Silver Overlord

Chapter 857

In the setting sun, the warriors of Seven Shatu Tribes rode rhinosteed towards Yan Liqiang. Their army was full of tragic colors. Those people, still 300 meters away, were covered by arrows. Screaming, like the wheat harvested by the sickle, fell down in pieces.

There are countless vultures hovering in the sky, and those vultures are attracted by the bloody smell on the ground.

Countless Shatu people fell, and in the most crowded place where the fallen crowd was, the blood donation on the ground flowed down the grassy slope towards the low surface of the lake. It was only a moment of effort, the lake of several hundred acres, before Clarification at the bottom, at this moment, it has been completely redeemed by blood, just like pouring a bottle of red ink into a tank of water, the red is beginning to be faint, then gradually deepens, and finally starts from the lake, slow Slow diffusion spreads…

Yan Liqiang led more than 10,000 archers, just like sharp sharp knives, directly cut the trunk of Seven Shatu Tribes, all of a sudden, flesh and blood, screaming, and no one can stop Yan Liqiang from leading the army. Iron hoof.

If yesterday’s 40,000 Shatu cavalry were still organized resistance, today, the only organized resistance of Seven Shatu Tribes has been completely over.

Just half an hour ago, when Yan Liqiang’s army was approaching twenty miles from the Star Lake, more than 30,000 teams were chaotic, and the colorful Shatu cavalry screamed and waved all kinds of hands. The weapon, from the direction of the Star Lake towards Yan Liqiang, their bowman rushed over.

These Shatu people are more shackled than the Shatu people they met yesterday. The 40,000 people yesterday were still somewhat prepared, but today’s ones are like temporary ones, even a unified leader. No, it’s chaotic. Under the leadership of more than a dozen bosses, the Shatu people want to fight with Yan Liqiang and their army. It’s like a gambler who wants to turn the book, and he’s desperate.

Just waiting for them, or the arrow that fell like a dense rain, they are rushing with arrows and arrows, and at this moment, they show unprecedented heroism, no one is going back, from thousands Outside the meter, the shouter, waving the weapon on his hand, rushed over to Yan Liqiang’s towering handsome flag, until the last Shatu warrior of the team smashed into a hedgehog, and they rushed down. The one who is the most advanced… The distance from Yan Liqiang is still two hundred meters away.

Under the intensive and precise long-range firepower, this traditional cavalry charge, except for the soldiers of the bow cavalry, came several times, each person consumed a few cheap arrows, no one The significance, the transformation of this form of war, is obviously something that the Shatu people can’t adapt to. On this vast grassland, there are no walls, no barriers, and even no extra war tools. Except for the hard work, they have no Any way, at that moment, for those of the Shatu, perhaps there is only one simple thought in their hearts – the Chinese who are rushing are enemies, and behind them are their homes and relatives.

The iron hooves stepped on their bodies and donated blood, and rushed into the Star Lake. After breaking through the last line of defense of this Seven Shatu Tribes, it was finally displayed in front of Yan Liqiang, which was less than one hundred square kilometers in the core gathering area of ​​the Star Lake. a variety of camps and tents…

These days, because of the killing of Hu Ling, the people of Seven Shatu Tribes gathered here have been killed by the Rangers and the militia of the Great Han Empire. In order to survive, they will not give the Rangers a chance, so The gathering area of ​​the Seven Shatu Tribes, which was finally gathered here, is very close, and the density of living is very large. From a distance, you can see that the tents and gathering areas are faintly divided into seven.

Countless Shatu people ran in a panic in their gathering place, screaming, and some people, already riding a horse, were already escaping. The entire Seven Shatu Tribes had become a mess at this time, just like the end of the day, gathered in The Shatu people here did not expect Yan Liqiang to have killed Star Lake today.

Looking at the scene in the distance, Yan Liqiang stopped Caiyun from chasing the moon, and the entire army stopped with Yan Liqiang’s stop.

Yan Liqiang calmly looked at the scene of Seven Shatu Tribes, the heart was like water, just after more than ten seconds, he slammed the bow in his hand, and the mouth burst like a spring thunder, and he took out a word, “kill!” A rushing toward the gathering place of the Shatu people, the tens of thousands of soldiers in the Yunyun County behind him shouted “kill”, and the earth shook, and Yan Liqiang rushed over.

Yan Liqiang led the 30,000-strong army to drive straight from the east side of the Star Lake. All the way to the side, as seen along the way, no longer encountered organized resistance of more than 500 people, but not waiting for those Shatu people to rush, the cavalry The arrows have already covered their land. Even if a few people can rush to the army within 100 meters, waiting for them, it is also the arrow of the other cavalry of the Dragon Tooth Army. Nearly, then, they have to face the long spear that numerous spear cavalry have stabbed.

And the nearly 100,000 Rangers and the brigade’s brigade, who followed the arrival of the army, saw the scene in front of them, and they could bear it. They had long since they were in the northwest and southwest, avoiding Yan Liqiang. The route completely surrounded the gathering place of the entire Seven Shatu Tribes. Many people, the Rangers and the militia groups, saw that the Shatu had already ran, and turned to chase the Shatu who fled, and more of the Rangers and the militia. Then, like a flood, swept through the gathering area of ​​Seven Shatu Tribes. They followed Yan Liqiang’s army to the Star Lake. Waiting for this moment, the eyes of the Shatu people are credit, that is, grassland and wealth, so people People are brave enough to fight for the first.

The martial arts cultivation that dares to come to the Gulang grassland, the martial arts cultivation is above the standard, especially those Rangers, about three or four Rangers, at least one is Martial Warrior or has a cultivation above Martial Warrior Most of the Rangers carry their bows or carry weapons such as cockroaches. The hidden weapon such as darts is the favorite of the Rangers. The Seven Shatu Tribes are so ruthless, what are the rest? Can withstand such a large army.

There are slashes and screams everywhere. Yan Liqiang’s army is really screaming, the corpse is everywhere, the smoky smog is everywhere, and there is a sky between the stars and the sky. Among them, like the mourning flag raised by Seven Shatu Tribes, in the afterglow of the setting sun, it is extremely bleak…

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