Silent Killing

Chapter 604

On the battlefield, the spot is like entering an unmanned state, even if all around is surrounded by the soldiers of the empire, martial artist, mage, but he is still relaxed.

Throwing a punch, more than a dozen soldiers flew out, one sprint came to a mage, and a hand knife cut off the opponent’s head.

More than a dozen people’s empire warriors rushed over, wearing blue, each of them rammed like a truck, the sword in their hands cut through the air, causing gusts of thunder.

These imperial warriors have all stepped into the realm of the advent of the gods. From the perspective of the realm, they are equivalent to the martial artists of the Law Manifestation level in the Central Plains, but rely on the unique martial arts of the West and theological skills. Their strength, speed, and physical strength Both are stronger than the usual Law Manifestation martial artist.

In particular, the blue Noble armor on their bodies all provided more than ten tons of mechanical power, which was enough to give them terrifying destructive power.

But in the face of this rushing samurai, the spot was just a slight swipe of his eyes, his hands flickered like lightning, the joints of the bones of the hands of more than ten warriors had been shattered, then one palm and one had all flew out.

The shell of Noble’s armor is sunken, which is the palm print that has been printed on the alloy shell, and the samurai in the armor has been completely shattered by the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Ban looked at the samurai who were all around and didn’t even dare to approach, and laughed lowly: “It seems that this so-called empire is barely enough for me to toss alone. I don’t think you need to come out.”

In the command room, watching the light spots on the screen decrease rapidly, everyone fell into silence.

The Chief of General Staff stood up and said, “Master Lafarr, I apply for the final trial.”

“Do you need it?”

“What would happen to civilians and the military in Thanos if the final trial was used?”

“It’s a mess.”

“I don’t agree with the casual use of the final trial. There are so many powerhouses in Imperial Capital. Is there a way to get a Void Refining martial artist?”

“If Your Majesty comes out in the future, would you like to show him a Thanos in ruins?”

“You cowards … do you know what you are facing?” The chief of staff said angrily: “This is a monster whose conventional weapons are completely ineffective. Even the great Qi Ji Xingling cannot face the new one so calmly. Some attack.

Anyway. I will take care of everything and I will explain it to Your Majesty personally.

right now. I applied for a final trial. “

“Arrogant guy, do you know who is in front of you?”

“Azalea, who do you think you are talking to?”

The chief of staff, Assaliga, did not pay attention to others, but turned his attention to Rafael, staring straight at him.

Unexpectedly, Raphael’s hands were still dragging his chin, and his eyes looked at the huge screen in front of the indifferently said: “The transmission team is prepared to take three. Sixth, the seventh divisional division commander’s beacon as a channel , Using three rounds of final trial. “

“Notify the four sages at the same time, let them use the channel, and transmit to the scene after the explosion to prepare for battle.”

“But … but the channel is not for humans, and the location of the Blue Sage and the Purple Sage is too far. If this distance is transmitted, everything will be crushed by the power of the earth.”

Raphael’s head remained motionless, but differedly said: “It doesn’t matter, let’s get started.”


On the battlefield. The Emperor * team almost retreated, moving at a high speed all the way, relying on physical skills, it has been able to defeat the opponent’s samurai group. And from time to time, the explosion of flames destroyed the opponent’s mechanized forces.

In this way, he came to the center of the army all the way, and the blue chakra (True Yuan) on the spot rose again. At first, it formed the skeleton, skeleton human figure, then the meridians were born, covered with a layer of muscle, and finally put on With the armor in hand, the four arms took four snake-shaped giant swords again.

Susano could start again, this time directly in the opponent’s army. Four chakras (True Yuan at once) giant swords of more than a hundred meters waved casually, causing huge injuries.

The enemy army began to fall out …

But it was at this moment that Susuke could start killing. Three lights lit up suddenly from three directions of the army.

The next moment, the amazing shock wave emitted from three directions at almost the same time. moved towards Xu Zuo can radiate past.

Even with Susano’s defensive power, in the face of sudden shock waves, they were instantly torn, and the spotted body was completely submerged by high temperature and shock waves at the next moment.

The entire Thanos area seems to have experienced a magnitude XNUMX earthquake. All materials, whether they are houses, city walls, or tanks, war chariot, are all compressed and deformed by the pressure of the explosion, just like a single The invisible huge palm is playing tricks, and everything in the explosion range is turned into powder.

Even the mountain peaks dissipated a little in the horrible light, and finally turned into a dust of the sky.

It wasn’t until more than five minutes later that the raging heat and the raging shock wave slowly stopped.

Within a radius of more than ten kilometers, the ground has turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the city can’t even see much of the residue, let alone people, even the ruins are few and far between.

The rising high temperature distort the air.

Three huge mushroom clouds rose into the sky, like mushrooms grown in Hell’s Devil God.

This is one of the final weapons of the Imperial Ministry of Magic, the final trial. With space spell seal’s unstable micro-magic energy, attacks can only be formed after long-distance transmission with transmission magic.

It is also a powerful attack that cannot be released from the empire because it is limited by the attack method.

The formidable power of each final trial is enough to destroy a city, killing tens of thousands of people in an instant, and it is a full taboo weapon.

Looking at the almost dissipated green dots on the screen, everyone in the command room showed different expressions. Surprised, sad, angry, silent.

A Noble pointed at the chief of the general staff, Assaliga, angrily: “You butcher, you know how many people have just died.”

“I must send you to a military court.”

Just then Raphael’s voice sounded: “Quiet, the war is not over yet.”

The crowd looked with amazement towards the big screen, unbelievably, surrounded by the center of the three rounds of final judgment, on an empty white ground, a faint red light still shining.

At the same time, four silhouettes suddenly appeared outside the battlefield.

“What kind of person actually needs the four of us to work together.”

“Isn’t the Lord of the Ministry of Ministry a little more gentle? I’m going to spit out yesterday’s dinner.”

“Just be careful,” Hussein said indifferently. “It’s best to give it all out at the beginning, if you don’t want to die.”

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