Silver Overlord

Chapter 843

Great Han Empire On the evening of September 7th, the 17th year of Pingping, Pingxi City was in the house of Yunyun, and it was just three days away from Yan Liqiang’s “clearance”. The night of the Yunyun Supervisor’s House, the lights were bright. The bureaucrats of the entire Shuyun Supervisor’s Office, more than seven civil servants, and more than the military officials, today almost all gathered here.

Just today, Yan Liqiang has made a major decision in the guard house against the county’s civil and military officials. He will lead the 20,000 dragon tooth army to the elite tomorrow, officially send out the Gulang grassland, and smooth the Seven Shatu. Tribes and Black-Ox Tribe.

After making this decision, it means that from tomorrow, all the people, all departments and all bureaucrats in Jinyun County will revolve around Yan Liqiang’s expedition, surrounding the war of collecting retro waves. Run at full speed.

Today’s meeting is a mobilization meeting for civil and military officials in Jinyun County.

As long as Yan Liqiang issued a killing order, everyone knew that the day would come sooner or later, and the county had been preparing for the war. It was just that some people were surprised that this day came so early, many people still It is thought that at least three months later, Yan Liqiang will be able to send troops, but what they did not expect is that after supervising the elder, the decision was made at once and will be determined and cannot be changed.

After the decision was made, the entire Yunyun Supervisor House boiled up, especially the one of the military officers and generals, all of them excited, and almost could not help but scream.

In the past few months, I watched the ones who entered the Gulang grassland and the militia groups brought back the heads of the Shatu and Black-Ox Tribe, and received the rewards, the money, the grass, the silver, the cattle and horses. There are so many, the owners of the Dragon Army, from the veterans like Tieyunshan to the ordinary sergeants, all eyes are envious and red, just because they did not get the order of Yan Liqiang, the Dragon Army did not get off In the battle, everyone is screaming.

Now, after hearing the decision of Yan Liqiang, these military cadets finally got released, and they all said that it was finally the turn of the old people to play…

Of course, the voice of opposition is not without. The voice of this opposition is mainly from several civil servants under the guardian house. The reasons for the opposition of the civil servants are also very simple. In the case of the current Gulang grassland, Shatu and Black-Ox Tribe has long been a bird of surprise, and three days of surprise, even if Yan Liqiang does not send troops, wait another six months, perhaps without the guardian to send troops, Seven Shatu Tribes and Black-Ox Tribe may have collapsed.

For such a voice, Yan Liqiang only said one sentence, “You only think that this is the easiest, but you don’t know, time does not wait for people. With the domestic situation of Great Han Empire, we will collect the retro wave grassland as early as possible. One day to grasp the initiative, for the Chinese military officers, at this moment is the time to build a meritorious glory of the ancestors, you ask them, are willing to enjoy this time?”

I heard Yan Liqiang say that the voices of opposition are gone.

Also, tonight, Yan Liqiang deliberately set up a banquet on the grass in the back garden of the government house to invite the civil and military officials attending the government today.

Just halfway through the banquet, when it was warm, the sky in the northeast was suddenly bright, a glare, tearing the sky in the northeast, causing everyone in the back garden to be astonished, turning to look at the sky. In the northeast direction…

“What is this…” Even Shi Changfeng and Qian Su, who are holding the glasses, stood up and looked at the vision in the distant sky.

Just blink of an eye, in the eyes of everyone, I saw countless meteors falling from the sky in the northeast, and the whole garden suddenly sounded an exclamation.

Fang Beidou looked at Yan Liqiang for the first time. The two exchanged a look. Yan Liqiang nodded slightly. Fang Beidou suddenly understood it. This is the catastrophe that destroyed the entire Gyeonggi area. Looking at the sky that has become colorful all over the world, Fang Beidou’s eyes are complicated – everything is like this. It’s what the Gyeonggi area will look like at the moment, I can’t imagine it.

“Is this the robbery of the Gyeonggi-do that was predicted in the Great Han Empire Times?” Among the civil and military officials attending the meeting, someone finally reacted and shouted.

The crowd at the meeting suddenly fried the pot.

“Yes, yes, look at that direction, it should be the imperial capital city…”

“The current imperial capital city should be no one. I heard that it is a horrible walking, very terrible!”

“The day it was looted, I don’t know what the scene is?”

“What is the scene of him, this day robbery, I think it’s best to wipe out the dead bodies of the Gyeonggi area.”

“makes sense……”

Yan Liqiang also stood up. He stood with his hands on the lawn and looked at the sky in the distance. His eyes flashed with unpredictable brilliance. The scene in front of him was especially shocking to others. In fact, it has already experienced the second, four-year effort, four years of struggle, he can stand here today, watching this day robbed.

What others are watching is lively. For Yan Liqiang, there are so many stories behind the scene. Who can think of it, this is a catastrophe, it is not an accident, but an elaborate Deliberate arrangement, and if it is not for himself, all the people in the land of Beijing and Beijing will suffer from the catastrophe. Their own appearance has changed a lot. The people in the land of Gyeonggi have escaped half, and the remaining half are in the worm. Under the influence of it, it became a demonization, and those demonized, just tonight, will be destroyed in this robbery…

Yan Liqiang tried his best, and the scene in front of him had a different feeling for him.

Everyone was watching the sky with a sly look. Just a few minutes later, the sky in the northeast became red, and a naked eye seemed to be many times more fireball than the falling meteor, tearing the sky and falling. Down, the sky was abruptly bright and then dimmed.

The change in the sky in the northeast appeared for more than ten minutes, and then disappeared completely. The people who attended the banquet arrived at this time, but they had no mood to eat and drink. The whole garden was silent. Everyone was watching Yan. Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang looked at everyone, Shen Sheng said, “Everyone knows why I said that time is waiting for people. Tonight, the entire Gyeonggi area has turned into a fly ash. The so-called imperial court of the Great Han Empire will completely disappear. Nothing will be left. In the future, the Great Han Empire will be more chaotic. Now, it is time for us to take the initiative to make a difference. I will completely smooth Seven Shatu within three months, that is, before the end of the year. Tribes and Black-Ox Tribe invading the ancient waves…”

“I will wait for the elder to follow the elder and recover my Dahan territory!” A group of school representatives represented by Tieyunshan screamed at Yan Liqiang, and other civil servants saw it and followed it. “Please elder rest assured, Elder is going to go out, the county is in the middle of the matter, I have to arrange for the elder, and don’t let elder worry about it!”


After almost half an hour, Jinyun County felt the earthquake of the earthquake coming from the northeast…

On the second day, Yan Liqiang took the 20,000 iron ride directly from Pingxi City and went straight to Baishiguan!

The battle of the retro waves in the grassland of the Yunyun Supervisor is coming soon!

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