Long martyrdom, then it seemed like a hall-like Earth Palace.

There should have been many murals in the martyrdom, but now it seems that they have been separated and peeled off. Zuo Zhicheng looked at the various rat feces, dust and wreckage on the ground and said: “This should be connected to the outside, maybe we can find a way out.”

Liu Changding sadly walked to the incomplete murals of the martyrs: “Alas … unfortunately, it is a pity, if these murals are not damaged, we may be able to know the history of Amalicon. This legendary country is too mysterious, There is no exact clue until now. “

“At least we know that he exists now.” Zuo Zhicheng already held torch and walked to the front. The reason why he had to walk ahead was because the infrared line of sight allowed him to see the silhouette. Already hiding in the corner of the paved intersection.

‘Is it attracted by the sound of the slate turning on. ‘Azure Moon Hill and the others behind were unaware of this and followed Zuo Zhicheng towards the exit of the martyrdom.

However, Zuo Zhicheng was approaching the exit, and the silhouette was clearer in the infrared line of sight, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

A silhouette rushed out, and the machete in his hand moved towards Zuo Zhicheng. But how could he be Zuo Zhicheng’s opponent, and with a wave of Zuo Zhicheng’s hand, he shot down the long knife, then grasped his neck and pressed it against the wall.

“Who!” Tang Yuan and the others gathered around, and saw a covered in dirt, ragged man in front of them.

‘Boss Song. ‘Zuo Zhicheng saw the appearance of blackmailing the other side and sighed in his heart:’ Unexpectedly, he did not go out to fish, but instead found such a job. ‘

When Song Boss came to the whole sequence of events, Zuo Zhicheng took a glance to understand. Naturally, Boss Song wanted to change his job. Azure Moon Hill also tried not to use the staff of Imperial Court to protect spiritual food. In the first expedition, they had no awareness of the dangers here. They might think that there was nothing to do, and let Song boss come down to do logistics and other tasks. .

Zuo Zhicheng relaxed his neck. Tang Yuan and Tang Xianghui on the side have already stepped up: “Are you from the expedition before?”

“How did you survive?”

“What about the others? Are they still alive?”

Boss Song, who was somewhat dull, was a little hostile at first, but in the voice of the crowd, he suddenly burst into tears and cried. After crying for several minutes, he wiped his eyes and said, “Dead, all It’s dead. I’m here by myself and don’t know how long. “

“That’s right,” he said, holding Tang Yuan’s hand. “Are you here to save me? Can we go out?”

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and told Song Boss what happened before. Song Boss sat down with a look of depression.

“Can’t go out, we’re all done, we’re all dead.”

Zuo Zhicheng asked: “You tell us what happened to you and how you got in.”

Boss Song took a look at Zuo Zhicheng. Although he didn’t know the ghost boxing, the other’s white face mask looked very scary, and he subdued himself just a moment ago. He took you a little bit and said, “After we came in, we found This forest, everyone was very happy … “

According to Song Boss, the monsters on the mountain walls were also in deep sleep, but when Song Boss, their first team of horses, picked the fruits, they awakened the monsters. They were either killed or arrested. All hung from a branch.

However, the boss Song had good luck, hiding in the rotten leaves on the ground, avoiding a disaster. Later, he kept hiding in the woods and survived on the fruit of psionic energy.

Finally, from a tree hole, the passage to Earth Palace was discovered. He originally thought that he could go out here, but after some exploration, he was disappointed to find that the entire Earth Palace is dead end, and the only exit is in those caves in the underground space, but after the monster was awakened, they filled the passages Boss Song didn’t dare to go out, he could only hide in the Earth Palace, and while the monster was out hunting, he picked some psionic fruit.

On the other side, while Zuo Zhicheng listened, he lifted the mask up a bit and began to eat the psionic fruit that he had just picked.

Others glanced at him and started asking about the structure in this Earth Palace.

But even if you don’t find it, you probably guess that there is no way out. Zuo Zhicheng is thinking about the monsters, or corpses, the appearance of these things is wrapped in a layer of corpse wax, outside the corpse wax is vine-entangled.

But when he saw the big snake in the underground space, he thought a lot. Except for the vines, these corpses are not very similar to those weird white corpses on the ship.

‘But the corpse wax takes at least a year and a half to form, and the corpse on the ship has definitely not been so long. What is the relationship between the two? ‘

Eating a psionic fruit in one bite, Zuo Zhicheng felt a heat flow spreading within his body. This long-lost feeling really excites him.

For Azure Moon Hill and the others, it is a desperate situation, but as long as it can survive, and there is psionic food, this is a good place for Zuo Zhicheng. The only trouble was the lack of light sources here, which prevented him from continuing to practice Night Sea.

‘The corpses appeared to help the Pluto snake hunting, but they were also guards protecting psionic food, but they didn’t know how they communicated and communicated. ‘

A few people along the way followed Song Lao General’s entire Earth Palace, and Liu Changding said as he explored, “This should be the tool room, this should be the storage room. Unfortunately, everything inside has been weathered …”

While observing, Liu Changding speculated: “It seems that this place should have been dedicated to the cultivation of those psionic foods. But then I don’t know why it was abandoned. Those monsters should occupy this place later.”

Tang Xianghui looked at the hole in which Song Boss came in: “It is because the roots of these trees broke through that the Earth Palace is connected to the outside world. There is no way out.”

Everyone’s faces were all in horror, but Azure Moon Hill noticed that Zuo Zhicheng seemed calm. This is also a habit of Zuo Zhicheng, but he is already thinking about the worst possibility in his mind.

That is, there is no way out. They have to stay here, strengthen their strength through psionic food, and then go out. But at that time, it is likely that winter has passed. If the big snake awakens, it is difficult to say how strong it is to defeat it.

Just then, Liu Changding’s mouth suddenly made a sound of surprise.

“What happened to Mister Liu?”

“No,” he said, touching a wall in the hall of Earth Palace. “Nine is the limit, since ancient times has Paragon. It means happy. I looked at the equal spacing between the passages of Earth Palace, each leading to a different one. There should be a ninth martyr here in the function room, so as to fit the situation here. “

Tang Xianghui knocked on the wall: “Will it be a secret room?”

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