During this time, he had practiced martial arts with his master for many days, and He Yuzhu was also quite familiar with the frame structure in the yard.

The wall he was leaning against was right against the giant tree.

Although Brother Shu has been covered in scars after repeated attempts after his breakthrough, his body size is there after all.

The size of the three-person hug allowed him to adjust his position and hide the moment he entered the yard.

Thinking of this, He Yuzhu stood by the wall, took a deep breath, and seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

He must figure out the people in this yard.

With his current strength as an dark warrior, coupled with his mastery in the lifting and maneuvering technique, as long as he doesn't accidentally bump into the grandmaster's face, there will at least be no problem with his safety.

After all, even some Huajin warriors rarely have the key to body skills.

Yang Peiyuan once explained this very clearly to him.

Of course, the aura in it basically cannot be that of a master warrior.

He has met the master.

Master Yang Peiyuan was seriously injured and the strength and methods he displayed still frightened He Yuzhu.

If the strange aura inside is really that of a master warrior, not to mention that he would have been discovered when he detected his aura before. Even now that he is standing close to the wall, it is impossible not to detect it with the methods of a master.

After careful thoughts in his mind several times, He Yuzhu no longer hesitated, his calves tightened slightly, and then a weak energy suddenly burst out.

He stepped lightly on the courtyard wall, and his whole body flashed in the air and then disappeared.

If an ordinary person were to come here, even if he stared at that place, he would only feel a black line flashing in his eyes, and he would not think that someone was intruding.

Even if you are more arrogant, you will feel that you are blinded and don't take it seriously.

Only He Yuzhu landed safely behind the big tree without making any sound.

At this time, under the restraint of the lifting technique, his whole body seemed to be integrated with the tree, but He Yuzhu did not relax at all.

Because after entering the courtyard, he felt the aura of the person in the courtyard more clearly.

This breath did not restrain at all, as if it was entering and exiting his own home.

"This thief is really brave."

As he got closer, He Yuzhu could also feel the strength of this aura.

He should also be an Dark Force warrior. Judging from the level of strength, he is much stronger than him, who is new to Dark Force.

However, warriors do not rely solely on their martial arts prowess to fight against their enemies.

Martial arts, skills, including martial arts training, etc., will all affect combat effectiveness.

For example, He Yuzhu now practices the orthodox Chinese martial art Tai Chi Yuan Gong Fist, as well as Dacheng's Zhuang Gong and Dacheng's Lifting Technique, plus the twelve-shaped pile taught by Yang Peiyuan.

Taken together, his combat power is much higher than that of ordinary dark strength warriors.

At this time, this guy was wandering around the master's yard arrogantly.

He Yuzhu still didn't understand his situation, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

But He Yuzhu's whole body was always in a tight state.

Because he knew that the other party was also an Anjin martial artist, and he was a veteran Anjin who had been practicing martial arts for a long time.

Even if he had the lifting skill to control his aura, it would only be a matter of time before he was discovered in such a small yard.

Strike first to gain the upper hand.

He Yuzhu was not an indecisive person and made this decision decisively.

Before, I had done mental arithmetic without any intention. Before I entered the martial arts, I defeated an Anjin warrior.

Although this is because the master made the first move, there is no problem in taking advantage of the situation with calculations in mind but not with intention.

Now that he was also an Dark Force warrior, and he had taken down this guy preemptively, He Yuzhu still felt somewhat confident.

He continued to hide behind the giant tree.

And the aura in the courtyard, after lingering for a while, finally came closer.

The structure of the yard appeared in He Yuzhu's mind. According to the direction of the movement of this guy's breath, he was going to enter the master's bedroom.

The bedroom where the master was located was facing the big tree, not far away.

Just thinking about it, the distance between the breath and the giant tree where He Yuzhu was hiding was getting closer and closer.

"9 meters, 8 meters, 7 meters, 6 meters..."

"3 meters, 2 meters..."

"It's now!"

When the distance was less than one meter, a cold light flashed in He Yuzhu's eyes, and a bold look that did not belong to his age flashed through.

Then he started to suffer disaster.

He Yuzhu traveled through two lives and was a kid. Although he was a kid, his life was not in vain. As soon as he made a move, there was a strong wind around him.

Qi and blood surged all over his body, and An Jin's energy exploded at this moment, with a loud explosion like fried beans exploding in the air!

This is the first time that He Yuzhu has really gone all out since he became a warrior.

At the moment when He Yuzhu's breath burst out.

The aura that was still lingering suddenly froze.

When he saw He Yuzhu flying out from behind the giant tree, this guy was obviously startled.

However, a warrior is a warrior after all.

The five senses and reactions are much faster than ordinary people.

If an ordinary person were here, he would probably be killed by He Yuzhu in an instant.

But this veteran warrior still showed his basic qualities. Although the incident happened in a hurry, he still temporarily put on a parrying posture, and the same surging energy also surged out of him.

Almost instantly, He Yuzhu's fist approached this figure.

It was at this time that He Yuzhu saw clearly that this was a man's figure. He looked about thirty years old, with a strong body and a sense of explosive muscles all over his body.

But at this moment, there was no time for him to think too much. The boxing skills he had learned from the twelve-shaped piles merged into one at this moment, and the wind of the boxing actually made a shadowy howling sound at this moment.

Although this guy reacted quickly, he calculated mentally and unintentionally, and he was also confident.

"Boy, you..."

After feeling He Yuzhu's punch, a look of surprise suddenly flashed across the man's initially flustered face.

However, it was too late to say anything at this point.

He Yuzhu's heavy punch landed and hit the man's arm squarely.

Almost instantly, the energy aroused caused the man to step back several meters.

But the arm he put out to parry was visibly red and swollen!

The dark strength warrior's arms were red and swollen after being punched!

This is already a very serious consequence when warriors fight.

However, at this time, the warrior who was hit could not care about the severe pain coming from his arm.

"Stop, stop, stop! You kid, stop it! You hit the wrong person!"

He Yuzhu steadied himself and seemed a little dissatisfied with the effect of the blow just now.

Originally, he didn't intend to listen to what the man had to say. He just used a set of punches to defeat him first.

However, he never expected that this guy would hit the wrong person when he opened his mouth.


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