Silent Killing

Chapter 615

Imperial Capital’s central location, countless rubble, sand, and the wreckage of various houses and cars are slightly moved towards the sky.

The image of the A-type machine has changed again after absorbing Zuo Qingcang’s body tissues. The carapace on his body has almost completely faded away, leaving only a pure white body with a radiant body.

Behind him, the flame wings of blood red are divided into six, forming a total of three pairs of wings that surround the sides of the body of the A-type machine, forming a ray of blood red.

In his hand, the two ion beams were bundled up by the colored rays of light, forming two light guns of no stronghold one cannot overcome, which were held in his hands.

As for the top of his head, the black aura has turned into a huge black cavity. After various substances float, it is sucked into it and transformed into nutrients of type A machine.

A surging force came from within the body of the A-type machine. The terrifying coercion made people, animals, or Insect feel a profound uneasiness within hundreds of kilometers.

“What the hell is going on.”

Inside the shelter, a middle-aged man shivered, a chill from the deepest heart, making him dare not move.

And in his all around, there were all kinds of men and women hugging and hiding in the corner. As the existence of the top of the food chain on Earth, at this moment these humans are hiding in a burrow like a mouse, feeling anxious about natural disasters like ants.

Just then, the whole shelter shook wildly.

“what happened!”

“Did the enemy come over?”

“What the hell is happening?”

There was a loud bang, and a huge beam of rays of light over their heads shrouded over it, because the ceiling directly above them had a large hole.

An unidentified creature with three pairs of blood wings behind it, a black hole on its head, and two white light guns flew down.

A guarding soldier opened the fuse of the machine gun and looked at the sudden emergence of the A-type machine with a cold sweat: “What a joke. Here is the fortifications 30 meters underground, and it was so easy to open it.”

Yes, it’s off. Underground shelters seem to be like can and everyone cans for today’s A-type machines. Stores his favorite food.

Four eyes with only white eyes suddenly flashed rays of light, the black hole on top of the head suddenly expanded a circle, and infinite suction passed from the black hole.


The exclamation sounded, and countless humans in the sanctuary were directly sucked by this Gravitation Force and moved towards the black hole in the sky.



Without forgiveness or hesitation, the A-type machine was like a qualified predator, looking at it all coldly. Watching each and everyone humans were sucked into the black hole, and then in a crazy scream, it seemed like they were entering a meat grinder, and they were sucked into the black hole into pieces.

Blood was constantly spraying from the air around the black hole, part of it was sucked back into the black hole, and part of it was directly splashed on the pure white face of the A-type machine, exuding a cruel charm on the body.

“This monster!” The soldiers started moving towards a type of aircraft to attack the past, but the bullets did not help at all, and he did not even have any defensive action. There were still bullets pouring on his skin.

No defense at all.

“Amazing.” Raphael’s eyes stared at the A-type machine that started to take human food in the screen, muttered: “The absorption method should be evolved from the integration of Zuo Zhicheng. The wings behind it and the manipulation of Gravitation Force, It should be obtained after eating Drunas.

As for the two light guns on hand, are they high-level applications of the singularity of Gravitation Force? Even Drunas couldn’t do that. “

“This is not the time to think about this.” Seeing the black hole as a flesh-and-blood Great Millstone constantly consuming civilian lives, Assalica shouted: “You must find a way to stop Type A, so he will kill the entire Imperial People at Capital. “

In the picture, the A-type machine did a trick, and once again seemed to lift the can, and lifted the ceiling of an underground shelter, and hundreds of people were pulled straight out. One by one, they were smashed into pieces and then plunged into black holes.

“No way. We have completely lost contact with him.”

“The final process was ineffective and he did not accept orders at all.”

“Try exiting the magic crystal.”

“No. Exit failed.”

“Can anyone tell me why he cannibalize?” Asalika was furious.

“Should … should be eating.” A mage said with some uncertainty: “The type A machine itself is an operational bionic machine, but he is now freed from safety, and his mind is equivalent to a newborn baby same.”

“Make sense.” Another mage said, “Eat hungry and eat, kill if you live. Babies don’t have the concept of right and wrong. For the current type A machine, maybe he even knows what he is. Nothing is clear.

He is looking for his place in the natural world according to the instinct of the creature. “

“Looking for a position?” Asaliga frowned. “Why is that a position?”

“Kill it until you meet the existence he can’t kill.”

“What a joke.” Azalija turned and shouted, “Your Majesty, is there any news?”


Just then, Raphael’s body floated, and a strange rays of light flashed in his eyes, and the whole person slowly moved towards the ground: “I’ll come.”

With a stun, Asalica stepped on the ground with her feet, already jumping along.

However, Raphael’s flight speed was very fast, and Azalija was unable to fly, and he kept jumping on the ground debris all the way. When he rushed behind Raphael, both of them had already reached the ground.

Raphael floated in the air, turned his head, and looked at Azalija indifferently, saying, “I’ll be enough. Go back and direct the overall situation.”

“Section Head, what are you going to do to stop Type A?” Assalija stared at Raphael, who asked, “IMHO, although you are very strong, but facing I am afraid that the current A-model is still insufficient. “

“You don’t need to worry about it.” Raphael’s face was unpredictable: “I naturally have my way.”

“Your way … Is it really to stop Type A?” Assaliga asked: “I felt strange from the beginning. Your actions have always seemed more tempting than stopping Zuo Qingcang. Let the a-type machine go. “

“What are you planning on?”

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