Silent Killing

Chapter 629

Looking at the Arctic Ocean at his feet, Frieza laughed heartily a few times, and between the fists flashing, a beam of light turning into light fist once again swallowed the Yan Jiao and crab meatballs.

He looked at the two men who retreated and said, “Why are you so anxious, wait for me to destroy all human beings, and then slowly pack up for you.”

The violent flowing wind blows people’s eyes open. At this speed, the wind has almost become a killing knife. Ordinary people may just be opening their mouths, and they will be poured into the air by the air.

But Frieza was able to propagate the sound arbitrarily with the shock of True Yuan, passing it to the position he wanted to pass.

Hearing what he said, Yan Jiao shouted, “You lunatic, even if you destroy the North Pole, you can’t kill us. What is the meaning of this redundant, meaningless killing?”

“Meaning?” Frieza laughed. “Such a planet like this, how many are there in the universe, what about killing all humans?”

To blame, blame you for angering me, and all human beings will be buried for you.

I will kill you in your most desperate, angry, and fearful situations. “

bang bang bang! The cube constantly shatters the air in front of it, breaking it, speeding, accelerating, and accelerating with a violent hurricane, rushing wildly to the ground.

“Damn!” Yan Jiao roared, and his body, which was originally wrapped in scarlet-red blood, swelled again, and the whole person moved towards the cube and rushed over.

“Cover me!” Armed with the extinguishing soul, countless bayonet openings were opened, densely packed with hundreds of small son-in-law missiles, and blasted towards the cube.

At the same time, the crab * palms behind him moved, and the Photon Streaming Cannon continued to move towards Frieza’s face.

Each and everyone’s blood hole exploded on Frieza’s head, but his eyes stared at the position of Yan Jiao and those missiles: “en? Missed shot? No, those missiles want to blow up the cube.”

“How could it make you do it.” Countless beams of light flashed. Each missile was directly crushed and detonated, but Yan Jiao also rushed to the cube.

A gleam of light lit up from the extinguishing soul’s arm, and it was Yan Duan who initiated the self-destruct system inside the arm. He’s going to blow up the cube completely.

“Haha, caught you.” Frieza blinked. Has come to the other side of the cube, came to the side of Yan Jiao, grabbed each other’s neck.

With his strength, Yan Jiao couldn’t break free.

‘what? ‘Yan Dumpling immediately thought:’ Damn, did you deliberately put me up in order to catch me without leaving the cube? But what’s the point? ‘

“You can’t hurt me at all.”

Although Frieza can beat Yan Jiao in all aspects of strength, speed, and energy. But it has not yet shown the ability to hurt the opponent.

“Is that so?” Frieza’s face had a cruel smile on her face: “I just thought of an interesting way when I was going all the way up.”

I saw that the palm of his hand was spread out, a purple light ball, a pure egg condensed purely by True Yuan, became brighter and brighter.


bang! Frieza punched strikes on the body of Yan Dumpling, Frieza’s feet sunk under the surface of the cube, the reaction force of this fist directly hit the cube under his feet to accelerate again, and Yan Dumpling ’s body flew like lightning. Go out.

In an instant when he flew out, Frieza pressed the purple light bullet in his palm against his stomach.

Shua! Yan Jiao brought a residual image, and was directly hit by this violent force all the way. moved towards the direction of outer space.

bang bang bang! The raging flame tail spreads behind the Yan Jiao, forming a powerful force to push his body back, but it has no effect at all. Frieza is too powerful.

“What?” Yan Jiao struggled frantically, but the purple light bullet in the stomach was like a planet hitting him, pushing him moved towards outer space all the way, making him unable to struggle at all.

This power is too powerful. Without the ability of ‘unchanged past’, he may have broken his body in the beginning, but now he ca n’t withstand this power, he has to rise all the way and continue to break through the atmosphere. height.

“Damn. Does he want to take it to outer space?” Worst of all, the light on the arm of the extinguishing soul is getting more and more dazzling, and the self-destruct system is about to start.

at this time. A light spot jumped several times in a row, eventually catching up with Yan Yan’s position. A silver palm rested on the shoulder of Yan Dumpling.

This is Michelle ’s palm covering the nano-armor. At the moment she came into contact with the extinguishing soul, countless particles in the nano-armor entered the inside of the extinguishing soul. Through the denial of the highest authority, the self-destruction process was forcibly terminated. .

“Everyone, hold him!”

While speaking, two large holes were opened behind Yan Dumpling. The blue tail flame, which was more than XNUMX meters long, was dragged out, and it was frantically reducing the acceleration of Yan Dumpling.

But even with this full-powered engine injection, Frieza’s power cannot be effectively offset at all.

At the same time, Michelle came to the back of Yan Jiao, and hundreds of flames shot from the nano armor, constantly helping Yan Jiao to offset Frieza’s power.

Qing Yeluo was coldly snorted, a pair of hands wearing white gloves had been moved towards Frieza’s purple light bullet, but under this grasp, his face changed repeatedly, and he found that the purple light bullet’s trajectory could not be changed at all. Heavy or powerful like an asteroid.

On the other side, Ji Xingling also stretched out his hands, covering the purple light bullet, and a gleam of light flashed between his palms.

“Do it together and destroy it.”

Not to mention Yan Jiao, Michelle exerted their strength to offset Frieza’s driving force. Ji Xingling and Qing Yelu shot together to break the purple light bomb. The sword lack was a long sword walking around, turning into a beating. light spot.

As his long sword went, countless layers of space were twisted and twisted, making the course of Yan Jiao constantly deflected, which indirectly reduced the distance he flew out.

And Ji Xingling was loudly shouted with Qing Yeluo, one person ’s palm was lightened, and a stream of light stabbed to the purple light bomb, while another man ’s palm was twisted, but it was Qing Yeluo ’s Prominent Saint ’s specialty, partly Time accelerates.

Photons constantly offset Frieza’s power, and local acceleration of time accelerates the entire process.

The five Peak masters worked together until the Yan Jiao flew a distance of five or six kilometers, and Much better couldn’t stop completely, eliminating the purple light flare fired by Frieza.

Jian Jian looked horrified towards the meteor in the distant sky: “This guy’s strength is too strong, isn’t it? The five of us joined forces, and it took so long?”

Michel exclaimed: “Pure power, pure violence, pure destructive power. Whether it is an attribute or a specialty, it will be purely powerful.”

“Let’s go.” Ji Xingling’s eyes narrowed: “There isn’t much time. Unfortunately … for such a short time, many people don’t have such a quick way to rush, I’m afraid they have no time to come to support.”

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were startled again, and from the direction of the Central Plains, a white light crossed the sky, and the atmosphere exploded and burned, hitting Frieza’s chest directly at the speed of sub-light.

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