About two hours passed, Xu Damao woke up slowly.

I found myself lying in the hospital.

Because Xu Damao’s ribs were all broken by a stupid column.

The rolling mill’s infirmary could not perform the operation, so he was sent to the hospital for treatment.

“Good you stupid pillar, Lao Tzu is not finished with you!”

Xu Damao roared with anger in his eyes.

This guy is simply a bully.

First he got himself into the pit, and then he broke his blind date, and now he broke his ribs.

These hatreds can be described as not sharing the sky.

Finding an opportunity, Xu Damao decided to put the stupid pillar to death to relieve his anger.

Rolling mills.

The news that Xu Damao was beaten by a stupid pillar has spread in the rolling mill.

“This stupid pillar is simply unspeakable!”

Director Yang heard Chief Chen’s return and said angrily.

If it weren’t for his craft, the leader would have been accustomed to his dishes when he was entertained.

The last time he made a fuss about stealing public grain, it was enough to arrest him and go to a labor camp.

Later, he made a mistake in stir-frying, and now he even dares to hit someone?

Even if he wanted to shield the stupid pillar, he couldn’t find an excuse.

“Director, what are we going to do with the stupid pillar?”

Chief Chen asked.

“Let him compensate Damao for all his medical expenses, and remember it once less!”

Director Yang said helplessly.

If there is no penalty at all, it will definitely not work.


Chief Chen said yes and walked out.

“He Yuzhu, the chef of the No. 1 canteen, injured people because of a fight, remembered it once, and compensated Xu Damao for all medical expenses, I hope that the majority of workers will take it as a warning, fight for a while, cry and break the intestines after fighting!”

“He Yuzhu, the chef of the No. 1 canteen, injured people because of a fight, remembered once and compensated Xu Damao for all his medical expenses, I hope that the majority of workers will take it as a warning, fight for a while, and cry and break the intestines after fighting!”

“He Yuzhu, the chef of the No. 1 canteen, injured people because of a fight, remembered once and compensated Xu Damao for all his medical expenses, I hope that the majority of workers will take it as a warning, fight for a while, and cry and break the intestines after fighting!”

The sound of the radio sounded three times in a row, making the rolling mill workers laugh when they heard it.

I feel that this announcer is very interesting, and it is estimated that it is not the previous announcer.

The current announcer has indeed changed, a young and energetic girl.

His name is Begonia.

This time she entered the rolling mill, and there were many people who pursued her.

“This silly pillar is really not worry-free at all!”

After Yi Zhonghai heard the broadcast, he immediately shook his head and sighed.

It’s either big or small.

The salary is not enough for him to deduct.

Qin Huairu, who was grinding foreign workers on the side, was also full of thoughts, and if he went on like this, he felt that the stupid pillar would be expelled sooner or later.

Even if you don’t fire it, it is estimated that the position of the chef will not be preserved.

What can I do in my life?



After Xu Damao did rib trauma surgery, the results of the infertility test came out not long after.

Uncle Liu, the driver of the Lou family, was also waiting on the side.

If only Xu Damao really had infertility.

Then their Miss Lou definitely can’t marry Xu Damao.

Xu Damao couldn’t care about the injuries on his body at the moment.

Get up hard and want to know the result.

When he saw the results, it felt like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Shocked, his brain was ‘buzzing’.

I saw that the test results were written at the end.

Azoospermia, diagnosed with infertility.

This short row of words is no less powerful than a bombshell.

Directly blasted him into a mental breakdown.


Xu Damao held his head and roared up to the sky with tears in his heart.

It felt like the sky was falling.

At the moment, it is simply fitting to match him with a song that cuts plums.

Snowflakes fluttering, north wind Xiaoxiao.

Heaven and earth are in the dark.


Originally, his blind date with Lou Xiao’e was about to succeed.

I didn’t expect that I really suffered from infertility.

What he didn’t even know, how did the stupid pillar know?

Xu Damao was diagnosed with infertility, and Master Liu quickly brought it to the ears of the Lou family.

“It’s good that I didn’t marry him, this guy really has infertility?”

Lou Xiao’e said angrily.

Looking at Xu Damao’s surface Sven, I didn’t expect to have this strange disease.

“yes! I almost killed my daughter! ”

“Who told you this, we have to thank others well!”

Lou Tan Shi said immediately

“It’s with Xu Damao’s compound, and the person called Stupid Zhu told me!”

Lou Xiao’e said truthfully.

“Then we have to give him some gifts, he helped us a lot!”

Lou Tan said gratefully.

Otherwise, if you wait for Lou Xiao’e to marry Xu Damao to find out, then it will be too late.


Sunset West Mountain.

The rolling mill bell rang.

Workers left work one after another.

“Silly Zhu, Xu Damao and Lou Xiao’e’s blind date was caused by you?”

As soon as the silly pillar entered the compound, he asked with a straight face.

Because he and Xu Damaoke both live in the backyard.

Relationships are also ok.

If Xu Damao really married Lou Xiao’e, this young lady.

In the future, he will not worry about food and clothing, and he can also be stained.

I didn’t expect to be disturbed by the stupid column?

“Second uncle, I really didn’t do it, I don’t know about them on a blind date!”

Silly Pillar explained.

Although Xu Damao and Lou Xiao’e did not succeed in blind date, he was also happy.

But this matter really has nothing to do with him.

“You still quibble? Will Xu Damao go to trouble you for no reason? ”

“Do you have the ability to do it, but don’t do something to admit it?”

Some of the bangs were uneven for Xu Damao.

“I didn’t do it, what do I admit?”

Silly Zhu looked helpless.

And at this time, Xu Damao also walked back slowly with a sad expression.

Although one of the ribs was broken, after the operation, the impression was not very great.

At this moment, where could Xu Damao still feel the pain coming from his ribs?

He wanted to die.

This infertility hit him hard!

It shows that even if he gets married in the future, he will not have children.


“Da Mao, you kid came over to make it clear to me, I haven’t even seen Lou Xiao’e’s face today!”

“You actually wronged me for ruining your marriage?”

When Silly Zhu saw Xu Damao returning, he immediately wanted to ask to understand.

If he didn’t ask Xu Damao clearly, it was estimated that everyone in the compound would have to say that he was not.

“Who else could you be?”

“I was curious, I didn’t even know about infertility.”

“Silly pillar, how do you know?”

Xu Damao said angrily with a gloomy face.

I can’t wait to swallow the stupid pillar alive.

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