Chapter 100: Sores in the Butt.

The next morning.

The silly pillar woke up slowly.

Apart from a headache, there is nothing uncomfortable.

Recalling what happened yesterday, Silly Zhu felt incredible. He actually shouted that he wanted to marry Jia Zhang?

It made him sick.

Jia Zhangshi is not only old, but also ugly, with more than 200 pounds of fat and flesh. I don’t know what kind of wind he smoked yesterday to say that.

Of course, Silly Zhu did not know that he was beaten by Zhou Wenbing, and his emotions were uncontrollable. At this moment, the effect of the talisman passed, and he regained consciousness, and suddenly felt a bad cold. Seeing that the time to go to work is approaching, the stupid pillar has no time to care about the headache.

The wind rushed to the rolling mill. Rolling mills, welders’ workshops. Today there is one more teacher. That is Wu Deming.

Wu Deming’s injuries have recovered under Zhou Wenbing’s treatment.

Because of the letter of introduction from Team Leader Zheng, he smoothly returned to his original post and continued to work. The treatment is still the same as before, a seventh-level welder, a month is seventy-five pieces of six.

That’s a lot more money than he makes in origami boxes at home. Uncle Wu was quite grateful to Zhou Wenbing.

If Zhou Wenbing hadn’t helped him heal his leg injury, he probably wouldn’t be able to work normally in this life.

“I’ve heard people say you’re already a Level 5 welder?”

Uncle Wu never expected that Zhou Wenbing would improve so quickly. In just one month, he was promoted to a fifth-level welder. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can surpass him.

Zhou Wenbing nodded and said with a smile,

“Compared with Uncle Wu, it’s a lot worse!”

“You kid can! I know that I am angry and strong, and seeing you like this, I can be considered worthy of your father! ”

Uncle Wu sighed with emotion.

What he was most afraid of at the beginning was that Zhou Wenbing would give up on himself.

After all, when everyone in the family is gone, he is the only one left. Once a person has no spiritual sustenance, it is easy to fall, but he did not expect that Zhou Wenbing actually hit the bottom and rebounded, not only married his daughter-in-law, but also became a fifth-level welder. The future is limitless.

“yes! It’s just a pity that I didn’t let them see me marrying my daughter-in-law! ”

Zhou Wenbing sighed with emotion.

This is perhaps his biggest regret! In my own world, there are no more relatives.

However, with a family like Li Huizhi and Uncle Wu, it is enough.

“He’ll be proud of you!”

Uncle Wu patted Zhou Wenbing’s shoulder and continued,

“And I heard a few days ago that you also saved Lou Zhenhua’s life?”

Wu Deming also went to work to know that Zhou Wenbing was so capable.

This Lou Zhenhua is one of the richest people in Four Nine Cities!

If this has a little relationship with him, it will be designated to be able to soar in the future.

“Sort of!”

Zhou Wenbing responded, and it was difficult to elaborate on the large number of people. So as not to be jealous.

After a few brief chats, the two continued to work.


“Well, you Xu Damao, dare to stun me? Look how I clean you up! ”

In the kitchen, Silly Zhu thought of last night, he was knocked unconscious by Xu Damao, and his heart immediately became angry. This kid hit himself so hard.

If you don’t teach him a lesson, you won’t be able to do so.

I saw that Silly Zhu found a pair of scissors in the kitchen, and went to find Xu Damao to take revenge. His purpose is simple.

That is the guy who wants to destroy Xu Damao’s meal, the projector.

When the time comes to show the movie to the leader, there is a problem, and the bloody dog he must not scold is strange. Advocacy Section.

Kuang Tan, the silly pillar, came to the propaganda section and kicked the door open.

However, there was no Xu Damao in the room, but a man and a woman hugged together.

Seeing the silly pillar come in, both of them were immediately frightened. The two hugging were Yang Weimin and Yu Haitang in love.

“Who are you looking for?” So rude? ”

Yang Weimin scolded angrily.

This guy is simply bad for him.

“What about Xu Damao? Tell him to get out of here for me! ”

Silly Pillar shouted.

It doesn’t matter if it’s bad or not, it’s good for others. At the moment, he only had Xu Damao in his eyes.

“Xu Damao went to the thatched house!”

Yang Weimin responded.

Stupid Zhu didn’t believe it, looked left and right, and indeed did not find Xu Damao’s figure. In fact, Xu Damao didn’t go to the thatched house.

But when there was no work, I went to chat with the leaders of various units.



“This is Xu Damao’s projector?”

Silly Zhu saw a projector on the table and asked immediately. Yang Weimin nodded.

Silly Zhu sneered, and when the two people were not paying attention, he directly cut the film of Xu Damao’s projector. When the time comes, if there is an accident when he plays the movie, there will be something good for him.

Do it all.

Silly Zhu returned to the cafeteria satisfied. Xu Damao really hit the trick today.

When he was engaged in entertainment, Director Yang asked him to show a movie.

As a result, there was an accident halfway, and the movie was half gone.

Director Yang directly drenched the blood of Xu Damao’s scolding and gave him a small note. Xu Damao knew that someone must have manipulated his projection.


After going back and asking, I realized that it was the stupid pillar who came.

“Well, you stupid pillar, grandpa is not finished with you!”

Xu Damao gritted his teeth. Jingle Bells – Finally stayed up until the end of work.

After Zhou Wenbing picked up Meiling last week, they both went home. I thought it would be a good day. Unexpectedly, Jia Dongxu had another accident.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m too angry these days, or I’ve been sitting in a wheelchair stuffy. His fart was actually sore, and it hurt when touched.

If you can’t sit in a wheelchair, you can only lie in bed all day. But lying on your stomach all the time is not a thing!

So Jia Zhang proposed to send Jia Dongxu to the hospital to take a look. But where does the Jia family have so much money now?

Yi Zhonghai suddenly thought of Zhou Wenbing.

Since Zhou Wenbing can heal Wu Lame’s leg, he can also save Lou Zhenhua. Then he will definitely order medical skills.

So I wanted him to see Jia Dongxu for free.

When Yi Zhonghai found Zhou Wenbing and talked about it, he made Zhou Wenbing laugh.

“Uncle, are you confused? When will I be able to heal? ”

“And even if I can heal, I can’t cure Jia Dongxu!”

“What did the Jia family do to me? You don’t remember, I do! ”

Zhou Wenbing directly refused.

Want to let yourself treat Jia Dongxu? They want to fart and eat almost 10,000!.

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