Such a punishment can be said to be good for being expelled.

But the whole factory broadcast, but it made the stupid pillar feel a little unable to raise his head.

“Xu Damao, you are a beast, if I don’t kill you, I won’t be called He Yuzhu!”

Stupid Zhu could only vent all his anger on Xu Damao.

Because he felt that if Xu Damao hadn’t reported him.

Director Li will definitely not check his lunch box for no reason.

As a result, he is now broadcast by the whole factory and discredited.

The three-month subsidy can cost six dollars! Enough to buy a few chickens to eat.

And also have to clean the hut for a month.

The thatched house of this 10,000-person factory is simply not too smelly.

This is the hardest job.

The most important thing is that he can’t bring food to the Jia family in the future.

It seems that Qin Huairu’s little hand can’t be held.

All this is thanks to Xu Damao.

Stupid Zhu completely remembered Xu Damao.

And at this moment, Xu Damao is still proud.

I didn’t know that catastrophe was coming.

“I didn’t think that Silly Zhu would be this kind of person? Dare to steal grain from the factory? ”

“You know that! He didn’t go back that day with a boxed lunch? This is still a light punishment, and it is good that you have not been expelled! ”

“That’s still not because there is Director Yang to take care of, without Director Yang to take care of the void, I’m afraid others will open early!”

“Cooking while cleaning the hut won’t get dung into the dish?”

“That is, don’t go to the No. 1 cafeteria to eat this month, if you can’t get a surprise!”


When the workers of the rolling mill heard the radio, the discussion continued.

Just when the rolling mill side was bustling.

The courtyard is also restless.

Yesterday, the stick terrier tried to eat meat but failed.

I thought about the meat in Zhou Wenbing’s house.

Taking advantage of Jia Zhang’s kung fu in the thatched house, he sneaked into Zhou Wenbing’s house.

He wanted to steal his family’s meat to eat.

Stick terriers don’t steal things once or twice.

From the moment he could walk, he began to steal all over the compound.

Steal what you can’t get.

It can be said that the upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked.

This time, however, he chose the wrong target.

Because Zhou Wenbing had already eaten the meat at home.

And even if he didn’t finish eating, Zhou Wenbing wouldn’t put the meat at home.

He can have a very convenient system space to store things.

And there is also a powerful mouse trap under the cupboard.

After looking left and right to see without success, he stretched out his hand under the cupboard of Zhou Wenbing’s house.

He felt that such a large bowl of meat Zhou Wenbing would definitely not be able to finish eating.

Kata ——

However, just when he thought he had touched something and was ready to rejoice.

But he touched a powerful mousetrap, except for the thumb and little finger.

The other three fingers were instantly pinched, and a sharp pain spread throughout the body.

“Ah—my fingers—”

The stick terrier screamed in pain.

When he took out his hand, he already had an extra mousetrap the size of an adult’s palm on his finger.

The force of this powerful mousetrap is not small, and it broke the three fingers of the stick stem in an instant.

The clamp firmly imprisons the three fingers of the rod stem.

He couldn’t take it down.

In these days, families rarely locked their doors.

When Jia Zhang returned from going to the hut, he heard the screams of the stick terrier.

Hurriedly pushed open the door of Zhou Wenbing’s house, when he saw the stick terrier sitting on the ground holding his hand and screaming in pain.

I almost fainted in fright.

“Oh my God! Stick terrier, what’s wrong with you? ”

Jia Zhang looked at the red and swollen fingers of the stick stalk, and was terrified.

“Grandma, it hurts, Zhou Wenbing’s house has a mouse trap, it hurts-”

The stick terrier cried in pain and said in pain.

“What kind of rat trap does this dead father and mother Zhou Wenbing put at home! It’s just too much! ”

“Come back and see how I scold him, I have to make this dog thing lose money.”

“Good grandson, grandma will take you to the hospital!”

Jia Zhang said angrily.

Immediately afterwards, he went to the hospital with a stick terrier.

If you go late, you may have to amputate, which is troublesome.

“The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, what a crime!”

The eldest aunt watched from a distance as Jia Zhang came out of Zhou Wenbing’s house with a stick terrier, and then went to the hospital.

I couldn’t help sighing.

This stick terrier has not learned well since childhood, stealing chickens and dogs, and it is estimated that it will be more troublesome when it grows up.

Fortunately, in time to the hospital, the doctor said that the child recovered quickly and did not need to amputate.

After a period of surgery, a cast was put on and allowed to recover slowly.

Just like that, after that, eighteen dollars are gone.

And it is unlikely that you will return to an injury-free state.

How much may be affected by a little later.

“This dead father and mother’s Zhou Wenbing is simply not good to die!”

“What are you doing with a rat trap at home?”

“This beast must lose money!”

Jia Zhangshi scolded.

Then he returned to the courtyard with the healed stick terrier, ready to wait for Zhou Wenbing to lose money when he got off work.

At this time, the rolling mill also happened to be off work.

The crowd returned to the courtyard one after another.

Zhou Wenbing was in a very good mood today.

Because although the stupid pillar was not fired, he lost three months’ subsidies and one month’s cleaning of the hut.

That’s enough relief.

“Xu Damao, you are a dog thing, you give me a stop, see if Laozi doesn’t kill you!”

In the distance came the sound of silly pillars.

He had been looking for Xu Damao for a while.

Finally, he squatted at the gate of the compound and found Xu Damao.

This frightened Xu Damao.

“Silly pillar, don’t mess around, it’s illegal to beat people!”

Xu Damao was not lightly frightened by the stupid pillar.

This kid is a reckless man, and there is nothing he does not dare to do.

“It’s better to break the law than to report it behind your kid’s back, and your kid dares to report me for bringing leftovers?”

“If you don’t beat your dung out today, count you as pulling it clean!”

Saying that, the silly pillar rushed towards Xu Damao.

Xu Damao turned around in fear and fled.

The silly pillar is the ceiling of the combat power of the courtyard.

Basically no one can beat him.

Zhou Wenbing also knows this.

So let him eat dog with two.

Suddenly, Xu Damao was chased by the stupid pillar running through the courtyard, and the surrounding neighbors were also surprised.

Not a single person stepped forward to help.

These two guys have been fighting since childhood.

There are very few times when you don’t make trouble.

“Zhou Wenbing, you are a dog, what are you putting a rat trap at home for?”

“Look at the good deeds you did, you broke my grandson’s hands.”

“You have to compensate me for the damage, medical expenses!”

Zhou Wenbing just walked to the door.

Jia Zhang’s voice came from behind him.

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