Silver Overlord

Chapter 819

Within the bedroom of the Guard House, Yan Liqiang stood in the room with his hands in the shadow of the bow. The light and shadow behind him, the seven red arrows, like the peacock’s feathers, opened behind him. But suddenly, the light and shadow behind Yan Liqiang shook a bit and instantly collapsed.

Yan Liqiang still didn’t move, closed her eyes. After about two minutes, the light and shadow of the seven arrows behind him appeared again. The whole person came back again with a “peacock opening screen”, but this time the “peacock opens” Like last time, it didn’t last long, and the light and shadow suddenly trembled and collapsed instantly…

After this time, the light and shadow collapsed, and Yan Liqiang’s face finally couldn’t help but changed his eyes. Then he opened his eyes. “I rely on it, the real prize…”

Although it was faintly felt that this might be a barrier to practice, but after confirming it, Yan Liqiang still felt a little surprised. He thought that after practicing Cleansing the Marrows and Tendons, he would not encounter such a thing, but did not expect that in the bow road seven heavens After that, I still met. I don’t know if I didn’t practice Cleansing the Marrows and Tendons, or follow the rules of the world. The bow cultivation will enter the test after seven days, as if it was too smooth in front of me… …

Yan Liqiang frowned, and a man was squatting in the room. Yan Liqiang walked and muttered in the room with a voice he could only hear. “Now killing has been issued, in the next few months, There must be a lot of people gathered in the Gulang grassland. Everything has been set up in Jinyun County. Everything has been arranged. In the next three or five months, you only need to take the profit of the fishermen to check the heads. When everything is almost the same, then send troops. After doing more with less, I originally wanted to go to Yulongshan for a while and then make a breakthrough. It’s not as good as it is…”

Said, said, Yan Liqiang’s eyes slowly strengthened.

“Well, tomorrow, I have to entertain the Ming Wang Sect alone. I want to take them to the manufacturing bureau. I can just ask the elders tomorrow, and see what Ming Wang Sect can do to deal with this practice barrier, um… …just decided…sleeping…”


Early the next morning, Yan Liqiang got up and cooked and had breakfast. He took the entourage guard and rode rhinosteed out of the door and went straight to the park.

After seeing Fengqing River and Mo Ziyue yesterday, Yan Liqiang made the “Government Guest House” of Pingxi City’s Guanyuan, for the sake of the landlord’s friendship. After Fengqinghe and Mo Ziyue left the government house yesterday, Guanyuan’s The person in charge has asked the group of Ming Wang Sect to live in the garden, and entertained. Today, Yan Liqiang arrived at the park half an hour earlier than the time agreed by the two parties. The younger disciple of Ming Wang Sect was almost ready. After the meeting, everyone chilled a few words. Feng Qinghe introduced a few of the powerful disciples who did not have greetings Yan Liqiang yesterday to Yan Liqiang. Thanks to Yan Liqiang for his hospitality, then Yan Liqiang took Ming Wang Sect directly. Out of the city, went to the dock on the dock and went straight to Huanglong County.

On both sides of the Xijiang River, you can enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river. You can enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river. Yan Liqiang finds the opportunity to talk about the practice of the two when he and the Qingqing River stand alone on the outer deck of the boat. Yan Liqiang also asked his own question, “Can the elders of the wind encounter barriers to practice?”

Feng Qinghe laughed and touched his long beard. “Ha ha ha, this practice barrier may not be met by ordinary people all the time, but after practicing in the realm of Martial Hegemon, the possibility of personal encountering barriers is growing. This is the first barrier to practice. It is difficult for anyone to avoid. Before I advanced to Martial Ancestor, I also encountered a barrier to practice. Before I blocked the realm of Martial Ancestor, I had to go back a few years, but in the end I let I am coming over…”

“I also heard that the disciples of Ming Wang Sect don’t have a coping style when facing the barriers to practice. This practice barrier is a big problem for the disciples of other sects, but the Ming Wang Sect disciples can cope with it. Through the cultivation between life and death, break the barrier!”

“Yes, my Ming Wang Sect pays attention to killing the card, polishing the heart martial arts in the life and death experience, and clearly guarding the light in the battlefield. I sect my disciples, even life and death can be obscured. This practice of barriers is naturally easier than the disciples of other sects!” said the elders of Feng Qinghe, who looked at Yan Liqiang’s eyes and suddenly remembered something. “Is it difficult to supervise the elder now? ”

Feeling that the thoughts of the elders of Fengqinghe really have no evil thoughts or ambitions, Yan Liqiang admits admitly. “Yes, after I arrived at the peak of the Seven Heavens, I now seem to have encountered a barrier to practice. I have entered the inch, I heard that if this practice barrier can not be broken for a long time, once the wall is born, it will bring very serious consequences!”

Listening to Yan Liqiang, the face of the elders of Feng Qinghe suddenly became serious and the voice was dignified. “Before the wall, the devil is like a living person who sees the ghost gate. In the end, he can be safe and innocent, no one, no practice. At this point, there is only one way to go. Only the fearless and brave heart can break the barriers. It is not broken, and the elder is talented and intelligent. It has been unimpeded before the practice. It is rare to establish such a career at a young age. However, according to the classics of the martial art left by our Ming Wang Sect, the more talented and intelligent people who practiced before, the more they did not encounter the barriers to practice, once they met, the barriers were particularly difficult, and they wanted to break through and pay more. Kung Fu, this is not a trivial matter. Supervise the elder. Don’t be careless, be sure to prepare early!”

“I also know that this is a trivial matter. If you don’t involve the Ming Wang Sect secret, I would like to ask the elders of the wind. If the elder disciple of Ming Wang Sect meets me, how should I pass this! ”

The elders of Fengqing River have been indulging for a moment. “Ming Wang Sect does have the secret of this level, but in Ming Wang Sect, the elders, if they don’t really encounter obstacles, ordinary disciples will not know!”

“Oh, since it is the secret of Ming Wang Sect, the elders of the wind will not say it, then forget it!” Yan Liqiang smiled as usual.

The elders of the Qingqing River shook their heads. “The supervision of the elder misunderstood. This secret method, I told the supervisor that there is nothing. It is just that this secret method is too simple, but it is also a summary of the experience between my life and death of Ming Wang Sect. After the supervision of the elder knows, it is necessary to rumor, otherwise there will always be some trouble!”

“The wind is old and assured, if this secret law I know, without the consent of Ming Wang Sect, never pass on others!”

When I heard Yan Liqiang say, the elders nodded and then looked around. Finally, mysteriously put my head in the ear of Yan Liqiang, using only the voice that Yan Liqiang could hear, whispered two words. Then it returned to normal. “I just said, can the guardian elder be clear?”

Yan Liqiang looked awkward and couldn’t believe it. “Is this the secret of Ming Wang Sect?”

The elders of the Qingqing River nodded. “There is no doubt about the supervision of the elder. This is indeed the method that Ming Wang Sect has summarized and verified. Although it seems unbelievable, it is the best. If this method does not work, then Perhaps you can only expect the opportunity of enlightenment. It is very difficult to use the very law. Supervise the elder. If you want to try it, be careful…”

“Well, thank you for the elders!”

What the Fengqing River still wants to say, Mo Ziling has already laughed and jumped out from the cabin behind him. “Brother Yan, Brother Yan, if you go to the manufacturing bureau, you have to take me to see you. How can a ship be made…”

This Mo Ziling was innocent, but it was a familiar one. When I saw Yan Liqiang today, I called Brother Yan Brother Yan. In less than a morning, I became familiar with Yan Liqiang.

“Zi Ling, don’t have to be big, this is not in the sect!” Feng Qinghe’s elder face was slightly sinking, and immediately learned.

“Ha ha ha, no problem, no problem, the shipyard is not far from the dock where we disembarked. If the purple spirit sister wants to see, we can go and see it…”

“Brother Yan, you are so good!” Mo Ziling giggled and saw the wind clear river coming over, she also made a face to the Fengqing River…

At noon, the building was docked at the pier in Huanglong County!

At this time, the Huanglong County Wharf is being expanded. On both sides of the dock, several tall iron towers for loading and unloading cargo are being installed, which makes the group of Ming Wang Sect very surprised. After Yan Liqiang introduced, They also know that it is also a new “small gadget” made by the manufacturing bureau. The loading and unloading tools on the dock made by the pulley block and the steel boom can greatly improve the throughput and cargo capacity of the terminal…

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