Silent Killing

Chapter 656

Zuo Qingcang’s brows frowned slightly, and the development of the incident changed slightly from what he originally envisioned.

The first is the instability of the transmission of quantum states, which caused a lot of damage to classical information, which made Clark wake up in the opposite world for 12 years.

Because of the damage of the information, Clark failed to complete his experience and lost part of the psychological attacks such as hypnosis and hallucinations.

Secondly, Clark’s current behavior seems to be slightly out of control.

Zuo Qingcang sneered: “It’s interesting.” He looked at his palm, and said differently: “You can move faster than I thought, and okay, just use this World, this person is the battlefield.”

I saw that he closed his eyes completely, and countless messages mixed with a trace of green light were transmitted from his palms to the other side of the world.


Above the White House, Clark floated quietly there, with a pair of eyes looking at the direction of the moon in the sky. His current eyes can even clearly see the landscape of each and everyone craters, each and everyone canyon on the surface of the moon.

His ears trembled gently, and True Yuan covering the air breathed the most subtle waves into his ears, allowing him to clearly hear every sound of the entire White House, both above and below the ground. of.

As far as the Pentagon, three kilometers away, a unique conference is underway.

Countless people in power throughout the country were sent here overnight, and more than a dozen of the best physicists, biologists, and sociologists were sent to the Pentagon by fbi.

Weapon expert, elite soldier, in addition to various experts, professors. In addition to politicians, there is even the creator of the virtual image of Superman, the top of the American DC comics. Artists, editors, etc. were also invited to the Conference Hall.

Section Head of the United States Department of Defense today. William Cohen is frowns looking at the album in his hand, the latest Superman comic.

He looked up and asked the aide to the side: “How is he?”

“It’s 60 meters above the White House.”

William Cohen shook the head, looked towards the bewildered crowd present, and said, “Everyone, I invited you here today because an incredible thing happened.”

He waved his hand, and the assistant on the side opened the videocassette and put the surveillance video of the White House on the TV.

explosion. Shooting battles, floating silhouettes, invalid bullets, surprised everyone present.

The final picture stopped at Clark’s upper body, a strong and handsome body, and Scarlet’s s was even more dazzling.

“Superman, Earth is here.” William Cohen stared at the crowd in front of him, saying, “He just disarmed the White House in one second, and 11 times in the next hour. All the reinforcements I sent were resolved unharmed.

Also in the presence of the president, an armored car was scrapped into scrap iron.

He can fly, he is powerful, he is lightning fast. “

A little bit of information was sent to everyone. That was Clark Kent’s citizenship, and resumes from small to large.

And two hours ago, a photo of the university was crushed into ruins was posted, showing the excellence of the Intelligence Section in the United States.

“As you can see, he destroyed a school two hours ago and then spent about ten minutes flying to the White House.”

“We know he’s Clark Kent, we know he’s a U.S. citizen, but I want to know him most now. Is this guy with a hot s in his chest superman? If he is, what can we do?”

Everyone was silent. There was unbelief and doubt in their eyes. Some people even look at William Cohen’s eyes as if they were looking at a mental disorder.

William Cohen rubbed his head, pointed out the window and said, “I know you don’t believe it, but he’s about 60 meters above the president’s head.

The picture you see next is a state secret. No matter what you think or see, you can’t spread the news. “

Several special agents began to collect the people present.

A few minutes later, the image of Clark’s battle around the White House after Clark began to play on the TV, and the image was 50 times slower.

Watching the explosion, the bullets, the flames, and the faint shadow that kept flashing, everyone fell into silence. Compared with the previous surveillance video of the White House, the image in front of me was taken by a person, which is obviously clearer and more realistic.

William Cohen coldly said: “Everyone, believe me this is definitely not the latest Hollywood blockbuster, we are now facing a major problem that has never been seen in history.”

After half an hour, everyone watched the images repeatedly playing on the TV and looked at the photos of the large ruins at hand.

After William Cohen knocked directly on the table and attracted everyone’s attention, he pointed to an editor of dc comics and asked, “I want to ask, is there any way to determine that he is Superman?

With the current Earth technology, is there any way we can deal with Superman? “

The tall and thin editor with glasses swallowed and said, “First of all, according to the setting, he should be able to hear everything we say here.”

A special agent said: “The entire Conference Hall has been sealed. Even if you play here, you will never hear it outside. Besides, it is at least three kilometers away from us.”

“No, you don’t understand.” The editor said: “Superman’s hearing has nothing to do with air vibrations. In other words, if he wants to, he can hear you even if you hide on the other side of Earth.”

William Cohen frowned, and only listened to the editor ’s sermon: “The way to deal with Superman is naturally to look for Flint. He comes from Pluto. Those planet fragments from Pluto can make Superman weak. But why do you deal with him , Superman is the representative of justice, if he is really Superman … “

“Say something I don’t know.” William Cohen knocked on the table impatiently. Superman’s weakness is flint, which all Americans know.

Another editor suddenly said, “In fact, there is still a problem. The story of Superman uses a multi-universe setting. Each Superman in a different parallel world has different strengths, characters, and experiences.

However, I think I already know his identity, impervious to sword or spear, powerful and flying at high speed, he is indeed Superman. but……”

The editor looked at the television and lifted the armored car. Clark, who was crumpled into scraps of iron, went on to say, “But of all the comics, only one was born of a superman with a superman comic and no superhero world. “

“He is Paragon Little Superman.”

“Our Earth is Origin Earth.”

Paragon The Little Superman, the dc comic debuted in 1985, comes from Earth, the origin of the real universe, where Superman and other superheroes in the comics are fictional characters.

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