Silent Killing

Chapter 768

At the moment, Yu culture and some talk, and even coaxing and deceiving, after all, is to instill a will to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling in front of you. If you want to be famous in history, make great achievements, enjoy prosperity and prosperity, and make a name for yourself, the best way is At Imperial Court.

As for any other Sect, door valve, or bandit and bandit, don’t think about it.

Of course, Yu culture and also faintly analyzed the current form of the throne and officialdom. I want him to be a man. Yu culture and this life have rich experience in political struggle. Now facing the threat of death, the memory of the two lives It seems to accelerate the integration, but the poor Kou Zhong Xu Ziling has just made his debut, and the biggest scene he has ever seen is Shi Long’s Dao Field. Where can he stand up and down.

Suddenly being saved by the heroes of the nation, the world was rich and famous, and his eyes were lost on the fans. Now follow Yu Culture and walk towards the Royal Palace.

Three months later, in a hall of the Royal Palace of Yangzhou, Yang Guangzheng hugged two beauties, hehe, laughing, one to help him pluck the grape skins, and the other to help him pour wine.

In front of the wine table is a bunch of Yingying Yanyan, all around a bunch of pets taking turns to slap, a look of singing and dancing flattened.

Only Yu Wenhua and the old god are present, and there is no beauty to accompany him.

At this moment, a loud noise made the door open.

A heroic young man rushed in directly. The young man wore a Purple Gold crown, stepped on a cloud boot, wore a Qilin suit, a scarlet cloak, and raised his head high.

It was Kou Zhong among the Great Tang Ssangyong, who threw a middle-aged man’s head under Yang Guang’s seat, and said, “Godfather, this is the head of Du Fuwei, this guy is kinda Will run, I used Tianji Moko to open the entire Liyang to find him. “

“Haha haha.” Yang Guang laughed wildly: “Okay, Zhonger, you are doing well. How many people are there in the Huainan Army?”

“Of course it is even chicken and dog doesn’t remain.” Kou Zhong fang smiled, showing a cruel smile.

Watching this cruel expression. Yang Guang couldn’t help but shivered and asked, “What about the Xiaoling people?”

Kou Zhong smiled proudly: “He met a group of guys who called themselves Demon Sect, and went after them.”

“Oh? Demon Sect is one of the two great big shots in Wulin today, and has competed with the Cihang Jingzhai Chamber for countless years. Xiaoling, doesn’t it matter? Would you like Xiaozhong to catch up and use Moco Countless.”

“Where to use Moko Immeasurable.” Kou Zhong said with a smile: “Ziling alone is enough to deal with them. Today, we can attract the two of us to use Moko Immeasurable manually. There is no such thing.”

“Okay,” Yang Guang said with a smile, hehe. “You have done great work for the Imperial Court for you this time. What kind of reward do you want. Although.”

“Godfather, I want that Korean assassin.”


Rulai and Supreme Taoist each searched for a cross-border descendant. They watched Zuo Qingcang put three forces into reincarnation, but thought that each other used their own power for Avatar reincarnation.

But what surprised them was that the gold, one green, one white and three rays of light, once put into reincarnation, immediately disappeared, and even they could not detect the place where the three Avatars were born.

This is strange. At the same time, they also understood that after three days and three nights of communication, not only did they have gains, but Zuo Qingcang also had its own gains.


Emperor Tafeng, Cihang Jingzhai’s old nest.

A white light penetrated into it, but it caused the chaos of Cihang Jingzhai for the next three months.

Time returns to the present. In the dungeon, a woman sits quietly in the middle of a dungeon. In a white gown, she is endlessly elegant. Although in the dungeon, she is still at ease. It is a kind of natural beauty that is made of hibiscus with clear water and carved out naturally.

But the belly, which was as high as a pregnant woman, was thoughly destroying the whole atmosphere.

Fan Hanghui, the Sect Master of Cihang Jingzhai, stood outside the dungeon, looking at the concubine’s high swollen belly with an iron face. The more you look at it, the hotter the anger in your chest becomes.

“Concubine, I’ll ask you one last time, who the hell is in your stomach?”

The female disciple that she carefully cultivated, so Saintess of Cihang Jingzhai lost her virginity like this, or she was pregnant before being married, which made Fan Qinghui not angry. Not angry.

But when Shi Feiyi heard her, she just touched her belly and shook her head: “Feiyi didn’t have a private relationship with any man. I don’t know where this child came from.”

Fan Qinghui laughed anxiously and smiled: “hehe, you mean, you are a virgin pregnant with virginity, and you have not lost your chastity?” How could she believe such a crap.

I did n’t know that she was nodded and said, “I have been revealed to me in a dream, and I am pregnant with Holy Spirit.”

“Lord? Holy Spirit?” Fan Qinghui brows frowned, the iron-blue color on his face became heavier and heavier. Judging by her thoughts, this is of course what the evil demon washed the brains of the concubine, and also made her rebel Buddhism, even at the expense of the other.

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghui became more and more angry, staring at the other with gritted teeth and said, “Concubine, you don’t want to have a child. As for his father, Jingzhai is even more likely to let go.

Even if the evil king can only hide his name and go away, do you think anyone in the world can escape the power of Jingzhai? “

Seeing Shi Feiyi still silent, Fan Qinghui coldly snorted and turned away. I shouldn’t know how many times I have said in the past three months. Since there is still no result, then she has also planned to give up the concubine.

Although it was a pity in her heart, Fan Qinghui didn’t regret it, her heart flew to Taiyuan long ago.

“His Royal Highness Qin is indeed a man of destiny. He didn’t know where to learn a set of Buddhism Supreme martial arts. After listening to Senior Brother Kong’s description, the subtlety is far beyond the Merciful Vessel Sword Manual.”

However, listening to the other person said that Li Shimin’s martial arts had far surpassed Ning Dodge and reached the realm of immortal Buddha, but Fan Qinghui was a little unbelievable, and said that he had to go to Taiyuan to see it himself.


Just as Fan Qinghui left Di Tafeng, six white rays of light flashed through Taiyuan City.

Six men and women in fancy clothes suddenly appeared, transparent light balls wrapped around them, but the pedestrians around all around completely ignored them.

“Is this time the Great Tang Ssangyong?”

“Hahaha, I have exchanged a new Gauss rifle, but I did not exchange it for nothing.”

“We killed the Three Great Grandmasters first, then snatched the concubine concubine and the gown Xing thumbs up, the dark fading, the simmering dish, the Huai Miao neon stack, and forgiveness!

“Hmph, the backward world of low martial arts, what’s so proud to see what the mission is.”

“Uh … within ten days, kill Li Shimin. Reward one s-class sideline story, reward 20000 points.”

“It’s too easy. How can there be any reward?”

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