It was precisely because Zhu Zhu cooked the medicinal materials for him first that he had the first effect, so Wang Xing also began to consider the effect of medicinal food on Mr. Yang.

He has been with Mr. Yang every day these days.

He also knew about Mr. Yang's physical condition.

Although it is not as specific as these medical students can describe it.

However, the physical condition of the warriors who are also practicing Chinese martial arts and the martial arts are all in common with each other.

Frankly speaking, if he was injured as badly as Mr. Yang, it's unclear whether he could survive.

In addition, when he left the city this time, Mr. Yang made several forceful attacks.

Now even if there are doctors specially trained by Taiyuan Martial Arts School to help with medical treatment, I am afraid it will be difficult to see improvement.

This medicinal diet from Zhuzhu...

About twenty minutes or so.

He Yuzhu stayed by the stove to control the heat.

Add a few pieces of firewood from time to time.

At this time, the rich aroma permeating the pot finally filled the entire yard.

Different from the aroma of ordinary food, it also has the fragrance of medicinal herbs.

Elegant, yet refreshing.

Wang Xing was in the yard. Even if he took a slight whiff, he would feel refreshed. And when he looked at the pot of medicinal food on the stove, his eyes were full of expectation.

The medicinal diet cooked by Zhuzhu is real!

He Yuzhu opened the lid of the pot, and the aroma suddenly filled the air. He took a look at the medicinal food in the pot and nodded slightly.

Picking up the medicinal meal, although the edge of the pot was already boiling hot, He Yuzhu's current physique and the faint energy in his body could hold up the pot in a short period of time.

After entering the house, He Yuzhu put the medicinal food on a wooden table in the house.

He helped the master fill a portion in a bowl and brought it to the bedside.

"Master, the medicinal meal is ready. You can try it."

With He Yuzhu's behavior, it is no problem to say that he takes care of Yang Peiyuan as his father.

Yang Peiyuan could already smell the fragrance from outside in the house.

At this time, looking at He Yuzhu who was bringing the medicinal meal to the bedside, his eyes were a little moved.

This child, ever since he accepted him as his disciple, has devoted himself to his body.

Teach yourself pharmacology and help yourself find ways to treat your body.

Even if he is his biological son, I'm afraid he can only do this.

Moreover, with his five senses, he could naturally detect that the medicinal diet Zhu Zhu made this time was different from the previous ones.


Yang Peiyuan didn't say anything, just a good word.

But the emotions contained in it are not enough for outsiders to understand.

Taking the medicinal meal over, the bowl of pheasant chicken and the soup made from medicinal herbs looked like eating a big meal.

The food is delicious, delicious and delicious. If no one had known about it in advance, no one would have guessed that it would be a medicinal meal.

This can also be seen that the basic skills of the pillars are quite solid.

Medicinal diet cannot be separated from the realm of diet.

But these are exactly two completely different industries.

Culinary arts and pharmacology, if ordinary people can master one, they can already make a living.

As for Zhu Zhu, not only is his cooking skills at level 5, but his pharmacology has also exceeded level 3.

It can be said that those who are better at cooking than Zhu Zhu are not as good at pharmacology as Zhu Zhu. Those who understand pharmacology better than Zhu Zhu are far behind him in cooking skills.

Only a bad guy like him can be proficient in both industries.

In this way, the prepared medicinal diet naturally takes into account both taste and efficacy.

Under the gaze of He Yuzhu, Yang Peiyuan quickly finished the bowl of medicinal food.

He Yuzhu didn't talk nonsense and continued to fill up a bowl.

Just like that, Yang Peiyuan ate four or five bowls in a short time.

Most of the medicinal food in the pot was gone.

This appetite may be too much for ordinary people, but for a master warrior like Yang Peiyuan, it is perfectly normal.

Of course, this is also influenced by pillar craftsmanship.

After finishing the fifth bowl, Yang Peiyuan, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly had a look in his eyes.

There was a sudden heat rising in his body.

A master warrior controls every part of his body like an arm.

Naturally, he was the first to notice such an abnormality in his body.

Immediately, Yang Peiyuan's expression turned happy.

He knew that it was the medicinal diet that had an effect.

Seeing the master's appearance, He Yuzhu understood what was going on. Even though he was carrying the pots and bowls, he left the room without disturbing the master.

In the yard, Wang Xing was practicing his own boxing technique.

An Jin's peak strength made his sleeves squeak every time he punched.

After seeing the pillar come out, Wang Xing retracted his fist and subconsciously approached him.

"Zhuzi, Mr. Yang..." Looking at Yang Peiyuan's bedroom, Wang Xing also had a look of concern in his eyes.

After all, everyone in their family follows Mr. Yang, and Mr. Yang also does his best to cultivate him. Even though he is usually careless, he respects Mr. Yang very much.

"The medicine has taken effect, Master, he is already digesting it."

He Yuzhu said, but his eyes fell on Wang Xing's arm.

At this time, although the medicinal materials were still applied on it, the redness and swelling on both arms had subsided visibly.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't have started boxing in the yard just now.

"Uncle Wang, it's better to practice less these two days. It's not too late to practice again after you recover."

He Yuzhu reminded him.

After hearing what Zhu Zhu said, Wang Xing chuckled: "Zhu Zhu, isn't the medicine you made so effective? I just want to try it. Don't worry, Uncle Wang knows it well."

Seeing this, He Yuzhu nodded.

Uncle Wang can recover so quickly. In addition to the efficacy of the medicine, another factor is naturally related to his physique.

Those who practice outer martial arts are still warriors at the peak of Anjin. In addition, Wang Xing is now in his thirties, when his energy and blood are at their peak. Even if he does not have his own medicinal materials, it is easy to recover from such an injury.

Of course, his master Yang Peiyuan is already a master martial artist. If the injury is not too serious, he can actually recover slowly.

Just thinking about it, He Yuzhu also washed the medicine pot and bowls and chopsticks by the pool.

After a while, a shocking breath came from Yang Peiyuan's bedroom.

He Yuzhu and Wang Xing, who were busy in the courtyard, felt the movement and raised their heads at the same time.

The two looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Master/Mr. Yang, has he recovered?

The two of them were about to go to the bedroom to take a look, but Yang Peiyuan's figure walked out of the house.

At this time, Yang Peiyuan's face was rosy and rosy, and his walking steps also carried a vague aura.

"Master/Mr. Yang..."

Listening to the words of the two people, Yang Peiyuan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he let out a chuckle.

"Zhuzi, you gave me a big surprise this time!"

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