Zuo Zhicheng sent Jiang Qing back to dojo. After Jiang Tianzheng asked what was going on, he asked, “Xiao Zuo, would you like to stay here tonight?”

“It’s okay, I can go back and take a detour.” Zuo Zhicheng laughed kindly: “Who are they, who can’t find me in a few days, maybe forget it.”

Jiang Tianzheng nodded: “That’s okay, but if you meet them alone, remember not to jump in.”

“Run as soon as you meet them!” Jiang Qing, who was lying on his chair, said, “But I don’t worry about it, your kid can’t see it, he runs quite fast. By the way, otherwise … Jiang Qing looked at Jiang Master and said, “Dad, why don’t you send him back? It’s best to see those bastards and beat them up again!”

Jiang Tianzheng also seemed to be a little moved, of course, it was not a matter of a meal, but he sent Zuo Zhicheng back.

So after a bit of shame, after politely declining Jiang Tianzheng’s intention to send him home, Zuo Zhicheng finally stepped out of dojo. Facing the enthusiasm of Jiang’s father and daughter, he felt more comparable. Blood Rakshasa had a fight and it was even more troublesome.

At this time, the night had completely fallen, and a bright moon was hanging in the night sky, staining the street with a layer of silver frost.

Walking on the way home, I unknowingly followed someone, and then there were several silhouettes coming out of the corner, as well as thermal imaging, hiding in the alley, corner, and more than 20 silhouettes behind the door.

Zuo Zhicheng didn’t expect that he hadn’t been looking for the other party tonight, but the other party had already come to him. Of course, this is also related to the fact that his route has not been detoured at all, that is, he passed through the opponent’s territory like he had returned home before.

Toki with a swollen cheek came to Zuo Zhicheng, said with a sneer: “Run? Can’t you run very well? I see how you run next.”

Beside him, more than 20 West Indians surrounded Zuo Zhicheng around, all of them teased, and looked at each other with discomfort.

In their impression, the ordinary person saw himself surrounded by more than 20 people, and even if he was mixed on the road, he was already trembling in fear and nervous.

However, Zuo Zhicheng looked up all around, although it was an alley, after all, there were people living behind the wall, and it was obviously out of place to do it here.

He looked at the moon in the sky and said, “Let’s lead the way. I don’t have much time, so let’s fix it quickly.”

“Mouth hard.” Zuo Zhicheng’s soft whisper was naturally taken by Toki as a dead duck, and he said viciously, “I’ll see how you mouth hard.”

“I’ll see him cry later.”

“Haha, let’s go, now it’s too late to beg for mercy.”

Zuo Zhicheng frowned, too lazy to tell what was going on, and walked a little bit towards the suburbs of the Western District under the opponent’s pocket.

Along the way, this group of West Indians naturally insulted and threatened Zuo Zhicheng, but watching Zuo Zhicheng remained silent and turned a blind eye, they naturally thought Zuo Zhicheng was frightened.

If you think about it, being ridden by more than 20 people, I do n’t know what to do, and they are frightened by themselves. Think of the men and women who pulled over the past few times, and there was a hint of excitement in their lips.

However, after entering the woods in the suburbs, things seemed to start to change a little.

Zuo Zhicheng smelled the stench in the air: ‘It’s the smell of corpses. ‘He glanced down and looked at a refurbished land.

‘Is the body buried there …’

Of course, this ordinary person saw a scene that was enough to be frightened. In Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes, he only felt clumsy, a killing scene like a child playing house wine, childish and amateur.

If it is in modern times, I am afraid I will be caught the next day. While thinking about it, more than 20 people around him surrounded him, and Toki picked up a shovel from the root of the tree, with a trace of dark red on the edge of the shovel.

Zuo Zhicheng is too familiar with that color, which is the color after the blood has dried up.

Toki held the handle of the shovel with a smirk at the corner of his mouth: “Boy, I’ll ask you once, who’s that woman? It’s best if you don’t answer. I’ll interrupt one leg first, and then the other leg … until you said it. “

Someone whispered: “The big brother, after all, is Hao Ran dojo, I don’t think we are too much, or …”

What he wanted to say soon couldn’t go on, because Toki’s flushed eyes were staring at him. After all, he was a gangster in Xinlugang all year round, and he could be the boss of these people, Tochi’s body. There are still some murderous aura and baleful qi. With this look, they stared at the younger brother speechless.

The most worrying thing about this kind of thing is that people’s hearts are different. Looking around all around and seeing that no one is against it, Toki laughed and looked again towards Zuo Zhicheng: “Boy, if you kneel down and ask me, say Maybe let you go. “

This is naturally a lie, but according to Todd’s experience, even if most people know that it is a lie, in this case, they will bow their heads and be soft. No matter how hard-hearted people seem to be before, when faced with the threat of naked force, Have to ask for mercy.

This was also his favorite process, but in the eyes he was looking forward to, Zuo Zhicheng naturally was not subdued.

At the next moment, the whistling wind has sounded, it is the fist that the fist penetrates the air.

Toki naturally did not know the power represented by this explosion and the significance of it, but he still saw it. The thin boy in front of him smashed a punch directly on the side companion. It was a companion named Soth, who was regarded as them. The strongest and most capable of this group, even if one person hits three, five can fight back and forth.

But now, after the other side seemed a random punch, Soth screamed in his mouth, already covering his nose with his hands, and fell to the ground with blood on his face.

“Fuck him!” After Toki shouted this sentence in his mouth, he shook the shovel directly in his hand, and looked towards Zuo Zhicheng’s head fiercely and patted it.

But in the face of his attack, Zuo Zhicheng just raised his right hand calmly, then grasped the handle of the shovel, and then gently took the shovel out of Toki’s hand. This calmness and calmness seemed to be that Toki passed the spade to the other side.

Tochi also worried that the other party would attack him with a shovel in turn, but Zuo Zhicheng did not do so, but just threw the shovel into the bushes, just to prevent others from attacking him again.

The thought in his mind was not to break the shovel, but to dig a pit later.

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