Silver Overlord

Chapter 815

When I started to draw circles with charcoal pencils, all the villagers in Jia’an County discovered that they were sitting at a distance of three feet from each other. At the beginning, everyone still didn’t understand why everyone was sitting. It’s so wide, I understand it now. The reason why I sit so wide, when I draw a circle, the person next to it is not easy to see. This is a small secret measure, very intimate.

As for the few people who don’t know the word, I just heard Shi Changfeng’s words, and I also know the order of the three names on the ticket of Xiangxiang, so I won’t make a mistake.

The time of half a quarter of an hour is coming soon, and everyone has drawn a circle on the ticket.

“Well, you can put together the tickets of the townships on your hand, and everyone will take the tickets in this box in turn!” Shi Changfeng said, also indicating that the boxer around him opened the box and lifted it. Let everyone look at the empty space of the box, did not do anything, and then put the box down. “This first ticket, start from Wang Yi, then everyone lined up, vote in order…”

Wang Yi heard that he didn’t say much. He just stood up from his position and nodded to Shi Changfeng. Then he went to the ticket box and dropped the folded ticket into the box.

After Wang Liang, it was Su Youlun, then the township sages sitting in the first row, everyone lined up, took turns, voted, and sat back, so quickly, one hundred people voted.

Then, in the public vote, Shi Changfeng opened the box, first took out a ticket for the township, and looked at the circle drawn above, then read it aloud, “Su Youlun, one vote…”, said At the end, he also opened the ticket and let everyone around him see the circle drawn on the ticket is to circle Su Youlun’s name.

With Shi Changfeng’s words, a waiter standing behind him, behind Shi Changfeng’s name on a wooden board, painted a cross with a charcoal…

“Shao Yuanjie, one vote…”

“Shao Yuanjie, one vote…”

“Wang shakes a vote…”

“Su Youlun, one vote…”

“Wang, one vote…”

“Wang shakes a vote…”

“This ticket has drawn two circles on it, and two people have been chosen. It is regarded as a waiver, not counting…”


With Shi Changfeng taking out the Zhang Xiangxian ticket, singing the ticket, showing that the ticket in the ticket box is rapidly decreasing, and the “positive” word behind the three people on the board is gradually Increased, in the first fifty votes, the gap between the three is not too obvious. In the end, the deer died, it is still not clear. The three people involved in this selection are very nervous, one by one listening to the voice of Shi Changfeng. Unconsciously, I held my breath…

However, after fifty votes, the ticket for Wang Wang began to increase gradually. Wang Wei’s face sitting on the side was also wonderful. Every time Shi Changfeng read his name, the fat on his face would almost tremble. a bit.

As Shi Changfeng took out the last ticket in the ballot box and read “Wang Shake, One Vote…”, Wang’s face was already red, and Shao Yuanjie and Su Youlun next to it spit out. With a sigh of relief, one face was a bit gray, and one shook his head and smiled.

Finally, looking at the positive characters on the blackboard with the names of the three people, you can count the number of votes. The number of “positive” words behind Wang Wei’s name is the most, more than eight, more than three more than Shao Yuanjie and Su Youlun. Come, the outcome is clear at a glance…

“This time, the votes of the township of Jia’an County voted 100 Zhang. There are two discarding rights. The actual number of votes is 98. Among them, Wang Jue won 43, Shao Yuanjie got 28, and Su Youlun got 27. After Xiangxiang voted, Jia’an’s nostalgic king won the most votes, which is the next county magistrate in Jia’an County!” Shi Changfeng’s face finally showed a smile. He turned his head and looked at Wang Qiang, who was already excited and full of redness. “Wang Elder, congratulations, after I report this result to the supervision of the elder, the official appointment of the official residence will be down within two days. After the king elder, as a county elder, you can let today vote for you. The one-vote township is disappointed!”

Hearing Shi Changfeng’s mouth, he called himself an elder. Wang Shake felt that the whole person was just like stepping on the cotton. He almost couldn’t stand it. “Herder is assured, I know, I know, today’s selection is over, I am in Yingxian. I booked a banquet and hoped that Elder would appreciate the light…”

“I have to rush back to Pingxi City today, and to supervise the elder to report the results of the selection of the county magistrate in Jia’an County today. I will not be disturbed. Later, I will be my colleagues. When you have a meeting, don’t forget that you are here today. If you have said that, you have to make the gambling swear to come true. The most hateful thing to supervise the elder is that officials criticize and smother the people. Once they are discovered, they will lose their jobs and go to the prison. If they are involved, they will be imprisoned. what!”

Wang Qiang, who is excited, heard the words behind Shi Changfeng, and then looked at Shi Changfeng’s clear and deep eyes. The whole person was clever and suddenly woke up and quickly hurried to Shi Changfeng. “Thank you for the history of Elder reminder, history elder Rest assured, I will never let the supervision of the elder disappointment. If I am a corrupted public, I will smother the people, it will discredit the ancestors of the Wang Family, and let the elders send people to take them, let the old I’m going to thunder and kill me…”

Shi Changfeng nodded. “Wang elder can think so, it’s the best!”, and Wang Shao said these words, Shi Changfeng looked at the townships in the room, and said, “They are the Xiangxian, today. This vote, that is, the referral of your people, is the glory and responsibility. It is also a ardent hope to supervise the elder. This county magistrate is chosen by you. You have supervision. Responsibility, the position of the township, in accordance with the meaning of the supervision of the elder, will be selected in the next four years, the county magistrates you choose, if not competent, or reverse the behavior of the people to complain, if you have more than two-thirds, That is to say, the township sages of 66 people have joined the book, and the government can start impeachment and pursue their responsibilities…”

Shi Changfeng’s words made everyone in the lobby stunned, especially those who were in the township. Those who thought that the township was elected after the referendum were a lifetime honor, or that there was nothing after the selection of the county magistrate. Used, and listening to Shi Changfeng, the supervision of the elder seems to be the intention to form the title of the township of the grassroots system, so that the power of the township seems to be big, the county magistrate can select the impeachment, but this is The unreasonable things, and the townships are also completely elected by the local people, which means that in the future, the local people can indirectly decide the candidates of a county magistrate…

Limited by the knowledge, there are a few people in this lobby who faintly feel that today’s business seems to be very simple, but no one can see through it. The elder who arranges all this is only inscrutable and more awesome. .


“Our county magistrate was elected, it is Wang Liang’s lord…” As the news inside the National Museum passed outside, the people who watched the lively Jia’an County outside the National Museum of Art finally boiled up, Wang Family The family members who arranged outside the National Museum of Art began to boast drums and began to make noises…

“Who knows how this county magistrate was chosen, how to choose it, and knowing the amount of people to talk about…” More people watching the excitement are more interested in the process of selecting the county magistrate.

“I heard that it was voted by the township one person and voted. The ticket is called the ticket of Xiangxian. There are three people’s names printed on it. If you want to make a county magistrate, you will draw a circle on his name. Finally, Who is the number of votes for the one hundred townships, who is the county magistrate…”

“Listen to your words, if I am a township, I can vote to decide who is the county magistrate…”

“of course!”

“This township did not expect to be so prestige…”

With the light of the selection process of the county magistrate in the National Museum of Art, there was a louder noise outside the National Museum. For those who were onlookers, they knew the process of selecting the county magistrate and made them feel fresh and unpredictable. This county magistrate can also be selected in this way, not to mention that the townsmen who were previously recommended by them have such a big power at once…


On a restaurant not far from the National Museum, Hua Ruxue and the old man sat in the window of the box facing the street, watching the bustling scene on the street outside the National Museum. Listening to the crowds below, the eyes of both of them flashed. Moving a layer of splendor.

“Officials are on the top, the people are on the bottom, the people are on the yin, since the ancient officials were out of the upper, the upper and lower liters, the extremes of the matter will be reversed, then the gram is on, this is the reason for the reincarnation of the dynasties of the past dynasties, the roots of which are actually yin and yang. The result of mutual punishment, if the official can be out of the bottom, but the Yin and Yang are born, then the people can no longer deceive, the Shangguan is no longer awesome, so the yin and yang and the students are in harmony, round and round, and the world is too peaceful. Nai Tianguo…” The old man sighed and looked at Hua Ruxue. “I didn’t expect the dream of the Lord to be realized for the first time in this county. According to the last words of the Lord, who can do this? The person, even if it is not my White Lotus Religion, can also be the head of my White Lotus Religion, the world of White Lotus Religion, a total of respect…”

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