Chapter 72: A Hundred Mouths Can’t Justify.

Looking at the pants in the neighbor’s hand, Jia Zhang was immediately stunned.

Shouldn’t this pants be under Zhou Wenbing’s bed? How could it be searched from Yi Zhonghai’s house? The neighbors were also confused.

They have always respected the eldest master, but they didn’t expect him to do such a dirty thing? Jia Dongxu’s face was also uncertain.

At first, he thought it was done by a stupid pillar.

After all, Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu are not clear. Later, the stupid pillar’s house searched but did not find it. Jia Dongxu suspected that Zhou Wenbing did it.

Unexpectedly, in the end, there were twists and turns, and his daughter-in-law’s pants appeared in a grandfather’s house? This blindfolded him.

“Uncle, as an elder, how can you do such a thing?”

Jia Dongxu’s face turned green.

Yi Zhonghai is his master!

After he was injured, it helped his family no less. Jia Dongxu never suspected Yi Zhonghai again.

I never expected that Yi Zhonghai was 28 such a shameless villain. Yi Zhonghai was also confused at the moment.

Seeing the red and colorful pants searched out of his house, he was suddenly shocked and speechless. He didn’t do such a dirty thing!

How did it come out of his house?

In the next moment, Yi Zhonghai thought of Zhou Wenbing. Zhou Wenbing just went to his house to deliver candy. Maybe it was stuffed into his house at that time.

Yi Zhonghai still wondered how Zhou Wenbing could send him joy candy for no reason. It turned out to be uneasy and kind!

“Zhou Wenbing, did it by you, a beast?”

“You actually framed me?”

Yi Zhonghai pointed at Zhou Wenbing and scolded.

If Zhou Wenbing didn’t admit that he planted the stolen goods, Yi Zhonghai probably couldn’t tell with his mouth. How could Zhou Wenbing admit that he did it, only a fool would admit it.

If he hadn’t reacted quickly, he would have been unlucky.

“Uncle, everything has been searched out of your house, and you have even wronged me?”

“Qin Huairu has only been your apprentice for a few days, I didn’t expect you to have such a dirty idea!”

“You’re such a fool! Are you right about Jia Dongxu? ”

Zhou Wenbing accused.

This can make Yi Zhonghaiqi’s almost spew out two or two old blood.

“Old sister-in-law, this is really not my doing, if I have the slightest thought of Qin Huairu, I will be thunderous and slashed, and I will not die well!” Yi Zhonghai said with a poisonous oath to Jia Zhang. ”

Of course, Jia Zhangshi knew that Yi Zhonghai did not do it.

But she also couldn’t figure it out, why did she run to Yi Zhonghai’s house with her pants hidden in Zhou Wenbing’s house?

“Well, you are Yi Zhonghai, I see that you want to help our Jia family is fake!”

“It’s true that you have thoughts about my daughter-in-law!”

“You’re really not a thing, you did all this kind of dirty thing?”

Jia Zhang pushed the boat along the water and scolded.

In this way, it may be possible to deceive Zhonghai for a sum of money. Anyway, it is impossible to say that he threw his pants out by himself. It was she who was scolded by others.

“Old sister-in-law, I really didn’t do it!”

Yi Zhonghai felt that he couldn’t wash himself when he jumped into the Yellow River at this moment.

“Old sister-in-law, I think it’s definitely not easy to do, he is old, how can he do such a dirty thing?”

“There must be some misunderstanding in this!”

Yan Bugui said good things for Yi Zhonghai. However, Zhou Wenbing couldn’t listen.

“Third Master, the evidence is in front of you, and you still speak for the Great Master? Do you have a share in this? ”

Zhou Wenbing directly buckled a basin to Yan Bugui.

Suddenly he had nothing to say.

If he was helping Yi Zhonghai speak, it was estimated that it would be involved in him. I can only hope that Yi Zhonghai will ask for blessings.

“Old godly woman, didn’t you just ask you to call the police? Now that the beast stealing the pants has been caught, what are you waiting for? Go to the police! ”

Zhou Wenbing shouted.

This old godly woman still wants to pit herself?

Don’t dislike losing her daughter-in-law’s face, she just went to the police.

“Uncle, how can you do such a thing! If this thing gets out, how will you behave? ”

Silly pillar, I said helplessly.

I never thought that it would be Yi Zhonghai who did it.

“Pillar, I really didn’t do such a thing! I was wronged! ”

Yi Zhonghai explained vigorously.

“Wronged? Who wronged you? Can’t the pants fly to your house by themselves? ”

Zhou Wenbing said with a smile.

“Okay Zhou Wenbing, you just say two words!”

“Old sister-in-law, they all say that family ugliness should not be publicized, and if this matter is spread, it will not be good for Huairu’s reputation!”

“I asked Lao Yi to apologize to you, and this matter is settled, do you think?”

Auntie said with nice words.

However, she wanted to apologize and let the matter turn the page. How could Jia Zhangshi agree?

“An apology can solve it, what else do you want the public security comrades to do?” At least lose money! ”

“If you don’t lose money, I’ll call the police and arrest you as an old thing!”

“It’s simply disrespectful and shameful!”

Jia Zhang said angrily.

She didn’t care about Qin Huairu’s reputation.

She believes that Yi Zhonghai cares more about his own reputation and will definitely lose money.

“Okay, old sister-in-law, you say, how much is the right compensation?”

Sure enough, Auntie compromised.

After all, this is not a glorious thing.

If it is spread out, Yi 833 Zhonghai may have no face. And now it is not clear to explain, the more it is pulled, the more messy.

Might as well lose money.

Seeing that the eldest aunt was so good to speak, Jia Zhangshi directly opened his mouth. I want to get more money.

“Old sister-in-law, fifty is too much, twenty percent?”

Aunt discussed.

“Fifty less talk!”

Jia Zhangshi did not give the eldest aunt the slightest chance to discuss.

The last aunt sighed helplessly and let Yi Zhonghai pay for it. She doesn’t have that much money on her.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to refute.

But he was glared back by the eyes of the eldest aunt. Gesturing for him not to explain.

“Done! I pay! ”

Yi Zhonghai could only break his teeth and swallow them into his stomach.

Obviously, he didn’t do anything, and he lost fifty yuan for no reason. It’s even more wronged than Dou E.

“Why bother today? Uncle, you usually tell everyone to be united and friendly, and help each other! ”

“How can you do such a dirty thing behind your back?”

Seeing that the eldest master gave five great unity to Jia Zhang, Zhou Wenbing mocked. Since he lost money, he admitted in disguise that he did it.

It’s not good to fall into the well and mock it, and when?

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