaining half is flat. The climate is mild and rainfall is abundant. The most fertile land in the southeastern part of the country, the power of the zombie tribe is derived from the birth of this plain.

The Black-Ox Tribe encountered along the way was completely ruined, and the Black-Ox Tribe villages along the way were all left to the Rangers who entered the Black-Ox Tribe site with the army. The children and the militia were armed. In this case, even if someone saw Yan Liqiang’s army to report, it would be difficult to reach Yan Liqiang in front of their army.

This is the tactic of the flash battle, the word is a word – fast! Yan Liqiang The battle of the World War II that was known to the whole generation was rooted in the evolution of the cavalry tactics. Guderian’s flash battle, in the end, only replaced the cavalry regiment with a mechanized army, replacing the horses with tanks and armored vehicles. ……

The army was non-stop, running all night, with a short break in the middle, and in the early hours of the next day, through the Qiyun Mountains and most of the army of the Mulla Plains, they reached the core area of ​​the plains of Mula. .


There is also a glimmer of the stars and moons in the sky. The sun has not yet come out. There is only a small river in front of it, and the sound of flowing water is flowing. Looking far away, the so-called Zombie tribe is like the slums seen in the last generation in the eyes of Yan Liqiang. Like the refugee camps, the mess is just a big deal. In the front plains, there are low-rise and dilapidated houses everywhere, dense and sturdy, like the hive and ant nests on the plains. And simple.

The architecture of the Black-Ox Tribe is very characteristic. The houses that the poor people live in are the low-rise, mushroom-like dwarfed cottages built of wood. The rich people live relatively well, but they are also very I can rarely see more than two floors of buildings, but behind the slums and refugee camps, there is a building that looks special. It is the only one on the entire plain that can see two floors or more. The place in the attic.

More than 50,000 troops stood behind Yan Liqiang, a pair of rhinosteed had sweated, the fur on his body was soaked, and the nose was breathing, and this night’s run, for these rhinosteed, almost reached At the limit of physical strength, many rhinosteed have fallen down along the way, but the rider immediately changed the horse and continued to follow the team.

For those who ride on horseback, although the night is a bit tired, but the scene they see in front of them, so that everyone is immersed in the huge excitement, although some unbelievable, but in front of the scene It is the strongest stimulant, and the entire Zombie tribe is exposed to them like a woman without clothes, and is still sleeping with her eyes closed.

In a recent battle, just half an hour ago, more than 50,000 cavalry surrounded a Black-Ox Tribe camp that was seen along the way. There were only 5,000 Black-Ox Tribes in the camp. Any vigilance, until the entire camp was surrounded by the army, many Black-Ox Tribes in the camp still slept like pigs, I don’t know why.

At the end of the day, one of the Black-Ox Tribes in the camp did not survive. Several of them fled the camp and rode to the side to report, and finally fell under the bow of the archers.

Later, the army continued to rush forward and came here. Many of the people in the team had not dried their blood on the sword.

“We…we really got here…” Situ Feixing swallowed a slobber and said in a strange tone that before the Qiyun Mountains he felt it seemed impossible, this action It’s possible to die for a lifetime, but when he really got here, he felt that it seemed to be much easier than he had imagined. The speed advantage of the cavalry was fully revealed last night, and the Black-Ox Tribe may still return. Behind them, and they have already rushed here…

A group of people gathered around Yan Liqiang, looking at the scene in front of them, one by one, the eyes of a few green forest heroes, but also can not help but lick their lips, muttering what big business and other words.

“Yes, we are here!” Yan Liqiang looked at the distant scene and took a deep breath. He pointed to the large piece in the distance and looked like a special building. The building was tall and above, and the style was special. It is very special to leave the slum-like area. “Hersey, is that the place where the nobles of the Zombie tribe live?”

Upon hearing Yan Liqiang’s question, a Black-Ox Tribe around Situ Feixing nodded his head and looked at the distant building with a hateful look, then replied in Chinese with a little bit of a strange accent. Yes, elder, there is the Zombie Palace!”

In the Black-Ox Tribe, many of the bottom and small tribes live in a bad situation. They are even worse than slaves. There are hundreds of blacks in the cloud. These blacks are unable to be in Black-Ox for various reasons. The Black-Ox Tribe, who survived and survived the Tribe tribe, finally turned to Stuart and became a “black traitor”. The Black-Ox Tribe, which is along the way along Stuart, is a black cloud. The leader of the scorpion, called Herssey, was originally the son of a patriarch of a small tribe of the Zombie tribe, only because his wife was too beautiful to be seen by the son of an elder in the Zombie tribe during an accidental rumor. Then, the disaster will receive the little tribe where Hess is located, his wife was robbed, his parents and family were killed, the whole tribe was swallowed, and Hess, who survived the battle, was chased and killed, and then became a black scorpion under the cloud. For the Zombie tribe, Hersey has a hard hatred!

“Hehehe, that is also called the palace, interesting!” Yan Liqiang smiled a little, “Why did the snake god palace be built away from the gathering area of ​​the Zombie tribe, at least 20 miles between the two sides…”

“Because people living in the royal palace of the zombies live here, they are the people and the inferior. The place where they live cannot be so close to the people. They can’t drink a river with the people. The water, even the things that the people touched, they can’t touch, this is the teaching of the great god…”

“Your Moo God is right. If he doesn’t have such a teaching, it’s really a bit bad to deal with!” Yan Liqiang’s eyes blinked and turned to look at Stuart’s flying star. “I will take people when I stay.” In the royal palace of the zombie, you are carrying half of the horse, just on the plain, responsible for blocking the connection between the zombie palace and the tribal area of ​​the zombie, not to reinforce the zombie palace, until dawn, the knights behind us and The people of the militia can rush to…”


Two people were talking. About a hundred Black-Ox Tribe cavalry turned out from the woods behind the small river. It seemed to be a patrol of the Zombie tribe. Those people turned out and saw the river in the distance. The large crowds on the side thought that they were their own people, yelling two far away, and then rushing over without any scruples. I waited until the distance between the two sides was only a hundred meters. Through the light of the sky, those people saw the true meaning of Yan Liqiang after their army, and suddenly panicked, screaming, wanting to turn and flee…

Hundreds of arrows flew past, completely covering the area of ​​the hundreds of patrols, and hundreds of patrols instantly turned into hedgehogs on the edge of the river…

“Go…” Yan Liqiang caught a horse’s belly, and Caiyun chased the first one out of the moon…

The river in the creek is a little cold, the river is not deep, and it is not rhinosteed. With the rush of Yan Liqiang, the whole river is boiling, and a rhinosteed rushes into the river, stepping on the water. Splashing, waves rolling, 50,000 troops, a moment of effort, just crossed the small river in front of you, rushing toward the Zombie tribe.

The roaring iron hooves caused the earth to shake and completely broke the serenity of the Zombie tribe…

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