Silent Killing

Chapter 666

The 40% god, there are green superman, Variants of Godzilla, and super artificial intelligence based on the eyes of Ultron, Skynet, and brother. They can live in the current, which is a collective life that transmits information by current. They call themselves Arcane Eye, a powerful creature that can control True Yuan at once through electrical energy, Electromagnetic Force, which can reproduce infinitely.

Green Superman, Variants of Godzilla, Arcane Eye, almost all of these three distraction projections have a fatal destructive effect on Earth.

But when hundreds of intercontinental missiles carried nuclear warheads into the air, not every distraction projection wanted to exterminate humans in this way.

The first few weeks of Arcane Eye launching a nuclear bomb tactic.

Just a few seconds after New York was reduced to ashes, a colorful light swept across the sky. From the west coast of the United States, all the way through Europe, West Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific Ocean, most of the Earth people saw this stranded in the sky Among the colorful glory.

Numerous people took up their hands to shoot in the face of miraculous scenes, but just a few seconds later, the colorful rays of light suddenly burst and shattered. When people felt sorry, uneasy, and surprised, Only a few people noticed the innumerable rays of light moved towards Earth.

Clark watched a blue glow flying to the White House in the United States, his eyebrows tightened: “Is the seven colors rays of light the power of the ring of light?”

The so-called light ring, also known as the seven-color Legion, is an interesting setting in dc comics.

Red, yellow, blue, a total of seven colors represent anger, fear. Hope, wait for the seven emotions. By absorbing the power of these seven emotion spectrums, they burst into various strange and powerful forces.

“Flying toward the Blue Rays of Light of the White House, would it be the power of the Blue Light Ring?” Clarke speculated: “Did he even conquer the seven-color Legion of power across the universe.”

at this time. The evil voice of Zuo Qingcang erupted in Clark’s heart: “Since you’re curious, let’s take a look. The power represented by the seven colors.”

Clark hearing this silhouette flashed like a green lightning, just like a teleportation, but accompanied by a hurricane above the eighth level, swept over Washington and came to the White House.

His eyes seemed to pierce through the void, and he felt the condition inside the White House directly by relying on the power of True Yuan.

I saw the ex-US President Barack Obama, who had been under house arrest, clenched his fists, and his dark face was full of excited smiles.

A blue ring was now carried on his index finger. The blue rays of light emanating from his body wrapped him, making him feel endless blessings.

“Smart life is locked. Your heart is full of the trust of freedom and democracy. You belong to the blue light Legion.”

The blue rays of light emerged from Obama’s eyes, ears, nose and nose, and endless power was poured from the void into his within the body, which is the desire of countless people for freedom, democracy, and human rights.

The moment he took the ring, countless thoughts came into his body, which made him understand the role of the ring and formidable power.

“Jie jie jie jie. Sure enough, this is the name of the country for democracy.” Obama’s eyes flashed a blue light, throwing a punch. Blue’s force field swept across, shaking the entire White House into dust.

“Haha haha, Clark, you will be defeated by my democratic Iron Fist.”

“Really.” A green sole dropped from the sky, and then stepped relentlessly on Obama’s head, stepping it directly into the ground with an incomparable force, and the whole head fell into the mud.

“Ahhhhh!” How could I endure being stepped on a dog and eating shit as a nation of Obama, Paragon?

The violent blue rays of light were released from Obama’s body. Clark felt as if there were ten orcas struggling under his feet.

“Every mortal body burst out with the power of True Yuan. Is this the formidable power of the ring of light?” Clark looked coldly at the foot of Obama, who twisted like mud. indifferently said: “But … Okui, you want to beat me so simple. It only shows that you are too arrogant, little frog at the bottom of the well.”

The strong mutual force field erupted suddenly, and an incomparable amount of wild violence was pressed on Obama’s head like a Mount Tai, and the opponent’s head was moved inch by inch towards the ground, and even the blue light on the opponent’s body was pure. Deformed a little bit under power.

Zuo Qingcang silently looked at all this, and calculated in his heart: “True Yuan converted into a strong interaction force field is indeed the king of power. I am afraid that from the perspective of pure force effect, there is no force in the universe. Can be compared with it.

Obama, who was stepped on by Clark, was struggling madly, but even if he tried his best, he couldn’t get rid of each other’s feet.

“How is it possible that the forces of democracy and freedom cannot be defeated.”

Just as he was about to be killed by Clark like a cockroach, Clark’s feet slowed down.

“Okay Clark, don’t kill him, just take off his ring.”

Clark listened to Zuo Qingcang’s instructions to take off the blue ring on the opponent’s hand, and then tried to take it to his own hand.

“Is this the power of the ring of light?”

But Clark with the ring of light did not feel any increase in strength.

Just in his doubts, Zuo Qingcang’s voice came: “Don’t try it, Clark, you can’t get any power from this ring of lights.”


“The Seven-Colored Light Ring in my project is different from your memory. He does not rely on strong personal emotions, but on primitive society, slave society, feudal society *, democracy and freedom, proletariat, social Darwin, and religious fanaticism. Seven different thoughts.

They are not entrusted to individuals, but to select many mortal individuals to entrust their thoughts.

For example, most Americans think that Obama is an example of freedom and democracy. No matter what Obama thinks, the power of their thinking will be transformed into a unique True Yuan by the ring of lights, and used by Obama for the ring. “

There was a hint in Clark’s eyes: “So it is, so I, considered a tyrant, can’t get the power of the blue light ring.”

“But in my opinion, the power of the so-called ring of lights is nothing more than that.”

Zuo Qingcang’s voice slowly entered Clark’s ears: “The power that Bama receives is nothing more than that, but it does not mean that the power that others have received is the same.

Clark, you have to know that the people in the world who have the most trust in the world will never be living people, but ghosts who should have died long ago. “

The next moment, just as in response to Zuo Qingcang’s words, the blue beams of light rose into the sky at the positions of several tombs on the American ground, and Clark’s impulsive power broke out unbridled.

“Hmph, the untrusted ideological power has come together and became an inhuman and non-monster monster.”

“Don’t look for it,” Zuo Qingcang stopped Clark. “They have been hiding for the first time, slowly tempering themselves to adapt to the new power.”

“Not to mention that they may not be your enemy.”

Zuo Qingcang in the laboratory recalled Obama’s previous lines and shook his head: “Did you really mix the elements of Hong Kong and the character of the bearer?”

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