Silent Killing

Chapter 608

As the Blackbeard sound disappeared, the black sphere was beating constantly, as if it were a black heart.

“It’s this thing again,” Eric said angrily, throwing a punch at hand, the shock wave swept over it as ineffective.

Hussein said: “Unlike the fatty’s ability, ordinary attacks do not seem to be absorbed, but are completely invalidated.”

“Is the Ministry of Magic?” Archer Blue Sage said to the intercom in his ear: “We need to know what this is.”

“We are using human network detection.” Chief of Staff Assalica frowns saying: “This thing is very strange, most of the rays we use will be directly penetrated by him, and his interior seems to connect a subspace.

Conventional weapons are probably ineffective. “

While speaking, Hussein and the others have each performed their own means, flames, shock waves, and water constantly attack the black ball, but Tongtong has no effect.

“Wait.” Asalika cry out in surprise: “So high energy response, something is brewing in it.”

“What?” Eric the Ghoul Mage also looked towards the black dome in front of him. He rushed up in a short stride, relying on the super strong defense provided by his high-density armor, and he extended without the slightest hesitation. He put his hands on the black ball.

His arms were full of blood, his feet kicked hard, and the ground was sunken two large pieces. The power of a row of mountains has moved towards the black dome.

“En?” Eric’s eyes were frozen, and the Black Dome had no response at all after bearing his power.

Then the shock of both of his hands, air molecules were released violently, and the shock wave formed covered the entire black dome, but still … nothing happened.

Instead, Eric’s own reaction force was released and it flew more than 20 meters away, and finally stepped on the ground and stopped.

Ghoul Mage Eric was stunned, “What a joke, what is the ability to resist blows.”

“It’s not just simple to fight.” Command room. The chief of the general staff, Assalica, stared at the huge black ball in the display screen. Behind him, countless mages and commissioners were analyzing the detection data.

“Activate the optical detection device. Zoom the target 400x with the optical Telescope and display it on the home screen.”

“This … can even the light be completely deflected? We can’t see his structure at all.”

“This is also the effect of the kinetic attack just now.” Azalija frowns. Speaking to the walkie-talkie: “He did not absorb your attack, but he did not really resist the attack.

For a moment, he felt the impact like a spring. But every small particle is vibrating, transforming kinetic energy into thermal energy.

I’m afraid that ordinary attacks will not work. “

Hussein raised his palm and struck dozens of plasma cannons on the surface of the Black Dome, but the air around all around was evaporated and the earth turned into a glass-like state. The one-kilometer Temperature began to rise. The black ball remains unchanged.

“There is no limit to this stuff.” Hussein frowns saying: “If the attack continues …”

“This is the strongest point of consuming our own power to attack the other party. If the other party releases this state after you have consumed most of your power, it may be right for the other party.

“Neither this nor that,” Eric said impatiently. “Don’t we just look at him like this here?”

“No,” said the sage Archer of the Blue. “Maybe this is the real good way. He stayed here just to give us time to rest and prepare …”

Just then, the vibration of the black dome stopped, and a few cracks appeared from the surface of the color.

“It looks like he doesn’t want us to take it easy.” Hussein didn’t know where he pulled out three magical gems, which contained a large amount of the magical energy. He threw one to Archer and one to Eric to replenish energy.

at this time. The cracks on the surface of the black dome are getting more and more, and the whole dome is suddenly broken.


this moment. Hussein, Eric, and Archer all looked at the broken dome intently. The layers of protection magic were released one after another, and they were all on the alert.

In this case, the black expanded face slowly dissipated and dissipated in the air. A man with short hair, wearing a white robe, and a big ‘six’ behind the robe appeared in front of them.

Although he appeared in front of everyone, his face did not look very good.

Different from the situation of grabbing the body before. Now every split personality can be described as blocking the gun. Appearing now, obviously will weaken in the battle with the empire. Then he was swallowed by Zuo Qingcang and the 20% God.

Under the suppression of Zuo Qingcang, each of them had to fight again.

Even because of the previous two engulfing devouring other personalities, the dark side of each split personality is rapidly expanding.

A cold glance was passed over the three wise men in front of him. The katana in Lan Ran’s hand pointed downwards, but before he could do anything, the three wise men had already started.

Plasma cannons, shock waves, and giant waves surged directly from the front, but they were pointed out by blue dye.

‘Off. ‘

At the next moment, the expansion surface of black was born in the air, and all the attacks were absorbed into the imaginary space.

Apparently, as a split personality that has only appeared now, it has swallowed the power of the spot and Blackbeard, and has a part of the Prominent Saint’s expertise, that is, True Yuan can communicate the imaginary space and the ultra-fast regeneration of the undead in one go.

Black’s expanded face dissipated, and in the eyes of the three of them, Lan Ran had already read the beginning of the sword: “Break it, Mirror Flowers Water Moon.”

The blue light of the blade flickered, and a whisper of light passed into the ears of the three.

No response, no attacks appeared.

Ghoul Eric frowned has rushed up: “Pretend guy.”

Facing Eric’s sprint, the blue dye of the single-handed knife was only a sneer. The blade light flashed and he had already fought with Eric. On the other side, Archie and Hussein checked each other. No problem was found, and he rushed at the glance.

The four of them fought together in an instant, and between blue light flashes and flying, Lan Ran barely resisted the siege of the three, Eric laughed heartily: “What a garbage character, it is simply weak to withstand a single blow.”

Booming a light sound, he grabbed a weak spot and pressed it against the blue dyed vest, and the shock wave suddenly blasted out, flying the blue dye directly out of the air, exhaling a spit of blood in the air.

“Trash.” Eric had just finished saying this, but cold sweat unknowingly flowed down. A severe pain came from his chest, and he lowered his head and looked towards his chest. A piece of the blade did not know when it had poked out of his heart.

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