He Yuzhu looked at Jia Zhang's neither salty nor bland appearance, but didn't pay much attention.

He originally mentioned it casually just to maintain a sense of presence.

This era is different from later generations.

In later generations, when everyone lives in a building, even if they live door to door, they may not be able to speak a word to each other all year round. Stay at home and no one will care about you.

But not now.

If He Yuzhu doesn't say hello to these guys from time to time, it won't take long for some gossip to spread.

Especially after a few years, the situation becomes more serious.

This kind of maverick is called personality in later generations, but in this era, it is quite dangerous, and it is normal to be directly pulled out and reported.

Although he didn't know whether he would still live in this courtyard by then, He Yuzhu was careful in this regard and did not leave any clues to others.

When He Yuzhu walked away, Jia Dongxu couldn't help but said to Jia Zhang.

"Mom, Zhuzhu just greeted you nicely, but you didn't even pay attention to her."

Jia Dongxu naturally looked at Jia Zhang's appearance, but Zhu Zhu was there at that time, so he couldn't say anything.

When Jia Zhang saw this, she hated iron and steel: "Dongxu, don't be deceived by the appearance of this boy. He is just pretending to say hello! I have heard rumors these days, saying that he is stupid Zhu, after this boy knew that you were going to take a wife, he felt jealous!"

Hearing what I said, Jia Dongxu was stunned. What else could happen?

Yi Zhonghai listened to Jia Zhang's words, but couldn't help coughing.

"Let's leave quickly. It will be easier to arrange for him to be picked up early. Then he can still work in the factory for half a day."

This Jia Zhang family is getting more and more outrageous the more she talks about it.

This was not the version he heard his mother-in-law mention at home.

Of course, no matter which version it is, when Zhu Zhu came back last time, those people in the yard asked about the situation of the Jia family, but it was revealed by the elder women while they were chatting.

Yi Zhonghai certainly knew how credible the words of these guys were.

However, today it was mentioned that Zhuzi was always interested in getting a wife.

Maybe I can start from this aspect in the future?

Jia Zhang nodded after listening to Yi Zhonghai's words.

"Master Dongxu, that's right. Let's go and return quickly. Let's go and return quickly."

Now that Yi Zhonghai is going with us, we can save money on the road. Jia Zhang said with a happy expression on her face.

Hongbin Building, front hall.

There are no customers yet in the morning, and several waiters are cleaning up.

It was rare that Yang Guotao did not look at the ledger. Instead, he was chatting with several cooks at the counter.

After seeing Zhu Zhu coming, Yang Guotao quickly greeted him and called Zhu Zhu over.

‘Zhuzi, you came at the right time. ’

He Yuzhu came over curiously after listening to Boss Yang's words.

"Boss Yang, what's going on?"

"It's like this. The higher-ups recently issued a document saying that they need to mobilize. In our restaurants in Sijiu City, a cook will be sent out every day to help with a few relief points."

There are about 5 rescue points set up in Sijiucheng.

Each place can accommodate about 500 refugees.

Although it seems like a lot, in fact the number of refugees in Sijiu City every day is far more than this.

The only thing the above can do is to temporarily take them in and arrange work according to the situation.

During this period, these refugees also had to eat and drink.

Therefore, this task was assigned to some hotels and restaurants in Sijiu City.

Given the size of Hongbin Building, five chefs need to be dispatched every month.

These five chefs must be on duty for at least three days within a month.

Although it is a troublesome matter, after all, it is in response to the call from above, and Boss Yang still has this pattern.

They gathered here just now to discuss this matter.

After He Yuzhu understood it, he nodded slightly: "Boss Yang, just tell me what you have to say."

The chef sent by the hotel to the rescue point must not mess with the apprentice like this.

After all, this is to help the superiors do something, and since everyone agrees, it must be done beautifully.

But Boss Yang would definitely not let the three chefs pass.

Therefore, this candidate should be chosen between an excellent chef and several chefs.

Here, the chef has selected two people.

There are also two chefs selected here.

After listening to Zhu Zhu's words, Boss Yang hesitated a little.

Nowadays, Zhuzi is considered one of the more popular chefs in Hongbinlou.

Every day, many customers come over and ask Zhuzi to cook.

These are all foodies who are used to eating them.

Therefore, although He Yuzhu is not very famous outside, he is already the number one figure in these gourmet circles.

Therefore, Zhuzi cooked a lot of dishes in one day at Hongbin Tower.

For chefs at the pillar level, their income and bonuses are also linked to their workload.

Therefore, if you put the pillars out, it doesn't matter if you make less money a day, but on the other side of the pillars, it's not necessarily the case.

After all, Yang Guotao knew the situation at Zhuzi's family.

At the age of fifteen, with my sister, I must have made more money to feel at ease.

He Yuzhu saw Boss Yang's hesitation and understood what he was thinking, so he took the initiative and said: "Boss Yang, if there is no suitable person, let me go."

He Yuzhu is now much more confident.

After all, there are still several boxes of gold ingots lying in the space, and with his current strength in Chinese martial arts and cooking skills, he will not let his sister and himself starve to death.

Therefore, making money does not happen in a day or two.

Boss Yang was also responding to the call from above. In addition, the chef sent out was only on duty for three days a month, so it was no trouble for He Yuzhu.

When Yang Guotao saw Zhuzi taking the initiative to respond, he immediately nodded slightly.

"That's okay, then our five places in Hongbin Building are completed."

As for the subsequent trivial details, we will wait until the list is reported before making a notification.

That night.

He Yuzhu brought medicinal ingredients to Master Yang Peiyuan's home.

The master was the only one in the yard today. Uncle Wang went out and didn't know what to do.

"Zilla, here we come."

Yang Peiyuan's face was rosy at this time, his breath was long and long, and his eyes flickered from time to time.

Obviously, the injuries on his body have basically healed.

"Master, today is the last medicinal meal. After taking it today, you will be fine."

He Yuzhu also kept the master's physical condition in mind.

Yang Peiyuan sighed after listening to Zhu Zhu's words.

There was a time when I, a master of martial arts, had almost believed that I would die, but in the end, I accepted such a disciple, but he was pulled from the gate of hell.

"Zhuzi, you kid, you have a heart."

Without saying any other words of thanks, Yang Peiyuan treated Zhu Zhu better than ordinary masters and disciples.

He had a son in his early years, but an accident occurred and the child died young.

After all, the conditions in this era are still quite backward in this regard. No matter what family you are in, the rate of premature death of infants and young children is not low.

Now, he also regards Zhu Zhu as being closer than his own son.

"Your Uncle Wang followed the Military Control Commission to take action outside the city."

Zhuzi was cooking medicinal food on the side, and Yang Peiyuan also took the initiative.

"Uncle Wang, he won't be in any danger."

He Yuzhu's heart moved and he couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry, this time we have prepared the news. The Military Control Commission has begun to close the net, and it is bound to clear out the remnants outside the city."

As Yang Peiyuan spoke, his eyes flashed: "By the time this operation is over, there should be some movement in the city."

"Master, what do you mean..."

"The roots on the outside have been dug up, and the roots inside naturally become rootless duckweeds."

Speaking of this, Yang Peiyuan's expression also condensed slightly.

Obviously, those forces that had been madly retaliating against him were about to be wiped out.

"There is also Taiyuan Martial Arts School, Zhuzi. When the time comes, master will also take you to our martial arts gym."

When He Yuzhu heard this, his heart trembled.

Of course he understood what the master meant.

At the Taiyuan Martial Arts School, the master's direct disciples were in charge at this time.

Now that these remnants outside the city have been wiped out, it's time to close the net here.

"Master, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions."

Now that the master has recovered, his strength has not yet returned to the stage of complete victory, but he is definitely stronger than himself, a young dark warrior.

But He Yuzhu's words represent his own feelings.

The master passed down his own martial arts, and there is such a legacy.

There is nothing wrong with standing on the master's side, both emotionally and rationally.

Yang Peiyuan glanced at Zhu Zhu and nodded slightly.

"Zhuzi, just practice martial arts as usual. Master will take care of this matter."

During this time, Yang Peiyuan stayed in his own house.

It sounds nice to be recuperating, but in reality, isn't it just hiding from the eyes and ears.

A master of Chinese martial arts, a master cannot be insulted.

Yang Peiyuan had previously endured it because of his physical condition and in order to cooperate with the above-mentioned actions.

Now that he has recovered and the Military Control Commission has officially started taking action, naturally there is no need to alert others.

Nanluo Lane, Siheyuan.

When He Yuzhu came back to the yard, there was a lot of excitement here and there.

The three uncles and their family in the front yard are all staying in the yard.

There were several other residents standing outside at this time, leaning towards the middle courtyard from time to time, as if they were looking at something.

"Brother Zhu."

When Yan Jiefang saw He Yuzhu coming back, he waved vigorously and at the same time came over and pulled He Yuzhu towards the middle courtyard.

"You brat, run slowly!"

Yan Bugui couldn't help curling his lips when he saw his son looking anxious, but his eyes followed He Yuzhu's figure closely.

"Liberation, what's going on? What is everyone looking at?"

He Yuzhu was stunned by Yan Jiefang and couldn't help but say.

"Brother Zhu, you are back. I can follow you to the middle courtyard to see the excitement."

"Watching the fun?"

"Yes, it's that daughter-in-law of the Jia family! They brought someone here again today!"

Yan Jiefang nodded heavily. At a young age, he was well versed in gossip.

This time, He Yuzhu also understood.

Is Qin Huairu coming to the courtyard again?

The guys in the front yard were too embarrassed to come directly to the middle yard to watch the fun, so they just went back to the middle yard by themselves and followed them to join in?

Thinking of this, He Yuzhu smiled.

"What's so interesting about this? Isn't it just to get a wife? It's like you've never seen her before."

He Yuzhu really thought so.

Qin Huairu was indeed beautiful when she was young, but it had nothing to do with her.

She was three or four years older alone, and besides, she was the daughter-in-law of the Jia family, so he didn't care much about her.

However, Yan Jiefang's expression suddenly became strange when he heard He Yuzhu's words.

Seeing that He Yuzhu's face was still serious, he couldn't help but mutter.

"No, Brother Zhu, it's meaningless for you to say this. Last time the Jia family said they wanted to get a wife, your expression was probably more like Jia Dongxu's wanting to get a wife than Jia Dongxu. Why are you pretending now?"

He Yuzhu didn't hear clearly what Yan Jiefang was saying, but looking at the guy's expression, he felt something was wrong.

"Liberation, what's the matter with your expression?"

"Zhu...Brother Zhu, some aunts in the front yard said you..."

When Yan Jiefang was asked this question, he also told the rumors he had heard.

When He Yuzhu heard this, several black lines couldn't help but appear on his forehead.

Isn’t this thing a way to prove people’s innocence out of thin air?

Since when have you wanted a wife?

It was all because I couldn't help but think of the evil things I did to Qin Huairu to take revenge on the Jia family.

I didn't expect it could be so misunderstood.

He Yuzhu couldn't help but knock the boy: "You boy, stop spreading such nonsense. We are young and want a wife?"

Yan Jiefang rubbed his head, but he was dubious: "Brother Zhu, are you really... really not?"

Seeing that Brother Zhu was about to knock again, Yan Jiefang waved his hands quickly: "Okay, okay, no, no, Brother Zhu, let's not worry about this. Let's go and see Jia's wife. It was too dark outside just now. Can’t see clearly.”

This is what this kid is thinking about.

Seeing this, He Yuzhu shrugged: "You have to see it yourself, I'm not interested."

He Yuzhu didn't have much interest in He Yuzhu originally, and he had just learned that he had become a thing in the mouths of those eldest wives who were looking forward to a daughter-in-law all day long. Naturally, He Yuzhu would not join in the fun, lest the yellow mud would fall into his crotch. Can't tell clearly.

"Hey, Brother Zhu, don't mention me, the Jia family's wife..."

Yan Jiefang looked at He Yuzhu who went straight back to the house, but he was very anxious. He had no choice but to drag Brother Zhu to Jia's house to see him. The boy was so anxious that he stamped his feet.

No, it’s here now, it would be a pity not to watch it!

They all followed Brother Zhu into the middle courtyard. It would be a shame not to take a look at him.

Yan Jiefang thought, and simply moved his body, first leaning against the wall in the yard, and then slowly moving towards Jia's house.

Soon, Yan Jiefang came to the window of Jia's house.

Looking at this scene, Yan Jiefang felt happy.

Just take a look, this window is facing the Jia family's house, you can definitely see clearly!

Yan Jiefang muttered silently in his heart, then took a deep breath and leaned forward.

? ? ?

However, the next second, Yan Jiefang's body trembled, and he stood there as if he had been electrocuted.

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