Silver Overlord

Chapter 868

The long spear in his hand stabbed, after stabbing an enemy who was obviously a Black-Ox Tribe general, he did not need Yan Liqiang to take another shot. The guns around him were trembled with dozens of arrows. Out, the seven or eight Black-Ox Tribe soldiers on the left and right sides of the Black-Ox Tribe generals screamed and were shot from the horse.

At this time, Yan Liqiang only stopped to come, because there is no enemy next to him.

The rest of the Black-Ox Tribe fled like a grazing antelope, screaming, screaming in horror, screaming, the sound of heavy objects falling, the sound of a horse screaming, and the tremor of the bowstring. The sound of the sound and the arrows are mixed together and resounded through the grasslands at the foot of the Qiyun Mountains. The bowmen brought by him have been scattered into five strands, and the five bow camps are like big hands on the grasslands. The cavalry of the escaped Black-Ox Tribe was caught.

Not waiting for the Black-Ox Tribe’s cavalry to approach, two hundred meters away, a hundred meters away, the archers’ large arrows shot towards the Black-Ox Tribe’s cavalry, the black-Ox Tribe’s cavalry Like a piece of straw that has been blown by the wind, no one can get close to the archers of the 50 meters.

There were also a lot of black scorpion cavalry that slipped into the fine sand from the fingers of the big hand, but waiting in front of them was a black wave that was rolling on the horizon of the distant grassland – that It is nearly 200,000 Han Jia Er Lang, countless Rangers, and countless groups of people gathered together to rush here, like the raging waves, hundreds of thousands of rhinosteed to the sound of the earth, let the river The water is shaking.

Behind those Black-Ox Tribe cavalry, more than 20,000 Northwest Greenwood heroes led by Situ Feixing and others have waved their hands on the big spear, and they are rushing toward them.

What is the celestial net, this is, the scene in front of you, for those Black-Ox Tribe cavalry, it really should be a sentence, called nowhere in the sky, no door to the ground, in all directions, all in all directions, in all directions, are shouting sound.

There were some desperate Black-Ox Tribe cavalry. At this time, the face looked bleak and looked at the scene in front of him. Some of them jumped directly from the horse, threw the weapon, squatted on the ground, kept their heads, and completely lost the will to resist. There are a few, but I used my weapon on my hand to wipe my neck.

When the battle hit this time, the entire battle situation was completely clear.

Yan Liqiang has come down from rhinosteed, and the big spear of the dragon steel on the handle is handed over to the bear, smiling and watching Situ Feixing and Fu Changde with a few people excitedly riding rhinosteed towards their side. Come over, when he was more than ten feet away from him, Situ Feixing and others jumped from the moment and then quickly came to Yan Liqiang. Situ Feixing and Fu Changde walked in front, others The individual followed the two of them and came to Yan Liqiang in front of him. At the same time, he took a fist against Yan Liqiang and saluted. “I wait for the greetings to supervise the elder!”

The shadow of the so-called human name tree, Yan Liqiang is famous in the world. The story of Yan Liqiang’s deeds has long been known in the northwest and other places. It has also produced many bizarre stories. In these years, the fire maiden Wu Daquan and others have long been known. I heard that my ears were stunned, but it was the first time to see Yan Liqiang with my own eyes. At this time, when a few people looked at Yan Liqiang, they all had a shock. Yan Liqiang’s young nature was completely beyond their expectations. What makes their hearts tremble is the kind of strong and powerful gas field that Yan Liqiang reveals. It’s like a mountain like a mountain. It’s just a stop wherever you go, it gives you the feeling of a mountain, and it’s completely The scent of several green forests was overwhelmed, and Yan Liqiang’s eyes were not too embarrassing to look at them. It was very gentle, but it was in the mildness, just a casual look, and there were some people in the fire. The feeling that was completely seen by Yan Liqiang.

“Hahaha, no polite!” Yan Liqiang glanced at the smoke rising in the valley in the distance. “How is the situation in the valley, is there anyone fighting?”

“Returning to elder, the battle in the valley is almost the same. From the time point of view, the battle in the west of the Crescent Valley should be finished. The Black-Ox Tribe is the last group of people who escaped from the valley… Situ Feixing said in a respectful opening.

Even if Yan Liqiang did not participate in the last ambush in the valley, the ambush was arranged by Yan Liqiang from the beginning. This is the real victory. A thousand miles away, every time I think of it, Situ Feixing’s fear of Yan Liqiang Increase without decreasing.

“How much Black-Ox Tribe did you probably run?”

“Only 10,000, the other ones have been left!”

“Hahaha, yes, yes, this time, we just want to hurt the Black-Ox Tribe!” Yan Liqiang smiled and turned his eyes to a few people next to Situ Feixing. “Let me guess, this girl. It’s the big head of Dadu Mountain!

The age of the fire goddess is actually not small. It was still somewhat cautious. But when Yan Liqiang called her girl, she was not happy at all. “The fire goddess is the name given to me by friends on the rivers and lakes, Qi Yuzhen greetings elder… ”

“The one who makes a big machete, it should be the Wu Da Dang of Huoyunzhai!”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, Wu Daquan greetings elder!” Seeing that Yan Liqiang can call his name, Wu Daquan also feels light on his face.

“This should be the dragon head of the Black Hawk 36 ride!”

“I didn’t expect elder to know the nickname of Longmou, Long Mou!” Long Ruhai looked slightly more complicated and looked at Yan Liqiang, sighing. “Elder face, it doesn’t matter, the brother of Long and his men. I also ate military food in Yinzhou. When I was a soldier, I used to have the idea of ​​serving the country with a martial art. But then I offended the villain and was squeezed out in the army. I almost got trapped in my head. There is no way out. I just killed the villain and left the military camp. My brothers saw me and went with me. This is the Black Hawk 36 ride. If we can be like this today, we will be on the battlefield. Killing the enemy, slashing the head, and changing the merits with the ability, who is willing to carry the head to do the business without any purchase, anyway, it is killing, killing the enemy on the battlefield, it is worthwhile to die, not worried about being wanted by the official…”

“It’s a good idea. If everyone can be sure that the lobby is just looking for a meal, there are a few people who will do the sale of the knife and blood!” Yan Liqiang also said with some emotions, “It’s the middle of the party. The locals have only made a smog, and there will be no kind of loyalty. There is no loyalty to the loyalty. Since there can be traitors in the middle of the dynasty, the heroes can naturally produce heroes. The purpose of killing Hu Ling is to summon the heroes of the world to contribute to the country. What a few big masters are doing today is the act of Dazhong Dayi, and it’s a model for the world’s green forests!”

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