Silent Killing

Chapter 794

But as time goes on, with the lifetime of Avatar Reincarnation, hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years have passed like this, no matter how much it will be exhausted. $ F,

The vulgar pleasures were already disdainful or boring, so higher-level pursuits gradually entered their eyes.

This is a very natural process. It seems that after the ordinary person is rich, they will eat and drinking merrily at first, but after these 40-, 50-, and 60-year periods, most of these rich people’s branches have some differences. Pursuit.

However, money is not as good as Immortal Technique, and mortal lifespan cannot be compared with immortal Buddha.

So after Rulai and Supreme Taoist spent the stage of squandering wealth, power, and strength, their eyes were more focused on some higher meaning, or more illusory goals for ordinary people.

who am I? Where am i from Where am I going?

Mortals don’t care about this kind of problem, even if they care most about it, they are sentimental and emotional.

But if Rulai and Supreme Taoist care about this issue, would it be emotional? Of course not, they really want to know.

The world is big. For mortals, for such an existence, Heaven Real Eye can pass through Three Realms and Six Paths, and there is no place in the world that he cannot see.

Without knowing how many thousands of years ago, Laojun and Rulai have discovered that after their level, the power is still growing, but the realm cannot be improved.

So is this the limit? Is this the whole world?

Can we go any further? Is there any other world besides ours? What is the higher realm in cultivation?

Until the sudden appearance of Zuo Qingcang, unprecedented power and unprecedented knowledge made them see the possibility of breakthrough.

Looking at the thoughtful eyes of the two, Zuo Qingcang knew that there was no need to hide too much. Nodded said: “It’s useless to say more, so I’ll demonstrate it.”

At the next moment, Zuo Qingcang in the imaginary space burst into pieces and turned into a torrent of black, which was directly moved towards the two in front of them.


“what happened?”

Rulai and Supreme Taoist were not surprised that Zuo Qingcang was broken, but suddenly found that there were some abnormalities in their memory, no. It should be a contradiction in memory.


100 years ago.

In the Dou Palace, the old man who was refining the Golden Core suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that Zuo Qingcang reached out and touched the pill furnace, leaving a faint smile.

“Master ?”

Above Spiritual Mountain, Ru Lai, who was explaining the Dharma, narrowed his eyes suddenly and saw the bottom of the crowd. Zuo Qingcang was looking at himself with a faint smile.


500 years ago, the Sun Wukong Eastern Sea had a stranger’s longevity and drifted for seven years at sea. Finally met a black clothed Taoist.

“Can Teacher teach me the law of longevity?”

Zuo Qingcang glanced at him lightly and said: “You finish watching” Dragon Ball “,” One-Punch Man “,” One Piece “,” Death God “,” Naruto “,” Hunter “, plus these two College physics. By then I will teach you a volume of Six Desires Demon, which is enough for you to move unhindered in the whole world. “

“Thank you Master.” Monkey King was overjoyed. Knelt thankfully.

“I’m not your Master. Remember, whoever asks you, you must not reveal me.”

1000 years ago, Laojun and Zuo Qingcang passed the Hangu Pass, and the pass made Yin Xi. Giving XNUMX words of morality and wave-particle two-phase power, became a generation of sages.

5000 years ago, during the Zhou and Shang dynasty battle, Ji Fa was hunted down by the king of kings and passed by a cliff. Encountered a black clothed stranger, awarded the god-level martial arts “Hun Tian Bao Jian”, defeated the army of Shang Yang.

Countless years ago, there was a surge of green gas in the chaos. It entered into the Heaven and Earth, but the middle ears of the people passing by were scattered as Qi and gathered as Supreme Taoist. They often talked with a black robed man in Kunlun.

In the kingdom of Tianzhu, Crown Prince was born, the four heavenly kings hugged, and Zuo Qingcang, wearing a black robe, stepped out into the void, and inherited the crown prince with a heavenly garment. At this point, Crown Prince, facing the Quartet, made seven steps on his own, saying, “Heaven and Heaven, Only I Am Supreme.”

A bang, like a flash of lightning across the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Rulai woke up with Supreme Taoist.

They looked at Zuo Qingcang in front of them, and they instantly felt a twist.

“You … what did you do?” Supreme Taoist’s mind violently twitched to the extent he knew it, of course, knowing that the other party’s method was by no means Illusion Technique, brainwashing, modifying memory.

It was his memory, or the past, that really changed.

The past has been changed. This is a very twisted feeling. It is as if you know a friend from childhood to old age, and on the day of your 18 years old birthday, he suddenly tells you that today is the first day you know He came to know you in order to become good friends with you.

It may be acceptable rationally, but it is difficult to understand emotionally.

Rulai and Supreme Taoist also feel the same now. In their memory, Zuo Qingcang is a powerful existence that had been alive before they were born, but today they suddenly disguised as the dark world Demon King. They fought and communicated. A few days later, after making a bet, they suddenly took off their masks to reveal their Teacher identity, and then told them that they had been changed in the past, and they had only recently known each other.

The feeling of twisting filled the hearts of the two, but their level was very high after all. Although they felt uncomfortable, they quickly controlled their emotions and suppressed the uncomfortable feeling.

After hearing the question from Supreme Taoist, Zuo Qingcang said, “This is one of the things you have always wanted to do. It is also a layer of realm that you have been unable to break through. It changes the past and shuttles the future.”

‘But it’s just for you. ‘Zuo Qingcang’s heart was differently said. It is almost impossible for Laojun and Rulai to change the past, but it is not so difficult and exaggerated for Zuo Qingcang.

However, for the time being, he can only add variables in the past, not modify them, let alone delete them.

He slowly judged in his heart: ‘It’s similar to the virtual world of a supercomputer, but the degree of simulation here is too high, and even I can’t tell the difference from the data. “

However, after all, he was not born from this World, so he is not subject to this world like Rulai and Laojun. With a quantum channel, he was able to transfer information and energy through quantum transmission gates, and it took him a little time to understand the difference between the two worlds.

‘Although they are similar, they are not real virtual worlds. ‘

He originally thought that this World was a pure virtual world like the Matrix, and he was passive when he came in.

This was confirmed when trying to search for the body of Rulai and Laojun. He found that he could directly find another corresponding world through quantum transmission and make physical modifications.

It is precisely this way that the information and data are directly modified. For Laojun and Ruyu, it is tantamount to the fact that the past has been changed and the timeline has been modified.

“For them, the timeline changes, but for me, has the timeline changed?” Zuo Qingcang shook the head, knowing that this is not the time to think about this.

Because when he modified the source files of the two of them, he found another point is that he can only add, cannot modify, and cannot delete.

After a bit more research, he only ripped off the veil of the so-called virtual world.

This World is not a real virtual world, because he is both real and false.

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