Silver Overlord

Chapter 841



The rhinosteed hoofing on the ground broke the serenity on the grassland. Under the starry sky, Yan Liqiang, six of them ran in front, and behind them, the twenty or thirty people were rhinosteed and looked fierce. Hot pursuit…

This time and the last time they were chased by the Shatu people, the last time they met Zhao Tianyi’s clearance, and this time, the people who have no solution can appear just right, and those who chase them, although the number is not The Shatu people who chased them last time were many, but the strength was better than those of the Shatu.

Among the chasers, there are a lot of archers, almost half of them, especially the green-faced man. The strength is far more than Zuo Yuquan and others. The wildfire that the man left is under the stars. Running, like a flame flying on the grassland, the speed is fast, the strength is beyond the line of ordinary rhinosteed, Yan Liqiang They have not run out of more than ten miles, the green face man has been riding a dust, face With a sneer, I quickly chased it up, bringing the distance between the two sides to within three or four hundred meters, and is still approaching quickly.

At this time, there are only two choices in front of Yan Liqiang. The first choice, if Yan Liqiang gave up Zuo Yuquan, they let the clouds cover their hands and quickly run away. The wildfire of the blue-faced man is absolutely impossible. Then catch up with Yan Liqiang’s dark clouds, just like this, it is equivalent to the lives of Zuo Yuquan and others to the hands of those behind.

The second option, that is, Yan Liqiang does not run away, but with Zuo Yuquan, they are coping with the danger of getting closer and closer, and if they make the latter choice, Yan Liqiang knows that he is pressing now. The realm of cultivation, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the green man behind, and once he can’t help showing his original cultivation at this critical moment of life and death, his two-month “reconciliation results” are not only abandoned, but also Ming Wang Sect said that he would not be able to use this method to break through his own barriers of practice in the future, because at the moment of life and death, he couldn’t help but break his own strength. It was a taboo to break through the barriers to practice. Once, it will be even more difficult.

For Yan Liqiang, this is a dilemma. When people come to the Gulang grassland for so long, no one thinks of the most dangerous crisis, but it is not from the Shatu people and the Black-Ox Tribe, but from behind them. These of their families, the most dangerous in the world, really is the heart of the people.

Zuo Yuquan, they also felt the murder behind them.

“Wang brothers, you are going, you are riding a cloud to cover the snow, they can’t catch you, we run separately…” Mao Taishun seems to be a little less serious, but this time, the first one to let Yan Liqiang escape is also he.

“Yes, brother Wang, you are going…” Xu Meng, who was riding on rhinosteed, also called.

Yan Liqiang still had a bit of hesitation in his heart, but after hearing Mao Taishun’s words, he let him suddenly firm down, his eyes flashing with a firm light, and he said in a deep voice, “When we come together, we must go back together. , old rules, you go first, after I am broken…”

When talking about the words, Yan Liqiang’s dark clouds covered the snow and fell to the end of the team, covering the other five people.

“Ha ha ha, I want to go, now it’s too late…” The green man behind him said awkwardly, and the voice came from behind. “Dare to play with me, you will put your head with the heads you harvested.” Leave it!”

Listening to the voice, Yan Liqiang took out his bow directly, and rode on the body and turned back. He slammed and shot at the green man.

The arrow flew like a meteor, but the green man was prepared as soon as he was, but the body leaned back, and the arrow that had been shot at him was easily avoided by him. .


Yan Liqiang bit his teeth, such a chop, put it before, if he does not deliberately suppress his cultivation, he can shoot him in one arrow, but now the bow of the three heavens cultivation, the bow is also ordinary Strong bow, five stones are not there, it is difficult to shoot such a master.

“Hahaha, it’s not bad. It turns out that there is a cultivation of the three-day bow. It’s no wonder that it has just been so calm. It’s just this cultivation, but it’s not enough…” The voice of the green-faced man came, with a high mockery and disdain. Just as he got up, a Horned-Python Bow appeared on his hand, and then the Horned-Python Bow instantly became full, then “咻”, facing Yan Liqiang, they opened a bow ……

Yan Liqiang’s face changed, because this person opened the bow, he knew that the cultivation of this blue-faced man is not only the bow of the four heavens, but also this person has the skill of “shadow”, this “shadow” The skill can be a bow and two at the same time. The second arrow is shot with the first arrow. The ordinary person is very difficult to guard against. One does not observe, can block the first arrow, and it is difficult to block the second arrow.

This skill is nothing but pediatrics for Yan Liqiang, but at this time, a bow cultivation is the archer of Yan Liqiang’s group of people.

The peak cultivation of the bow road triple heaven. It is almost impossible to block the “shadow arrow” shot by the people of the bow road. The strength and skill are all one level.

The speed of the two arrows flying in the eyes of Yan Liqiang is not too fast. Yan Liqiang can even clear the trajectory changes and arrows and air friction of the arrow when it flies. Some subtle disturbances caused by the airflow.

As long as you don’t suppress cultivation, break through the realm of the archway, or push the cultivation of the martial artist to the next level, Yan Liqiang can easily stop the two arrows, but in this way, everything is not there. Meaning…

At the crucial moment, Yan Liqiang made a decision by biting his teeth. His eyes flashed and he opened the bow again in a very short time. Only in an instant, he broke the cultivation of the bow road to the extreme and quickly shot an arrow.

Yan Liqiang’s arrow, which was in the middle of the moment, hit the first arrow in front of the “Shadow Arrow” – this is already the strongest explosion of the cultivation of the bow road – the two arrows are shattered at the same time. The air fell, but the second arrow, “Shadow”, was still shot in the heart of Yan Liqiang…

At this moment, looking at the arrow that flew toward his heart, Yan Liqiang finally understood what is clear between life and death!

As long as the cultivation breaks out, this arrow can be easily taken, such as a breeze. If you continue to suppress cultivation and die, the arrow is a reminder. It is not so easy to take it…

A decision must be made between life and death!

At the moment of the electric stone fire, the arrow is close to the chest, and Yan Liqiang screams, and must fly, and the palms are slamming in the chest, just like the giant bear holding the tree, when the arrow is a few inches away from his heart, With the palm of both hands, the second arrow that was shot was hard-caught – this is the power of the Five Birds Trick bear shape, and Yan Liqiang is alive and play, and the play is a fist, which continues to suppress. In the case of his own cultivation, the arrow was taken hard.

Although the arrow is next, but the huge kinetic energy on the arrow, at the same time, Yan Liqiang, who continues to suppress his cultivation and ability, has fallen from the back of the black cloud cover and rolled down on the grass below. , rolling a lot of circles in a row.

I felt that Yan Liqiang was shot down, and the dark clouds covered the snow and suddenly stopped.

“Wang Brothers…” The other five people who were running together also screamed. In the middle of the run, the five people did not see the details of the arrow that was finally caught by Yan Liqiang with their palms. I only heard Yan Liqiang yelling. It seemed that there was an arrow in my heart, and I fell off immediately. The five people almost simultaneously took their respective rhinosteed, and then transferred the horse head together.

“Don’t hurt my brother…” Xu Meng’s eyes were red, and a fierce clip of the horse’s belly, pulling out the machete on the saddle, rushed straight toward the green man.

“Jalan, you go to save people, others, kill me…” Zuo Yuquan snorted, then turned and rushed toward the green man, and took out his bow, toward the green face. The man shot an arrow.

Zhao Bing also followed, and when Zuo Yuquan opened the bow, he also took out his bow and opened the bow to that person.

Jia Langfu was on the horse’s back and rushed toward Yan Liqiang, while Mao Taishun was hiding under the horse’s belly. With Zuo Yuquan and Zhao Bing, they rushed toward the green man.

The rhinosteed of the green-faced man is too fast. In the process of chasing Yan Liqiang, they have already left his men behind the kilometer. Zuo Yuquan, they just want to use this time difference to make that person fast. Solve it, then save Yan Liqiang.

The green-faced man easily escaped the arrows shot by Zuo Yuquan and Zhao Bing in the process of rushing forward. “This is the ability, but also to ugly…”, the blue-faced man sneered, He just raised his bow and shot it with an arrow. Zuo Yuquan snorted and fell from rhinosteed, and then raised his bow. Zhao Bing took the next arrow, but he was still shot by the second arrow of “Shadow”. I have to fall from rhinosteed…

“Kill…” Two arrows of effort, Xu Meng has already approached, and the big machete dances like a wheel. He lifts his head and smashes toward the head of the blue-faced man. The momentum, I can’t wait to connect that person. Take the horse together and split it into two halves.

The man’s effort was indeed true. When he saw Xu Meng’s coming over, he used a violent force. The whole person suddenly jumped from the horseback. The man was in the air and stepped on the mahogany of Xu’s hand. On the knife side, then the body flew, and the other foot kicked on Xu Meng’s shoulder. He kicked Xu Meng from the rhinosteed horse back, spurting a blood, and fell heavily on the grass. .

At this time, Mao Taishun’s rhinosteed has already rushed to a point. Mao Taishun suddenly turned up from the rhinosteed horse’s belly and held the machine on his hand. He slammed the trigger against the blue-faced man. dead……”

“Call…” The blue-faced man sneered, and the cloak of his body trembled fiercely. He suddenly smashed the arrow that Mao Taishun shot. Mao Taishun shot three arrows and was swept down by the man’s cloak. Not waiting for Mao Taishun to shoot the fourth arrow, a little cold star flew out from the hand of the green-faced man, Mao Taishun was also snorted, and fell from the rhinosteed horseback.

The blue-faced man jumped into his rhinsteed back and then rushed toward Yan Liqiang.

Zhao Bing, who had just fallen to the ground, staggered and stood with an arrow on his shoulder. The arrow of the arrow had already passed through his shoulder and passed out from behind the shoulder blade.

The blue-faced man saw Zhao Bing stand up, the cyan face was cold for a moment, then pulled out his long knife hanging on the saddle, and his face showed a playful smile. “Cut your head first and then say… …”, when the voice fell, it rushed straight toward Zuo Yuquan, blade ray Mori…


“Wang brothers, are you okay…” On the other side, more than 100 meters away, Jia Lang has already rushed to Yan Liqiang and helped Yan Liqiang to see Yan Liqiang’s chest without a middle arrow. A big breath.

“Nothing…” Yan Liqiang, who had rolled over more than ten laps on the ground, just stood up and saw that the blue-faced man had already rushed to the front of Zhao Fei who had just stood up. Zhao Bing’s neck smashed over the past…

“You are going…” Zhao Bing turned his head and watched the crack. He yelled at Yan Liqiang and Jalan, then pulled out the sword with his left hand and rushed toward the man.

The time in the whole world seems to be slowing at this moment. Yan Liqiang seems to be able to see Zhao Bing’s head flying after the next three seconds. Not far away, the man of the blue-faced man has already entered a group. The hungry wolf rushed over, and Xu Meng, who had blood in his mouth, stood up again, roaring, holding the machete in his hand, and rushing to the rider of the twenty or thirty hungry wolves. There are several people who took the bow in their hands, put on the arrow, and aimed at Xu Meng…

“Zhao Bing…” Jia Lang’s face was slowly and painfully twisted. Although the voice shouted in Yan Liqiang’s ear, listening to Yan Liqiang’s ear was like shouting out from a distant cave. The same, it is so far away, deep and quiet.


This voice was not shouted from Yan Liqiang’s mouth, but roared out of his heart and rang through the sky. Yan Liqiang felt something in his body broke. He didn’t know what it was. He just used it. The bow fell on the grass not far away, the arrow is still on the snow covered body, the bow and the arrow are separated. At this time, Yan Liqiang did not know why, but did not expect to go to the arrow, but to the He fell to the bow on the ground.

The bow was quickly picked up by Yan Liqiang, and the blade of the green man was only a few meters away from Zhao Bing’s neck.

Yan Liqiang didn’t even have time to stand up, and he was half-squatting on the ground. When he had a blank head, he didn’t want to, and he filled the empty bow.

There is no arrow on the bow, but Yan Liqiang just released his hand and shot it out…

Just in the moment when Yan Liqiang let go, his side shines brightly. Like a bright moon, countless Heaven and Earth Qi and the stars in the sky, in a moment, a condensed one in front of him. A dazzling arrow in the dark like a rainbow.


A splendid brilliance traversed the kilometer, taking Yan Liqiang as the origin, sweeping through the big-faced big man and the hungry wolves that had just rushed from far away…

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