Of course, Yan Bugui never expected it.

Zhuzi said that the salary had increased several times from hundreds of thousands to 530,000.

As for the position of the chef in his mind, Zhu Zhu will not need it at all in the future. It is now. After passing the senior chef certificate, he can directly become one of the chefs of Hongbin Building!

If he could know these things about Zhu Zhu, he might not be able to sleep well.

Do you call this an increase? Young people don’t respect martial ethics!

"That's okay, that's okay!"

Now that Zhu Zhu is doing well in Hongbin Tower, Yan Bugui has made up his mind.

"By the way Zhuzhu, you are fifteen years old this year, right?"

He suddenly spoke.

He Yuzhu nodded when he saw this, but looked at Yan Bugui with some doubts.

The third uncle suddenly asked this, what's the matter?

"That's it. In a few years, I'll probably get a wife."

Yan Bugui said deliberately.

Hearing this, He Yuzhu smiled a little embarrassedly: "Third uncle, look at what you said, I am so young, how can I consider this."

What He Yuzhu said was correct.

After all, he came from time to time. Although he has lived in this era for a few months, he still inevitably carries some modern thoughts.

As for modern young people, who are still in high school when they are seventeen or eighteen years old, they will be caught as puppy love if they fall in love, let alone get married and take a wife. Besides, he has to go to Hongbin Building to work now. I also have to practice martial arts and study, so I don’t have time to think about personal issues.

Yan Bugui smiled after listening to Zhuzi's words.

Zhuzi's reaction confirmed his suspicion.

No matter how young or young, some children, seventeen or eighteen, can let their family have grandchildren. He Daqing must have run away with the widow, and there is no one at home. Zhuzi is a child, and he is afraid that the girl will dislike the conditions.

Otherwise, how could Zhuzi look like that when he saw everyone discussing Jia Dongxu's marriage that day?

The more Yan Bugui thought about it, the more he realized that what he was thinking made sense.

It is precisely because of this that you need your own help. Otherwise, how can you make friends with Zhuzi and let him accept your favor?

"Zhuzi, this is not an excuse. Your He family only has one boy right now. Let me tell you, get a wife as soon as possible and give birth to a big fat boy. Then the house will be lively and lively. If you have any inconvenience, Go directly to the third uncle, I teach in the school and know some people, and I will introduce you to them when the time comes!"

Yan Bugui patted his chest and said.

After hearing Yan Bugui's words, He Yuzhu also reacted.

He glanced at the third uncle and understood.

Is this the intention behind feelings?

Introduce yourself to someone?

He Yuzhu suddenly remembered that in the original drama, Shazhu asked the third uncle to go to school to contact Teacher Ran for a blind date, but Yan Bugui did not accept the benefits at that time, but did not do anything.

Presumably it was because Zhuzi was older at that time and had already made a name for himself as Hun Buqing. Yan Bugui felt it was embarrassing to introduce such a person to Teacher Ran, so he didn't help with this matter.

However, when Yan Bugui said this at this time, he was sincere.

Obviously, if he nodded, Yan Bugui might really help him talk about his wife.

If you think about it carefully, you can figure it out.

He Yuzhu is only fifteen years old now. Due to martial arts training, his height and body shape have been greatly improved. In addition, he now works in Hongbin Building and earns a lot of salary per month. Just for these points, if it is true, In the blind date market, he is considered a high-quality candidate.

More importantly, because he cleared up his reputation in the courtyard as soon as he traveled through time, and his reputation as Hun Buqing was also taken away, even if Yan Bugui didn't help, he wouldn't do anything like taking advantage of it in his previous life. The act of not doing anything.

Not to mention that the relationship between their two families is not bad. Yan Bugui, as a shrewd person, must be able to calculate the pros and cons.

"Third uncle, I appreciate your kindness, but I really have no intention of considering personal issues right now, so you don't have to worry about it."

He Yuzhu spoke again.

This matter must be made clear, otherwise when the time comes, the third uncle will really find a partner for himself, and he will talk about it or not.

In this era, style problems are still quite serious, and He Yuzhu doesn't want to take any risks.

After hearing Zhuzi's rejection again, Yan Bugui reacted.

"Zhuzi, are you really not considering it? The girl I know has a pretty good background. Her parents are also teachers..."

Yan Bugui is still a little unwilling to give up.

He Yuzhu listened, his heart moved, but he smiled and said: "No need, third uncle, you continue to rest, I will go back to the house first."

After that, He Yuzhu walked towards the middle courtyard.

I was thinking about what Yan Bugui just mentioned. If my parents are teachers at home, it couldn't be that Ran Qiuye, right?

This Silly Zhu really had some fate with Teacher Ran in his past and present lives.

However, having traveled through time, he is no longer a fool. He now has more meaningful things to do.

Early the next morning.

Because it was the weekend, not many people got up early in the yard.

However, He Yuzhu maintained his good habit. He got up early, cooked some porridge, and then went to stand and practice martial arts.

By the time the two exercises were completed, the aroma of white porridge was lingering.

He Yuzhu returned to the house, poured a little more oil on the stove, and fried two poached eggs.

After putting it on the plate, put some soy sauce, the most "simple" way to eat it.

After a few mouthfuls, the white porridge quickly bottomed out, and a warmth rippled through my body.

He Yuzhu touched his belly.

Fifty percent full is almost enough. After all, we have to go to the factory to cook at noon, so we can have a big meal at that time.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

He Yuzhu opened the door and saw that the uncle was here.

"Zhuzi, you just had dinner."

As soon as He Yuzhu opened the door, Yi Zhonghai's nose moved and he smelled the aroma of white porridge that had not yet dissipated.

The aroma of the white porridge is also mixed with some egg flavor.

This made Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He glanced at He Yuzhu subconsciously.

This guy is as strong as a calf. I didn't realize before that Zhu Zhu's body has grown too strong during this time.

"Yes, Master, you are..."

They agreed to go to the factory to cook at noon. He Yuzhu looked at Yi Zhonghai who came over before noon and said.

"Oh, that's right. Let's go to the factory early today. You can also pick out the ingredients in the canteen, so that you won't be in a hurry and not fully prepared."

Yi Zhonghai said.

Hearing this, He Yuzhu also nodded.

"Okay, sir, please wait for me for a while while I change my clothes."

After that, He Yuzhu went back to the house, took off his clothes and put on a black coat, which he bought at the tailor shop last time.

After a while, He Yuzhu walked out of the yard and looked at Yi Zhonghai, who was waiting at the door.

"Master, let's walk."

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