Silent Killing

Chapter 688

Great Qi Kyoto, Tangling.

The entire Tiandang Mountain located in the east of Kyoto has been transformed into a secret building within the body by the Great Qi imperial family. The entire mountain has been hollowed out, and a large number of the latest technology fortifications have been built inside.

At this time, in the depths of the mountain, the only remaining Peak Taoist priests in many years have been gathered. It can be said that the entire Central Plains have the deepest understanding of Taoism and science and technology.

At this time, a teenager was lying on an operating table, but his half of his cheeks, his limbs and his chest had been replaced with metal.

In front of the glass window outside the operating room, teacher Ji Xingling of Big Qi State asked, “How about losing the left?”

Next to the National Teacher, a man covered in a black robe, showing only a pair of silver white hands, replied: “80% of the tissue in the whole body has been replaced with the ancestor alloy, the parameters are good, and the Prominent Saint ability Can still be launched.

The most important thing is that the ancestor alloy has greatly improved the physical function of the defeated left, and the abdominal geocentric engine allows him to directly extract the power of Star Core. Anti-gravity and hypergravity operations can also be performed. “

This man is the palace owner of the contemporary Changsheng Magic Palace and is now the chairman of the Changsheng Group. Ever since Great Qi included the entire Longevity Palace, he has been supporting the other party in conducting various studies.

The youngster who is now known as the defeated left is obviously a Great Accomplishment result of these years.

“Invincible’s defensive power, theoretically the fastest speed, endless energy, as well as the assistance of gravity manipulation and the ability to evolve the environment, the ability to reinvent the ancestor alloy, and the evolutionary blood of him within the body, let him have Evolve your capabilities based on your opponent. “

“According to the calculation of the first group, even if he is against Zuo Qingcang who was in the heyday three years ago, he has a 60% chance of victory.”

Ji Xingling was nodded, and continued to ask: “So the theory of the ancestor alloy and the geocentric engine was cracked?”

“… Not yet, but this does not affect our application, and today’s defeated left still has the experience of hundreds of Martial Dao masters. His combat ability can definitely be used to 100%.”

“Wait a moment.” Ji Xingling touched the glass in front of his eyes and pointed to the direction of defeat, and saw the teenagers on the operating table looking at their direction: “This glass should not be able to see us.”

“Uh … yes, this is a one-way glass. On the other side is the front side, he should not see us.” Black robed man said, “But the right eye of the defeated left has been replaced by the infrared vision. Eye, he’s afraid he can feel the energy of both of us. “

Ji Xingling nodded: “Increase the dose of the medicine, add a set of electromagnetic interference meters on the chest and limbs, and ensure safety.”


Ji Xingling looked at the losing left on the operating table. There were deep fears in their eyes. In order to obtain the weapons that could restrain Zuo Qingcang, they might really make something that should never be made.

Three years ago, he and the Great Qi Emperor Cao Xi explored the ancestor’s tomb. Most of them have been damaged by the loss of time. There are no cheats, no Magical Treasure, and no shocking secrets.

When Cao Xi felt impatient, they opened the jade coffin of Great Qi Taizu, without the emperor’s body. All that remained was an armor of whole body gold.

That armor was used by the Emperor Taizu to conquer the world, and when it was conquered from the south to the north, it was used to kill the enemy, and the Invincible dragon was the Celestial Emperor armor.

The formidable power of this armor is almost endless. The geocentric engine can extract the energy of the Earth’s Star Core. The metamagnetic crystal armor can oscillate the void and manipulate gravity. The special alloy that constitutes the main component of the armor is said by Great Qi researchers. As the ancestral alloy, this is a special material that breathes like a living thing. He will continuously absorb various trace elements to improve his strength over time. Repair your own parts and even evolve to adapt to the environment.

There are also black magnetic seven-sharp swords, Yuanguang Promise Swords, and Swire Thunder Artillery. Ancestral Dragon’s ridge and other weapons and equipment, even if an ordinary person puts it on, can become the best master in the world.

After wearing the Void Refining martial artist, it was even more powerful to destroy the country and destroy the country. At the beginning, Ji Xingling put on this set of dragon armor Celestial Emperor. Its battle strength can be improved by more than ten times, which is equivalent to Linghu Chong getting the sword of light. The destructive power is simply inconceivable. When it comes to Dongfang Bubai, it is a sword.

But that being the case, they still don’t have a 100% victory over Zuo Qingcang.

Therefore, in order to make better use of the power of the Celestial Emperor, and to incorporate the power of current science and technology, Cao Xi’s research and development team is composed of Ji Xingling, Changsheng Mogong, Lei Xiaofeng and other Peak teams. It took three years to recast the Dragon’s Celestial Emperor Armor, creating what was now known as the defeated left.

They used the steel essence of the Longevity Palace to recast the ancestor alloy, and used Lei Xiaofeng’s electronic storage technology, the most Peak’s electromagnetic Taoism and reaction program, so that the reaction speed of the defeated left reached the nanosecond level. The use of Ji Xingling’s light and dark induction excitation technology has developed a no stronghold one cannot overcome metamagnetism shock weapon, using countless cutting-edge technology, rare Magical Treasure, materials, the current failure can be described as ancient Taoism and modern technology Combination essence.

The data obtained from several battle experiments alone has surprised Ji Xingling and Cao Xi more than once.

Gradually, the goal of defeating Zuo Qingcang has been placed in second place, shocked by the defeat of the left, and now it is the first goal of Great Qi to be able to completely control this final weapon.

After watching today’s experiment, Ji Xingling took the palace master Jia Youzhi of the Eternal Life Demon Palace moved towards the base.

But halfway through them, a researcher hurried over, holding a large stack of documents in his hand.

“whats the matter?”

“My lord, Atlantis’s government has published two papers, and according to our guess, this is probably an article written by Zuo Qingcang.”

“Zuo Qingcang?” Ji Xingling changed his eyes, grabbed the documents in the other’s hands, and looked at them. The content of Dao Shu made him more and more surprised.

“The ability to mutate … artificial life clumps … is this the secret of Nan Shengmen’s capture of life clumps?” Ji Xingling frowns said, “Did Zuo Qingcang already master the method of artificial life clumps? A large number of refining life plexus-level priests, repairing Heavenly Palace and building Star River requires human intelligence and knowledge reserve. “

Seeing this part of the artificial life clump, he was only slightly surprised, because even if Zuo Qingcang really mastered that if the mass production of life clumps, he would definitely not be a defeated opponent, but just added a lot of cannon fodder.

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