A few minutes later, Boss Song, who had already entered the cabin, had already drilled out at this time. After taking over the Telescope from the sailor, he looked towards the ship that came by the waves and waves in the distance, with a serious expression on his face.

Putting down Telescope, he said, “It’s the three masters of the Hailong Gang.” He frowned, his eyes were hard to hide, but still instructed: “Be careful for a while, don’t take things for granted. We paid respect, and there was Jiang. Master’s name, they will not embarrass us, it should be just a routine check. “

He said to Xiao Lan next to the boat, “Xiao Lan, hide in the cabin, don’t come out.”

Xiao Lan seemed to be accustomed to this, and didn’t say much, but just said to Zuo Zhicheng, “Left big brother, you can listen to your father’s arrangements, rest assured that nothing will happen.” Leave a smile Then she got into the cabin.

The crew on the other side, under the command of Boss Song, turned the bow and welcomed them like a sea dragon.

However, Zuo Zhicheng can clearly feel that since the boss of Song said that the three masters came, the boat immediately dropped a haze. In the eyes of several middle-aged sailors, there was a clear expression of fear, as if the three masters were like a monster.

After arranging the sailors under his command, Song Boss walked to Zuo Zhicheng and reminded him: “The Hailong Gang is one of the two largest gangs in Xinlu Port. They cannot escape their exploitation when they are living at Xinlu’s sea.

After a while they got on board, don’t talk, just leave everything to me. “

After all, pats Zuo Zhicheng’s shoulder seemed to comfort each other. However, Zuo Zhicheng could clearly feel that the palm of the boss Song was still shaking.

‘A triad? ‘Zuo Zhicheng looked at the Black Dragon flags of baring fangs and brandishing claws in the distance and didn’t know what he was thinking.

After less than a cup of tea, the two boats leaned together, and the people helped by Hailong set up the shelf and climbed over. The head-headed men were wearing black clothes, and a small Black Dragon circled through the chest.

They look like they are in strength, their faces are full of muscles. Although Zuo Zhicheng looks through his left eye and doesn’t see him, who is innate in his body, but the emitted spirit strength is already stronger than ordinary people. Obviously, their bodies are strong. All above ordinary people.

‘I don’t know which of them is the so-called three masters. ‘

When Zuo Zhicheng was thinking about it like this, a bang sounded, and saw a giant man jumped down from the big ship, a distance of more than three or four meters, but it seemed like a giant walk to giant Han I saw him steadily land on the fishing boat, and the deck under his foot thundered, as if the whole fishing boat was shaking.

The giant was no more than two meters tall, and his muscles were knotted, making him look like a polar bear. In particular, he was shaving his head, and his shiny head was full of criss-crossed scars, and with his own big mouth of blood, he really called his face full of shame.

Zuo Zhicheng’s left eye shrank a bit, and the infrared vision swept through the blindfold, so he saw that the other person’s entire body’s spirit strength was not only far beyond ordinary people, but also the instincts of both feet.

‘Did you practice Martial Arts Legacy? ‘

Although it only penetrates the innate nature of the two feet, it is a martial artist that is hard to beat for ordinary people with the body of the giant man.

And then the applause of Hailong’s help to the public also showed the identity of the visitors.

“it is good!”

“Third Master works hard!”

The giant, known as the Third Master, waved his hand, and the dragons behind him stopped shouting. His slightly cold eyes glanced over the people on the fishing boat, his mouth slightly raised, said with a sneer: “Search!”

With his orders, several big men who boarded the same boat with him searched on the ship. Boss Song seemed to want to stop him, but was stopped by the three masters, and he shook the head toward him and said, “Song old man, You know the rules, don’t make trouble. “

The boss of Song understands that the Hailong Gang has monopolized 80% of smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking and other businesses in Xinlu Port, and often sends people to inspect the sea near the port and even inspect ships to prevent other gangs from interfering in the business.

This domineering and acting domineering is almost no different from the Imperial Court. It can be seen that the ** forces are rampant in Xinlucheng. This is also because the new continuous distance is too far from the Central Plains. The center of the Imperial Court is often difficult to control, and it has a long relationship.

Song Boss said with a smile humbly: “Where and where, Third Master knows, we have always paid homage on time, and have never done anything bad …”

“Don’t talk to me.” Sangai spit on the chest clothes of Impatiently impatiently: “What’s the matter, I know.”

Boss Song didn’t seem to have happened, and laughed a few times before retreating.

Several big men on the side searched on the boat and turned up and down, just like a robber crossing the border. However, there were only some fishing tools on the fishing boat, and the sea fish that the boss of Song made up for this trip, but nothing attracted their attention.

At this moment, a big man from the Hailong Gang wanted to enter the cabin, but was stopped by Lao Xing.

“This big brother is messy and dirty in the boat, so don’t look at it.”

“Get out.” Dahan frowned, pushing him away. Another big man on the side glanced at him, and followed in.

Lao Xing retreated, but the voice of a dispute just now passed into the cabin, and Xiao Lan must have heard it.

So in Song Man’s worried eyes, the man who entered the cabin first came out, with a look of sorrow: “Boss, it smells fishy, ​​nothing.”

The three masters were nodded, and looked coldly at Song old man, and opened the mouth and said, “Go.”

When the people of the Hailong Gang retreated, the fishermen on the boat were sighed in relief. Especially Boss Song: ‘Fortunately Xiao Lan was not found. This girl is getting more and more watery, and she can’t stay on the boat. Send her to Jiang Master in a few days. ‘

When Boss Song was thinking so, suddenly a series of screams came from the cabin. A big man laughed heartily and ran out with Xiaolan on his shoulders.

“Big brother, look at this girl, if I hadn’t found the splint on the bottom of the bilge, she would have been hiding away.”

On the one hand, Song Bo felt only a trembling heart. The whole person had rushed up, stopped in front of the big man, and shouted, “Third Master, this is my daughter Xiao Lan. We paid respect to you, you can’t just come here.”

San headed back and looked at Xiao Lan on the shoulders of the congregation, coldly snorted: “Put down the person first.”

Song Boss thanked him: “Thank Third Master.” He pushed Xiao Lan: “Smelly girl, don’t hurry back.”

“Wait.” San Dian touched his head and said slowly, “When did I say I can go?”

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