“Silly pillar, is the manure bitter or salty?”

Xu Damao also mocked on the side.

This guy beat him yesterday but he was killed, and this time it will be his turn to be unlucky.

“Want to know what flavor you won’t eat yourself?”

Silly Zhu said angrily, and Xu Damao who was immediately frightened did not dare to say more.

Now the stupid pillar is angry, if he beats him, it is estimated that the bones will be broken.

“Zhou Wenbing, you are a dog thing, the eldest uncle and the third uncle were all angry with you and entered the hospital,”

“You kid doesn’t pay for medical expenses, you even dare to talk nonsense here, see if I don’t clean you up!”

Saying that, Silly Zhu planned to beat Zhou Wenbing.

He is like this, he can’t talk about others, and he intends to solve it by force.

If the current Zhou Wenbing is still the same physique as before, it is estimated that he will not be his opponent.

However, under the increase in the practice of Zhou Wenbing, his physique has been greatly improved.

Stupid Zhu wants to make a move with him, and Zhou Wenbing is really not afraid at all.

Yi Zhonghai watched the silly pillar rushing towards Zhou Wenbing, and did not mean to dissuade.

It is estimated that he also acquiesced to his approach.

I wish that the stupid pillar would beat Zhou Wenbing to relieve his anger.

However, the result was to disappoint Yi Zhonghai.

I saw the stupid pillar punch into Zhou Wenbing’s face.

If this punch hits, it is estimated that the bridge of Zhou Wenbing’s nose will collapse.

It can be seen how heavy he started.

Just when the fist was about to hit the bridge of Zhou Wenbing’s nose, Zhou Wenbing directly dodged sideways.

At the same time, a kick was made.

Right in the abdomen of the silly column.

The force of this kick is not small, and it directly kicked the stupid pillar out.

smashed heavily on the ground, so that the stupid pillar covered his stomach for half a day and couldn’t get up.


When the surrounding neighbors saw this scene, their pupils suddenly widened.

A few days ago, Zhou Wenbing was still beaten by Stupid Zhu and Jia Dongxu, and he was powerless.

I didn’t expect it to be so powerful now?

Could it be that he hid his strength before?

“I’ll go, Zhou Wenbing, you are too fierce! Even a stupid pillar can be beaten down? ”

Xu Damao suddenly looked at Zhou Wenbing with an envious look.

His biggest wish is to be able to beat up the stupid pillar.

If he can win the stupid pillar, he will trouble the stupid pillar every day.

But he is not a fool’s opponent at all.

“Everyone has seen it, it was the stupid pillar who started first, I just passively counterattacked!”

Zhou Wenbing said disdainfully.

I didn’t expect that the first god of war in the courtyard was just like this!

After he received the blessings of the exercises, it was too far away.

Hearing Zhou Wenbing’s words

But the silly pillar is angry.

When he was beaten, he became the wrong party.

“Pillar, are you all right?”

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly ran over to check.

I saw that the stupid pillar covered his stomach for a long time and couldn’t speak.

If it weren’t for his strong physique, it is estimated that he would be rolling all over the ground in pain.

“Zhou Wenbing, you are a dog thing, the pillar just wants to scare you!”

“You actually gave such a cruel hand? Are you still a person? ”

Yi Zhonghai couldn’t say anything when he saw the stupid pillar hurt for a long time, and immediately scolded Zhou Wenbing.

After all, Stupid Zhu was beaten by Zhou Wenbing for reasoning.

“Scare people? Uncle, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open! ”

“The stupid pillar’s fist is about to hit my face, if I am hit, the bridge of the nose will be broken!”

“You even said this was to scare me?”

“I see that you are just turning right and wrong, which further shows that the tooth of the stick terrier was poisoned by you!”

Zhou Wenbing scolded.

“yes! The look of the stupid pillar just now didn’t look like scaring Zhou Wenbing! If he hadn’t hidden quickly, he would probably have suffered! ”

“That is, this uncle does not seem to be as real as he seems, and he actually tells lies!”

“In this way, the loss of teeth by the stick terrier is really related to the eldest master!”

“I really didn’t expect that the eldest master turned out to be such a person!”

“I don’t know my heart!”

The surrounding neighbors suddenly fell in favor of Yi Zhonghai.

Seeing the neighbors accusing Yi Zhonghai vigorously, the bangs center not far away bloomed with joy.

As long as Yi Zhonghai’s prestige is greatly reduced.

When you find an opportunity, you can directly push him down from the position of a grandfather and become a grandpa yourself.

At that time, the compound will not be his final say?

The so-called wall falls and everyone pushes.

At this moment, no matter how Yi Zhonghai explained it, it was useless, and in the end, he could only honestly lose Jia Zhang’s twenty yuan.

That’s how it did.

“Silly Zhu, just your two strokes are not enough, just practice for a few years!”

Dropping a sentence, Zhou Wenbing also went home directly.

After beating the stupid pillar, I suddenly felt much more pain in my heart.

This can make the stupid pillar angry.

I feel that I should be careless, there is no flash, and I was attacked by Zhou Wenbing.

This kid simply doesn’t talk about martial virtue.

The next time he takes it seriously, he may not be able to win.

However, the teeth that are knocked out at this moment can only be swallowed into the stomach.

After all, it was his hand that moved first, and he couldn’t ask Zhou Wenbing for compensation.

“Pillar, do you want to go to the hospital?”

Yi Zhonghai asked with concern.

“No need uncle, I’ll just go home and rest for a while!”

Silly Pillar responded.

Then Yi Zhonghai helped the silly pillar back home.

It was humiliating to be watched by neighbors outside.

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