Chapter 132 Sponsor rocket research and development, prepare to build a fab, and carry out large-scale construction.

After Su Chen returned to the office and drank a cup of tea, he thought of counting the assets that the rolling mill now possessed. He hadn’t been resting for long before he thought of the next thing he needed to do, so he started counting non-stop. Since Su Chen had more contact with the affairs in the factory during this time, his statistics were quickly made.

At present, in addition to the existing rolling mill equipment and workers, the Red Star Rolling Mill has several new production lines and Maoxiong researchers.

It’s a pity that the Mao Bear researcher can’t let others know, after all, it is not honorable to abduct people from abroad. As for the rest, it is the Changhong Tractor Factory and the equipment and production lines within the tractor factory.

These are all things on the bright side.

There are also large orders obtained by Su Chen.

One is Ethiopia’s seamless steel pipes, the other is a gas tank that is still being produced, and the last is Kadazo’s tracked tractor tank.

These orders are worth a lot.

Su Chen pondered and counted all the assets that the rolling mill now possessed.

Before you know it, rolling mills already have so many production resources and capital to survive. Su Chen was overjoyed in his heart, so he decisively went to the aviation department.

Although it is good that the rolling mill does nothing and develops now, Su Chen does not plan to put eggs in one basket. And in this day and age, the country needs his help exactly.

The location of the national aviation department is not secret, you can find out as soon as you check it. Su Chen asked his driver to send him to the aviation department, and the driver was a little surprised when he found out.

After all, the rolling mill mainly produces civilian products, no matter what Su Chen actually produces, but it has nothing to do with the aviation department.

In addition, the presence of the aviation sector in this era is very low, and almost no one will pay attention to the aerospace industry, so the driver only mutters in his heart, not knowing what the director of the plant is going to do there.

However, the driver did not talk nonsense, he decisively started the car and sent Su Chen to the door of the aviation department.

Su Chen came to the aviation department of Four Nine City for the first time, and as soon as he saw an earth model at the door, he knew that he had not gone to the wrong place since 21.

When Su Chen arrived at the door, the security here was not as strict as other departments he had been to before, and the guards guarding the door simply checked Su Chen’s identity and let him in.

After all, in this era, the country’s space department is not developing well, so the aviation department is also left out in the cold. Su Chen didn’t see many people along the way.

He came to the front desk and said to the receptionist: “May I ask where your leader is?” ”

The reception staff looked at Su Chen suspiciously, the aviation department as an unpopular department, there have never been any visitors, at this moment, I saw a handsome young man come in to find the leader, and the reception staff was still a little confused for a while.

In the past, the reception staff used to fish and work here, but now I saw that someone was really visiting, and I quickly sat up straight. The receptionist said: “What are you looking for the leader?” ”

Su Chen said with a serious face: “I want to sponsor the country’s rocket research and development.” ”

Hearing Su Chen say this, the reception staff was even more puzzled.

It should be known that the current national aviation development is only in its infancy, and there are many technical barriers that have not been broken. At this time, it is really impossible to come to sponsorship.

The reception staff said: “This comrade, you can think well, we are an unpopular department here, if you want to sponsor, it is purely a loss of money.” ”

The kind persuasion of the reception staff could not impress Su Chen. Su Chen knew how important the aviation sector would be in the future.

There is no need to talk about those space shuttles that flew off the earth, just say that one Beidou navigation has made a profit. Not to mention, all communications industries need to interact with satellites.

Su Chen bet in advance now, and in the future, he can cut their leeks and make money lying down.

Seeing Su Chen’s determined appearance, the reception staff shook his head and said to Su Chen: “Since you are so enthusiastic, then I will take you to meet the leader.” ”

The reception staff got up and led Su Chen all the way upstairs.

The two came to the third floor together, and the reception staff led Su Chen to the corner of the third floor. It had the word Office on it, and the receptionist knocked on the door.

Only after a response came from inside did the receptionist open the door.

Inside sat a middle-aged leader who was looking up at the door at this moment. Seeing a young man he had never seen before, the leader was stunned for a moment.

The receptionist said: “Leader, this comrade said to sponsor our rocket research and development, and I brought people.” ”

After the receptionist finished speaking, he turned and left, taking the door with him.

The leader of the aviation department was a little confused when he heard this, and it was the first time he heard that someone was going to come to the aviation department to donate money.

Therefore, the leader of the aviation department looked Su Chen up and down and asked, “Comrade, are you serious?” Are you going to sponsor our rocket development? ”

Su Chen nodded and said, “That’s right, but I want to set up a public-private partnership with your department to study rockets.” ”

Hearing Su Chen say this, the leader of the aviation department nodded.

There is no problem with Su Chen’s words, if he wants to sponsor the aerospace department, setting up a related company is the best way. However, someone actually sent it to the door to ask for money, which the leaders of the aviation department did not expect.

After all, there are many layoffs in this era, and the state-owned factories themselves cannot survive, and as for the private sector, it is more of a petty scene, and it is impossible for anyone to say that they want to sponsor aviation.

People like Su Chen who offered to sponsor were the first ones.

The leader of the aviation department said with a deep groan: “Comrade, you can think clearly, this is not a small amount of money, what do you do?” Willing to fund this way. ”

Su Chen immediately replied: “I am the director of the Red Star Rolling Mill, you don’t have to worry about money. ”

Hearing Su Chen’s words, the leader of the aviation department quickly looked him up and down.

“I didn’t expect you to be the legendary director of Su Chen, it’s really terrifying.”

It was the first time the head of the aviation department had seen a real person, and he had seen the interview last time, but it was difficult to combine the plainly dressed young man in front of him with the glamour of the interview program.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, “It’s just a coincidence, and luck is better.” ”

Because the Red Star Rolling Mill entered the national white list, coupled with Su Chen’s willingness to invest in sponsoring rocket research and development, the aviation department immediately clapped and said: “There is no problem, if it is the investment of the Red Star Rolling Mill, it is completely possible.” ”

As an unpopular department, the aviation department naturally has very few funds, and when applying for funding every year, the leaders have a very headache. At this moment, seeing someone willing to take the initiative to pay them, the leaders of the aviation department are even more happy to see it.

He originally just thought that this was a prank by a young man, but hearing Su Chen’s identity, the leader of the aviation department knew that Su Chen was serious.

After all, where is the director of a factory joking here and making people bored.

Su Chen was overjoyed when he heard this: “Thank you leader, the establishment of the company, I will arrange my assistant to follow up, you can talk to me if you have any questions.” ”

The leader of the aviation department said with a smile: “I would like to thank you a lot for this, thank you, an enthusiastic comrade, for your willingness to sponsor our country’s rocket research and development cause.” ”

Due to the country’s backwardness in rocket research and development, there has been little progress in recent years. Therefore, the aviation department also made cold benches for several years.

With Su Chen’s capital injection, the aviation department has more sufficient funds and can research rockets more quickly. For the leaders of the aviation department, this is also one of his achievements, so he is naturally very grateful for Su Chen’s appearance. The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Su Chen successfully obtained the stepping stone to launch the satellite.

After Su Chen achieved his goal, he did not stay in the aviation department too much.

Because of this incident, Su Chen also thought of another thing about future development.

At present, the production capacity of Hongxing Rolling Mill and Changhong Tractor Plant has basically been full. If Su Chen wants more development, he has to start from scratch. He decisively went to the outskirts of Beijing to search for a wasteland that he was satisfied with.

This time the selection is much simpler than before.

Because the heavy water research plant needed to be selected before, the place could not be placed in a place where there would be people. This time is different, what Su Chen thinks of is a more universal factory.

So he quickly found his target and chose a wasteland.

In this era, there are many wastelands on the outskirts of Beijing waiting to be developed, so the price of selling is also very low, and Su Chen does not need to bargain much, so the other party consciously lowered a lot and sold it to him.

After all, in this era, almost no one comes to the outskirts of Beijing to buy land, even the land price that is very cheap in Su Chen’s eyes is very expensive in the eyes of others in this era.

And they don’t realize the importance of these lands, so these wastelands on the outskirts of Beijing can’t be sold at all. With Su Chen willing to buy, they are naturally willing to reduce some profits and sell it.

After Su Chen picked a wasteland, he personally went to check it.

This wasteland is relatively close to the capital, which is not very remote. If it is in the later Four Nine Cities, it can be said that it is within the scope of the capital. But whether it is outside the fifth ring or the sixth ring, then it is not clear.

Su Chen didn’t need to think about these now.

Now the state will not require factories not to be built near the outskirts of Beijing, but to move farther. Therefore, Su Chen decisively took advantage of this opportunity and developed a wave rapidly.

He stood on this wasteland, looking at the picture that was still overgrown with weeds.

Seeing that this land is still very empty, it will not be long before the factory is built, this area will be much more lively.

Su Chen bought this land to prepare to build a fab from scratch. A fab is a factory that produces wafers.

Wafers are called front-end processes in the semiconductor industry, and wafers refer to the production process of processing semiconductor devices on monocrystalline silicon wafers.

Each silicon chip has thousands of identical integrated circuits, and so on a series of devices. It is different from Su Chen’s current Red Star Rolling Mill and Changhong Tractor Factory.

Producing wafers can be a delicate task.

The precision required is very high, and the equipment itself is very expensive. Wafers will be used primarily for chips in electronic devices in the future.

That is to say, the fab can jam the neck of all electronic devices in the future, mobile phones, computers, etc., which require chips, all of which are fabs and leeks.

Su Chen knew this because he had a little understanding of relevant information when he used computers and mobile phones in his previous life.

He remembers that in the news at that time, it was mentioned that there were only ten best fabs in the world, and only two or three of them could be seen.

These crystal 090 round factories do not belong to the country, so in terms of chips, the country has been stuck by foreign countries for many years to be very uncomfortable.

Based on such prospects, Su Chen decisively chose to build a fab.

Maybe it will not be clear for a while how much benefit the fab can get, after all, in the current era, the demand for chips is not as huge as in later generations.

For example, the mobile phone in later generations basically has one hand, up to the age of eighty and down to just leave, no one does not have a mobile phone in their hands, and some people even have two or three.

With such a large shipment, the demand for chips is naturally more.

And that’s not counting computers, as well as some smart products, which require chips to run.

Therefore, Su Chen’s layout so early can be completed first when other fabs are not up.

After Su Chen’s side develops and takes shape, other fabs will be built again, which will not threaten Su Chen’s status.

At that time, this fab was like a living gold mine, sending a lot of money to Su Chen all the time. However, the premise investment of the fab is also very huge, and Su Chen understands that this is a long-term job, and he can’t get up in a short time. If you want to develop a fab, you also need a lot of technical backbones to work in.

With Su Chen’s cognition, it is estimated that this fab still has a long way to go from the completion of construction to the production of wafers when it is put into use.

After all, such a high-precision thing is just a wild hope of Su Chen. Even if he fails, it doesn’t matter, what Su Chen has now is capital trial and error.

He looked at the empty wasteland in front of him, but his heart was full of pride.

Although the wasteland in front of him has nothing and has not yet been built, in Su Chen’s eyes, it seems that he can already see the grand situation of the future fab.

At that time, the whole country does not need to worry, it is stuck in the neck of the chip, and the country can produce chips independently.

Thinking of this, Su Chen was in a surging mood, this is the business empire he imagined. Su Chen wanted to rely on the advantage of foresight and foresight to constantly let his chips increase more and more.

Only in this way can we develop better and better, rather than relying on only one or two products to eat until they get old.

Wantonly imagining what the future fab would look like, Su Chen opened the door and took the car back.

He will start to arrange for people to come and build the fab, don’t see that the wafer Su Chen can’t use it now, but the sooner the layout, the better, Su Chen does not plan to give this track to other countries.

Building a fab will soon be on the agenda. He returned to the factory and began to arrange this.

This is a matter of future rolling mill development plans.

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