Chapter 66: The Dog Barks [Ask for Custom].

Hearing Jia Zhang’s voice, Zhou Wenbing asked Li Huizhi not to go out at home.

He just coped with it himself.

So as not to quarrel with her and affect the mood.

When Li Huizhi heard this familiar voice, she knew that the old witch was looking for trouble again. Still cursing her for not being able to give birth to children?

The mouth is so vicious, no wonder Zhou Wenbing doesn’t send it to them. These people also deserve to eat?

If she hadn’t married Zhou Wenbing, then she could indeed not go out in the room. But now she is Zhou Wenbing’s daughter-in-law.

Li Huizhi felt that he should face it with Zhou Wenbing. So he walked out with Zhou Wenbing.

“Old godly woman, what are you barking at the dog?”

“Just you still want to eat my candy? I see you eat dung water is about the same! ”

After Zhou Wenbing went out, he scolded directly.

As far as these white-eyed wolves of the Jia family are concerned, it is also a waste to give them food. Will they remember you well?

It’s a dream.

If you don’t eat well, your stomach hurts and you have to get in trouble.

“You’re a doggy thing? You just eat manure! ”

“I ask you, why don’t you give my family candy and eat my family stick terrier, right?”

“And your daughter-in-law is not a thing, she looks handsome, but she is actually a femme fatale heart, and it is really a perfect match for you, you two just happen to be a nest of snakes and rats!”

Jia Zhang scolded angrily.

Even Zhou Wenbing’s daughter-in-law scolded him together. If only everyone didn’t like candy.

But others have, as far as their family and the stupid pillar family do not, which makes her angry. This dog thing obviously looks down on them.

“Old godly mother, I think you want to die, right? You scold me, dare to scold my daughter-in-law again? ”

Zhou Wenbing said angrily, his eyes flashing coldly.

This can startle Jia Zhang.

Afraid that in the next moment, Zhou Wenbing’s fist will fall on her old face. But thinking that if Zhou Wenbing dared to hit him, it would be a gift to her. Suddenly, he stiffened again.

“How? You dog thing still dare to hit me? ”

“Come on! Do you hit one to try? ”

Jia Zhang did not take a step back, stretching his old face and scolding. It seems to be begging Zhou Wenbing to beat her.

“Wen Bing, don’t be angry with this kind of thing that can only bark dogs, they have no other skills than barking dogs!”

Li Huizhi took Zhou Wenbing’s hand and said.

Worried that Zhou Wenbing really couldn’t help but beat Jia Zhang. At that time, their reasonableness will also become irrational.

Of course this Zhou Wenbing knows.

Hitting Jia Zhang’s hands is simply dirty.

With the noise here, Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai also walked over quickly. Because they also did not get Zhou Wenbing’s candy.

“Zhou Wenbing, what do you want to do? Do you still want to hit Lady Zhang? ”

From a distance, Silly Zhu saw Zhou Wenbing and Jia Zhang’s saber rattling. I thought that Zhou Wenbing was going to make a move on Jia Zhang.

Immediately went up and scolded.

“Girl, you said that so many people don’t marry, what do you have to marry this dog thing Zhou Wenbing for?”

“There will be no good life with this kind of person, I advise you to leave him early!”

Silly pillars fanned the flames.

Seeing the daughter-in-law beside Zhou Wenbing so beautiful, Silly Zhu felt very uncomfortable at the moment. First, because Zhou Wenbing did not give him joy candy.

Second, because the daughter-in-law married by Zhou Wenbing turned out to be several times better than Qin Huairu. To have a figure, to have a face.

How could I not meet such a good-looking girl who was willing to marry herself?

“Zhou Wenbing, this is what is wrong with you!”

“Candy must be all gone! How can you send only part of your neighbors? ”

“As a grandpa, I haven’t even got the candy yet!”

“You’re simply too disrespectful!”

Yi Zhonghai protected the Jia family and said. He even said that he didn’t get the candy in his hand.

I want to give Zhou Wenbing a dirty hat.

“Uncle, I see you’re old and dizzy, right? Isn’t it for you if I give it to Auntie? ”

“Aren’t you and your aunt a family?”

Zhou Wenbing scolded, immediately leaving Yi Zhonghai speechless.

“Old godly woman, I still deliberately didn’t give it to you, what’s wrong?”

“That law also stipulates that I must give you candy?”

“Just your family white-eyed wolf still wants to eat my candy?”

“Do you deserve it?”

Zhou Wenbing mocked.

This can make Jia Zhang’s anger not light….

“You are a dog thing, no wonder your parents left early, they must have been killed by you, you are a beast!”

“If you don’t give candy to my house today, you won’t want to enter the cave room!”

Jia threatened.

She thought that this would scare Zhou Wenbing, but she was one step closer to danger.

“Old godly mother, you are not enough to destroy my first marriage, and you want to destroy my second one?”

“This man lacks virtue and does a lot, but he is prone to retribution!”

Zhou Wenbing said coldly.

Can he be afraid of this shrew of Jia Zhang?

Immediately, he married the pus charm from the system space and directly crushed it on Jia Zhang’s body. This old godly woman herself did not trouble her, even if she did not trouble, she actually came to the door to suffer. How could it not fulfill her?

“This Jia Zhangshi is also a bad mouth, if she doesn’t spoil Zhou Wenbing’s marriage with a bad mouth, can Zhou Wenbing not give his family candy to eat?”

“That is, if you destroy someone else’s first marriage, you still want to eat candy? Only she has the face to say so! ”

“If this guy knew what a face was, I’m afraid he would have moved out of the courtyard long ago!”

“If I were Zhou Wenbing, I wouldn’t give Jia Jia Xi candy, and their family would eat it for nothing if they ate it!”

“No, I don’t understand why the eldest master is so protective of the Jia family? Could it be because Jia Dongxu was his apprentice? ”


The surrounding neighbors commented.

Most neighbors agreed that Zhou Wenbing would not give joy to the Jia family on 3.4.

“Why did I spoil your marriage? You have no conscience as a dog, and you are afraid of what others say? ”

“If you have a conscience, you will give us candy!”

“Don’t send candy and still want me to say hello?”

“Don’t dream!”

“You are a beast, you must not die well, you will not be able to give birth to children in the future, and you are doomed to extinction!”

Jia Zhangshi cursed viciously.


However, in the next moment after Jia Zhang’s scolding, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her body. It also carries a drill-and-bone itch.

Then he scratched frantically on himself.

In some places, the skin was scratched, and red and white pus and blood flowed. This can make the surrounding neighbors disgusting.

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