“It’s not an ordinary gas tank, so what’s the mystery in your gas tank?”

Yang Xue asked Su Chen very face-saving scene.

Others will not hold this scene, and they still want to see Su Chen lose face.

After all, Su Chen looked at the young and handsome, and had a fluent camel Chinese and could talk to the consul very happily, and many jealous thoughts also rose in the hearts of the entourage present.

Fortunately, with the appearance of Yang Xue, it did not become cold.

Su Chen nodded vaguely towards Yang Xue, he was confident that what he said would definitely arouse the consul’s interest.

As for what the others thought, Su Chen didn’t care at all.

As long as the consul could raise interest, the business was more than half successful.

Everyone present pricked up their ears and wondered what was special about this gas canister, so that Su Chen could confidently sell it to the consul of the camel country.

After all, he is just a gas canister.

The head of the Ministry of Industry also muttered secretly in his heart.

It is difficult for your gas canister to fly, but even if the gas canister can fly, people will not buy it.

What is the use of gas canisters other than for use as fuel?

The leaders of the Ministry of Industry did not believe that Su Chen could say that it was just a gas tank, and even if it was exported abroad, it would not sell for much money.

Not long ago, Su Chen also boasted about Haikou in front of him, saying that he would earn foreign exchange for the country, and the result was to rely on selling gas canisters?

Thinking that the leader of the Ministry of Industry sighed in his heart, he blamed himself, and was actually moved by this young man.

Su Chen glanced around, and everyone led them to the gas tank that was already filled with gas and said.

“Our gas tank is a little different, that is, this gas tank is flammable and explosive.”

He acted very confident, as if he had said the greatest advantage of the gas tank.

If it weren’t for the needs of the consul of the camel country, Su Chen would not dare to show such a confident appearance.

After all, a person with a normal brain knows that the biggest demand for gas canisters in China is to use them for gas stoves and cook vegetables.

A gas canister that will explode if you are not careful, left at home will only be a security hazard, and it is impossible for anyone in the country to buy it.

As soon as Su Chen’s words fell, the scene was silent.

Yang Xue and the supervisor and the entourage present were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Can this be a plus?

A flammable and explosive gas tank is dangerous to use as fuel, who will buy this?

“Wouldn’t he be stupid, who would buy a flammable and explosive gas canister?”

An entourage muttered.

His words are only heard by those around him.

From the beginning of entering the factory, he felt that this place was ragged enough, and he didn’t know why the consul would chat with Su Chen so happily.

At this moment, hearing Su Chen’s whimsical words, he felt even more speechless.

“By the way, isn’t everyone rushing to the safe zone? Didn’t you think you could die fast enough when you bought an explosive gas canister? ”

Another member of the entourage also muttered softly when he heard it.

Others also whispered.

Such a dangerous gas tank was in front of them, they couldn’t help but take a few steps back, in case the gas tank suddenly exploded, the entire production workshop was afraid that it would be thrown into the sky.

At that time, none of the people in the production workshop will be able to escape.

Thinking of Su Chen bringing them to such a dangerous place, several people in the entourage glared at Su Chen viciously.

Could it be that what he said about bringing people to visit was false, but in fact he wanted to assassinate the consul of the camel country.

If something happens to the consul of the camel country at home, it is a diplomatic problem! It will be very scary!

For a while, everyone’s hearts were full of disbelief, a gas tank that was easy to explode, Su Chen also showed such confidence.

The director of the Ministry of Industry even regretted a little in his heart, why did he agree to Su Chen to lead the matter over, and now it was difficult to ride a tiger.

I thought that he would produce something worthy of eyesight, but I didn’t expect Su Chen to use flammable and explosive gas canisters as a gimmick.

Blame himself for not knowing, came to check in advance, and hurriedly brought the consul over.

Or did he arrange it himself, if he came to see what Su Chen produced in advance, maybe he would not have ended up in such an embarrassing situation.

The head of the Ministry of Industry thought to himself, wait or wait for him to come to the rescue.

I just don’t know what to say in order to make the consular department furious.

The leader of the Ministry of Industry racked his brains in his heart to think that the consul of the camel country loved to drink fine wine, so he simply took out the bottle of Maotai that had been treasured for a long time at home and asked the consul of the camel country to have a drink, maybe the other party would be deflated.

But thinking of the bottle of Moutai wine at home, the leader of the Ministry of Industry felt very painful.

He himself was reluctant to drink that bottle, and he had been keeping it there as a family heirloom for so many years, but he didn’t expect to bleed heavily this time.

The leader of the Ministry of Industry complained about Su Chenlai in his heart.

If you say that you are going to produce this gas tank, I will not lead the matter and waste our time.

If the consul’s anger develops into a diplomatic problem, who will be able to carry this cauldron then.

Just when everyone felt that Su Chen was crazy, to everyone’s surprise, the consul was not angry.

He looked at Su Chen curiously and asked.

“What about the explosive power of this gas tank.”

The consul of the camel country does not know much about gas tanks, but has seen such things and probably knows the function.

But he was very sensitive to the word explosive in what Su Chen said.

That’s why he asked Su Chen to know how powerful the gas canister explosion was.

The consul of the camel country didn’t care what the gas canister was, he was just interested in the explosion.

Seeing this, Su Chen knew that his plan had succeeded, and the other party had taken the bait.

He knew that as long as the explosion was mentioned, the consul of the camel country would never miss this opportunity.

He immediately nodded and pointed his hand outward.

“We have a big open space in the factory where we can do live demonstrations.”

“There is no basis for words, you go with me to see, and you will know with your own eyes how powerful his explosion is.”

Su Chen was full of confidence, standing in the gas tank filled with gas without the slightest stage fright.

Although these gas canisters are flammable and explosive to use, they are very safe as long as the safety device is not turned on when they remain stationary.

Even if Su Chen accidentally knocked down a gas canister and let it roll on the ground a few times, it would not explode.

It’s just that if these gas canisters are put into use, there is a very high probability of explosion as soon as the valve is opened.

This is also a safety hazard that workers are worried about.

It’s just that neither the workers nor these entourage who came to visit expected that Su Chen wanted this effect.

What he wants is a gas tank that is usually safe and can explode at critical times.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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