peng peng peng peng, continuous explosions echoed in the tomb.

Relying on his amazing physical fitness and fighting skills, Zuo Qingcang quickly killed more than half of the dwarfs, and saw that he grabbed a dwarf biting at his chest, raised his thighs, and lifted the dwarf like a meat pie. Sandwiched between his palms and knees.

Throw away the rotten meat in your hands at will, Zuo Qingcang turned around and shouted at the old man: “Come and help, get more dry food back.” Although Zuo Qingcang seemed to fight very easily, he killed a dwarf . But each of these hits is the result of the coordinated movement of the upper and lower muscles of the whole body. It can be said that each hit consumes a lot of physical strength of Zuo Qingcang.

It’s like one person punches continuously with all their strength, that’s a dozen or so that’s all, not to mention that it is still in a fierce fight. The rate of physical exertion is faster. Therefore, in the situation where the support of the other party is likely to arrive soon, Zuo Qingcang chose to let the old man immediately take the corpse as food.

So as not to hurriedly retreat for a while, he will be trapped in the tomb without any food at all.

The old man hiding at the entrance of the cave was still surprised by the sharpness and very ruthless of Zuo Qingcang. When he heard what the other party said, he immediately reacted and moved towards the shelf where the body was placed.

He also understands that after being exposed today, it is likely that they will never have the opportunity to come here again, so they must hurry up and collect food for the last time.

The other dwarfs saw the movement of the old man and yelled angrily, and wanted to bypass Zuo Qingcang and rush to the old man. But this behavior only accelerated their death.

After Zuo Qingcang adapted to their size and speed, although every dwarf killed required a full shot, it was very physical. But the killing speed is getting faster and faster. After the old man moved a dozen cans to the other side of the hole, Zuo Qingcang finally cracked the last dwarf into several pieces.

A series of intense movements, the body surface heat greatly increased, making Zuo Qingcang a hot Fireball in the old man’s psionic vision. He looked at Zuo Qingcang, who took a few deep breaths, and asked, “How?”

“It’s okay.” Zuo Qingcang estimated his physical strength, but who knows just after saying this, outside the passage of the dwarf’s tomb, there are countless screams and roars. It sounds like it sounds like There are hundreds or thousands of dwarfs.

“Don’t you say that there are only 100 dwarfs on this island?” After testing the dwarf’s battle strength, Zuo Qingcang was still wondering if he could divide it several times and kill all the dwarfs on the island directly. At that time, when I heard the roar of the mountain and the tsunami, I grabbed the two jars on the side, and moved towards the hole without looking back.

“How do I know that this island should not be large enough to breed so many dwarfs!”

The old man was also complexion changed and immediately climbed into the hole.

At this time, Zuo Qingcang can only be glad that he just let the old man take a lot of jars. As soon as he could, he pushed the old man from the hole into the hall of the cemetery, then threw the two jars in his hand, and then he turned around and hit the hole with several punches in a row.

In the first half of the training period, Zuo Qingcang had strengthened the dog hole in accordance with the previous plan, and in order to prevent it, he improved the load of the dog hole so that he could seal the dog hole at any time to prevent monster invasion.

Now it seems that this preparation is not at all, and with the current strength of Zuo Qingcang, several punches were hit on the supporting point, and the dog hole immediately began to collapse. When Zuo Qingcang came out of the dog hole, the whole dog The hole has been buried by dirt.

The previous whistling sound like mountains and seas has disappeared, only the faint vocals came from the other side of the cave entrance.

The old man looked at the cavern with a look of fear in his face and said, “What next?”

On Zuo Qingcang’s head, a series of sweat beads flowed down, which was the sweat secreted after strenuous exercise. He picked up a jar on the spot and ate it.

“There are 19 cans in total. If we save eating, we can live for about 70 days.”

“Although you said that the dwarfs did not dare to dig into the tomb, it was only speculation after all, and they have now copied the ancestral tomb.

Zuo Qingcang chewed on the corpse of the dwarf, and couldn’t see the slightest nervousness and impatience on his face. He said unhurriedly: “We must leave here and go deep into the tomb. Whether we find another way out or unlock the big array of tomb No matter what method is used, in short, we must strive to escape this tomb within 70 days. “

I saw Zuo Qingcang picking up the rope and tying all the jars together at once. That was the rope he had carried before he came to the center of the island. After tying the jars together, he carried them on his back.

Not only the ropes brought last time. During this time, Zuo Qingcang and old man also used the dagger in their hands to cut a lot of roots and vines that grew into the tomb near the tree-lined tunnel. Become a rope. This also prepares for future tomb exploration. After all, ropes are very useful in many cases.

The old man on the other side also picked up a few night pearls collected in advance for lighting. Then the two of them followed the martyrdom and came to the funeral room with two stolen holes.

They plan to follow the two stolen holes to see the situation, but they ca n’t go through the cracks in the martyrdom. After all, the gap was caused by an earthquake, and I don’t know how deep, or even the part that leads to the ancient tomb.

In comparison, although the two stolen holes must be very dangerous, at least they were dug by professionals, and the target must have a lower-level ancient tomb.

The two cautiously opened a second hole. Apparently because of the appearance of the Corpse Monster in the first hole, it seems more dangerous. That’s why they plan to look at the second hole first.

Zuo Qingcang placed a dozen bottles and cans on his back on the ground, and then wrapped a vine-weave rope around his waist and an old man’s arm.

“I’ll go and see first. If I shake the rope a little, you pull me hard. If I shake the rope continuously and quickly, it means that I’m not saved, you close the hole quickly, don’t come down.”

Then Zuo Qingcang pulled the rope a few more times and made an appointment with the frequencies of the two signals.

I saw him holding a night pearl in his left hand, and the right hand holding the dagger he had brought with him. The whole man stepped down and jumped into the dark hole.

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