Siheyuan: Rebirth of the Silly Pillar, with incredible understanding

Chapter 207 Intelligence comes, Grandmaster Yang visits the Military Control Commission at night

Listening to Mr. Yang talking about Zhu Zhu's talent in martial arts, Wang Xing didn't question it at all.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second.

The way of martial arts is different from others. You can know how strong you are in passing.

If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't work.

Although he had just parried hastily, the power that burst out from He Yuzhu's fist shocked Wang Xing, a martial artist who majored in outer martial arts.

Recently, he was listening to Mr. Yang saying that he had accepted a disciple who was so talented that he was like a monster.

He would never doubt what Mr. Yang said.

However, he kept muttering in his heart.

No matter how talented he is, can he still be better than Mr. Yang?

He has followed Yang Peiyuan since childhood, especially after his parents died. Yang Peiyuan has supported and raised him. In Wang Xing's heart, he has long respected Yang Peiyuan as a foster father.

In his impression, Mr. Yang's martial arts talent can be described as a genius.

Although Wang Xing himself was quite talented in outer martial arts, compared with Mr. Yang, he knew that he was far behind.

And the pillar that Yang Lao said was more talented than him really existed?

After the brief exchange just now, all the doubts in his heart were dissipated.

If nothing else, when I was the same age as Zhu Zhu, I probably wouldn't have had a hard time even entering Ming Dynasty.

As a result, one move caused his arms to swell like this.

All I can say is that people are more infuriating than others.

"No, if it hadn't been for a master to lead me in, I wouldn't have achieved what I have now."

He Yuzhu was standing aside, but he didn't look arrogant at all.

Wang Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Although he looks like a rough guy on the outside, he also practices a rough and crazy way of outer martial arts.

But in fact, Wang Xing is very careful.

Otherwise, Yang Peiyuan would not have arranged for Wang Xing to help in this uncertain situation.

It is true that Zhu Zhu's talent is very high, and his words just now were not false. Wang Xing can feel this.

Over at the Taiyuan Martial Arts School, Yang Lao's three direct disciples were playing dirty tricks, which made Wang Xing a little sensitive to this aspect.

Just having strength is useless. Without good character, it is difficult to become a great person.

No wonder even masters of martial arts like Yang Lao are full of praise for Zhuzi.

On the contrary, it was the martial arts strength that Zhu Zhu had just shown that made Wang Xing feel a little itchy.

If his arms weren't still red and swollen, he would have wanted to pull the pillar into the yard right now to show off.

For a martial artist like him who practices outer martial arts, it is easy to meet someone who is pretty good at martial arts, so naturally he wants to bring him over to practice.

"Well, Zhuzi, in a few days, you can come to Mr. Yang, and Uncle Wang will discuss martial arts with you."

Wang Xing rubbed his hands, looking like he was inducing something.

Yang Peiyuan on the side still doesn’t understand Wang Xing? Just by looking at this guy's appearance, you can tell what's going on in his mind.

He Yuzhu didn't say anything yet after listening to Wang Xing's words.

Yang Peiyuan on the side said jokingly: "Zhu Zhu, since he said so, you can come over in a few days and practice with him. This martial arts training for so long will give you practical experience."

Yang Peiyuan said this without any worry about Zhu Zhu.

After all, Zhuzhu's dark strength is here, as well as his solid pile skills and Dacheng's vertical lifting technique. These two alone are enough to give Wang Xing a headache if he uses his hands.

After listening to the master's words, He Yuzhu's heart also moved.

There is some truth in what the master said.

I have been practicing martial arts for so long, and my strength has already improved, but I have never really fought with anyone.

If it continues like this, with no strength and no experience, it will not be a good thing for the warrior.

Immediately, he nodded sincerely: "In that case, I will wait for Uncle Wang to inform you."

Seeing Mr. Yang and He Yuzhu in front of him agreeing, Wang Xing unconsciously had some strange thoughts in his heart.

It's obvious that my hands are itchy and I want to move them, but I always feel like something is wrong?

However, he quickly shook his head. With such an opportunity to practice, why would he think so much about it?

At the same time, He Yuzhu's eyes also fell on Yang Peiyuan.

"Master, what happened when you went out this time?"

When it comes to business, He Yuzhu's face is also a bit solemn.

Yang Peiyuan's eyes moved and he didn't hide it.

"Zhuzi, to tell you the truth, you can probably guess why your Uncle Wang and I left the city together this time. The enemy dens in the city were destroyed before, and some of the enemy agents who escaped were found in various places outside the city. Forces have gathered in various places, mountains and rural areas, forming many bandit dens."

Mentioning these news, He Yuzhu's eyes moved.

This is no different from the news about the bandit unrest outside the city that Brother Wang mentioned.

"My three rebels who rebelled against the martial arts school must have been punished by the enemy agents. Moreover, it is very likely that they were the enemy agents who escaped. So this month, I have been recovering from my injuries at the house, secretly This is the news that your Uncle Wang has been investigating these people outside the city."

Hearing this, He Yuzhu subconsciously said: "Master, are you going to eliminate these forces this weekend?"

"It's not that easy. These guys have been operating in Sijiu City for many years. I didn't expect that their foundation outside the city is also very shallow. I'm afraid they have already made preparations for some bandit dens. Mr. Yang and I only picked two of them when we went out of the city this time. A more critical hideout.”

Wang Xing said on the side.

Yang Peiyuan nodded aside.

"That's right, the Taiyuan Martial Arts School has been completely controlled by those rebels. It's hard for me to come forward, but this trip out of the city is not completely fruitless. I have to go to the military control meeting soon. "

Yang Peiyuan said, his eyes flashing with luster.

Obviously, the master has gained a lot of information outside the city, and needs the joint military control committee to cooperate.

He Yuzhu didn't ask in detail about this, but he could guess the danger by just guessing.

"Master, your body..."

He Yuzhu actually didn't care that much about these bandits and enemy agents.

After all, he had to protect himself and the people around him first, so that he would have extra time to think about other things.

The master was lying on the bed this time, and the state just now made him a little worried.

Seeing this, Yang Peiyuan coughed slightly: "Zhuzhu, it doesn't matter. This time out of the city, Wang Xing was mostly the one who took action. I didn't take action many times. The reason why my breath changed just now was because I deliberately controlled it."

After hearing this, the worry on He Yuzhu's face did not diminish at all.

Because the master said this, it means that the physical injury has reached the point where he has to control his breath.

Soon, he stepped forward: "Master, please lie down here, and I will go to the yard to help you prepare medicinal meals!"

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