Siheyuan: Rebirth of the Silly Pillar, with incredible understanding

Chapter 211: Fill your stomach first and lay the foundation for the aid plan

Wait until Zhuzi returns to the house and closes the door.

These people in every corner of the courtyard were the ones talking about the pillars.

"Look, He Daqing has escaped, Zhuzi's life is getting better and better."

"If you want to say who has the best food in our courtyard, I don't think anyone can compare to Zhuzi's family."

When He Yuzhu passed by the yard just now, everyone smelled it with their noses. At least it was another meat dish today!

The meal that Zhuzhu's family serves every day is undoubtedly a kind of torture for ordinary families who generally eat two meals, including steamed buns, corn on the cob, noodles with pickles and dumplings.

"So what? If you don't have a father, what's the point of having good food? Can you live a life?"

Some people are sour.

I can’t eat good food, so why can’t I say something mean to you?

If you can't compare with food, let's compare with living.

It's true that this pillar has nothing to say about food, but what will he do with his life in the future?

The young man is now fifteen years old, and it is time to think about what will happen in a few years.

When the time comes, the matchmaker comes to arrange a marriage. If there is no father or mother in the family, who is willing to marry her?

This statement also caused many residents to nod and resonate.

Obviously, these are the jealous guys who were eaten by the pillar guy.

He Yuzhu, who returned to the house, didn't know the Ah Q spirit of these people outside. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care much.

After all, in this day and age, is it not illegal to eat well?

If anything might happen, it would have to be 54 years later.

He Yuzhu is not a fool. If the situation changes, he will naturally adjust accordingly.

As for now? Eat whatever you want! It’s not like you have to worry about your own stomach and waste your energy and blood just to change the opinions of these neighbors, right?

After returning to the house, He Yuzhu simply tidied up, put on a set of light clothes, sat at the Eight Immortals table, lit a lamp, picked up pharmacology and started reading.

[Pharmacology +1]

[Pharmacology +1]

[Pharmacology +1]

[Pharmacology +1]

Although pharmacology has now reached level 3, He Yuzhu has not slacked off.

With his pharmacological skills, there is no problem in helping the master prepare medicinal meals to treat injuries.

But if you want to develop a body-building formula that is effective for all master warriors, you must have at least a level 4 pharmacology level.

Of course, these are not all for the sake of the master. He Yuzhu also practices martial arts himself, so it is not wrong to treat it as a preparation for himself.

After reading pharmacology for an hour, He Yuzhu took out English and Russian books.

These things are the capital for him to settle down in this era in the future. Even if he is a little tired, He Yuzhu does not complain at all.



[Russian +1]

[Russian +1]

After reading the book, He Yuzhu went to stand for a while and did the Zhuang Kung Fu. It was already around twelve o'clock in the evening when he finished all these tasks.

After a simple wash, He Yuzhu lay on the bed and subconsciously looked at his panel.

[Name: He Yuzhu]

[Skills: Cooking Skill Level 5 (4121/500000), Fishing Skill Level 3 (3412/5000), Pile Skill Level 4 (10071/50000), Tai Chi Yuan Gong Fist Level 2 (331/500), Twelve-Shaped Pile 1 Level 4, Lifting and Vertical Technique Level 4 (4351/50000), Pharmacology Level 3 (1485/5000), English Level 2 (1171/5000), Russian Level 2 (971/5000)]

[System space: 87 cubic meters]


At this rate, it will take about ten days for Pharmacology to break through to level 4.

For English and Russian, it also takes about half a month to reach level 3.

After these two languages ​​​​reached level 3, He Yuzhu's two languages ​​​​were almost introductory.

Getting started here means that he can communicate proficiently in spoken language. He can also start to try to read some books and even professional foreign language books.

To achieve this, in today's era, it is definitely rarer than the giant panda.

If He Yuzhu is willing, he can become a translator. With his ability, his future will definitely be bright.

However, He Yuzhu never considered this.

Learning these two languages, mainly in countries of this era, has a considerable talent gap for these two languages.

What's more important is the aid plan that Big Brother is going to carry out.

This is equivalent to bringing an agricultural country directly to the progress of modern industry.

During this period, the use of Russian is indispensable.

If he wants to spend the next various sensitive and special periods safely, He Yuzhu must seize these opportunities.

It was late at night, He Yuzhu shook his head and stopped thinking about this.

Early the next morning, He Yuzhu got up.

Zhuang Kung Fu, Tai Chi Yuan Gong Quan, breakfast.

The whole process is done in one go.

He Yuzhu didn't feel bored at all, but actually enjoyed it.

As for the Yi family and Jia family in the middle courtyard.

I got up quite early in the past two days.

Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu were talking about something in the yard.

When Jia Zhang came out of the house, she also put on a black coat.


Jia Dongxu looked at Jia Zhang with some expectation in his eyes.

When Jia Zhang saw this, she curled her lips.

"Okay Dongxu, you and the master work hard in the factory, and mom will talk to you later!"

Jia Zhang is going to have a chat with the matchmaker again with the Qin family.

This marriage was not forced, and Mrs. Jia Zhang did not want to throw it away.

After all, I have already invested so much in the early stage, even buying a sewing machine. If this is not enough, the next daughter-in-law will be in trouble.

After all, Jia Zhang is not sure about the conditions of their Jia family.

Girls in the city may not be attracted to their family.

Didn't you see that Qin Huairu, who came from a rural area, is now struggling to get up and down?

Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't know that He Yuzhu was causing trouble, but she thought it was Qin Huairu who was very vigilant and wanted to fool around again.

After all, if this girl were to marry into their Jia family, it would be a good thing to be vigilant.

You can protect your family from suffering!

After listening to Jia Zhang's words, Jia Dongxu also looked happy.

Obviously, he knew what Jia Zhang was doing when he went out.

"Hey, Mom, be careful on the road."

Yi Zhonghai looked on and saw Jia Dongxu's face, and he understood a little bit.

"Dongxu, let's go."

Yi Zhonghai didn't say much, he just patted Dongxu on the shoulder and led him towards the factory.

Yi Zhonghai didn't have any objections to Qin Huairu's daughter-in-law.

After all, Qin Huairu has not yet entered the hospital. No matter how smart Yi Zhonghai is, he can only look at the surface. Without living together, who can know what is going on in his heart?

At most, I can tell that this girl is somewhat smart.

That's not a bad thing, though.

However, Dongxu's thoughts on this girl Qin Huairu are a little too heavy these days.

Yi Zhonghai was afraid that she would affect Jia Dongxu's usual working status in the factory.

This is what worries him most.

If it was because he was worried about something happening to the girl, he, Yi Zhonghai, would probably be the most unlucky one.

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