Silent Killing

Chapter 700

At the moment when darkness came to the perspective of the future again, Jing Zeyue’s mind had flashed a huge map of the entire Central Plains area.

‘In two hours, if I fully expand, based on my calculations and the perspective of the future eye, I can span a distance of more than 3000 kilometers. ‘

‘Two hours later, the closest body tissue was in Beijing, and the furthest body tissue was on the Eastern Sea, a hundred kilometers away from 3,000 taels. ‘

‘But darkness still falls. ‘

While commanding the invisible maggot to continue to spread, Jing Zeyue repeatedly watched the perspective of the viewer’s future eyes.

On the huge map of the Central Plains, centered on Beijing, where he is now, a large blockbuster represents the bright spots of his body tissues being extinguished in an instant.

‘It was still an instant range attack, and the body tissues on the Central Plains were completely destroyed in an instant, but the body tissues at sea disappeared after two seconds. ‘

‘The darkness of this time is divided into two advents. ‘

The map considered by Jing Zeyue’s brain was instantly drawn with two huge circles. One circle had a radius of 3000 kilometers. All the body tissues in the circle completely disappeared after two hours, and the radius of the other circle It was 3,000 taels, a hundred kilometers, and disappeared within two seconds of the first darkness.

And this scene calculated based on the future sights is enough for Jing Zeyue to get a lot of information.

‘The attack radius is 3000 kilometers, my location can be searched within two seconds, and then it spans 200 kilometers and implements strategic-level strikes at the microscopic level. ‘

‘And the position of the opponent …’

The map in Jing Zeyue’s mind zoomed in rapidly, and the zoomed-in location was exactly the center of a circle with a radius of 3000 kilometers …

The center of the attack range is naturally the position of the opponent.

‘Jingcheng …’ Jing Ze took a deeper breath: ‘A strike range of 3000 kilometers, and is it just in Jingcheng? ‘

‘Great Qi royalty? empire? Kunlun? Nothing. ‘

Based on the future scenes in which he and the three parties have fought, and the actions of the D-type machine and Great Qi Kunlun after the timeline changes, the person who killed him in an instant is obviously not any of the three parties.

‘Then there are only two answers left, Tianzi … or … Zuo Qingcang …’

‘If Tianzi can do this, he will do it when Sancai and Wuyi come to see me. ‘

‘Then judging by common sense, there is only one left. ‘

‘Atlantis … left … Qing … Cang …’

Jing Zeyue pronounced the name almost the same way, and his brain turned into a wave of consciousness like heaven overflowing giant waves, although he was unwilling to admit it. Although he is unwilling to think so, judging from the most reasonable and reasonable perspective of the current intelligence and information, it seems that only Zuo Qingcang who has not played yet and he has faced may have such strength.

‘Wait …’ Suddenly. Jing Zeyue responded: ‘According to the truth, in just a few decades, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot be so strong.

Could it be that he exerted all his powers on attack strength and attack range? Extremely weak defense and life strength? ‘

In terms of Jing Zeyue’s experience, it is not impossible. The more extreme the ability, the more powerful the formidable power, but the more fragile it is. Compared to reaching an unprecedented realm and strength in just a few decades, he is more willing to believe that Zuo Qingcang sacrifices other aspects of this ability. Such an ultra-conventional attack intensity and attack range.

When thinking about it that way, a large number of invisible 蛊 moved towards the direction of the capital surrounded him. He was going to search the capital to see where Zuo Qingcang was hiding.

‘Either way, find his essence. All are conducive to the next test. ‘

Indeed, Jing Zeyue, who has a future eye, has countless opportunities for temptation. Every change in his actions, plans, and choices will cause the probability of the future to change, and will allow him to find the answer he wants through the future eye. .

Before spreading the body, try to find out the parameters of the opponent, determine the identity and location of the attacker. The same is true of where Zuo Qingcang is now found.

In the process of searching, he can also use the ability of the future eye. After all, as long as he directs the invisible maggot to find where and how to find it, he can see the results of the search through the eyes of the future.

So in less than 30% of the time. After trying dozens of exploration methods and hundreds of different locations in Beijing, he finally found his goal.

At a distance of 40 kilometers from the capital, above the sea of ​​white clouds, in the position of the stratosphere, Zuo Qingcang floats quietly here.

Looking at the figure and appearance of the man in the picture, Jing Zeyue exhaled deeply in his heart. Although there are no recent photos of Zuo Qingcang, both Great Qi and Kunlun have a few black and white photos of Zuo Qingcang a few years ago. Although they are a bit vague, it can be seen that the man over the capital is Zuo Qingcang.

Of course, Jingze Yue didn’t really find Zuo Qingcang now. He started the future vision, looked at the future vision of the future vision, and used his own eyes to observe the results after he found each other.

In the picture, he found Zuo Qingcang 15 minutes later. Without talking or greeting, he directly chose to attack.

However, a large amount of invisible crickets were mixed in the air, and just near Zuo Qingcang less than three meters away, darkness fell again.

This means that after using this attack method, Jing Zeyue in the future was killed again.

But at this moment, Jing Zeyue has not started to be so nervous. He believes that he who has the future eye can use the trial and error to find the weakness of the opponent and find a way to defeat the opponent, just like he did before to find the attacker. same.

So the next wave of tentative attacks began.

The black screen displayed by the dragon’s viral gas.

Qilin’s spheroidal lightning flashed out an energy of XNUMX joules per cubic centimeter, and the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees shrouded every inch of space where Zuo Qingcang was located—a black screen.

Longitudinal thunder is enough to be comparable to the plasma explosion inside a star. Most of the capital was razed to the ground in an instant, and then Jing Zeyue ushered in a black screen again.

He was palpitated and read brain waves to read the detection ability of the heart, but just showed it-a black screen.

Zhenshan is swelled. Gravitation Force explodes enough to distort space. The entire capital city is lifted to a height of three meters by the aftermath, and then falls to pieces of ruins. Jing Zeyue again-black screen.

Star 蛊, Golden Cicada 蛊, Qi Yun 蛊, Zhan Xian 蛊, Killing God 诛, 诛 魔 蛊, 日 天 蛊, Liangchen 蛊, Beauty 蛊 ……

Tens of thousands of venomous insect’s poisons in the southwest were cast out by Jing Zeyue one after another, enough to write a textbook of comprehensive collection of witchcraft used by one after another.

But only the same result-black screen.

So after five minutes of probing with the future eye, Jing Zeyue looked at the sky blankly, and for the first time used means other than attack to talk.

“Hello, Zuo Qingcang, may I have any enemies with you?”

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