Silent Killing

Chapter 611

On the empire’s homeland, when the battle of Zuo Qingcang was in full swing, a huge storm was brewing on the border of the Central Plains.

Ji Xingling stood on a sentry tower that was more than a meter high, and looked at the border line more than 1000 meters away, and brows tightly frowns.

“Jiangnan County 72, it’s time to get it back.”

Obviously, although the empire has taken great pains to block all kinds of unfavorable news, the 20-year fierce struggle has seen several major forces infiltrate each other long ago.

Although it was not possible to get the news at the first time, it was clear that the Great Qi senior officials had already understood the chaos of the empire at this time.

“Zuo Zhicheng, are you really back? Now, where do you go now?”

Thinking of this, a smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth: “Is it World War II, I like it.”

At this point, a look of amazing killing intent had been released in his eyes looking towards the empire border.

At this moment, a piece of mud in front of the sentry tower swelled, a silhouette slowly rose from the mud, and then a slight shock, the mud on her body slowly disappeared, revealing her slim body.

It was a woman with a bumpy body and a cold face.

The woman was wearing a Great Qi uniform with a long knife on her waist.

She was the woman who cut off Cao Sheng’s head 20 years ago, and stood beside Crown Prince Cao Xi and negotiated with Zuo Zhicheng.

It is also Cao Xi’s younger sister, Cao Yu.

The long knife in her hand is the prototype of Great Qi’s first retreat, and now all the retreat. Also tells about the development trajectory of Great Qi in the past 20 years.

War is indeed a good medicine to catalyze the big explosion of technology. In order to fight against the mages and magic guides of the empire, Great Qi developed the mass production technology to retreat the magic sword.

In order to restrain the magic sword, the Empire developed various magic artillery and firearms.

In order to deal with the empire’s magic weapon, Great Qi developed invisible man technology. Let the soldiers dive freely into the environment like Cao Yu.

In order to deal with Great Qi’s invisible human technology, the Empire has vigorously developed various detection and detection technologies. Various reconnaissance techniques like the Supreme Command Room. Many have erupted in these 20 years.

The history of war in World War I was a history of the development of weapons and technology.

I saw after Cao Yu appeared. The body jumped slightly, then easily jumped behind Ji Xingling.

“How?” Ji Xingling asked.

“The Imperial Samurai Regiment is still there, and the main force has basically not withdrawn, but the freak and two sages have been passed away.” Cao Yu said indifferently.

The freak in his mouth was obviously the head of the Imperial Warrior, Drunas.

Hearing Cao Yu’s words, Ji Xing’s spiritual eyes showed a touch of excitement.

“Are you really gone?”

“Okay. It looks like the news is correct. It seems that they really rushed back to the Empire to resist that guy.”

A few minutes later, a shell exploded into the sky and exploded in midair, releasing a sky full of colorful clouds.

Just as the Empire was in doubt, the shouting covering the mountains and the plains came over.

“The Great Qi army is attacking head-on.”

“Are they crazy?”

“Do they want to undermine the peace treaty.”

“It’s not just Great Qi, Kunlun, Kunlun’s men have attacked from the flanks.”

“Damn, call me back.”

hiding the sky and covering the earth Tens of thousands of soldiers moved towards the empire’s line of defense.


In the Supreme Command Room, news of the collapse of the Central Plains defense line came quickly.

With the exception of Raphael, almost everyone is caught in lose one’s head out of fear.

Once the Central Plains line broke. The number of empires is hundreds across the sea, and there is almost no way out. Once the situation eroded, the army was wiped out. Then the whole form turned sharply, I’m afraid the emperor’s appearance would be difficult to clean up.

“Calm down all,” Raphael said, “there is the Imperial Warrior Regiment and the hunted thousand soldiers of the Empire.

Our immediate priority is to resolve the troubles above us. “

Just while everyone was speaking, the larger and larger layer of stone mountain covering the blue dye suddenly vibrated. The hundreds of meters of stone mountain had a weight of hundreds of thousands of tons, but was directly pierced by countless light at the next moment.

A full-faced man with golden armor appeared in front of everyone.

“Is this the guy? Kill Derek the guy.” Chief of Staff Assaliga kept talking to Drunas through the walkie-talkie.

But Saga has performed light-speed boxing at a speed that naked eyes cannot at all observe. Just like countless lasers pierced directly into the space in front of them, thousands of hundreds of fist strength hit directly Drunas.

But only a trick. Although Drunas spit out his blood, his body began to transmit at super high speed. Hundreds of body teleports are performed almost every second. With such a large range of random movements, he simply avoids Saga’s next speed of light boxing in advance.

“Haha haha, is it useful?”

The next moment, the endless light spreads the entire big screen.

One red and one gold two figures. The speed fighters, wherever they go, whether it is the violent Gravitation Force or the horrifying Lightspeed Boxing, they have crushed all around the iron wall, city wall, and house.

“Taste this trick again.” Black’s breath spread on Saga’s hands. Blackbeard’s Prominent Saint’s specialty was electromagnetically propagated by Saga’s own specialty. The particles of the atomic layer were drawn into the imaginary space and released into the real world, causing Sudden change in particle arrangement.

By changing the arrangement of various particles in the atom, a large amount of energy is released instantly.

In conjunction with the original electromagnetic wave transmission force, the atomic-level power is pushed to form a secondary impact, and the formidable power of the galaxy starburst is sharply increased again.

A bang! A starburst of the galaxy came out of strikes directly from Saga’s hands. The air flow of Pentium directly covered a range of ten kilometers, and all the iron walls on the east side of Imperial Capital’s Fanas were completely evaporated.

The massive earthquake formed by the explosion directly shattered more than a dozen underground shelters.

Rafael looked up, watching the constant vibration above the command room, and sighed, “Even this vibration can be felt here.”

“The formidable power of this attack is already comparable to the final trial.”

But then there was another crazy bombing. Saga made two starbursts in a row, directly turning the entire eastern suburb of Imperial Capital into a flat land. It also consumes a lot of his small universe (True Yuan), after all, whether it is particle operation or the defense of the aftermath of attack. Both need to consume a lot of power.

This size of moves, even if he can not perform more than 5 consecutive times.

But even this was surprising enough, the ground on the east side was disarmed. Drunas was drenched with blood all over his body.

Red’s flame wings completely wrapped his body, and white flames suddenly burned. He is slowly being treated for his injury.

But Saga has already attacked again, this time with the faint Demon Sovereign Fist exhibited by Blue Dye Prominent Saint. Although he can’t completely control the opponent, Drunas keeps making mistakes in the next battle.

Had it not been for Drunas’ self-destructive five senses, and purely relying on the rays of solidified magic for material detection, I am afraid that others would have become idiots. It was also his dual martial arts, magic reached the level of sage, and Martial Dao stepped into the realm of gods. Only then can Saga, Blackbeard, and Blue-dyed Saga, who have swallowed it, come back and forth.

But even so, Drunas is really an arrow at the end of its flight. No matter how the Gravitation Force is applied, all attacks are directly evaporated by Saga’s Lightspeed Fist into naked eye illegible particles.

He could barely rely on the teleportation and double-wing healing ability, and dozens of layers of anti-riot, fire, bullet-proof and other protective magic.

Obviously, after continuous engulfment, the personality of Prominent Saint, True Yuan, who splits personality, and the continuous accumulation of experience, make Saga their strength more terrifying.

“The target is still under attack.”

“The iron wall defense has been broken through.”

“Districts 11 to 45 were devastated and the damage was temporarily unknown.”

The two previous Galaxy Starbursts. Not only was the earth and iron walls destroyed, but the plasma shields surrounding the city were crumbling.

“The 37th-layer magic shield (plasma shield) was destroyed, and even two hits can achieve this level …”

“It’s beyond imagination,” Asariga said in surprise.

Raphael said indifferently: “Is the A-shaped machine activated?”

“Failed to start. Magic Crystal was refused to insert.”

“Continue to start, and start again from the dealer level.” Rafal calmly said: “Open the remaining three layers of magic shield.”

“What? With the destructive power of the target, I’m afraid it won’t be long for the entire Imperial Capital …”

“It doesn’t matter. Let Drunas retreat for full combat and all Imperial Capital combat equipment will be operational.”


The magic shield (plasma shield) surrounding and protecting the entire Imperial Capital was lifted, and Drunas retreated into Imperial Capital for several consecutive teleportations under the command of Assalija.

Saga grinned, followed slowly behind Drunas, and saw the house. City wall, there are countless artillery underground. Rockets, machine guns. Weapons such as laser cannons flip out and set fire wildly at Saga.

But these attacks could not even be destroyed by True Yuan, but were directly destroyed by a flash of quick punch.

“The target is still alive, and the second wave of attacks is invalid.”

“The Arrow of Light is allowed to make a third wave of attacks, and the Imperial Family Mage supports.”

More than a dozen Imperial Family mages just appeared on the battlefield, and more than half of them were directly evaporated into ashes by light-speed punches beyond the visual range.

“Damn, it’s impossible to approach.”

“Every minute, every second. Try to delay Drunas’ wounds as much as possible,” Rafael said. “What about the Type A?”

“Still refusing to start, no, there is no way. We still know too little about him. If Your Majesty is …”

“Continue restarting,” Rafael said. “Release an emergency rescue to the lone fort and ask Your Majesty for help.”


In just a few minutes, dozens of streets in thousands of square meters have been razed to the ground, and even the shelters have collapsed several times due to continuous earthquakes.

“En?” Rafael looked at Saga, who turned in the picture, and said, “Did you find us?”

I saw that Saga’s hands were shaking slightly, her fists seemed to turn into tens of thousands of lasers, and directly moved towards the ground, and the ground was evaporated, exposing layers of alloy plates directly.

“The target started moving towards underground facilities.”

“Come here.”

“Damn, go on like this. The entire supreme command room will be completely naked in front of him.” Asaliga shouted: “Non-combatants evacuate urgently.”

“Isn’t the A-shaped machine okay?” Rafael asked.

“Not yet … wait … the restraint opens automatically,” the operator exclaimed. “He is struggling.”

A loud noise! The entire Supreme Command Room trembled wildly.

“Eventually the armor was evaporated.”

“Target goes underground 12th-layer.”

“he came.”

Directly in front of the Supreme Commander, the armor of several dozen meters was directly shattered, and Saga, wearing golden armor, slowly walked out. He laughed wildly after seeing the hundreds of high-level empires in front of him.

Yeah, Raphael. Either Asalika, everyone looked at him blankly.

“Haha haha, let’s all die.”

The breath of black rose in his hands, and the galaxy star burst ready.

Just then, a silhouette of fire red suddenly appeared, it was Drunas, and saw that he teleported to Saga in an instant, and stretched out his hands to embrace the other side.

The flames of the wings flew continuously. The whole person had taken Saga and flew out again. Obviously, his teleportation ability could not teleport life other than himself, and he could only fight to guard the command room in this way.

“Start the A-type machine,” Rafael Coldly said.

“But … the mental pollution exceeds 2300, it is too dangerous and will get out of control.”

“It doesn’t matter, start now.”

Two figures, one red and one gold, hugged together, looking at Drunas, who had no vision, no hearing, no smell, and could not speak, Saga coldly snorted. Countless rays of light have been swept away towards the other’s body.

torn skin and gaping flesh, skeleton ruptured, under thousands of thousands of speeds of light. Drunas, who chose to resist Saga away from the highest command room, was severely injured.

But at this moment, a blue silhouette flashed away, but instead of rushing towards Saga, it fell on Drunas.

“What?” Rafael, who had remained calm from start to finish, couldn’t help but stand up, because of what the silhouette was doing next.

After seeing a layer of colored light flash, Drunas’s face showed a startled expression.

Because he found that his power was draining at a rapid rate, the head of next moment blue opened his mouth wide and opened his mouth more than 200 degrees directly. A bite into Drunas’s head.

“Go away.” Saga coldly shouted, and Lightspeed punched directly at the blue monster’s body. The opponent’s body was swept out directly, but Drunas’s face showed numerous wounds.

Saga suddenly discovered. Drunas’ body was constantly weakening at a rate visible to naked eyes.

“What’s going on? Is it the Caiguang just now?”

Saga swiped away. At the beginning, Drunas was able to avoid more than half of the speed of light with random high-speed teleportation, but soon his teleportation speed became slower and slower, and the range became smaller.

Drunas shot it with the palm of his hand, which was able to create the Gravitation Force singularity of the mountain, but now it is only a slight pause for Saga.

In just over ten minutes, his strength dropped to shedding body, exchanging bones.

At this moment, the strange blue shadow appeared again. At this time, the other party’s mouth opened wider, and the arc of the entire corner of the mouth cracked even exceeded his own head.

The strange shadows are covered with blue scales on the body and looks like an upright mechanical lizard.

You can also see a white light ball flickering like a heart on the chest of the strange shadow, releasing a rays of light.

This time he grabbed Drunas’s shoulders with both hands directly. Drunas in weakness had no resistance at all and was caught directly. The opened mouth of the strange shadow had swallowed the entire Drunas in an instant. Go on.

Light speed boxing hit him all around, but was completely blocked by a layer of colored transparent ripples.

Seeing that Lightspeed Fist was easily blocked, Saga’s brows couldn’t help wrinkling, and the dark air was spread between her hands, so she had to perform the Galaxy Starburst again.

His gut tells him that the things in front of him are dangerous, very dangerous.

“A-type machine is actually preying on Dronus.” Rafael frowns saying: “What’s the situation now.”

“Incredibly, he’s merging with Drunas.”

“The mental pollution is more than 5000. It’s unprecedented. The A-type machine is completely out of control.”

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