Silent Killing

Chapter 674

The act of brushing rare beast on Clark’s live broadcast seemed to have caused a wave. Because no matter how society evolves and how humanity evolves, power is still the ultimate means of determining everything.

So each other anchor of Legion also put the battle content on the live content.

But no one agreed with Clark’s appointment. The other Legion leaders are not fools, most of them were almost civilian work before getting the power of Seven-Colored Light Ring, let alone killing, not even a few chickens.

It was almost enough for them to fight like Clark, the killing machine.

First of all, if a person can’t win, if he goes, it will reduce his popularity. If a group of people join forces, even if they win, it is invincible, not to mention there is a possibility that a group of people won’t win together, which is a serious damage to popularity.

In the age of Seven-Color Legion, popularity represented power.

Although he failed to reap a wave of Eurasian continuous powerhouse, several live broadcasts of rare beast and the rapid reaction of the Civil War live broadcast have already made Clark popular, and made him an ancient and modern in the minds of countless people. Towards the first emperor. Whether it is a tyrant or a virtuous king.

On the Supreme Yang synchronous orbit about 1000 meters away from the ground, Clark’s silhouette flew slowly, followed by a whole fast-responding force carrying equipment for live broadcast.

For several consecutive sprints, his silhouette has crossed the long night sky before slamming into a satellite. He directly passed the satellite through a large hole and turned it into a Fireball.

However, the fall did not last long, and he was dragged by Clark, and moved toward outer space like a baseball.

This is Clark ’s own spy satellite belonging to Arcane Eye while clearing the satellite orbit himself.

After doing this series of events, Clark closed the live broadcast and returned to the secret laboratory in Washington.

I saw him standing on a high platform. All around the table are a variety of densely packed equipment, instruments, and diverse staff.

Hundreds of patches and detection boards were affixed to his body, and a trace of light flashed from time to time on the line.

“The XNUMX data collection evaluation begins.”

“The particle accelerator is activated.”

“The gyroscope is fine.”

“The strong magnetic field is operating normally.”

A white haired old man was nodded to Clark: “Your Majesty, please start.”

Clark nodded. Then he saw a titanium alloy cube being sent to him under the control of electromagnetic waves. The researchers looked at the indicators on the screen and pushed their eyes: “According to previous tests, the strength foundation of Your Majesty. The ubiquitous force field, or True Yuan, is basically the Electromagnetic Force field.

Electromagnetic Force covers 99% of the phenomena in the universe, and if fully trained, it can basically replicate most natural phenomena. This coincides with the true Yuan Your Majesty said. “

“But Your Majesty does not need to do this.” Another Court Academecian said: “Your Majesty can liberate the short-range force distance of strong interaction forces. This is the true king of power. Any other use will only consume energy, Far worse than crushing by direct force. “

Just then, Clark held out his palm against the titanium cube in front of him. With the gradual pinching of his palm, the surface of the titanium alloy power began to crack and sag, as if a huge invisible palm was pinching a cube.

“it has started!”

The detection instruments around the platform all lit up various colors of light. Because Clark was too powerful, they could not directly use the instrument for contact detection. They could only infer data by indirect means such as detection of air shock waves and detection of electromagnetic field strength.

“120 million tons!” The researcher shouted, “Your Majesty, please slowly increase your strength.”

Clark nodded, palm slowly squeezed. With increasing strength, the titanium alloy is kneaded like a dough.

“300万吨……400万吨……800万吨……1000万吨……1500万吨。”研究员的嘴巴颤抖起来:“2000 ……2000 2,000,000 吨了。每平方厘米的压力超过2200吨。”

Thrilling power erupted in front of Clark, and the air seemed to tremble with it. With a grip of 2200 million tons, titanium alloy looks as soft as a ball of flour, and is twisted around by Clark at will, twisting into various shapes.

All around the parameters of the recorder crazy extractor Clark: “heartbeat normal …”

“Hu sucks normally …”

“No change in blood pressure …”

“The brain wave index is improving … but it is a normal response …”

The researcher swallowed and asked, “Sir, can you ascend again?”

“Certainly.” Clark looked relaxed. After he said this, his palm clenched tightly. No sound came from the titanium alloy wrapped in the force field. But everyone seemed to faintly emit ka beng loudly in their minds.

At the same moment, the titanium alloy, which had been squeezed like mud, was under a sudden increase in pressure. The volume was reduced by more than double at once, and it was pinched into an irregular circle by Shengsheng.

Court Academecian’s mouth opened Great Accomplishment o-shaped. He stared at this amazing scene in front of his eyes suddenly, but Clark quickly loosened his palm, and the titanium alloy cubes swelled in an instant, and restored to its original size.

“Look at it clearly, what was the figure just now.”


“Too terrifying, this power.”

“More than XNUMX tons of pressure per square centimeter …”


A breath of cool air kept ringing in the laboratory, and everyone was staring at Clark in front of him. This number, this pressure, even far exceeded Earth’s geocentric pressure, enough to make the world Part of the material is ground into powder.

Because this force can erupt at a close distance, erupting thousands of times more pressure than the earth’s core.

Clark looked at the palm of his hand, and even if it erupted just a moment ago, he still did not exert all his strength, not even half of it, not to mention that he only performed it normally and did not use the Hulk transformation.

“Is that so?” Clark clenched his palms. “It’s a lot stronger than before.” This power is used to attack and can directly smash anything into defense, even if a nuclear bomb explodes under his eyelid And don’t even think about breaking through his force field.

The power that Whole Earth can provide to him has been strengthened to a limit, surging power flooded his within the body, and unprecedented self-confidence poured out from the bottom of his heart. This is the self-confidence brought by pure power.

“Tell the engineering department that it can begin. Before this weekend, I will see that the space-time transmission door is completely completed.”

Because of the difference in time flow between the two worlds, he has accumulated more power for 12 years under the operation of Zuo Qingcang. With a high starting point and distraction and the conditions created by modern technology, his current strength is equivalent to Zuo Qingcang’s practice of 15-20 Battle strength years later. The time on Zuo Qingcang’s side is at most a few months.

This gave him enough confidence to face Zuo Qingcang.

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